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comparison scripts/ @ 0:7bee3426a442 draft default tip
planemo upload for repository commit 3c7982d775b6f3b472f6514d791edcb43cd258a1-dirty
author | abims-sbr |
date | Fri, 01 Feb 2019 10:24:29 -0500 (2019-02-01) |
parents | |
children |
-1:000000000000 | 0:7bee3426a442 |
1 #!/usr/bin/env python | |
2 # coding: utf8 | |
3 # September 2017 - Author : Victor Mataigne (Station Biologique de Roscoff - ABiMS) | |
4 # Command line : ./ <list_of_input_files_separated_by_commas> <minimal number of species per group> [-v) [-p] | |
5 | |
6 """ | |
7 What it does: | |
8 - parses output files from the "pairwise" tool of the AdaptSearch suite and proceeds to gather genes in orthogroups (using transitivity). | |
9 - A minimal number of species per group has to be set. | |
10 | |
12 """ | |
13 | |
14 import os, argparse, itertools | |
15 import numpy as np | |
16 import pandas as pd | |
17 | |
18 """ Definition of a locus : header + sequence + a tag """ | |
19 class Locus: | |
20 | |
21 def __init__(self, header, sequence): | |
22 self.header = header | |
23 self.sequence = sequence | |
24 self.tagged = False | |
25 | |
26 def __str__(self): | |
27 return "{}{}".format(self.header, self.sequence) | |
28 | |
29 def __eq__(self, other): | |
30 return self.getHeader() == other.getHeader() # Test if two loci are the same | |
31 | |
32 def __hash__(self): | |
33 return hash((self.header, self.sequence)) # Make the object iterable and hashable | |
34 | |
35 def getHeader(self): | |
36 return self.header | |
37 | |
38 def getSequence(self): | |
39 return self.sequence | |
40 | |
41 def getTag(self): | |
42 return self.tagged | |
43 | |
44 def prettyPrint(self): | |
45 # Used for debugging : print "{ Header : ", self.header[0:-1], "Tag : ", self.tagged, " }" | |
46 print "[ Header : {header} ]".format(header=self.header[0:-1]) | |
47 | |
48 def prettyPrint2(self): | |
49 print "[ Header : {header} Sequence : {sequence} ]".format(header=self.header[0:-1], sequence=self.sequence[0:-1]) | |
50 | |
51 """ Applies the getPairwiseCouple() function to a list of files and return a big list with ALL pairwises couples | |
52 Returns a list of sets (2 items per set) """ | |
53 def getListPairwiseAll(listPairwiseFiles): | |
54 | |
55 # Sub-Function | |
56 | |
57 """ Reads an output file from the 'Pairwise' tool (AdaptSearch suite) and returns its content into a list | |
58 Returns a list of sets (2 items per set) """ | |
59 def getPairwiseCouple(pairwiseFile): | |
60 list_pairwises_2sp = [] | |
61 with open(pairwiseFile, "r") as file: | |
62 for name, sequence, name2, sequence2 in itertools.izip_longest(*[file]*4): | |
63 # One locus every two lines (one pairwise couple = 4 lines) : header + sequence | |
64 locus1 = Locus(name, sequence) | |
65 locus2 = Locus(name2, sequence2) | |
66 group = set([]) | |
67 group.add(locus1) | |
68 group.add(locus2) | |
69 list_pairwises_2sp.append(group) | |
70 return (list_pairwises_2sp) | |
71 | |
72 # Function | |
73 list_pairwises_allsp = [] | |
74 for file in listPairwiseFiles: | |
75 listPairwises = getPairwiseCouple(file) | |
76 for pairwise in listPairwises: | |
77 list_pairwises_allsp.append(pairwise) # all pairwises in the same 1D list | |
78 return list_pairwises_allsp | |
79 | |
80 """ Proceeds to create orthogroups by putting together pairwise couples sharing a locus. | |
81 Iterates over the orthogroups list and tag to 'True' the pairwise couple already gathered in a group to avoid | |
82 redondancy. Writes each orthogroup in a fasta file | |
83 Returns an integer (a list length) """ | |
84 def makeOrthogroups(list_pairwises_allsp, minspec, nb_rbh, verbose, paralogs): | |
85 | |
86 # Sub-funtions | |
87 | |
88 """ Check if a locus/group has already been treated in makeOrthogroups() | |
89 Returns a boolean """ | |
90 def checkIfTagged(pair): | |
91 tag = True | |
92 for element in pair: | |
93 if not element.getTag() and tag: # use a list comprehension maybe ? | |
