diff cmsearch-deoverlap.pl @ 0:571e644de888 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/bgruening/galaxytools/tree/master/tools/rna_tools/cmsearch_deoverlap commit 675c458c910bb85bd472e25209fa1df43179efb6
author bgruening
date Sat, 19 Aug 2023 05:25:46 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cmsearch-deoverlap.pl	Sat Aug 19 05:25:46 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# cmsearch-deoverlap.pl: remove lower scoring overlaps from cmsearch
+#                        --tblout files.
+# EPN, Mon May  8 08:41:36 2017
+# The EMG Team took a SNAPSHOT of this script on Thurs July 13 2017 from src:
+# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nawrockie/cmsearch_tblout_deoverlap/master/cmsearch-deoverlap.pl
+# Without --maxkeep this script will exactly reproduce how cmscan removes overlapping hits.
+# With --maxkeep, it won't. Here's an example to explain the difference:
+##target name         accession query name           accession mdl mdl from   mdl to seq from   seq to strand trunc pass   gc  bias  score   E-value inc description of target
+##------------------- --------- -------------------- --------- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ----- ---- ---- ----- ------ --------- --- ---------------------
+#1. contig--151565       -         LSU_rRNA_eukarya     RF02543   hmm      632     2329      410     1883      +     -    6 0.48   1.1  726.0  1.1e-216 !   -
+#2. contig--151565       -         LSU_rRNA_archaea     RF02540   hmm      170     2084       12     1882      +     -    6 0.47   3.0  490.0  2.3e-145 !   -
+#3. contig--151565       -         LSU_rRNA_bacteria    RF02541   hmm      187     2005       10     1883      +     -    6 0.47   5.7  331.4   1.8e-97 !   -
+#4. contig--151565       -         LSU_rRNA_eukarya     RF02543   hmm       29      431       12      366      +     -    6 0.41   7.8  100.0   6.3e-28 !   -
+# hit 1: 410..1883 euk
+# hit 2: 12..1182 arc
+# hit 3: 10..1883 bac
+# hit 4: 12..366 euk
+# Without --maxkeep (default behavior) hits 2, 3, and 4 will be removed because for all 3, there is a better scoring hit
+# that overlaps.
+# With --maxkeep only hits 2 and 3 will be removed because only those 2 have
+# higher scoring hits that overlap with them AND are not removed. If we remove only hits 2 and 3
+# hits 1 and 4 no longer overlap.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+my $in_tblout  = "";   # name of input tblout file
+my $usage;
+$usage  = "cmsearch-deoverlap.pl    [OPTIONS] <tblout file>\n\tOR\n";
+$usage .= "cmsearch-deoverlap.pl -l [OPTIONS] <list of tblout files>\n\n";
+$usage .= "\tOPTIONS:\n";
+$usage .= "\t\t-l           : single command line argument is a list of tblout files, not a single tblout file\n";
+$usage .= "\t\t-s           : sort hits by bit score [default: sort by E-value]\n";
+$usage .= "\t\t-d           : run in debugging mode (prints extra info)\n";
+$usage .= "\t\t--clanin <s> : only remove overlaps within clans, read clan info from file <s> [default: remove all overlaps]\n";
+$usage .= "\t\t--maxkeep    : keep hits that only overlap with other hits that are not kept [default: remove all hits with higher scoring overlap]\n";
+$usage .= "\t\t--dirty      : keep intermediate files (sorted tblout files)\n\n";
