Repository ems_variant_density_mapping
Synopsis: Map a mutation by linkage to regions of high mutation density using WGS data
Following the approach detailed in Zuryn et al., Genetics 2010, this tool plots histograms of SNP density in a mutant C.elegans strain that has been backcrossed to its (pre-mutagenesis) starting strain. 

This tool is part of the CloudMap pipeline for analysis of mutant genome sequences. For further details, please see Gregory Minevich, Danny Park, Richard J. Poole, Daniel Blankenberg, Anton Nekrutenko, and Oliver Hobert.  CloudMap: A Cloud-based Pipeline for Analysis of Mutant Genome Sequences. (2012 In Preparation)
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 12:5cc9b35b5a52
This revision can be installed: False
Times cloned / installed: 889

Next Gen Mappers - Tools for the analysis and handling of Next Gen sequencing data
Sequence Analysis - Tools for performing Protein and DNA/RNA analysis
Variant Analysis - Tools for single nucleotide polymorphism data such as WGA
Visualization - Tools for visualizing data