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Lineage Branch Analysis using StemID (version 0.2.3+galaxy3)
Requires the RDS output from the trajectory analysis
StemID Branch Link Examines
StemID Branch Link Examine 0
FateID Branch Link Examines
FateID Branch Link Examine 0

StemID2 and FateID

Given a previous lineage tree generated an RDS file generated from the previous Trajectory step, we can explore the variation of gene expression for all cells that lie on a given branch or trajectory.

This will generate a PDF containing a heatmap of expression for all neighboring clusters that share links with cluster 5, as well as a plot of all cells along the branches between 1 to 3 and 3 to 10. A table of the most differentially expressed genes across these projection will also be output, which will provide a more qualitative assessment of how signficant our Apoa-expressing genes are along this projection.

For more information on the different types cluster and trajectory inspection that can be performed, please consult the RaceID vignette.