diff signature_score.R @ 0:baf7a079bce0 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/ARTbio/tools-artbio/tree/master/tools/gsc_signature_score commit 09dcd74dbc01f448518cf3db3e646afb0675a6fe
author artbio
date Mon, 24 Jun 2019 13:40:08 -0400
children e08419b8ec24
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/signature_score.R	Mon Jun 24 13:40:08 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#    Signature score    #
+# Compute the signature score based on the geometric mean of the target gene expression
+# and split cells  in 2 groups (high/low) using this signature score.
+# Example of command
+# Rscript 4-signature_score.R --input <input.tsv> --genes  ARNT2,SALL2,SOX9,OLIG2,POU3F2
+#                             --output <output.tab> --pdf <output.pdf>
+# load packages that are provided in the conda env
+options( show.error.messages=F,
+       error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+# Arguments
+option_list = list(
+  make_option(
+    "--input",
+    default = NA,
+    type = 'character',
+    help = "Input file that contains log2(CPM +1) values"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    "--sep",
+    default = '\t',
+    type = 'character',
+    help = "File separator [default : '%default' ]"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    "--colnames",
+    default = TRUE,
+    type = 'logical',
+    help = "Consider first line as header ? [default : '%default' ]"
+  ),  
+  make_option(
+    "--genes",
+    default = NA,
+    type = 'character',
+    help = "List of genes comma separated"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    "--percentile_threshold",
+    default = 20,
+    type = 'integer',
+    help = "detection threshold to keep a gene in signature set [default : '%default' ]"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    "--output",
+    default = "./output.tab",
+    type = 'character',
+    help = "Output path [default : '%default' ]"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    "--stats",
+    default = "./statistics.tab",
+    type = 'character',
+    help = "statistics path [default : '%default' ]"
+  ),
+  make_option(
+    "--pdf",
+    default = "~/output.pdf",
+    type = 'character',
+    help = "pdf path [default : '%default' ]"
+  )
+opt = parse_args(OptionParser(option_list = option_list),
+                 args = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
+if (opt$sep == "tab") {opt$sep = "\t"}
+if (opt$sep == "comma") {opt$sep = ","}
+# Take input data
+data.counts <- read.table(
+  opt$input,
+  h = opt$colnames,
+  row.names = 1,
+  sep = opt$sep,
+  check.names = F
+# Get vector of target genes
+genes <- unlist(strsplit(opt$genes, ","))
+if (length(unique(genes %in% rownames(data.counts))) == 1) {
+  if (unique(genes %in% rownames(data.counts)) == F)
+    stop("None of these genes are in your dataset: ", opt$genes)
+logical_genes <- rownames(data.counts) %in% genes
+# Retrieve target genes in counts data
+signature.counts <- subset(data.counts, logical_genes)
+## Descriptive Statistics Function
+descriptive_stats = function(InputData) {
+  SummaryData = data.frame(
+    mean = rowMeans(InputData),
+    SD = apply(InputData, 1, sd),
+    Variance = apply(InputData, 1, var),
+    Percentage_Detection = apply(InputData, 1, function(x, y = InputData) {
+      (sum(x != 0) / ncol(y)) * 100
+    })
+  )
+  return(SummaryData)
+signature_stats <- descriptive_stats(signature.counts)
+# Find poorly detected genes from the signature 
+kept_genes <- signature_stats$Percentage_Detection >= opt$percentile_threshold
+# Add warnings
+if (length(unique(kept_genes)) > 1) {
+  cat(
+    "WARNINGS ! Following genes were removed from further analysis due to low gene expression :",
+    paste(paste(rownames(signature.counts)[!kept_genes], round(signature_stats$Percentage_Detection[!kept_genes], 2), sep = " : "), collapse = ", "),
+    "\n"
+  )
+} else {
+  if (unique(kept_genes) == F) {
+    stop(
+      "None of these genes are detected in ",
+      opt$percent,
+      "% of your cells: ",
+      paste(rownames(signature_stats), collapse = ", "),
+      ". You can be less stringent thanks to --percent parameter."
+    )
+  }
+# Remove genes poorly detected in the dataset
+signature.counts <- signature.counts[kept_genes,]
+# Replace 0 by 1 counts
+signature.counts[signature.counts == 0] <- 1
+# Geometric mean by cell
+score <- apply(signature.counts, 2, geometric.mean) # geometric.mean requires psych
+# Add results in signature_output
+signature_output <- data.frame(
+                         cell = names(score),
+                         score = score,
+                         rate = ifelse(score > mean(score), "HIGH", "LOW"),
+                         nGenes = colSums(data.counts != 0),
+                         total_counts = colSums(data.counts)
+                         )
+# statistics of input genes, signature genes first lines
+statistics.counts <- rbind(subset(data.counts, logical_genes),
+                    subset(data.counts, !logical_genes))  
+statistics <- descriptive_stats(statistics.counts)
+statistics <- cbind(gene=rownames(statistics), statistics)
+# Re-arrange score matrix for plots
+score <- data.frame(score = score,
+                    order = rank(score, ties.method = "first"),
+                    signature = signature_output$rate,
+                    stringsAsFactors = F)
+pdf(file = opt$pdf)
+ggplot(score, aes(x = order, y = score)) +
+  geom_line() + 
+  geom_segment(x = 0, xend = max(score$order[score$signature == "LOW"]), y = mean(score$score), yend = mean(score$score)) +
+  geom_area(aes(fill = signature), alpha = .7) +
+  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#ff0000", "#08661e")) +
+  geom_text(aes(x = 1, y = mean(score)), label = "Mean", vjust = -0.3, colour = "black") +
+  labs(title = "Ordered cell signature scores", x = "Cell index", y = "Score")
+density_score <- density(score$score)
+ggplot(data.frame(density_score[1:2]), aes(x, y, fill = ifelse(x < mean(score$score), "LOW", "HIGH"))) +
+  geom_line() +
+  geom_vline(xintercept = mean(score$score)) +
+  geom_text(x = mean(score$score), y = max(density_score$y), label = "Mean", hjust = -0.3, colour = "black") +
+  geom_area(alpha = .7) +
+  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#ff0000", "#08661e")) +
+  ylim(0, max(density_score$y)) +
+  labs(
+    title = "Distribution of Cell signature scores",
+    x = paste("N =", density_score$n, "Bandwidth =", density_score$bw),
+    y = "Density",
+    fill = "Signature"
+  )
+# Check score independant of low expression
+p_gene <- ggplot(signature_output, aes(rate, nGenes)) +
+  geom_violin(aes(fill = rate), alpha = .5, trim = F, show.legend = F) +
+  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#ff0000", "#08661e")) +
+  geom_jitter() + labs(y = "Number of detected genes", x = "Signature")
+p_counts <- ggplot(signature_output, aes(rate, total_counts)) +
+  geom_violin(aes(fill = rate), alpha = .5, trim = F, show.legend = F) +
+  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#ff0000", "#08661e")) +
+  geom_jitter() + labs(y = "Total counts", x = "Signature")
+grid.arrange(p_gene, p_counts, ncol = 2, top = "Influence of library sequencing depth on cell signature scores")
+# Save file
+  signature_output,
+  opt$output,
+  sep = "\t",
+  quote = F,
+  col.names = T,
+  row.names = F
+  statistics,
+  opt$stats,
+  sep = "\t",
+  quote = F,
+  col.names = T,
+  row.names = F
\ No newline at end of file