94 tag = False | |
95 return tag | |
96 | |
97 """ True means a locus/group has already been treated in makeOrthogroups() | |
98 A stronger code would be to implement a method inside the class Locus """ | |
99 def tagGroup(pair): | |
100 for element in pair: | |
101 element.tagged = True | |
102 | |
103 """ Write an orthogroup in a file """ | |
104 def writeOutputFile(orthogroup, number, naming): | |
105 name = "" | |
106 if naming: | |
107 name = "orthogroup_{}_with_{}_sequences_withParalogs.fasta".format(number, len(orthogroup)) | |
108 else : | |
109 name = "orthogroup_{}_with_{}_sequences.fasta".format(number, len(orthogroup)) | |
110 result = open(name, "w") | |
111 with result: | |
112 for locus in orthogroup: | |
113 if locus.getHeader()[-1] == "\n": | |
114 result.write("%s" % locus.getHeader()) # write geneID | |
115 else : | |
116 result.write("%s\n" % locus.Header()) # write geneID | |
117 if locus.getSequence()[-1] == "\n": | |
118 result.write("%s" % locus.getSequence()) # write sequence | |
119 else : | |
120 result.write("%s\n" % locus.getSequence()) # write sequence | |
121 if naming: | |
122 os.system("mv {} outputs_withParalogs/".format(name)) | |
123 else : | |
124 os.system("mv {} outputs/".format(name)) | |
125 | |
126 """ Parse an orthogroup list to keep only one paralog sequence per species & per group | |
127 (Keeps the 1st paralogous encoutered) | |
128 Returns a list """ | |
129 def filterParalogs(list_orthogroups, minspec): | |
130 list_orthogroups_format = [] | |
131 j = 1 | |
132 | |
133 for nofilter_group in list_orthogroups: | |
134 new_group = [] | |
135 species = {} | |
136 for loci in nofilter_group: | |
137 species[loci.getHeader()[1:3]] = False | |
138 for loci in nofilter_group: | |
139 if not species[loci.getHeader()[1:3]]: | |
140 new_group.append(loci) | |
141 species[loci.getHeader()[1:3]] = True | |
142 | |
143 if len(new_group) >= minspec: # Drop too small orthogroups | |
144 list_orthogroups_format.append(new_group) | |
145 writeOutputFile(new_group, j, False) | |
146 j += 1 | |
147 | |
148 return list_orthogroups_format | |
149 | |
150 """ Builds a 2D array for a summary | |
151 Returns a numpy 2D array """ | |
152 def countings(listOrthogroups, nb_rbh): | |
153 | |
154 def compute_nbspec(nb_rbh): | |
155 | |
156 def factorielle(x): | |
157 n = 1 | |
158 s = 0 | |
159 while n <= x: | |
160 s += n | |
161 n += 1 | |
162 return s | |
163 | |
164 x = 2 | |
165 nb_specs = 0 | |
166 while x*x - factorielle(x) < nb_rbh: | |
167 x += 1 | |
168 return x | |
169 #listOrthogroups.sort().reverse() | |
170 #nblines = len(listOrthogroups[0]) | |
171 nblines = 0 | |
172 for group in listOrthogroups: | |
173 if len(group) > nblines: | |
174 nblines = len(group) | |
175 matrix = np.array([[0]*compute_nbspec(nb_rbh)]*nblines) | |
176 | |
177 for group in listOrthogroups: | |
178 listSpecs = [] | |
179 for loci in group: | |
180 if loci.getHeader()[1:3] not in listSpecs: | |
181 listSpecs.append(loci.getHeader()[1:3]) | |
182 matrix[len(group)-1][len(listSpecs)-1] += 1 | |
183 | |
184 return matrix | |
185 | |
186 """ numpy 2D array in a nice dataframe | |
187 Returns a pandas 2D dataframe """ | |
188 def asFrame(matrix) : | |
189 index = [0]*len(matrix) | |
190 colnames = [0]*len(matrix[0]) | |
191 index = [str(i+1)+" seqs" for i in range(len(matrix))] | |
192 colnames = [str(i+1)+" sps" for i in range(len(matrix[0]))] | |
193 df = pd.DataFrame(matrix, index=index, columns=colnames) | |
194 return df # Mettre une selection pour ne renvoyer que les lignes et les colonnes qui somment > 0 | |
195 #return df.loc['4 seqs':'9 seqs'].loc[:,colnames[3:]] | |
196 | |
197 # Function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
198 list_orthogroups = [] | |
199 | |
200 for ortho_pair1 in list_pairwises_allsp[0:-1]: | |
201 if not checkIfTagged(ortho_pair1): | |
202 orthogroup = ortho_pair1 # the orthogroup grows as we go throught the second loop | |
203 | |
204 # check for common locus between two groups | |
