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Local Contributions to Beta Diversity (LCBD) (version 0.0.0)

Computes measures of beta diversity : Species and Local Contributions to Beta Diversity

What it does

This tool computes Species and Local Contributions to Beta Diversity (SCBD and LCBD) with Hellinger method and 9999 permutations from a species occurence file :

  • Creates two text files : LCBD comparative indicators of the ecological uniqueness of the sites and SCBD degree of variation for individual species across the study area. The LCBD represents the degree of uniqueness of the sites in their taxonomic compositions. The "Beta diversity" value represents the total LCBD, hence if it equals 1, there is no taxon in common in sites, each site is entirely unique and if it equals 0, each site is identical in terms of their taxon composition.
  • 3, 4 or 5 plots according to what you choose :
    • A plot representing LCBD repartition according to sites and date ; ⚠️ hard to read over 40 dates and/or 70 sites
    • A plot representing mean LCDB and confidence intervals for each date ; ⚠️ hard to read over 40 dates
    • A radar plot representing SCDB for each taxon ; ⚠️ hard to read over 80 taxons but every taxon is alphabetically classified clockwise on the radar plot so it should be easy to find the correspondance over this number
    • If you choose to get a spatialized representation, a map of LCBD values according to longitudes and latitudes ;
    • If you choose to get an additional LCBD representation, a plot of LCBD values through time for each values of the separation factor you chose. ⚠️ hard to read over 40 dates and/or 70 levels

Input description

A tabular file with observation data. Must at least contain four columns which associate abundance, sites, dates and species ID.

abundance dates species.code site
2 2014 speciesID  
... ... ... ...

If you choose to get a spatialized representation of the LCBD, you'll need to have two columns with your spatial coordinates latitude and longitude in decimal degrees.


A text and png files. The text file contains a table with information on the beta diversity and the png files shows multiple plots according to one type of variable in order to vizualize the beta diversity. |