+my $do_listfile      = 0;     # set to '1' if -l used
+my $rank_by_score    = 0;     # set to '1' if -s used, rank by score, not evalues
+my $do_debug         = 0;     # set to '1' if -d used
+my $in_clanin        = undef; # defined if --clanin option used
+my $do_maxkeep       = 0;     # set to '1' if --maxkeep, only remove hits that have 
+                              # higher scoring overlap that is not removed
+my $do_dirty         = 0;     # set to '1' if --dirty used, keep intermediate files
+&GetOptions( "-l"       => \$do_listfile, 
+             "-s"       => \$rank_by_score,
+             "-d"       => \$do_debug,
+             "clanin=s" => \$in_clanin,
+             "maxkeep"  => \$do_maxkeep, 
+             "keep"     => \$do_dirty);
+if(scalar(@ARGV) != 1) { die $usage; }
+($in_tblout) = @ARGV;
+my @tblout_file_A = ();
+if($do_listfile) { 
+  # read the list file
+  my $list_file = $in_tblout;
+  open(IN, $list_file) || die "ERROR unable to open $list_file for reading"; 
+  while(my $line = <IN>) { 
+    if($line =~ m/\w/ && $line !~ m/^\#/) { 
+      chomp $line;
+      if(! -e $line) { die "ERROR file $line read from $list_file does not exist"; }
+      if(! -s $line) { die "ERROR file $line read from $list_file is empty"; }
+      push(@tblout_file_A, $line);
+    }
+  }
+  close(IN);
+else { 
+  $tblout_file_A[0] = $in_tblout;
+my %clan_H = (); # key: model name, value: clan name
+if(defined $in_clanin) { 
+  %clan_H = ();
+  parse_claninfo($in_clanin, \%clan_H)
+my $sort_cmd           = undef; # command used to sort the tblout file
+my $sorted_tblout_file = undef; # sorted tblout file to create, temporarily
+my $output_file        = undef; # name of output file we create 
+my $out_FH             = undef; # output file handle 
+my $nkept              = undef; # number of sequences kept from a file 
+my $nremoved           = undef; # number of sequences removed from a file 
+foreach my $tblout_file (@tblout_file_A) { 
+  if(! -e $tblout_file) { die "ERROR tblout file $tblout_file does not exist"; }
+  if(! -s $tblout_file) { die "ERROR tblout file $tblout_file is empty"; }
+  # sort tblout file by target sequence name
+  $sorted_tblout_file = $tblout_file . ".sort";
+  $sort_cmd = ((defined $rank_by_score) && ($rank_by_score == 1)) ? 
+      "grep -v ^\# $tblout_file | sort -k 1,1 -k 15,15rn -k 16,16g > $sorted_tblout_file" : 
+      "grep -v ^\# $tblout_file | sort -k 1,1 -k 16,16g -k 15,15rn > $sorted_tblout_file";
+  run_command($sort_cmd, $do_debug);
+  $output_file =  basename($tblout_file) . ".deoverlapped";
+  $out_FH = undef;
+  open($out_FH, ">", $output_file) || die "ERROR unable to open $output_file for writing"; 
+  ($nkept, $nremoved) = parse_sorted_tblout_file($sorted_tblout_file, (defined $in_clanin) ? \%clan_H : undef, $rank_by_score, $do_maxkeep, $do_debug, $out_FH);
+  close $out_FH;
+  if(! $do_dirty) { 
+    #unlink $sorted_tblout_file;
+  }
+  printf("Saved %5d hits (%5d removed) to $output_file\n", $nkept, $nremoved)
+# Subroutine : parse_sorted_tblout_file()
+# Incept:      EPN, Mon May  8 08:57:54 2017
+# Purpose:     Parse a sorted tabular output file, and output
+#              all hits that do not have a higher scoring overlap.
