Repository 'ncbi_blast_plus'
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Galaxy wrappers for NCBI BLAST+ suite ===================================== These wrappers are copyright 2010-2013 by Peter Cock, The James Hutton Institute (formerly SCRI, Scottish Crop Research Institute), UK. All rights reserved. See the licence text below. Currently tested with NCBI BLAST 2.2.26+ (i.e. version 2.2.26 of BLAST+), and does not work with the NCBI 'legacy' BLAST suite (e.g. blastall). Note that these wrappers (and the associated datatypes) were originally distributed as part of the main Galaxy repository, but as of August 2012 moved to the Galaxy Tool Shed as 'ncbi_blast_plus' (and 'blast_datatypes'). My thanks to Dannon Baker from the Galaxy development team for his assistance with this. Automated Installation ====================== Galaxy should be able to automatically install the dependencies, i.e. the 'blast_datatypes' repository which defines the BLAST XML file format ('blastxml') and protein and nucleotide BLAST databases ('blastdbp' and 'blastdbn'). You must tell Galaxy about any system level BLAST databases using configuration files blastdb.loc (nucleotide databases like NT) and blastdb_p.loc (protein databases like NR), and blastdb_d.loc (protein domain databases like CDD or SMART) which are located in the tool-data/ folder. Sample files are included which explain the tab-based format to use. You can download the NCBI provided databases as tar-balls from here: (nucleotide and protein databases like NR) (domain databases like CDD) Manual Installation =================== For those not using Galaxy's automated installation from the Tool Shed, put the XML and Python files in the tools/ncbi_blast_plus/ folder and add the XML files to your tool_conf.xml as normal (and do the same in tool_conf.xml.sample in order to run the unit tests). For example, use:
You will also need to install 'blast_datatypes' from the Tool Shed. This defines the BLAST XML file format ('blastxml') and protein and nucleotide BLAST databases composite file formats ('blastdbp' and 'blastdbn'). As described above for an automated installation, you must also tell Galaxy about any system level BLAST databases using the tool-data/blastdb*.loc files. You must install the NCBI BLAST+ standalone tools somewhere on the system path. Currently the unit tests are written using "BLAST 2.2.26+". Run the functional tests (adjusting the section identifier to match your tool_conf.xml.sample file): ./ -sid NCBI_BLAST+-ncbi_blast_plus_tools History ======= v0.0.11 - Final revision as part of the Galaxy main repository, and the first release via the Tool Shed v0.0.12 - Implements genetic code option for translation searches. - Changes to 1000 sequences at a time (to cope with very large sets of queries where BLAST+ can become memory hungry) - Include warning that BLAST+ with subject FASTA gives pairwise e-values v0.0.13 - Use the new error handling options in Galaxy (the previously bundled script is no longer needed). v0.0.14 - Support for makeblastdb and blastdbinfo with local BLAST databases in the history (using work from Edward Kirton), requires v0.0.14 of the 'blast_datatypes' repository from the Tool Shed. v0.0.15 - Stronger warning in help text against searching against subject FASTA files (better looking e-values than you might be expecting). v0.0.16 - Added repository_dependencies.xml for automates installation of the 'blast_datatypes' repository from the Tool Shed. v0.0.17 - The BLAST+ search tools now default to extended tabular output (all too often our users where having to re-run searches just to get one of the missing columns like query or subject length) v0.0.18 - Defensive quoting of filenames in case of spaces (where possible, BLAST+ handling of some mult-file arguments is problematic). v0.0.19 - Added wrappers for rpsblast and rpstblastn, and new blastdb_d.loc for the domain databases they use (e.g. CDD, PFAM or SMART). - Correct case of exception regular expression (for error handling fall-back in case the return code is not set properly). - Clearer naming of output files. Developers ========== This script and related tools are being developed on the 'tools' branch of the following Mercurial repository: For making the "Galaxy Tool Shed" tarball I use the following command from the Galaxy root folder: $ ./tools/ncbi_blast_plus/ This simplifies ensuring a consistent set of files is bundled each time, including all the relevant test files. Licence (MIT/BSD style) ======================= Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation with or without modifications and for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that any copyright notices appear in all copies and that both those copyright notices and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of the contributors or copyright holders not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior permission. THE CONTRIBUTORS AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OF THIS SOFTWARE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. NOTE: This is the licence for the Galaxy Wrapper only. NCBI BLAST+ and associated data files are available and licenced separately.
Dependencies of this repository

Repository blast_datatypes revision 01b38f20197e owned by devteam

Name Version Type
blast+ 2.2.26+ package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
Search protein domain database (PSSMs) with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) 0.0.3 16.01
Show BLAST database information from blastdbcmd 0.0.5 16.01
Convert BLAST XML output to tabular 0.0.10 16.01
Extract sequence(s) from BLAST database 0.0.5 16.01
Search protein domain database (PSSMs) with protein query sequence(s) 0.0.3 16.01
Search translated nucleotide database with protein query sequence(s) 0.0.19 16.01
Search nucleotide database with nucleotide query sequence(s) 0.0.19 16.01
Search protein database with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) 0.0.19 16.01
Make BLAST database 0.0.4 16.01
Search protein database with protein query sequence(s) 0.0.19 16.01
Search translated nucleotide database with translated nucleotide query sequence(s) 0.0.19 16.01