1 import sys
2 # remove all read that have impure microsat
3 # check only one line at a time
6 fd=open(sys.argv[1])
7 lines=fd.xreadlines()
8 ##motifIx=int(sys.argv[2])
9 period=int(sys.argv[2])
10 tr_ref_seqIx=int(sys.argv[3])-1
11 ##output=(sys.argv[4])
12 ##fout=open(output,'w')
13 for line in lines:
14 temp=line.strip().split('\t')
15 temp=filter(None,temp)
16 #motif=temp[motifIx]
17 tr_ref_seq=temp[tr_ref_seqIx]
18 ##period=len(motif)
19 cand_motif=tr_ref_seq[:period]
20 len_microsat=len(tr_ref_seq)
21 expand_microsat_cand=cand_motif*(len_microsat/period) + cand_motif[:(len_microsat%period)]
22 if tr_ref_seq == expand_microsat_cand:
23 print line.strip()
24 ##print line.strip() >> fout |