diff scripts/S01b_extract_variable_prot.py @ 0:acc3674e515b draft default tip

planemo upload for repository htpps://github.com/abims-sbr/adaptearch commit 3c7982d775b6f3b472f6514d791edcb43cd258a1-dirty
author abims-sbr
date Fri, 01 Feb 2019 10:28:50 -0500 (2019-02-01)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scripts/S01b_extract_variable_prot.py	Fri Feb 01 10:28:50 2019 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#coding: utf-8
+#Author : Eric Fontanillas (2010) - Victor Mataigne (2018)
+# TODO : 
+    # - Deal with missing data : do not do the sign test if missing species in a group
+    # - Find a way to avoid the list_species argument
+import argparse, os
+from functions import dico, write_output, fill_with_NaN
+def aa_properties(amino_acids_properties_file):
+    """ Read the file 'amino_acids_properties' and stores its content
+    Args :
+        amino_acids_properties_file (String) : the file
+    Return :
+        aa_properties (dict) : key/amino-acid - value/list of properties
+    """
+    dict_aa_properties={}
+    with open(amino_acids_properties_file, 'r') as f:
+        f.readline() #jump headers
+        for line in f.readlines():
+            S1 = line.split(",")
+            aa_name = S1[1]
+            S2 = aa_name.split("/")
+            aa_code = S2[1][:-1]
+            frequencies = S1[2][:-1]
+            residue_weight = S1[5]
+            residue_volume = S1[6]
+            partial_specific_volume = S1[7]
+            hydration = S1[8]
+            dict_aa_properties[aa_code] = [frequencies, residue_weight, residue_volume, partial_specific_volume, hydration]
+    return(dict_aa_properties)
+""" Functions for proteic format """
+def all_aa_counts(seq):
+    """ Count the occurrences of all amino-acids in a sequence
+    Args:
+        seq (String) : a proteic sequence
+    Returns: a dictionary with amino-acids counts
+    """
+    aa_counts = {}
+    seqU = seq.upper()
+    LAA =['K','R','A','F','I','L','M','V','W','N','Q','S','T','H','Y','C','D','E','P','G']
+    for aa in LAA:
+        aa_counts[aa] = seqU.count(aa)
+    return aa_counts
+def all_aa_props(seq_counts):
+    """ Converts a dictionnary of counts into a dictionnary of proportions
+    Args:
+        seq_counts (dict) : dictionnary computed by the function all_aa_counts()
+    Returns: a dictionary with counts replaced by proportions
+    """
+    aa_props = {}
+    for key in seq_counts.keys():
+        aa_props[key] = float(seq_counts[key]) / sum(seq_counts.values())
+    return aa_props
+def aa_variables_counts_and_props(aa_counts):
+    """ Computes several thermostability indices (summed occurrences of some AAs, and then various ratios)
+    Args:
+        aa_counts (dict) : dictionnary computed by the function all_aa_counts()
+    Returns: 
+        aa_variables_counts : a dictionary with indices values
+        aa_variables_props : a dictionary with indices proportions (ratios excluded)
+    """
+    # Hyperthermophile Prokaryotes criterias
+    #   IVYWREL : positivelly correlated with otpimal growth
+    #   ERK : (i.e. ) => positivelly correlated with optimal growth temperature
+    #     ERK/DNQTSHA (or DNQTSH ??)
+    #     EK/QH
+    # Mutationnal bias hypothesis => AT rich: favor FYMINK // GC rich: favor GARP
+    #      The mutational bias model predict a linear relationship between GARP vs FYMINK 
+    #      ==> so if outliers to that, it means that the excess of GARP or FYMINK are not explained by the mutationnal bias model but by something else (selection ?)
