view vcfallelicprimitives.xml @ 1:e66cbd28cdfa

Updated to vcflib 86723982aa
author Anton Nekrutenko <>
date Wed, 25 Jun 2014 16:01:10 -0400
parents 239da20770dc
children 971da09d28aa
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="vcfallelicprimitives" name="VcfAllelicPrimitives:" version="0.0.1">
    <requirement type="package" version="86723982aa">vcflib</requirement>
  <description>Split alleleic primitives (gaps or mismatches) into multiple VCF lines</description>
  <command>cat "${input}" | vcfallelicprimitives ${m_option} -t "${t_option}" > "${out_file1}"</command>
    <param format="vcf" name="input" type="data" label="Select VCF dataset"/>
    <param name="m_option" type="boolean" checked="true" truevalue="-m" falsevalue="" label="Retain MNPs as separate events" help="--use-mnps option"/>
    <param name="t_option" size="20" type="text" value="Split primitives" label="Mark records which are split with this tag" help="--tag-parsed option"/>
    <data format="vcf" name="out_file1" />
      <param name="m_option" value="true"/>
      <param name="t_option" value="Split primitives"/>
      <param name="input" value="vcflib.vcf"/>
      <output name="out_file1" file="vcfallelicprimitives-test1.vcf"/>

If multiple alleleic primitives (gaps or mismatches) are specified in a single VCF record, this tools splits the record into multiple lines, but drops all INFO fields.  "Pure" MNPs are split into multiple SNPs unless the -m flag is provided.  Genotypes are phased where complex alleles have been decomposed, provided genotypes in the input.

The options are::
    --use-mnps (-m)
    Retain MNPs as separate events                                                                          
    --tag-parsed (-t) FLAG
    Tag records which are split apart of a complex allele                                                                                                                                                             
    with this flag                                                 


Vcfallelicprimitives is a part of VCFlib toolkit developed by Erik Garrison (                                                                                                                                 
