diff test-data/index.2.html @ 3:5784e268efca draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/tree/master/tools/antismash commit 19cbd26d33334a903a2028d463b2132cdd1f7e57"
author bgruening
date Sun, 09 Aug 2020 10:15:12 -0400
parents 593bb8f5488b
children e78e25d3b4bd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/test-data/index.2.html	Sat Feb 10 02:37:49 2018 -0500
+++ b/test-data/index.2.html	Sun Aug 09 10:15:12 2020 -0400
@@ -1,273 +1,114 @@
-<!doctype html>
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-    <title>ARBH01000003.1 - 1 clusters - antiSMASH results</title>
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-        <span id="cluster-type">Select Gene Cluster:</span>
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-      <h3>Identified secondary metabolite clusters<span id="truncated"></span></h3>
-      <table id="cluster-overview">
-        <thead>
-          <tr>
-            <th>Cluster</th>
-            <th>Type</th>
-            <th>From</th>
-            <th>To</th>
-            <th>Most similar known cluster</th>
-            <th>MIBiG BGC-ID</th>
-          </tr>
-        </thead>
-        <tbody>
-        <tr class="separator-row"><td class="separator-text" colspan="2">The following clusters are from record ARBH01000003.1:</td></tr><tr><td class="clbutton t1pks"><a href="#cluster-1">Cluster 1</a></td><td><a href="http://antismash.secondarymetabolites.org/help#t1pks" target="_blank">T1pks</a></td><td class="digits">1</td><td class="digits">3500</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr></tbody>
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-    <div class="page" id="cluster-1"><h3>ARBH01000003 - Cluster 1 - T1pks</h3><div class="sidepanel"><div class="structure"><h3>Predicted core structure</h3><a href="images/nostructure_icon.png" target="_new"><img src="images/nostructure_icon.png"></a><div class="as-structure-warning">Rough prediction of core scaffold based on assumed PKS/NRPS colinearity; tailoring reactions not taken into account</div></div><div class="more-details"><h3>Prediction details</h3><dl class="prediction-text"><dt>Monomers prediction:</dt><dd>(mal)</dd><dt>ctg1_1</dt><dd>PKS signature: mal<br></dd><dd>Minowa: mal<br></dd><dd>consensus: mal<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="content"><div class="description-container"><h3>Gene cluster description</h3><div class="cluster-download"><a href="ARBH01000003.1.cluster001.gbk">Download cluster GenBank file</a></div><div class="description-text">ARBH01000003 - Gene Cluster 1. Type = t1pks. Location: 1 - 3500 nt. Click on genes for more information.</div><a class="cluster-rules-header" id="cluster-1-rules-header" href="#cluster-1">Show pHMM detection rules used</a><div class="cluster-rules" id="cluster-1-rules">t1pks: ((PKS_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (ene_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (mod_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (hyb_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (itr_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (tra_KS &amp; PKS_AT))<br></div><div id="cluster-1-svg"></div></div><div class="legend"><h4>Legend:</h4><div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-biosynthetic"></div><div class="legend-label">core biosynthetic genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-biosynthetic-additional"></div><div class="legend-label">additional biosynthetic genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-transport"></div><div class="legend-label">transport-related genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-regulatory"></div><div class="legend-label">regulatory genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-other"></div><div class="legend-label">other genes</div></div></div></div><div class="details"><h3>Detailed annotation</h3><div class="details-svg" id="cluster-1-details-svg"></div></div></div></div><div id="footer">
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-function toggle_downloadmenu(event) {
-    event.preventDefault();
-    $("#downloadmenu").fadeToggle("fast", "linear");
-function switch_to_cluster() {
-    setTimeout(function() {
-        var url = $.url();
-        $(".page").hide();
-        $("li.clbutton").removeClass("active");
-        var anchor = url.data.attr.fragment;
-        if (anchor == "") {
-            anchor = "overview";
-        }
-        $("#" + anchor).show();
-        if (anchor != "overview") {
-          $("li.clbutton." + anchor).addClass("active");
-        }
-        if (geneclusters[anchor] !== undefined) {
-            svgene.drawClusters(anchor+"-svg", [geneclusters[anchor]], 20, 700);
-        }
-        if ($("#" + anchor + "-details-svg").length > 0) {
-            jsdomain.drawDomains(anchor+ "-details-svg", details_data[anchor], 40, 700);
-        }
-        $("#" + anchor + " .clusterblast-selector").change();
-        $("#" + anchor + " .domainalign-selector").change();
-    }, 1);
