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SICER (version 1.1)
SICER creates non-standard output files, this option will fix these coordinates
The number of copies of identical reads allowed in a library
Resolution of SICER algorithm. For histone modifications, one can use 200 bp
for determination of the amount of shift from the beginning of a read to the center of the DNA fragment represented by the read. FRAGMENT_SIZE=150 means the shift is 75.
Effective Genome as fraction of the genome size. It depends on read length.
Needs to be multiples of window size. Namely if the window size is 200, the gap size should be 0, 200, 400, 600, ...
FDR (with control) or E-value (without control)

What it does

SICER first and foremost is a filtering tool. Its main functions are:

1. Delineation of the significantly ChIP-enriched regions, which can be used to associate with other genomic landmarks.
2. Identification of reads on the ChIP-enriched regions, which can be used for profiling and other quantitative analysis.

View the original SICER documentation:

By default, SICER creates files that do not conform to standards (e.g. BED files are closed, not half-open). This could have implications for downstream analysis. To force the output of SICER to be formatted properly to standard file formats, check the "Fix off-by-one errors in output files" option.

Citation If you use this tool in Galaxy, please cite Blankenberg D, et al. In preparation.