view [APliBio]Nebula tools suite/Nebula/MakeTSSdist/makeTSSdist.R @ 1:0ec82f1785af draft

author alermine
date Wed, 14 Nov 2012 05:59:25 -0500
parents 2ec3ba0e9e70
line wrap: on
line source

#usage $0 STEP RIGHT chipPeaks outputFile.png output.txt [controlPeaks] [1 for pdf]
args <- commandArgs()
print (args)
myStep <- type.convert(args[4])
maxValue <- type.convert(args[5])

dataTable <-read.table(file=paste(args[6],".genes.ClosestPeakDist", sep=""), header=TRUE);
ifReg <- 0
if (length(unique(chip.genes.ClosestPeakDist$Reg))>1) {
 ifReg <- 1
ifControl <- 0

ifPDF <- 0
if (length(args)>=10) {
if (length(args)==9 & args[9]==1) {


if (length(args)>=9 & args[9]!=1 & args[9]!=0) {
  dataTable <-read.table(file=paste(args[9],".genes.ClosestPeakDist", sep=""), header=TRUE);
  ifControl <- 1
if (ifReg & ifControl) {
  if (ifPDF==1) {
	pdf(file = args[7], width = 19, height = 8, pointsize = 20, bg = "white")
  } else {
  	png(filename = args[7], width = 1440 , height = 680, units = "px", pointsize = 20, bg = "white", res = NA)
  op <- par(mfrow = c(2,3))
} else {
  if (ifPDF==1) {
	pdf(file = args[7], width = 10, height = 13, pointsize = 20, bg = "white")
  } else {
  	png(filename = args[7], width = 680, height = 880, units = "px", pointsize = 20, bg = "white", res = NA)
 # plot(1:10)
  op <- par(mfrow = c(2,1))
myColor <- 1
myColor[1] <- colors()[131]
myColor[2] <- "darkolivegreen3"
myColor[3] <- "azure4"
myColor[4] <- "royalblue3"
myColor[5] <- colors()[17]

myColorControl <- 1

myColorControl[1] <- colors()[24]
myColorControl[2] <- colors()[278]
myColorControl[3] <- colors()[305]
myColorControl[4] <- colors()[219]
myColorControl[5] <- colors()[343]

#for cumulative:
dist_real_f <- chip.genes.ClosestPeakDist
if (ifControl) {
 dist_control_f <- control.genes.ClosestPeakDist
step <- myStep
lim <- maxValue
x <- 0
count <- 1
countL <-1
n.types <- 1
myLevels <- 0
countTotalCont <- 0
countTotal <-0
countLCont <- 0
cumTotalCont <- 0
if (ifReg) {
	 n.types <- length(levels(chip.genes.ClosestPeakDist$Reg))
	 myLevels <- levels(chip.genes.ClosestPeakDist$Reg)
	 cum = matrix( 0, nrow=lim/step +1,  ncol=n.types, byrow = TRUE) 
	 for (i in c(1:n.types)) {
	 	t <- which ((dist_real_f$Reg==myLevels[i]))
	 	countL[i] <- length(t)
	count <-1 
	for (i in seq(length=lim/step +1, from=0, by=step)) {
		for (t in c(1:n.types)) {
			tt <- which ((dist_real_f$Reg==myLevels[t])&(dist_real_f$Dist<=i)&(dist_real_f$Dist>=-i))
			cum[count,t] <- length(tt)	 		
		x[count] <- i
		count <- count + 1
	ymax <- max(cum[,1]/countL[1], na.rm=TRUE)
	for (i in c(2:n.types)) {
	 	ymax <- max(ymax,max(cum[,i]/countL[i], na.rm=TRUE))
	myLocCol <- myColor[2]	

	par(mar=c(5.1, 7.1, 4.1, 2.1)) 

	 plot (x,cum[,1]/countL[1] ,col = myColor[2],type="l", main="",xlab="",ylab="", lwd = 2, xlim = c(0, lim),xaxt="n" , ylim=c(0,ymax))
	 for (i in c(2:n.types)) {
	 	colorr <- i+1
		myLocCol <- c(myLocCol,myColor[colorr])
		lines (x,cum[,i]/countL[i] ,col = myColor[colorr],type="l", lwd = 2)
		print (myColor[colorr])
	gradi <- 1000
	if (lim>10000) {
		gradi <- 10000
	if (lim<3000) {
		gradi <- 500
	 axisx <- seq(length=lim/gradi+1, from=0, by=gradi)
  	 axisxlab <- paste(axisx/1000,"", sep = "")
   	 axis(1, at=axisx,labels=axisxlab , las=1, cex.axis=1)
  	 ymax <- max(cum[,i]/countL[i], na.rm=TRUE)