205 for ortho_pair2 in list_pairwises_allsp[list_pairwises_allsp.index(ortho_pair1) + 1:]: | |
206 if len(orthogroup.intersection(ortho_pair2)) != 0 and not checkIfTagged(ortho_pair2): | |
207 orthogroup.update(orthogroup | ortho_pair2) | |
208 tagGroup(ortho_pair2) | |
209 | |
210 # Check if subgroup is already computed | |
211 if len(list_orthogroups) > 0: | |
212 presence = False | |
213 for group in list_orthogroups: | |
214 if len(group.intersection(orthogroup)) != 0: | |
215 group.update(group | orthogroup) | |
216 presence = True | |
217 if not presence: | |
218 list_orthogroups.append(orthogroup) | |
219 else: | |
220 list_orthogroups.append(orthogroup) | |
221 | |
222 # Options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
223 | |
224 """ nb : I could try to implement a more complex code which does in the same previous loop all the following lines, to avoid multiples parsing of | |
225 the orthogroups list, but the code would become hardly readable. Since the whole program is already quite fast, I chosed code simplicity | |
226 over code efficiency """ | |
227 | |
228 # Print summary table with all paralogs | |
229 if verbose : | |
230 frame = countings(list_orthogroups, nb_rbh) | |
231 df = asFrame(frame) | |
232 print "\n Summary before paralogous filtering : \n" | |
233 print df.loc[,], "\n" # Don't display columns and lines filled with 0 | |
234 | |
235 # Write outputFile with all the paralogous | |
236 if paralogs: | |
237 print "Writing orthogroups with paralogs files ...\n" | |
238 j = 1 | |
239 for group in list_orthogroups: | |
240 if len(group) >= minspec: | |
241 writeOutputFile(group, j, True) | |
242 j += 1 | |
243 | |
244 # Paralogs filtering and summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
245 | |
246 print "Filtering paralogous sequences and writing final orthogroups files ..." | |
247 print " (Dropping Orthogroups with less than {} species)".format(minspec) | |
248 | |
249 # writeOutputFile() is called in filterParalogs() | |
250 list_orthogroups_format = filterParalogs(list_orthogroups, minspec) | |
251 | |
252 frame = countings(list_orthogroups_format, nb_rbh) | |
253 df = asFrame(frame) | |
254 print "\n Summary after paralogous filtering : \n" | |
255 print df.loc[,] | |
256 | |
257 #return only the length of the list (at this point the program doesn't need more) | |
258 return len(list_orthogroups_format) | |
259 | |
260 def main(): | |
261 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
262 parser.add_argument("files", help="Input files separated by commas. Each file contains all the reciprocical best hits between a pair of species") | |
263 parser.add_argument("minspec", help="Only keep Orthogroups with at least this number of species", type=int) | |
264 parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="A supplemental summary table of orthogroups before paralogs filtering will be returned") | |
265 parser.add_argument("-p", "--paralogs", action="store_true", help="Proceeds to write orthogroups also before paralogous filtering") | |
266 args = parser.parse_args() | |
267 | |
268 print "*** ***" | |
269 print "\nBuilding of orthogroups based on pairs of genes obtained by pairwise comparisons between pairs of species." | |
270 print "Genes are gathered in orthogroups based on the principle of transitivity between genes pairs." | |
271 | |
272 os.system("mkdir outputs") | |
273 if args.paralogs: os.system("mkdir outputs_withParalogs") | |
274 infiles = args.files | |
275 listPairwiseFiles = str.split(infiles, ",") | |
276 print "\nParsing input files ..." | |
277 list_Locus = getListPairwiseAll(listPairwiseFiles) | |
278 print "Creating Orthogroups ..." | |
279 nb_orthogroups = makeOrthogroups(list_Locus, args.minspec, len(listPairwiseFiles), args.verbose, args.paralogs) | |
280 print "\n{} orthogroups have been infered from {} pairwise comparisons by RBH\n".format(nb_orthogroups, len(listPairwiseFiles)) | |
281 | |
282 if __name__ == "__main__": | |
283 main() |