changeset 3:5784e268efca draft

"planemo upload for repository commit 19cbd26d33334a903a2028d463b2132cdd1f7e57"
author bgruening
date Sun, 09 Aug 2020 10:15:12 -0400 (2020-08-09)
parents 3f0077c88c16
children e78e25d3b4bd
files antismash.xml test-data/ARBH01000003.1.cluster001 test-data/index.2.html test-data/index.html
diffstat 4 files changed, 645 insertions(+), 682 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/antismash.xml	Sat Feb 10 02:37:49 2018 -0500
+++ b/antismash.xml	Sun Aug 09 10:15:12 2020 -0400
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
-<tool id="antismash" name="Antismash" version="4.1" profile="17.01">
+<tool id="antismash" name="Antismash" version="5.1.2" profile="17.01">
     <description>allows the genome-wide identification, annotation and analysis of secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters</description>
-        <requirement type="package" version="4.1">antismash</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="5.1.2">antismash</requirement>
     <version_command>antismash --version</version_command>
     <command detect_errors="aggressive">
+        export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore::FutureWarning" &&
         #import os, glob
         #set $htmloutputfolder = $html.files_path
         #if str($infile.ext) == 'genbank':
@@ -18,21 +20,27 @@
         ln -s '$infile' input_tempfile.$file_extension &&
         ## create html folder
-        mkdir -p $htmloutputfolder &&
+        mkdir -p '$htmloutputfolder' &&
             --cpus "\${GALAXY_SLOTS:-12}"
-            --taxon '${taxon}'
-            --input-type '${input_type}'
+            --taxon '${cond_taxon.taxon}'
+            --genefinding-tool $cond_taxon.genefinding_tool
-            ${clusterblast}
-            ${subclusterblast}
-            ${smcogs}
-            ${inclusive}
-            ${borderpredict}
-            ${tta}
+            ${cb_general}
+            ${cb_subclusters}
+            ${cb_knownclusters}
+            ${smcog_trees}
+            --tta-threshold ${tta_threshold}
-            ${full_hmmer}
+            ${extra_cluster}
+            ${clusterhmmer}
+            ${fullhmmer}
+            #if $cond_taxon.taxon == 'fungi':
+                $cond_taxon.cassis
+            #end if
             input_tempfile.$file_extension &&
@@ -45,40 +53,61 @@
         <param name="infile" type="data" format="genbank,fasta,embl" label="Sequence file in GenBank,EMBL or FASTA format"/>
-        <param argument="--taxon" type="select" label="Origin of DNA">
-            <option value="bacteria" selected="True">Bacteria</option>
-            <option value="fungi">Fungi</option>
-        </param>
+        <conditional name="cond_taxon">
+            <param argument="--taxon" type="select" label="Origin of DNA">
+                <option value="bacteria" selected="True">Bacteria</option>
+                <option value="fungi">Fungi</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="bacteria">
+                <param argument="--genefinding-tool" type="select" label="Specify algorithm used for gene finding"
+                    help="The 'error' option will raise an error if genefinding is attempted. The 'none' option will not run genefinding">
+                    <option value="prodigal" selected="True">Prodigal</option>
+                    <option value="prodigal-m">Prodigal Metagenomic/Anonymous</option>
+                    <option value="glimmerhmm">GlimmerHMM</option>
+                    <option value="none">None</option>
+                    <option value="error">Error</option>
+                </param>
+            </when>
+            <when value="fungi">
+                <param argument="--genefinding-tool" type="select" label="Specify algorithm used for gene finding"
+                    help="The 'error' option will raise an error if genefinding is attempted. The 'none' option will not run genefinding">
+                    <option value="glimmerhmm">GlimmerHMM</option>
+                    <option value="none">None</option>
+                    <option value="error">Error</option>
+                </param>
+                <param argument="--cassis" type="boolean" truevalue="--cassis" falsevalue="" checked="False"
+                       label="Motif based prediction of SM gene cluster regions" />
+            </when>
+        </conditional>
-        <param argument="--input_type" type="select" label="Origin of DNA">
-            <option value="nucl" selected="True">Nucleotide</option>
-            <option value="prot">Amino-acid</option>
-        </param>
-        <param argument="--clusterblast" type="boolean" truevalue="--clusterblast" falsevalue="" checked="False"
+        <param argument="--cb-general" type="boolean" truevalue="--cb-general" falsevalue="" checked="False"
                label="BLAST identified clusters against known clusters"
                help="Compare identified clusters against a database of antiSMASH-predicted clusters." />
-        <param argument="--subclusterblast" type="boolean" truevalue="--subclusterblast" falsevalue="" checked="True"
+        <param argument="--cb-subclusters" type="boolean" truevalue="--cb-subclusters" falsevalue="" checked="True"
                label="Subcluster BLAST analysis"
                help="Compare identified clusters against known subclusters responsible for synthesising precursors." />
-        <param argument="--knownclusterblast" type="boolean" truevalue="--knownclusterblast" falsevalue="" checked="True"
+        <param argument="--cb-knownclusters" type="boolean" truevalue="--cb-knownclusters" falsevalue="" checked="True"
                label="KnowCluster BLAST analysis"
                help="Compare identified clusters against known gene clusters from the MIBiG database."/>