	 legend(lim*0.45, ymax*0.45, myLevels,  cex=1, lwd = 2, bty = "n", col = myLocCol, lty = c(1), c(myLocCol) , merge = TRUE)

	title( main="",xlab="Distance from TSS (Kb)",ylab="Proportion of genes with a peak\nat a given distance (cumulative)")
	 if (ifControl) {
                count <-1
 	 	n.types <- length(levels(control.genes.ClosestPeakDist$Reg))
	 	myLevels <- levels(control.genes.ClosestPeakDist$Reg)
		 cumCont = matrix( 0, nrow=lim/step +1,  ncol=n.types, byrow = TRUE) 
		 for (i in c(1:n.types)) {
		 	t <- which ((dist_control_f$Reg==myLevels[i]))
		 	countLCont[i] <- length(t)
		for (i in seq(length=lim/step +1, from=0, by=step)) {
			for (t in c(1:n.types)) {
				tt <- which ((dist_control_f$Reg==myLevels[t])&(dist_control_f$Dist<=i)&(dist_control_f$Dist>=-i))
				cumCont[count,t] <- length(tt)	 		
			x[count] <- i
			count <- count + 1
		ymax <- max(cumCont[,1]/countLCont[1], na.rm=TRUE)
		for (i in c(2:n.types)) {
		 	ymax <- max(ymax,max(cumCont[,i]/countLCont[i], na.rm=TRUE))
		myLocColCntr <- myColorControl[2]	
		plot (x,cumCont[,1]/countLCont[1] ,col = myLocColCntr[1],type="l", main="",xlab="",ylab="", lwd = 2, xlim = c(0, lim),xaxt="n" , ylim=c(0,ymax))
		 for (i in c(2:n.types)) {
		 	colorr <- i+1
			myLocColCntr <- c(myLocColCntr,myColorControl[colorr])
			lines (x,cumCont[,i]/countLCont[i] ,col = myColorControl[colorr],type="l", lwd = 2)
	   	   if (lim>10000) {
				gradi <- 10000
		   if (lim<3000) {
				gradi <- 500
		   axisx <- seq(length=lim/gradi+1, from=0, by=gradi)
	  	 axisxlab <- paste(axisx/1000, sep = "")
	   	 axis(1, at=axisx,labels=axisxlab , las=1, cex.axis=1)
		legend(lim*0.45, ymax*0.45, myLevels,  cex=1 , lwd = 2, bty = "n", col = myLocColCntr, lty = c(1), c(myLocCol) , merge = TRUE)
		title( main="",xlab="Distance from TSS (Kb)",ylab="Proportion of genes with a peak\nat a given distance (cumulative)")
		count <-1
		countTotal <- length(dist_real_f$Reg)
	   	cumTotal  <- 0
		for (i in seq(length=lim/step +1, from=0, by=step)) {	
			t <- which ((dist_real_f$Dist<=i)&(dist_real_f$Dist>=-i))
			cumTotal[count] <- length(t)
			x[count] <- i
			count <- count + 1
		   plot (x,cumTotal/countTotal ,col = myColor[1],type="l", main="",xlab="",ylab="", lwd = 2, xlim = c(0, lim),xaxt="n" )
		   gradi <- 1000
		   if (lim>10000) {
				gradi <- 10000
		    if (lim<3000) {
				gradi <- 500
		    axisx <- seq(length=lim/gradi+1, from=0, by=gradi)
		   axisxlab <- paste(axisx/1000, sep = "")
		   axis(1, at=axisx,labels=axisxlab , las=1, cex.axis=1)
		   ymax <- max(cumTotal/countTotal, na.rm=TRUE)
		countTotalCont <- length(dist_control_f$Reg)
	   	cumTotalCont  <- 0
		count <- 1
		for (i in seq(length=lim/step +1, from=0, by=step)) {	
			t <- which ((dist_control_f$Dist<=i)&(dist_control_f$Dist>=-i))
			cumTotalCont[count] <- length(t)
			x[count] <- i
			count <- count + 1
		lines (x,cumTotalCont/countTotalCont ,col = colors()[328],type="l", lwd = 2)
		legend(lim*0.45, ymax*0.45, c("ChIP","Control"),  cex=1 , lwd = 2, bty = "n", col = c(myColor[1], colors()[328]), lty = c(1), c(myColor[1], colors()[328]) , merge = TRUE)
		title( main="",xlab="Distance from TSS (Kb)",ylab="Proportion of genes with a peak\nat a given distance (cumulative)")
} else {
   countTotal <- length(dist_real_f$Reg)
   cumTotal  <- 0
   count <-1