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+      <span id="region-type">Select genomic region:</span>
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-function next_cluster() {
-    var num_clusters = Object.keys(geneclusters).length;
-    var url = $.url();
-    var anchor = url.data.attr.fragment;
-    var href = "#" + anchor;
-    if (anchor == "" || anchor == "overview") {
-        anchor = "cluster-0";
-    }
-    var cluster_number = parseInt(anchor.split('-')[1]);
-    var next_cluster_number = cluster_number + 1;
-    if (next_cluster_number <= num_clusters) {
-        href = "#cluster-" + next_cluster_number;
-    } else {
-        href = "#overview";
-    }
-    window.location.href = href;
-    switch_to_cluster();
+  <!-- overview page -->
+  <div class="page" id="overview">
+    <div class="no-results">No results found on input.</div>
+  </div>
-function previous_cluster() {
-    var num_clusters = Object.keys(geneclusters).length;
-    var url = $.url();
-    var anchor = url.data.attr.fragment;
-    var href = "#" + anchor;
-    if (anchor == "" || anchor == "overview") {
-        anchor = "cluster-0";
-    }
-    var cluster_number = parseInt(anchor.split('-')[1]);
-    var prev_cluster_number = cluster_number - 1;
-    if (prev_cluster_number == 0 ) {
-        href = "#overview";
-    } else if (prev_cluster_number < 0){
-        href = "#cluster-" + num_clusters;
-    } else {
-        href = "#cluster-" + prev_cluster_number;
-    }
-    window.location.href = href;
-    switch_to_cluster();
-function toggle_cluster_rules(ev) {
-    ev.preventDefault();
-    var id = $(this).attr('id').replace(/-header/, '');
-    var rules = $('#' + id);
-    if (rules.css('display') == "none") {
-        $(this).text('Hide pHMM detection rules used');
-    } else {
-        $(this).text('Show pHMM detection rules used');
-    }
-    rules.fadeToggle("fast", "linear");
-function map_type_to_desc(type) {
-    switch(type) {
-      case "nrps": return "NRPS";
-      case "t1pks": return "Type I PKS";
-      case "t2pks": return "Type II PKS";
-      case "t3pks": return "Type III PKS";
-      case "t4pks": return "Type IV PKS";
-      default: return type;
-    }
-function copyToClipboard (text) {
-    window.prompt ("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", text);
-$(document).ready(function() {
-    $("#download").click(toggle_downloadmenu);
-    $("#next-cluster").click(next_cluster);
-    $("#prev-cluster").click(previous_cluster);
-    $(".clbutton").click(function() {
-        /* Make sure that even if user missed the link and clicked the
-           background we still have the correct anchor */
-        var href = $(this).children().first().attr('href');
-        if (href === undefined) {
-            return;
-        }
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-        switch_to_cluster();
-    }).mouseover(function() {
-        /* Set the select cluster label text to cluster type */
-        var classes = $(this).attr('class').split(' ');
-        if (classes.length < 2) {
-          return;
-        }
-        if (classes[1] == 'separator') {
-          return;
-        }
-        var cluster_type = map_type_to_desc(classes[1]);
-        var label = $('#cluster-type');
-        label.data("orig_text", label.text());
-        label.text(cluster_type + ":");
-    }).mouseout(function() {
-        /* and reset the select cluster label text */
-        var label = $('#cluster-type');
-        label.text(label.data("orig_text"));
-    });
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+  <script>
+    $(document).ready(function() {
+        viewer["start"](all_regions, details_data, recordData);
+    })
+  </script>
-    $('.clusterblast-selector').change(function() {
-        var id = $(this).attr('id').replace('-select', '');
-        var url = $(this).val();
-        $.get(url, function(data) {
-            $('#' + id + '-svg').html(data);
-            clusterblast.init(id + '-svg');
-            //            id =
-        }, 'html');
-        $('#' + id + '-download').off('click');
-        $('#' + id + '-download').click(function () {
-            var url = $("#" + id + "-select").val();
-            window.open(url, '_blank');
-        });
-    });
-    $('.domainalign-selector').change(function() {
-        var id = $(this).attr('id').replace('-select', '');
-        var url = $(this).val();
-        $.get(url, function(data) {
-            $('#' + id + '-svg').html(data);
-            domainalign.init(id + '-svg');
-            //            id =
-        }, 'html');
-        $('#' + id + '-download').off('click');
-        $('#' + id + '-download').click(function () {
-            var url = $("#" + id + "-select").val();
-            window.open(url, '_blank');
-        });
-    });
-    $('.cluster-rules-header').click(toggle_cluster_rules);
-    switch_to_cluster();
-    </script>
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\ No newline at end of file