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Wishart bank downloader (version 1.1.2)
All banks are extracted from downloads section on Whishart web portals.
Proposed formats are lighter than downloaded raw files and adapted to annotation tools.
Information about script running.

Authors Charlotte Joly, Delphine Centeno, Lain Pavot, Yann Guitton and Franck Giacomoni

Please cite If you use this tool, please add the following reference
Wishart DS, Guo AC, Oler E, et al., HMDB 5.0: the Human Metabolome Database for 2022. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022. Jan 7;50(D1):D622–31.

HMDB bank downloader


Download a bank containing information (like : HMDB id, Name, mz, inchikey)
from HMDB online web portal and convert it into W4M annotation tool input formats.

Workflow position



What is the specific bank you want to download
Choose whether specific metabolite banks:
cerebrospinal fluid

Which output format do you need
tabular : for W4M BiH annotation tool as example
json : still in construction

Output files

Two types of files
REF_HMDB_BANKNAME.tabular: for W4M BiH annotation tool as example

Working example

Refer to the corresponding W4M HowTo section:
Format Data For Postprocessing
Perform LCMS Annotations
And their "W4M courses 2020":
Using Galaxy4Metabolomics - W4M table format for Galaxy
Annotation Banks - Annotation