-        <param argument="--smcogs" type="boolean" checked="True" truevalue="--smcogs" falsevalue=""
+        <param argument="--smcog-trees" type="boolean" checked="True" truevalue="--smcog-trees" falsevalue=""
                label="Analysis of secondary metabolism gene families (smCOGs)"
                help="Look for sec. met. clusters of orthologous groups."/>
-        <param argument="--inclusive" type="boolean" truevalue="--inclusive" falsevalue="" checked="False"
-               label="Inclusive ClusterFinder algorithm"
-               help="Use inclusive ClusterFinder algorithm for additional cluster detection."/>
-        <param argument="--borderpredict" type="boolean" truevalue="--borderpredict" falsevalue="" checked="False"
-               label="Predict gene cluster borders with ClusterFinder"
-               help="Use ClusterFinder algorithm to predict gene cluster borders."/>
         <param argument="--asf" type="boolean" truevalue="--asf" falsevalue="" checked="True"
-               label="Run active site finder module" />
-        <param argument="--tta" type="boolean" truevalue="--tta" falsevalue="" checked="False"
-               label="Run TTA codon detection module" />
-        <param argument="--full_hmmer" type="boolean" truevalue="--full-hmmer" falsevalue="" checked="False"
-               label="Run a whole-genome Pfam analysis" />
+               label="Run active site finder analysus" />
+        <param argument="-pfam2go" type="boolean" truevalue="-pfam2go" falsevalue="" checked="True"
+               label="Run Pfam to Gene Ontology mapping module" />
+        <param argument="--tta-threshold" type="float" value="0.65" label="Lowest GC content to annotate TTA codons at" />
+        <param argument="--clusterhmmer" type="boolean" truevalue="--clusterhmmer" falsevalue="" checked="False"
+               label="Run a cluster-limited HMMer analysis" />
+        <param argument="--fullhmmer" type="boolean" truevalue="--fullhmmer" falsevalue="" checked="False"
+               label="Run a whole-genome HMMer analysis" />
+        <param name="extra_cluster" type="select" label="Clusters">
+            <option value="--cf-create-clusters" selected="True">Find extra clusters</option>
+            <option value="--cf-borders-only">Only annotate borders of existing clusters</option>
+        </param>
         <param name="outputs" type="select" multiple="true" label="Outputs">
             <option value="html" selected="True">HTML file</option>
@@ -116,8 +145,14 @@
             <param name="infile" value=""/>
             <param name="outputs" value="html,gb"/>
+            <param name="taxon" value="fungi"/>
+            <param name="clusterhmmer" value="True"/>
+            <param name="fullhmmer" value="True"/>
+            <param name="extra_cluster" value="--cf-create-clusters"/>
+            <param name="cassis" value="True"/>
+            <param name="cb_general" value="True"/>
             <output_collection name="genbank" type="list">
-                <element name="ARBH01000003.1.cluster001" file="ARBH01000003.1.cluster001" ftype="genbank" compare="sim_size" />
+                <element name="ARBH01000003.1.cluster001" file="ARBH01000003.1.cluster001" ftype="genbank" />
                 <element name="" file="" ftype="genbank"/>
             <output name="html" file="index.2.html"/>
--- a/test-data/ARBH01000003.1.cluster001	Sat Feb 10 02:37:49 2018 -0500
+++ b/test-data/ARBH01000003.1.cluster001	Sun Aug 09 10:15:12 2020 -0400
@@ -10,12 +10,15 @@
 FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
      source          1..3500
-                     /organism="Amycolatopsis balhimycina FH 1894"
-                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
-                     /strain="DSM 44591"
+                     /mol_type="genomic DNA"
+                     /organism="Amycolatopsis balhimycina FH 1894"
+                     /strain="DSM 44591"
      cluster         1..3500
+                     /contig_edge="True"
+                     /cutoff=20000
+                     /extension=20000
                      /note="Cluster number: 1"
                      /note="Detection rule(s) for this cluster type: t1pks:
                      ((PKS_KS & PKS_AT) or (ene_KS & PKS_AT) or (mod_KS &
@@ -23,16 +26,31 @@
                      (tra_KS & PKS_AT));"
                      /note="Monomers prediction: (mal)"
                      /note="Structure image: structures/genecluster1.png"
-                     /cutoff=20000
-                     /extension=20000
-                     /contig_edge="True"
      CDS             3..3500
+                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
                      SMCOG1001:short-chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_SDR (Score:
                      64.2; E-value: 2.2e-19);"
-                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
+                     /sec_met="Type: t1pks"
+                     /sec_met="Domains detected: PP-binding (E-value: 1.3e-15,
+                     bitscore: 44.0, seeds: 164); PKS_AT (E-value: 8.7e-82,
+                     bitscore: 260.9, seeds: 1682); mod_KS (E-value: 9.4e-224,
+                     bitscore: 729.0, seeds: 217); adh_short (E-value: 7.1e-52,
+                     bitscore: 162.1, seeds: 230)"
+                     /sec_met="Kind: biosynthetic"
+                     /sec_met="NRPS/PKS subtype: Type I Modular PKS"
+                     /sec_met="NRPS/PKS Domain: PKS_KR (60-237). E-value:
+                     1.4e-53. Score: 173.1; Predicted KR activity: active;
+                     Predicted KR stereochemistry: A2;"
+                     /sec_met="NRPS/PKS Domain: ACP (341-412). E-value: 7.8e-31.
