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Repository oppl
Name: oppl
Synopsis: It provides various tools for executing OPPL scripts against ontologies and processing the result (modified ontologies).
OPPL, Ontology Pre Processor Language (, is a high level scripting language, based in the Manchester OWL Syntax, to automate the manipulation of an ontology 
(Adding or removing axioms).

This bundle provides different tools related to OPPL:

OPPL: It executes an OPPL script against the input ontology and generates a new ontology with the changes described in the OPPL script.
Inference: It performs inference in an OWL ontology and it generates a new ontology with the inferred axioms as asserted axioms.
OWL query: It performs a query, expressed in Manchester OWL Syntax, against an OWL ontology.
OPPL: It performs a query, expressed in OPPL Syntax, against an OWL ontology.
Merge: If an ontology with import axioms is provided, it will merge the imported ontologies into the main ontology.
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 23:707c3654df66
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 947

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
It performs inference in an OWL ontology and it generates a new ontology with the inferred axioms as asserted axioms 1.0.1 any
If an ontology with import axioms is provided, it will merge the imported ontologies into the main ontology 1.0.1 any
It executes an OPPL script against the input ontology and generates a new ontology with the changes described in the OPPL script 1.0.8 any
It performs a query, expressed in OPPL Syntax, against an OWL ontology 1.0.1 any
It performs a query, expressed in Manchester OWL Syntax, against an OWL ontology 1.0.1 any

Ontology Manipulation - Tools for manipulating ontologies