+    # Hydophobicity hypothesis [should INCREASE with thermal adaptation]
+    #   AL
+    #   Only non-aromatic : AVLIM
+    #   Only aromatic : FYW
+    # Charged hypothesis => positivelly correlated with optimal growth temperature
+    #   All charged : RHKDE
+    #   Only positive : RHK
+    #   Only negative : DE
+    # Neutral polar hypothesis  [should DECREASE with thermal adaptation]
+    #   STNQ
+    # Fontanillas' criteria
+    #   PAYRE
+    #   MVGDS
+    #   PAYRE/MVGDS
+    # Jollivet's criteria
+    #   AC
+    #   MVGDS
+    #   AC/MVGDS
+    aa_variables_counts = {}
+    aa_variables_props = {}    
+    len_seq = sum(aa_counts.values()) # length of the sequence
+    # counts of variables
+    aa_variables_counts['AC'] = aa_counts['A'] + aa_counts['C']
+    aa_variables_counts['APGC'] = aa_counts['A'] + aa_counts['P'] + aa_counts['G'] + aa_counts['C']
+    aa_variables_counts['AVLIM'] = aa_counts['A'] + aa_counts['V'] + aa_counts['L'] + aa_counts['I'] + aa_counts['M']
+    aa_variables_counts['AVLIMFYW'] = aa_variables_counts['AVLIM'] + aa_counts['F'] + aa_counts['Y'] + aa_counts['W']
+    aa_variables_counts['DE'] = aa_counts['D'] + aa_counts['E']
+    aa_variables_counts['DNQTSHA'] = aa_counts['D'] + aa_counts['N'] + aa_counts['Q'] + aa_counts['T'] + aa_counts['S'] + aa_counts['H'] + aa_counts['A']
+    aa_variables_counts['EK'] = aa_counts['E'] + aa_counts['K']
+    aa_variables_counts['ERK'] = aa_counts['E'] + aa_counts['K'] + aa_counts['K']
+    aa_variables_counts['FYMINK'] = aa_counts['F'] + aa_counts['Y'] + aa_counts['M'] + aa_counts['I'] + aa_counts['N'] + aa_counts['K']
+    aa_variables_counts['FYW'] = aa_counts['F'] + aa_counts['Y'] + aa_counts['W']
+    aa_variables_counts['GARP'] = aa_counts['G'] + aa_counts['A'] + aa_counts['R'] + aa_counts['P']
+    aa_variables_counts['IVYWREL'] = aa_counts['I'] + aa_counts['V'] + aa_counts['Y'] + aa_counts['W'] + aa_counts['R'] + aa_counts['E'] + aa_counts['L']
+    aa_variables_counts['QH'] = aa_counts['Q'] + aa_counts['H']
+    aa_variables_counts['RHK'] = aa_counts['R'] + aa_counts['H'] + aa_counts['K']
+    aa_variables_counts['RHKDE'] = aa_counts['R'] + aa_counts['H'] + aa_counts['K'] + aa_counts['D'] + aa_counts['E']
+    aa_variables_counts['STNQ'] = aa_counts['S'] + aa_counts['T'] + aa_counts['N'] + aa_counts['Q']
+    aa_variables_counts['VLIM'] = aa_counts['V'] + aa_counts['L'] + aa_counts['I'] + aa_counts['M']
+    aa_variables_counts['PAYRE'] = aa_counts['P'] + aa_counts['A'] + aa_counts['Y'] + aa_counts['R'] + aa_counts['E']
+    aa_variables_counts['MVGDS'] = aa_counts['M'] + aa_counts['V'] + aa_counts['G'] + aa_counts['D'] + aa_counts['S']
+    # compute proportions
+    for key in aa_variables_counts.keys():
+        aa_variables_props[key] = float(aa_variables_counts[key]) / float(len_seq)
+    if aa_variables_counts['DNQTSHA'] != 0:
+        ratio_ERK_DNQTSHA = float(aa_variables_counts['ERK'])/float(aa_variables_counts['DNQTSHA'])
+    else :
+        ratio_ERK_DNQTSHA = -1
+    if aa_variables_counts['QH'] != 0:
+        ratio_EK_QH = float(aa_variables_counts['EK'])/float(aa_variables_counts['QH'])
+    else :
+        ratio_EK_QH = -1
+    if aa_variables_counts['FYMINK'] != 0:
+        ratio_GARP_FYMINK = float(aa_variables_counts['EK'])/float(aa_variables_counts['FYMINK'])
+    else :
+        ratio_GARP_FYMINK = -1
+    if aa_variables_counts['VLIM'] != 0:
+        ratio_AC_VLIM = float(aa_variables_counts['AC'])/float(aa_variables_counts['VLIM'])