+                     Score: 97.8;"
+                     /sec_met="NRPS/PKS Domain: PKS_KS (434-858). E-value:
+                     3e-179. Score: 587.9;"
+                     /sec_met="NRPS/PKS Domain: PKS_AT (958-1166). E-value:
+                     4e-80. Score: 260.9; Substrate specificity predictions: mal
+                     (PKS signature), mal (Minowa), mal (consensus);"
@@ -54,81 +72,64 @@
-                     /sec_met="Type: t1pks"
-                     /sec_met="Domains detected: PP-binding (E-value: 1.3e-15,
-                     bitscore: 44.0, seeds: 164); PKS_AT (E-value: 8.7e-82,
-                     bitscore: 260.9, seeds: 1682); mod_KS (E-value: 9.4e-224,
-                     bitscore: 729.0, seeds: 217); adh_short (E-value: 7.1e-52,
-                     bitscore: 162.1, seeds: 230)"
-                     /sec_met="Kind: biosynthetic"
-                     /sec_met="NRPS/PKS subtype: Type I Modular PKS"
-                     /sec_met="NRPS/PKS Domain: PKS_KR (60-237). E-value:
-                     1.4e-53. Score: 173.1; Predicted KR activity: active;
-                     Predicted KR stereochemistry: A2;"
-                     /sec_met="NRPS/PKS Domain: ACP (341-412). E-value: 7.8e-31.
-                     Score: 97.8;"
-                     /sec_met="NRPS/PKS Domain: PKS_KS (434-858). E-value:
-                     3e-179. Score: 587.9;"
-                     /sec_met="NRPS/PKS Domain: PKS_AT (958-1166). E-value:
-                     4e-80. Score: 260.9; Substrate specificity predictions: mal
-                     (PKS signature), mal (Minowa), mal (consensus);"
      aSDomain        183..713
-                     /domain="PKS_KR"
-                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksdomains_ctg1_1_KR1"
+                     /database="nrpspksdomains.hmm"
-                     /database="nrpspksdomains.hmm"
+                     /domain="PKS_KR"
+                     /label="ctg1_1_KR1"
+                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
+                     /specificity="KR activity: active"
+                     /specificity="KR stereochemistry: A2"
-                     /label="ctg1_1_KR1"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksdomains_ctg1_1_KR1"
-                     /specificity="KR activity: active"
-                     /specificity="KR stereochemistry: A2"
      CDS_motif       192..284
-                     /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-KR_m1 (e-value: 3.8e-15,
-                     bit-score: 48.4)"
+                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0001"
+                     /database="abmotifs"
+                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /evalue="3.80E-15"
+                     /label="PKSI-KR_m1"
-                     /database="abmotifs"
-                     /evalue="3.80E-15"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0001"
-                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-KR_m1 (e-value: 3.8e-15,
+                     bit-score: 48.4)"
+                     /translation="LITGGTGTLAPHLARWLAEQGAEHIVLTSRT"
+     CDS_motif       555..665
-                     /translation="LITGGTGTLAPHLARWLAEQGAEHIVLTSRT"
-                     /label="PKSI-KR_m1"
-     CDS_motif       555..665
-                     /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-KR_m4 (e-value: 1.6e-14,
-                     bit-score: 46.4)"
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0002"
+                     /database="abmotifs"
+                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /evalue="1.60E-14"
+                     /label="PKSI-KR_m4"
-                     /database="abmotifs"
-                     /evalue="1.60E-14"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0002"
-                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-KR_m4 (e-value: 1.6e-14,
+                     bit-score: 46.4)"
-                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
-                     /label="PKSI-KR_m4"
      aSDomain        1026..1238
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksdomains_ctg1_1_Xdom01"
+                     /database="nrpspksdomains.hmm"
+                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /evalue="7.80E-31"
-                     /detection="hmmscan"
-                     /database="nrpspksdomains.hmm"
-                     /evalue="7.80E-31"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksdomains_ctg1_1_Xdom01"
      aSDomain        1305..2576
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksdomains_ctg1_1_Xdom02"
+                     /database="nrpspksdomains.hmm"
+                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /evalue="3.00E-179"
-                     /detection="hmmscan"
-                     /database="nrpspksdomains.hmm"
-                     /evalue="3.00E-179"
@@ -138,114 +139,113 @@
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksdomains_ctg1_1_Xdom02"
      CDS_motif       1788..1835
-                     /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-KS_m3 (e-value: 2e-06,
-                     bit-score: 19.7)"
+                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0003"
+                     /database="abmotifs"
+                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /evalue="2.00E-06"
+                     /label="PKSI-KS_m3"
-                     /database="abmotifs"
-                     /evalue="2.00E-06"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0003"
-                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-KS_m3 (e-value: 2e-06,
+                     bit-score: 19.7)"
+                     /translation="GPAVTLDTACSSSLVA"
+     CDS_motif       2211..2255
-                     /translation="GPAVTLDTACSSSLVA"
-                     /label="PKSI-KS_m3"
-     CDS_motif       2211..2255
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0004"
+                     /database="abmotifs"
+                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /evalue="1.90E-03"
+                     /label="PKSI-KS_m5"
+                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
+                     /motif="PKSI-KS_m5"
