Galaxy | Tool Preview

GEMINI de_novo (version
Only files with version 0.18.1 are accepted.
By default, this tool reports all columns in the variants table. One may choose to report only a subset of the columns.
By default, this tool will report all variants regardless of their putative functional impact. In order to apply additional constraints on the variants returned, you can this optional filter.
default: 1 (--min-kindreds)
e.g. Family1,Family3 (--families)
default: 0 (-d)
default: 0 (--min-gq)
default: -1 (not set) (--gt-pl-max)

What it does

Assuming you have defined the familial relationships between samples when loading your VCF into GEMINI, you can use this tool for identifying de novo (a.k.a spontaneous) mutations that arise in offspring.