   gradi <- 1000
   if (lim>10000) {
	gradi <- 10000
   if (lim<3000) {
	gradi <- 500

   for (i in seq(length=lim/step +1, from=0, by=step)) {	
	t <- which ((dist_real_f$Dist<=i)&(dist_real_f$Dist>=-i))
	cumTotal[count] <- length(t)
	x[count] <- i
	count <- count + 1
   par(mar=c(5.1, 7.1, 4.1, 2.1)) 
   plot (x,cumTotal/countTotal ,col = myColor[1],type="l", main="",xlab="",ylab="", lwd = 2, xlim = c(0, lim),xaxt="n" )
   axisx <- seq(length=lim/gradi+1, from=0, by=gradi)
   axisxlab <- paste(axisx/1000, sep = "")
   axis(1, at=axisx,labels=axisxlab , las=1, cex.axis=1)
title( main="",xlab="Distance from TSS (Kb)",ylab="Proportion of genes with a peak\nat a given distance (cumulative)")
   ymax <- max(cumTotal/countTotal, na.rm=TRUE)
   if (ifControl) {
	countTotalCont <- length(dist_control_f$Reg)
   	cumTotalCont  <- 0
	count <- 1
	for (i in seq(length=lim/step +1, from=0, by=step)) {	
		t <- which ((dist_control_f$Dist<=i)&(dist_control_f$Dist>=-i))
		cumTotalCont[count] <- length(t)
		x[count] <- i
		count <- count + 1
	lines (x,cumTotalCont/countTotalCont ,col = colors()[328],type="l", lwd = 2)
        legend(lim*0.45, ymax*0.45, c("ChIP","Control"),  cex=1 , lwd = 2, bty = "n", col = c(myColor[1], colors()[328]), lty = c(1), c(myColor[1], colors()[328]) , merge = TRUE)
   } else {
        legend(lim*0.45, ymax*0.45, c("ChIP"),  cex=1 , lwd = 2, bty = "n", col = c(myColor[1]), lty = c(1), c(myColor[1]) , merge = TRUE)

sink(args[8], append=FALSE, split=FALSE)
if (ifReg) {
	if (ifControl) {
		cat (paste("Dist_TSS","% genes w/ a peak in ChIP","% genes w/ a peak in control",sep='\t'))
 		for (i in c(1:n.types)) {
		 	cat(paste("% ", myLevels[i]," genes w/ a peak in ChIP", sep=""))

 		for (i in c(1:n.types)) {
		 	cat(paste("% ", myLevels[i]," genes w/ a peak in Control", sep=""))
		for (i in c(1:length(x))) {
	 		for (t in c(1:n.types)) {
			 	cat(paste(cum[i,t]/countL[t],"\t", sep=""))
	 		for (t in c(1:n.types)) {
			 	cat(paste(cumCont[i,t]/countLCont[t],"\t", sep=""))
	}else {
            cat (paste("Dist_TSS","\t",sep=''))
 	    for (i in c(1:n.types)) {
		 cat(paste("% ", myLevels[i]," genes w/ a peak in ChIP", "\t", sep=""))
	    for (i in c(1:length(x))) {
	 		for (t in c(1:n.types)) {
			 	cat(paste(cum[i,t]/countL[t],"\t", sep=""))
} else {
	if (ifControl) {
		cat (paste("Dist_TSS","% genes w/ a peak in ChIP","% genes w/ a peak in control",sep='\t'))
		for (i in c(1:length(x))) {
	}else {
		cat (paste("Dist_TSS","% genes w/ a peak in ChIP",sep='\t'))
		for (i in c(1:length(x))) {


#stop sinking:

#around TSS:
lim <- maxValue
step <- myStep
my_breaks <- seq(length=lim/step*2 +1, from=-lim, by=step)
chip.genes <- read.table(file=paste(args[6],".genes", sep=""), header=TRUE) ;
dist_real_f <- chip.genes
if (ifControl) {
   control.genes <- read.table(file=paste(args[9],".genes", sep=""), header=TRUE) ;   
if (ifReg) {
	#n.types <- length(levels(chip.genes.ClosestPeakDist$Reg))
	 #myLevels <- levels(dist_real_f$Reg)

	t<- which (dist_real_f$Reg==myLevels[1])
	values_real <-dist_real_f$Dist[t]
	hTSSreal = hist(values_real,plot=FALSE,breaks = c(min(values_real),my_breaks,max(values_real))  )
        ymax <- max(hTSSreal$density, na.rm=TRUE)
	for (i in c(2:n.types)) {
		t<- which (dist_real_f$Reg==myLevels[i])
		values_real <-dist_real_f$Dist[t]
		hTSSreal = hist(values_real,plot=FALSE,breaks = c(min(values_real),my_breaks,max(values_real))  )
        	ymax <- max(ymax,max(hTSSreal$density, na.rm=TRUE))

	t<- which (dist_real_f$Reg==myLevels[1])
	values_real <-dist_real_f$Dist[t]
	hTSSreal = hist(values_real,plot=FALSE,breaks = c(min(values_real),my_breaks,max(values_real))  ) 
        plot (hTSSreal$mids,hTSSreal$density,col = myLocCol[1],type="l", main="",xlab="",ylab="", lwd = 2, xlim = c(-lim, lim),ylim = c(0, ymax), xaxt="n" ) 
	title( main="",xlab="Distance from TSS (Kb)",ylab="Proportion of genes with a peak\nat a given distance (density)")

	for (i in c(2:n.types)) {
		t<- which (dist_real_f$Reg==myLevels[i])
		values_real <-dist_real_f$Dist[t]
		hTSSreal = hist(values_real,plot=FALSE,breaks = c(min(values_real),my_breaks,max(values_real))  )
  		lines (hTSSreal$mids,hTSSreal$density,col = myLocCol[i],type="l", lwd = 2)
	legend(lim*0.1, ymax*0.9, myLevels,  cex=1 , lwd = 2, bty = "n", col = myLocCol, lty = c(1), c(myLocCol) , merge = TRUE)
	   gradi <- 1000
	   if (lim>10000) {
		gradi <- 10000
	   if (lim<3000) {
		gradi <- 500

	   axisx <- seq(length=2*lim/gradi+1, from=-lim, by=gradi)
      	   axisxlab <- paste(axisx/1000, sep = "")
	   axis(1, at=axisx,labels=axisxlab , las=1, cex.axis=1)

       if (ifControl) {
		t<- which (dist_control_f$Reg==myLevels[1])
		values_control <-dist_control_f$Dist[t]
		hTSScontrol= hist(values_control,plot=FALSE,breaks = c(min(values_control),my_breaks,max(values_control))  )
		ymax <- max(hTSScontrol$density, na.rm=TRUE)
		for (i in c(2:n.types)) {
			t<- which (dist_control_f$Reg==myLevels[i])
			values_control <-dist_control_f$Dist[t]
			hTSScontrol = hist(values_control,plot=FALSE,breaks = c(min(values_control),my_breaks,max(values_control))  )
			ymax <- max(ymax,max(hTSScontrol$density, na.rm=TRUE))
		t<- which (dist_control_f$Reg==myLevels[1])
		values_control <-dist_control_f$Dist[t]
		hTSScontrol= hist(values_control,plot=FALSE,breaks = c(min(values_control),my_breaks,max(values_control))  )
		plot (hTSScontrol$mids,hTSScontrol$density,col = myLocColCntr[1],type="l", main="",xlab="",ylab="", lwd = 2, xlim = c(-lim, lim),ylim = c(0, ymax),xaxt="n" ) 
		title( main="",xlab="Distance from TSS (Kb)",ylab="Proportion of genes with a peak\nat a given distance (density)")		
		for (i in c(2:n.types)) {
			t<- which (dist_control_f$Reg==myLevels[i])
			values_control <-dist_control_f$Dist[t]
			hTSScontrol = hist(values_control,plot=FALSE,breaks = c(min(values_control),my_breaks,max(values_control))  )
	  		lines (hTSScontrol$mids,hTSScontrol$density,col = myLocColCntr[i],type="l", lwd = 2)

		gradi <- 1000
		   if (lim>10000) {
			gradi <- 10000
		   if (lim<3000) {
			gradi <- 500