                      /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-KS_m5 (e-value: 0.0019,
                      bit-score: 10.8)"
-                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
-                     /motif="PKSI-KS_m5"
+                     /score="10.8"
+                     /translation="IEGHGTGTALGDPIE"
+     CDS_motif       2310..2354
+                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0005"
-                     /evalue="1.90E-03"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0004"
-                     /score="10.8"
-                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
-                     /translation="IEGHGTGTALGDPIE"
-                     /label="PKSI-KS_m5"
-     CDS_motif       2310..2354
+                     /evalue="1.10E-03"
+                     /label="PKSI-KS_m6"
+                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
+                     /motif="PKSI-KS_m6"
                      /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-KS_m6 (e-value: 0.0011,
                      bit-score: 11.5)"
-                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
-                     /motif="PKSI-KS_m6"
+                     /score="11.5"
+                     /translation="GSVKSNIGHTQMASG"
+     CDS_motif       2874..2927
+                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0006"
-                     /evalue="1.10E-03"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0005"
-                     /score="11.5"
-                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
-                     /translation="GSVKSNIGHTQMASG"
-                     /label="PKSI-KS_m6"
-     CDS_motif       2874..2927
-                     /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-AT-mM_m1 (e-value: 2.3e-06,
-                     bit-score: 19.8)"
+                     /evalue="2.30E-06"
+                     /label="PKSI-AT-mM_m1"
-                     /database="abmotifs"
-                     /evalue="2.30E-06"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0006"
-                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-AT-mM_m1 (e-value: 2.3e-06,
+                     bit-score: 19.8)"
-                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
-                     /label="PKSI-AT-mM_m1"
      aSDomain        2877..3500
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksdomains_ctg1_1_AT1"
+                     /database="nrpspksdomains.hmm"
+                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /evalue="4.00E-80"
+                     /label="ctg1_1_AT1"
-                     /detection="hmmscan"
-                     /database="nrpspksdomains.hmm"
-                     /evalue="4.00E-80"
+                     /specificity="PKS signature: mal"
+                     /specificity="Minowa: mal"
+                     /specificity="consensus: mal"
-                     /label="ctg1_1_AT1"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksdomains_ctg1_1_AT1"
-                     /specificity="PKS signature: mal"
-                     /specificity="Minowa: mal"
-                     /specificity="consensus: mal"
      CDS_motif       3033..3095
-                     /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-AT-mM_m2 (e-value: 0.0032,
-                     bit-score: 10.9)"
+                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0007"
+                     /database="abmotifs"
+                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /evalue="3.20E-03"
+                     /label="PKSI-AT-mM_m2"
-                     /database="abmotifs"
-                     /evalue="3.20E-03"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0007"
-                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-AT-mM_m2 (e-value: 0.0032,
+                     bit-score: 10.9)"
+                     /translation="DETGYTQPALFAFEVALFRLL"
+     CDS_motif       3105..3227
-                     /translation="DETGYTQPALFAFEVALFRLL"
-                     /label="PKSI-AT-mM_m2"
-     CDS_motif       3105..3227
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0008"
+                     /database="abmotifs"
+                     /detection="hmmscan"
+                     /evalue="2.30E-22"
+                     /label="PKSI-AT-M_m3"
+                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
+                     /motif="PKSI-AT-M_m3"
                      /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-AT-M_m3 (e-value: 2.3e-22,
                      bit-score: 71.3)"
-                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
-                     /motif="PKSI-AT-M_m3"
+                     /score="71.3"
+     CDS_motif       3312..3350
+                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
+                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0009"
-                     /evalue="2.30E-22"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0008"
-                     /score="71.3"
-                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
-                     /label="PKSI-AT-M_m3"
-     CDS_motif       3312..3350
+                     /evalue="4.70E-04"
+                     /label="PKSI-AT-M_m5"
+                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
+                     /motif="PKSI-AT-M_m5"
                      /note="NRPS/PKS Motif: PKSI-AT-M_m5 (e-value: 0.00047,
                      bit-score: 13.4)"
-                     /locus_tag="ctg1_1"
-                     /motif="PKSI-AT-M_m5"
-                     /database="abmotifs"
-                     /evalue="4.70E-04"
-                     /asDomain_id="nrpspksmotif_ctg1_1_0009"
-                     /detection="hmmscan"
-                     /aSTool="pksnrpsmotif"
-                     /label="PKSI-AT-M_m5"
         1 ggggcggcgt gctcgccctg cccgccgagc tggaccgccg cggcggcgac cggctggcgg
        61 ctgtgctgtc cggcgccacc ggcgaagacc agctggccat ccgcgccgcc ggcgtgttcg
--- a/test-data/index.2.html	Sat Feb 10 02:37:49 2018 -0500
+++ b/test-data/index.2.html	Sun Aug 09 10:15:12 2020 -0400
@@ -1,273 +1,114 @@
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-      <h3>Identified secondary metabolite clusters<span id="truncated"></span></h3>
