Repository revision
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Repository bwa
Name: bwa
Owner: devteam
Synopsis: Wrapper for bwa mem, aln, sampe, and samse
A collection of Galaxy bwa wrappers based on version 0.7.17.
Clone this repository: hg clone
Type: unrestricted
Revision: 8:ca29c55c78e7
This revision can be installed: True
Times cloned / installed: 22081
Dependencies of this repository

Repository package_ncurses_5_9 revision 335ebf512407 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_zlib_1_2_8 revision 411985b46ae8 owned by iuc (prior install required)
Repository package_bwa_0_7_10_039ea20639 revision 5b9aca1e1c07 owned by devteam

Name Version Type
bwa package
samtools 1.2 package

Contents of this repository

Name Description Version Minimum Galaxy Version
- map medium and long reads (> 100 bp) against reference genome 0.4.1 16.01
- map short reads (< 100 bp) against reference genome 0.4.1 16.01

Next Gen Mappers - Tools for the analysis and handling of Next Gen sequencing data