Galaxy | Tool Preview

Tabular-to-HTML (version 1.0.0)

===What it does===

Wraps tabular data in an HTML table for easier viewing.


Column numbers - The header will show the order of the columns.

Column names - The header will show column names if the data file is a specific type of tabular file that has column names in Galaxy (such as sam or taxonomy). Otherwise, no header will be shown.

Specify headers and subheaders - This allows custom headers, which can span multiple columns if subheaders are included. For example, the tabular file:

1      2    3      4
read1  100  12345  50
read2  150  56789  60

...with the headers and subheaders:


...would create an html table with the format:

Query Hit
ID length gi score
read1 100 12345 50
read2 150 56789 60