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-            <th>Type</th>
-            <th>From</th>
-            <th>To</th>
-            <th>Most similar known cluster</th>
-            <th>MIBiG BGC-ID</th>
-          </tr>
-        </thead>
-        <tbody>
-        <tr class="separator-row"><td class="separator-text" colspan="2">The following clusters are from record ARBH01000003.1:</td></tr><tr><td class="clbutton t1pks"><a href="#cluster-1">Cluster 1</a></td><td><a href="" target="_blank">T1pks</a></td><td class="digits">1</td><td class="digits">3500</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr></tbody>
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-    <div class="page" id="cluster-1"><h3>ARBH01000003 - Cluster 1 - T1pks</h3><div class="sidepanel"><div class="structure"><h3>Predicted core structure</h3><a href="images/nostructure_icon.png" target="_new"><img src="images/nostructure_icon.png"></a><div class="as-structure-warning">Rough prediction of core scaffold based on assumed PKS/NRPS colinearity; tailoring reactions not taken into account</div></div><div class="more-details"><h3>Prediction details</h3><dl class="prediction-text"><dt>Monomers prediction:</dt><dd>(mal)</dd><dt>ctg1_1</dt><dd>PKS signature: mal<br></dd><dd>Minowa: mal<br></dd><dd>consensus: mal<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="content"><div class="description-container"><h3>Gene cluster description</h3><div class="cluster-download"><a href="ARBH01000003.1.cluster001.gbk">Download cluster GenBank file</a></div><div class="description-text">ARBH01000003 - Gene Cluster 1. Type = t1pks. Location: 1 - 3500 nt. Click on genes for more information.</div><a class="cluster-rules-header" id="cluster-1-rules-header" href="#cluster-1">Show pHMM detection rules used</a><div class="cluster-rules" id="cluster-1-rules">t1pks: ((PKS_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (ene_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (mod_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (hyb_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (itr_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (tra_KS &amp; PKS_AT))<br></div><div id="cluster-1-svg"></div></div><div class="legend"><h4>Legend:</h4><div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-biosynthetic"></div><div class="legend-label">core biosynthetic genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-biosynthetic-additional"></div><div class="legend-label">additional biosynthetic genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-transport"></div><div class="legend-label">transport-related genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-regulatory"></div><div class="legend-label">regulatory genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-other"></div><div class="legend-label">other genes</div></div></div></div><div class="details"><h3>Detailed annotation</h3><div class="details-svg" id="cluster-1-details-svg"></div></div></div></div><div id="footer">
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-function switch_to_cluster() {
-    setTimeout(function() {
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-        $("li.clbutton").removeClass("active");
-        var anchor =;
-        if (anchor == "") {
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-        if (anchor != "overview") {
-          $("li.clbutton." + anchor).addClass("active");
-        }
-        if (geneclusters[anchor] !== undefined) {
-            svgene.drawClusters(anchor+"-svg", [geneclusters[anchor]], 20, 700);
-        }
-        if ($("#" + anchor + "-details-svg").length > 0) {
-            jsdomain.drawDomains(anchor+ "-details-svg", details_data[anchor], 40, 700);
-        }
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-        anchor = "cluster-0";
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-    var next_cluster_number = cluster_number + 1;
-    if (next_cluster_number <= num_clusters) {
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-    } else {
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-    switch_to_cluster();
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-function previous_cluster() {
-    var num_clusters = Object.keys(geneclusters).length;
-    var url = $.url();
-    var anchor =;
-    var href = "#" + anchor;
-    if (anchor == "" || anchor == "overview") {
-        anchor = "cluster-0";
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-        href = "#overview";
-    } else if (prev_cluster_number < 0){
-        href = "#cluster-" + num_clusters;
-    } else {
-        href = "#cluster-" + prev_cluster_number;
-    }
-    window.location.href = href;
-    switch_to_cluster();
-function toggle_cluster_rules(ev) {
-    ev.preventDefault();
-    var id = $(this).attr('id').replace(/-header/, '');
-    var rules = $('#' + id);
-    if (rules.css('display') == "none") {
-        $(this).text('Hide pHMM detection rules used');
-    } else {
-        $(this).text('Show pHMM detection rules used');
-    }
-    rules.fadeToggle("fast", "linear");
-function map_type_to_desc(type) {
-    switch(type) {
-      case "nrps": return "NRPS";
-      case "t1pks": return "Type I PKS";
-      case "t2pks": return "Type II PKS";
-      case "t3pks": return "Type III PKS";
-      case "t4pks": return "Type IV PKS";
-      default: return type;
-    }
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-    window.prompt ("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", text);
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-          return;
-        }
-        if (classes[1] == 'separator') {
-          return;
-        }
-        var cluster_type = map_type_to_desc(classes[1]);
-        var label = $('#cluster-type');
-"orig_text", label.text());
-        label.text(cluster_type + ":");
-    }).mouseout(function() {
-        /* and reset the select cluster label text */
-        var label = $('#cluster-type');
-        label.text("orig_text"));
-    });
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-        var url = $(this).val();
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-            $('#' + id + '-svg').html(data);
-            clusterblast.init(id + '-svg');
-            //            id =
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-        $('#' + id + '-download').click(function () {