+        ratio_APGC_VLIM =  float(aa_variables_counts['APGC'])/float(aa_variables_counts['VLIM'])
+    else :
+        ratio_AC_VLIM = -1
+        ratio_APGC_VLIM = -1
+    if aa_variables_counts['MVGDS'] != 0:
+        ratio_PAYRE_MVGDS = float(aa_variables_counts['PAYRE'])/float(aa_variables_counts['MVGDS'])
+    else :
+        ratio_PAYRE_MVGDS = -1
+    if aa_variables_counts['MVGDS'] != 0:
+        ratio_AC_MVGDS = float(aa_variables_counts['AC'])/float(aa_variables_counts['MVGDS'])
+    else :
+        ratio_AC_MVGDS = -1    
+    aa_variables_counts['ratio_ERK_DNQTSHA'] = ratio_ERK_DNQTSHA
+    aa_variables_counts['ratio_EK_QH'] = ratio_EK_QH
+    aa_variables_counts['ratio_GARP_FYMINK'] = ratio_GARP_FYMINK
+    aa_variables_counts['ratio_AC_VLIM'] = ratio_AC_VLIM
+    aa_variables_counts['ratio_APGC_VLIM'] = ratio_APGC_VLIM
+    aa_variables_counts['ratio_PAYRE_MVGDS'] = ratio_PAYRE_MVGDS
+    aa_variables_counts['ratio_AC_MVGDS'] = ratio_AC_MVGDS
+    return aa_variables_counts, aa_variables_props
+def sequence_properties_from_aa_properties(aa_counts, aa_properties):
+    """ Computes a sequence properties (based on an external data file)
+    Args:
+        - aa_counts (dict) : counts of amino-acids in the sequence
+        - aa_properties (dict) : key/amino-acid - value/list of properties extract from the external data file
+    Returns:
+        - seq_props (dict) : values of the sequence properties
+    """
+    LS = ['total_residue_weight', 'total_residue_volume', 'total_partial_specific_volume', 'total_hydratation']
+    seq_props = {}
+    for i in range(1,5):
+        seq_props[LS[i-1]] = 0
+        for key in aa_counts.keys():            
+            seq_props[LS[i-1]] += aa_counts[key] * float(aa_properties[key][i])
+    return seq_props
+""" Main """
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("species_list", help="List of species separated by commas")
+    parser.add_argument("aa_properties", help="File with all amino-acids properties")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    LAA = ['K','R','A','F','I','L','M','V','W','N','Q','S','T','H','Y','C','D','E','P','G']
+    LV = ['IVYWREL','EK','ERK','DNQTSHA','QH','ratio_ERK_DNQTSHA','ratio_EK_QH','FYMINK','GARP',
+          'ratio_GARP_FYMINK','AVLIM','FYW','AVLIMFYW','STNQ','RHK','DE','RHKDE','APGC','AC',
+          'VLIM','ratio_AC_VLIM','ratio_APGC_VLIM']
+    LS = ['total_residue_weight', 'total_residue_volume', 'total_partial_specific_volume', 'total_hydratation']
+    list_inputs = []
+    path_inputs = '01_input_files'
+    list_inputs = os.listdir(path_inputs)
+    lsp = args.species_list.split(',')
+    lsp = sorted(lsp)
+    flsp = ''
+    for el in lsp:
+        flsp += el+','
+    path_outputs_1 = '02_tables_per_aa'
+    path_outputs_2 = '02_tables_per_aa_variable'
+    os.mkdir(path_outputs_1)
+    os.mkdir(path_outputs_2)
+    # Init empty dicts for results
+    dict_for_files_aa_counts = {} # counts
+    dict_for_files_aa_props = {} # proportions
+    dict_for_files_variables_counts = {}
+    dict_for_files_variables_props = {}
+    dict_for_files_seq_properties = {}
+    aa_properties_file = aa_properties(args.aa_properties) # read the aa_properties file
+    # All counts and props
+    for file in list_inputs:
+        # iterate over input files
+        sequences = dico(file, path_inputs)
+        # It appears than CDS_Search can bug sometimes and return an alignement where a species' sequence is made of indels only
+        # This causes a crash here (in the ratios function). The correction skip the whole file.