		   axisx <- seq(length=2*lim/gradi+1, from=-lim, by=gradi)
	      	   axisxlab <- paste(axisx/1000, sep = "")
		   axis(1, at=axisx,labels=axisxlab , las=1, cex.axis=1)

		legend(lim*0.1, ymax*0.9, myLevels,  cex=1 , lwd = 2, bty = "n", col = myLocColCntr, lty = c(1), c(myLocCol) , merge = TRUE)
	  	# minor.tick(nx=10,tick.ratio=0.5)
		#control vs real
		 values_real <-dist_real_f$Dist
		 hTSSreal = hist(values_real, plot=FALSE, breaks = c(min(values_real),my_breaks,max(values_real))  )
		 plot (hTSSreal$mids,hTSSreal$density,col = myColor[1],type="l", main="",xlab="",ylab="", lwd = 2, xlim = c(-lim, lim),xaxt="n") 
		title( main="",xlab="Distance from TSS (Kb)",ylab="Proportion of genes with a peak\nat a given distance (density)")		
		 ymax <- max(hTSSreal$density, na.rm=TRUE)
		  values_control <-dist_control_f$Dist
		  hTSScontrol = hist(values_control, plot=FALSE, breaks = c(min(values_control),my_breaks,max(values_control))  )
		  lines (hTSScontrol$mids,hTSScontrol$density,col = colors()[328],type="l", lwd = 2)
		  legend(lim*0.2, ymax*0.9, c("ChIP","Control"),  cex=1 , lwd = 2, bty = "n", col = c(myColor[1], colors()[328]), lty = c(1), c(myColor[1], colors()[328]) , merge = TRUE)		 
		   gradi <- 1000
		   if (lim>10000) {
			gradi <- 10000
		   if (lim<3000) {
			gradi <- 500

		   axisx <- seq(length=2*lim/gradi+1, from=-lim, by=gradi)
	      	   axisxlab <- paste(axisx/1000, sep = "")
		   axis(1, at=axisx,labels=axisxlab , las=1, cex.axis=1)

		 # minor.tick(nx=10,tick.ratio=0.5)
} else {
 values_real <-dist_real_f$Dist
 hTSSreal = hist(values_real, plot=FALSE, breaks = c(min(values_real),my_breaks,max(values_real))  )
 plot (hTSSreal$mids,hTSSreal$density,col = myColor[1],type="l", main="",xlab="",ylab="", lwd = 2, xlim = c(-lim, lim),xaxt="n") 
		title( main="",xlab="Distance from TSS (Kb)",ylab="Proportion of genes with a peak\nat a given distance (density)")		
 ymax <- max(hTSSreal$density, na.rm=TRUE)
 if (ifControl) {
  values_control <-dist_control_f$Dist
  hTSScontrol = hist(values_control, plot=FALSE, breaks = c(min(values_control),my_breaks,max(values_control))  )
  lines (hTSScontrol$mids,hTSScontrol$density,col = colors()[328],type="l", lwd = 2)
  legend(lim*0.2, ymax*0.9, c("ChIP","Control"),  cex=1 , lwd = 2, bty = "n", col = c(myColor[1], colors()[328]), lty = c(1), c(myColor[1], colors()[328]) , merge = TRUE)
 } else {
  legend(lim*0.2, ymax*0.9, c("ChIP"),  cex=1 , lwd = 2, bty = "n", col = c(myColor[1]), lty = c(1), c(myColor[1]) , merge = TRUE)

 gradi <- 1000
 if (lim>10000) {
    gradi <- 10000
  if (lim<3000) {
	gradi <- 500

  axisx <- seq(length=2*lim/gradi+1, from=-lim, by=gradi)
  axisxlab <- paste(axisx/1000, sep = "")
  axis(1, at=axisx,labels=axisxlab , las=1, cex.axis=1)

 # minor.tick(nx=10,tick.ratio=0.5)
cat (paste("peak height","# peaks in ChIP","# peaks in Control","#control/chip","\n",sep='\t'))
for (xval in c(minValue:maxValue)) {
  for (i in (1:length(chipHist$mids))) {     
     if (xval==chipHist$mids[i]) {
      ychip <- chipHist$counts[i]
  for (i in (1:length(controlHist$mids))) {     
     if (xval==controlHist$mids[i]) {
      ycontrol <- controlHist$counts[i]
  cat (paste(xval,ychip,ycontrol,ycontrol/ychip,"\n",sep='\t'))