-            var url = $("#" + id + "-select").val();
-  , '_blank');
-        });
-    });
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-        $.get(url, function(data) {
-            $('#' + id + '-svg').html(data);
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-        $('#' + id + '-download').click(function () {
-            var url = $("#" + id + "-select").val();
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-      <h3>Identified secondary metabolite clusters<span id="truncated"></span></h3>
-      <table id="cluster-overview">
-        <thead>
-          <tr>
-            <th>Cluster</th>
-            <th>Type</th>
-            <th>From</th>
-            <th>To</th>
-            <th>Most similar known cluster</th>
-            <th>MIBiG BGC-ID</th>
-          </tr>
-        </thead>
-        <tbody>
-        <tr class="separator-row"><td class="separator-text" colspan="2">The following clusters are from record ARBH01000003.1:</td></tr><tr><td class="clbutton t1pks"><a href="#cluster-1">Cluster 1</a></td><td><a href="" target="_blank">T1pks</a></td><td class="digits">1</td><td class="digits">3500</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr></tbody>
-      </table>
-    </div>
+  </div>
-    <div class="page" id="cluster-1"><h3>ARBH01000003.1 - Cluster 1 - T1pks</h3><div class="sidepanel"><div class="structure"><h3>Predicted core structure</h3><a href="images/nostructure_icon.png" target="_new"><img src="images/nostructure_icon.png"></a><div class="as-structure-warning">Rough prediction of core scaffold based on assumed PKS/NRPS colinearity; tailoring reactions not taken into account</div></div><div class="more-details"><h3>Prediction details</h3><dl class="prediction-text"><dt>Monomers prediction:</dt><dd>(mal)</dd><dt>ctg1_1</dt><dd>PKS signature: mal<br></dd><dd>Minowa: mal<br></dd><dd>consensus: mal<br></dd></dl></div></div><div class="content"><div class="description-container"><h3>Gene cluster description</h3><div class="cluster-download"><a href="ARBH01000003.1.cluster001.gbk">Download cluster GenBank file</a></div><div class="description-text">ARBH01000003.1 - Gene Cluster 1. Type = t1pks. Location: 1 - 3500 nt. Click on genes for more information.</div><a class="cluster-rules-header" id="cluster-1-rules-header" href="#cluster-1">Show pHMM detection rules used</a><div class="cluster-rules" id="cluster-1-rules">t1pks: ((PKS_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (ene_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (mod_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (hyb_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (itr_KS &amp; PKS_AT) or (tra_KS &amp; PKS_AT))<br></div><div id="cluster-1-svg"></div></div><div class="legend"><h4>Legend:</h4><div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-biosynthetic"></div><div class="legend-label">core biosynthetic genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-biosynthetic-additional"></div><div class="legend-label">additional biosynthetic genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-transport"></div><div class="legend-label">transport-related genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-regulatory"></div><div class="legend-label">regulatory genes</div></div><div><div class="legend-field legend-type-other"></div><div class="legend-label">other genes</div></div></div></div><div class="details"><h3>Detailed annotation</h3><div class="details-svg" id="cluster-1-details-svg"></div></div></div></div><div id="footer">
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+     <h3>Identified secondary metabolite regions using strictness &#39;relaxed&#39;<span id="truncated"></span></h3>
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+     <div class="record-overview-header">
+       <strong>ARBH01000003.1</strong>
-      <div id="copyright">
-        If you have found antiSMASH useful, please <a href="">cite us</a>.
+      <div class="record-overview-details">
+        <svg id="record-minimap-1" class="record-overview-svg" height="1" width="1"></svg>
+        <table class="region-table">
+ <thead>
+  <tr>
+   <th>Region</th>
+   <th>Type</th>
+   <th>From</th>
+   <th>To</th>
+   <th colspan="2">Most similar known cluster</th>
+   <th>Similarity</th>
+  </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr class="linked-row odd" data-anchor="#r1c1">
+     <td class="regbutton T1PKS r1c1">
+      <a href="#r1c1">Region&nbsp1</a>
+     </td>
+     <td>
+       <a class="external-link" href="" target="_blank">T1PKS</a>
+     </td>
+     <td class="digits">1</td>
+     <td class="digits table-split-left">3,500</td>
+      <td colspan="3"></td>
+   </tr>
+ </tbody>
+      </div>
+     </div>
+    </div>
+   </div>
+  </div>
+<div class="page" id='r1c1' style="display: none;">
+ <div class="region-grid">
+  <div class = "content">
+    <div class ="description-container">
+      <div class="heading"> ARBH01000003.1 - Region 1 - T1PKS <div class="help-container"> <div class="help-icon" data-id="region_svg-help-4"></div> <span class="help-tooltip" id="region_svg-help-4">Shows the layout of the region, marking coding sequences and areas of interest. Clicking a gene will select it and show any relevant details. Clicking an area feature (e.g. a candidate cluster) will select all coding sequences within that area. Double clicking an area feature will zoom to that area. Multiple genes and area features can be selected by clicking them while holding the Ctrl key.<br>More detailed help is available <a class='external-link' href='' target='_blank'>here</a>.</span></div></div>
+      <div class="region-download">
+        <a href = ARBH01000003.1.region001.gbk>Download region GenBank file</a>
+      </div>
+      <div class = 'description-text'>
+        Location: 1 - 3,500 nt. (total: 3,500 nt)
+        <a class="cluster-rules-header" id="r1c1-rules-header" href="#r1c1">Show pHMM detection rules used</a>
+          <div class="contig-edge-warning">Region on contig edge.</div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="cluster-rules" id="r1c1-rules">T1PKS: cds(PKS_AT and (PKS_KS or ene_KS or mod_KS or hyb_KS or itr_KS or tra_KS))</div>
+      <div class="region-svg-container">
+       <div id='r1c1-svg'>
+       </div>
-    <script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