+        # When CDS_Search is corrected, lines with 'skip' can be removed
+        skip = False
+        for key in sequences.keys():
+            if all(x == '-' for x in sequences[key]):
+                skip = True
+        if not skip:
+            aa_counts_per_seq = {}
+            aa_props_per_seq = {}
+            aa_variables_counts_per_seq = {}
+            aa_variables_props_per_seq = {}
+            seq_properties = {}
+            for key in sequences.keys():
+                # iterate over sequences in the file
+                aa_counts_per_seq[key] = all_aa_counts(sequences[key])
+                aa_props_per_seq[key] = all_aa_props(aa_counts_per_seq[key])
+                aa_variables_counts_per_seq[key], aa_variables_props_per_seq[key] = aa_variables_counts_and_props(aa_counts_per_seq[key])
+                seq_properties[key] = sequence_properties_from_aa_properties(aa_counts_per_seq[key], aa_properties_file)
+            # Add NaN for missing species
+            for key in set(lsp).difference(set(sequences.keys())):
+                aa_counts_per_seq[key] = fill_with_NaN(LAA)
+                aa_props_per_seq[key] = fill_with_NaN(LAA)
+                aa_variables_counts_per_seq[key] = fill_with_NaN(LV)
+                seq_properties[key] = fill_with_NaN(LS)
+            # Add computations to final dicts
+            dict_for_files_aa_counts[file] = aa_counts_per_seq
+            dict_for_files_aa_props[file] = aa_props_per_seq
+            dict_for_files_variables_counts[file] = aa_variables_counts_per_seq
+            dict_for_files_variables_props[file] = aa_variables_props_per_seq
+            dict_for_files_seq_properties[file] = seq_properties
+    # Try with pandas ?
+    write_output(LAA, flsp, path_outputs_1, dict_for_files_aa_counts) # one file per AA
+    write_output(LV, flsp, path_outputs_2, dict_for_files_variables_counts) # one file per aa_variable
+    write_output(LS, flsp, path_outputs_2, dict_for_files_seq_properties) #one file per seq properties
+    # { file_name1 : { seq1: {'A' : 0, 'C':0, 'E':0, ...}, 
+    #                  seq2: {'A' : 0, 'C':0, 'E':0, ...}, ...
+    #                },
+    # { file_name2 : { seq1: {'A' : 0, 'C':0, 'E':0, ...}, 
+    #                  seq2: {'A' : 0, 'C':0, 'E':0, ...},
+    #                },
+    # ... }
+    # { file_name1 : {seq1 : {'IVYWREL' : 0, 'EK': 0, 'ERK': 0, ...},
+    #                 seq2 : {'IVYWREL' : 0, 'EK': 0, 'ERK': 0, ...}, ...
+    #                },
+    #   file_name2 : {seq1 : {'IVYWREL' : 0, 'EK': 0, 'ERK': 0, ...},
+    #                 seq2 : {'IVYWREL' : 0, 'EK': 0, 'ERK': 0, ...},
+    #                },
+    #   ... }
+    # { file_name1 : {'IVYWREL' : 0, 'EK': 0, 'ERK': 0, ...},
+    #   file_name2 : {'IVYWREL' : 0, 'EK': 0, 'ERK': 0, ...},
+    #   ...
+    # }
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()