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planemo upload for repository commit b7e63a01570e9fc381abb01d5b176fcea024e251
author abims-sbr
date Fri, 27 Apr 2018 08:42:52 -0400
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# a "mixin" class for other frames: common methods for
# canned-dialogs, spawning programs, etc; must be mixed
# with a class derived from Frame for its quit method

from ScrolledText import ScrolledText
from Tkinter import Button, Frame, Toplevel, X

from launchmodes import PortableLauncher, System

from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename

from tkMessageBox import askyesno, showerror, showinfo

class GuiMixin:
    def infobox(self, title, text, *args):              # use standard dialogs
        return showinfo(title, text)                    # *args for bkwd compat

    def errorbox(self, text):
        showerror('Error!', text)

    def question(self, title, text, *args):
        return askyesno(title, text)

    def notdone(self):
        showerror('Not implemented', 'Option not available')

    def quit(self):
        ans = self.question('Verify quit', 'Are you sure you want to quit?')
        if ans == 1:
            Frame.quit(self)                            # quit not recursive!

    def help(self):
        self.infobox('RTFM', 'See figure 1...')         # override this better

    def selectOpenFile(self, file="", dir="."):         # use standard dialogs
        return askopenfilename(initialdir=dir, initialfile=file)

    def selectSaveFile(self, file="", dir="."):
        return asksaveasfilename(initialfile=file, initialdir=dir)

    def clone(self):
        new = Toplevel()                  # make a new version of me
        myclass = self.__class__          # instance's (lowest) class object
        myclass(new)                      # attach/run instance to new window

    def spawn(self, pycmdline, wait=0):
        if not wait:
            PortableLauncher(pycmdline, pycmdline)()     # run Python progam
            System(pycmdline, pycmdline)()               # wait for it to exit

    def browser(self, filename):
        new = Toplevel()                                # make new window
        text = ScrolledText(new, height=30, width=90)    # Text with scrollbar
        text.config(font=('courier', 10, 'normal'))      # use fixed-width font
        new.title("Text Viewer")                         # set window mgr attrs
        text.insert('0.0', open(filename, 'r').read())  # insert file's text

if __name__ == '__main__':
    class TestMixin(GuiMixin, Frame):      # stand-alone test
        def __init__(self, parent=None):
            Frame.__init__(self, parent)
            Button(self, text='quit',  command=self.quit).pack(fill=X)
            Button(self, text='help',
            Button(self, text='clone', command=self.clone).pack(fill=X)