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-    <script src="js/d3.v2.js"></script>
-    <script src="js/svgene.js"></script>
-    <script src="js/jsdomain.js"></script>
-    <script src="js/clusterblast.js"></script>
-    <script src="js/domainalign.js"></script>
-    <script src="geneclusters.js"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-function toggle_downloadmenu(event) {
-    event.preventDefault();
-    $("#downloadmenu").fadeToggle("fast", "linear");
-function switch_to_cluster() {
-    setTimeout(function() {
-        var url = $.url();
-        $(".page").hide();
-        $("li.clbutton").removeClass("active");
-        var anchor =;
-        if (anchor == "") {
-            anchor = "overview";
-        }
-        $("#" + anchor).show();
-        if (anchor != "overview") {
-          $("li.clbutton." + anchor).addClass("active");
-        }
-        if (geneclusters[anchor] !== undefined) {
-            svgene.drawClusters(anchor+"-svg", [geneclusters[anchor]], 20, 700);
-        }
-        if ($("#" + anchor + "-details-svg").length > 0) {
-            jsdomain.drawDomains(anchor+ "-details-svg", details_data[anchor], 40, 700);
-        }
-        $("#" + anchor + " .clusterblast-selector").change();
-        $("#" + anchor + " .domainalign-selector").change();
-    }, 1);
+    <div class="legend">
+      <h4>Legend:</h4>
+      <div class="legend-items">
+        <div class="button-like legend-selector" data-id="legend-type-biosynthetic">
+      <div class="legend-field legend-type-biosynthetic"></div>
+      <div class="legend-label">core biosynthetic genes</div>
+    </div>
+        <div class="button-like legend-selector" data-id="legend-type-biosynthetic-additional">
+      <div class="legend-field legend-type-biosynthetic-additional"></div>
+      <div class="legend-label">additional biosynthetic genes</div>
+    </div>
+        <div class="button-like legend-selector" data-id="legend-type-transport">
+      <div class="legend-field legend-type-transport"></div>
+      <div class="legend-label">transport-related genes</div>
+    </div>
+        <div class="button-like legend-selector" data-id="legend-type-regulatory">
+      <div class="legend-field legend-type-regulatory"></div>
+      <div class="legend-label">regulatory genes</div>
+    </div>
+        <div class="button-like legend-selector" data-id="legend-type-other">
+      <div class="legend-field legend-type-other"></div>
+      <div class="legend-label">other genes</div>
+    </div>
+        <div style="margin-right: 2em;"></div>
+        <div class="button-like legend-selector" data-id="legend-resistance">
+        <div class="legend-symbol">
+            <svg viewbox="0 0 8 8">
+                <rect x=0 y=2 height=4 width=8 class="svgene-resistance"></rect>
+            </svg>
+        </div>
+        <div class="legend-label">resistance</div>
+    </div>
+            <div class="button-like legend-selector" data-id="legend-tta-codon">
+        <div class="legend-symbol">
+                <svg viewbox="0 0 6 6">
+                    <polyline class="svgene-tta-codon" points="3,0 0,6 6,6 3,0"></rect>
+                </svg>
+            </div>
+        <div class="legend-label">TTA codons</div>
+    </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="zoom-buttons">
+      <div class="button-like zoom-button zoom-reset"><img src="images/expand-arrows-alt-solid.svg" alt="reset zoom">reset view</div>
+      <div class="button-like zoom-button zoom-in"><img src="images/search-solid.svg" alt="zoom">zoom to selection</div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
-function next_cluster() {
-    var num_clusters = Object.keys(geneclusters).length;
-    var url = $.url();
-    var anchor =;
-    var href = "#" + anchor;
-    if (anchor == "" || anchor == "overview") {
-        anchor = "cluster-0";
-    }
-    var cluster_number = parseInt(anchor.split('-')[1]);
-    var next_cluster_number = cluster_number + 1;
-    if (next_cluster_number <= num_clusters) {
-        href = "#cluster-" + next_cluster_number;
-    } else {
-        href = "#overview";
-    }
-    window.location.href = href;
-    switch_to_cluster();
-function previous_cluster() {
-    var num_clusters = Object.keys(geneclusters).length;
-    var url = $.url();
-    var anchor =;
-    var href = "#" + anchor;
-    if (anchor == "" || anchor == "overview") {
-        anchor = "cluster-0";
-    }
-    var cluster_number = parseInt(anchor.split('-')[1]);
-    var prev_cluster_number = cluster_number - 1;
-    if (prev_cluster_number == 0 ) {
-        href = "#overview";
-    } else if (prev_cluster_number < 0){
-        href = "#cluster-" + num_clusters;
-    } else {
-        href = "#cluster-" + prev_cluster_number;
-    }
-    window.location.href = href;
-    switch_to_cluster();
-function toggle_cluster_rules(ev) {
-    ev.preventDefault();
-    var id = $(this).attr('id').replace(/-header/, '');
-    var rules = $('#' + id);
-    if (rules.css('display') == "none") {
-        $(this).text('Hide pHMM detection rules used');
-    } else {
-        $(this).text('Show pHMM detection rules used');
-    }
-    rules.fadeToggle("fast", "linear");
+  <div class="focus-panel">
+    <div class="heading">
+      <span>Gene details</span>
+      <div class="help-container"> <div class="help-icon" data-id="focus-panel-help-5"></div> <span class="help-tooltip" id="focus-panel-help-5">Shows details of the most recently selected gene, including names, products, location, and other annotations.</span></div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="focus-panel-content focus-panel-content-r1c1">
+        <div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 30%;">
+            Select a gene to view the details available for it
+        </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
-function map_type_to_desc(type) {
-    switch(type) {
-      case "nrps": return "NRPS";
-      case "t1pks": return "Type I PKS";
-      case "t2pks": return "Type II PKS";
-      case "t3pks": return "Type III PKS";
-      case "t4pks": return "Type IV PKS";
-      default: return type;
-    }
-function copyToClipboard (text) {
-    window.prompt ("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", text);
-$(document).ready(function() {
-    $("#download").click(toggle_downloadmenu);
-    $("#next-cluster").click(next_cluster);
-    $("#prev-cluster").click(previous_cluster);
-    $(".clbutton").click(function() {
-        /* Make sure that even if user missed the link and clicked the
-           background we still have the correct anchor */
-        var href = $(this).children().first().attr('href');
-        if (href === undefined) {
-            return;
-        }
-        window.location.href = href;
+  <div class="body-details">
+    <div class="body-details-headers">
+      <div class="body-details-header r1c1-nrps_pks" data-name="r1c1-nrps_pks">
+        NRPS/PKS domains
+      </div>
+      <div class="body-details-header r1c1-knownclusterblast" data-name="r1c1-knownclusterblast">
+        KnownClusterBlast
+      </div>
+      <div class="body-details-header r1c1-subclusterblast" data-name="r1c1-subclusterblast">
+        SubClusterBlast
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="body-details-section r1c1-nrps_pks">
+      <div class="details">
+    <div class="heading">
+      <span>Detailed domain annotation</span>
+      <div class="help-container"> <div class="help-icon" data-id="nrps-domain-help-1"></div> <span class="help-tooltip" id="nrps-domain-help-1">Shows <a href='' target='_blank'>NRPS</a>- and <a href='' target='_blank'>PKS</a>-related domains for each feature that contains them. Click on each domain for more information about the domain's location, consensus monomer prediction, and other details.<br>A glossary is available <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a>.</span></div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="nrps-pks-domain-buttons">
+      <div class="domains-selected-only switch-container"><span class="switch-desc">Selected features only</span> <label class="switch">  <input class="domains-selected-only" type="checkbox">  <span class="slider"></span> </label></div>
+      <div class="show-module-domains switch-container"><span class="switch-desc">Show module domains</span> <label class="switch">  <input class="show-module-domains" type="checkbox">  <span class="slider"></span> </label></div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="details-svg" id="r1c1-details-svg"></div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="body-details-section r1c1-knownclusterblast">
+      <div class = "knownclusterblast">
+    <div class="heading">
+      <span>Similar known gene clusters</span>
+      <div class="help-container"> <div class="help-icon" data-id="cb-known-help-2"></div> <span class="help-tooltip" id="cb-known-help-2">Shows clusters from the MiBIG database that are similar to the current region. Genes marked with the same colour are interrelated. White genes have no relationship.<br>Click on reference genes to show details of similarities to genes within the current region.<br>Click on an accession to open that entry in the MiBIG database.</span></div>
+    </div>
+  <div>
+    <p>No matches found.</p>
+  </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="body-details-section r1c1-subclusterblast">
+      <div class = "subclusterblast">
+    <div class="heading">
+      <span>Similar subclusters</span>
+      <div class="help-container"> <div class="help-icon" data-id="cb-sub-help-3"></div> <span class="help-tooltip" id="cb-sub-help-3">Shows sub-cluster units that are similar to the current region. Genes marked with the same colour are interrelated. White genes have no relationship.<br>Click on reference genes to show details of similarities to genes within the current region.</span></div>
+    </div>
+  <div>
+    <p>No matches found.</p>
+  </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
-        switch_to_cluster();
-    }).mouseover(function() {
-        /* Set the select cluster label text to cluster type */
-        var classes = $(this).attr('class').split(' ');
-        if (classes.length < 2) {
-          return;
-        }
-        if (classes[1] == 'separator') {
-          return;
-        }
-        var cluster_type = map_type_to_desc(classes[1]);
-        var label = $('#cluster-type');
-"orig_text", label.text());
-        label.text(cluster_type + ":");
-    }).mouseout(function() {
-        /* and reset the select cluster label text */
-        var label = $('#cluster-type');
-        label.text("orig_text"));
-    });
+  <div class="sidepanel">
+    <div class="sidepanel-details-headers">
+    </div>
+  </div>
+ </div>
-    $('.clusterblast-selector').change(function() {
-        var id = $(this).attr('id').replace('-select', '');
-        var url = $(this).val();
-        $.get(url, function(data) {
-            $('#' + id + '-svg').html(data);
-            clusterblast.init(id + '-svg');
-            //            id =
-        }, 'html');
-        $('#' + id + '-download').off('click');
-        $('#' + id + '-download').click(function () {
-            var url = $("#" + id + "-select").val();
-  , '_blank');
-        });
-    });
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+      <div class="cite-me">
+        If you have found antiSMASH useful, please <a href="!/about">cite us</a>.
+      </div>
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+        <img src="images/bacteria_antismash_icon.svg" style="height:100px;width:unset;">
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </footer>
-    $('.domainalign-selector').change(function() {
-        var id = $(this).attr('id').replace('-select', '');
-        var url = $(this).val();
-        $.get(url, function(data) {
-            $('#' + id + '-svg').html(data);
-            domainalign.init(id + '-svg');
-            //            id =
-        }, 'html');
-        $('#' + id + '-download').off('click');
-        $('#' + id + '-download').click(function () {
-            var url = $("#" + id + "-select").val();
-  , '_blank');
-        });
-    });
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+  <script src="js/antismash.js"></script>
+  <script src="regions.js"></script>
+  <script>
+    $(document).ready(function() {
+        viewer["start"](all_regions, details_data, recordData);
+    })
+  </script>
-    $('.cluster-rules-header').click(toggle_cluster_rules);
-    switch_to_cluster();
-    </script>
-  </body>
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\ No newline at end of file