+# Arguments: 
+#   $sorted_tbl_file:  file with sorted tabular search results
+#   $clan_HR:          ref to hash of clan info, key is model, value is clan
+#   $rank_by_score:    '1' if rank is determined by score, '0' if
+#                      determined by E-value
+#   $do_maxkeep:       '1' if --maxkeep option used
+#                      only remove hits with higher scoring overlaps
+#                      *THAT ARE NOT THEMSELVES REMOVED*
+#   $do_debug;         '1' if we should print debugging output
+#   $out_FH:           file handle to output to
+# Returns:     Two values: 
+#              $nkept:    number of hits saved and output
+#              $nremoved: number of hits removed and not output
+# Dies:        If we see a line of input that is an an unexpected
+#              format
+sub parse_sorted_tblout_file { 
+  my $nargs_expected = 6;
+  my $sub_name = "parse_sorted_tblout_file";
+  if(scalar(@_) != $nargs_expected) { printf STDERR ("ERROR, $sub_name entered with %d != %d input arguments.\n", scalar(@_), $nargs_expected); exit(1); } 
+  my ($sorted_tbl_file, $clan_HR, $rank_by_score, $do_maxkeep, $do_debug, $out_FH) = @_;
+  my $prv_target = undef; # target name of previous line
+  my $prv_score  = undef; # bit score of previous line
+  my $prv_evalue = undef; # E-value of previous line
+  my $clan       = undef; # clan of current model
+  my $nkept      = 0;     # number of hits kept and output 
+  my $nremoved   = 0;     # number of hits removed and not output 
+  my $do_clans   = (defined $clan_HR) ? 1 : 0;
+  open(IN, $sorted_tbl_file) || die "ERROR unable to open sorted tabular file $sorted_tbl_file for reading";
+  my ($target, $model, $domain, $mdlfrom, $mdlto, $seqfrom, $seqto, $strand, $score, $evalue) = 
+      (undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef);
+  my @line_A    = (); # array of output lines for kept hits for current sequence
+  my @seqfrom_A = (); # array of seqfroms for kept hits for current sequence
+  my @seqto_A   = (); # array of seqtos for kept hits for current sequence
+  my @strand_A  = (); # array of strands for kept hits for current sequence
+  my @clan_A    = (); # array of clans for kept hits for current sequence
+  my @keepme_A  = (); # array of '1' and '0', '1' if we should keep this hit, '0' if it had a higher scoring overlap
+  my $nhits     = 0;  # number of hits for current sequence (size of all arrays)
+  my %already_seen_H = (); # hash, key is sequence name, value is '1' if we have output info for this sequence
+  $prv_evalue = 0.;
+  while(my $line = <IN>) { 
+    ######################################################
+    # Parse the data on this line, this differs depending
+    # on our annotation method
+    chomp $line;
+    $line =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading whitespace
+    if($line =~ m/^\#/) { 
+      die "ERROR, found line that begins with #, input should have these lines removed and be sorted by the first column:$line.";
+    }
+    my @el_A = split(/\s+/, $line);
+    ##target name             accession query name           accession mdl mdl from   mdl to seq from   seq to strand trunc pass   gc  bias  score   E-value inc description of target
+    ##----------------------- --------- -------------------- --------- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ----- ---- ---- ----- ------ --------- --- ---------------------
+    #lcl|dna_BP444_24.8k:251  -         SSU_rRNA_archaea     RF01959   hmm        3     1443        2     1436      +     -    6 0.53   6.0 1078.9         0 !   -
+    if(scalar(@el_A) < 18) { die "ERROR found less than 18 columns in cmsearch tabular output at line: $line"; }
+#    ($target, $model, $mdlfrom, $mdlto, $seqfrom, $seqto, $strand, $score, $evalue) = 
+    ($target, $model, $seqfrom, $seqto, $strand, $score, $evalue) = 
+        ($el_A[0], $el_A[2], $el_A[7], $el_A[8], $el_A[9],  $el_A[14], $el_A[15]);
+    $clan = undef;
+    if(defined $clan_HR) { 
+      if(exists $clan_HR->{$model}) { 
+        $clan = $clan_HR->{$model};
+      }
+    }
+    # make sure we didn't output information for this sequence already
+    if(exists $already_seen_H{$target}) { 
+      die "ERROR found line with target $target previously output, did you sort by sequence name?";
+    }
+    ##############################################################
+    # Are we now finished with the previous sequence? 
+    # Yes, if target sequence we just read is different from it
+    # If yes, output info for it, and re-initialize data structures
+    # for new sequence just read
+    if((defined $prv_target) && ($prv_target ne $target)) { 
+      output_one_target($out_FH, \@line_A, \@keepme_A);
+      $already_seen_H{$prv_target} = 1; 
+      @line_A    = ();
+      @seqfrom_A = ();
+      @seqto_A   = ();
+      @strand_A  = ();
+      @clan_A    = ();
+      @keepme_A  = ();
+      $nhits     = 0;
+    }
+    else { # this is not a new sequence
+      # make sure that our current score or E-value is less than previous
+      if($rank_by_score && ($score > $prv_score)) { 
+        die "ERROR found lines with same target [$target] incorrectly sorted by score, did you sort by sequence name and score?";
+      }
+      elsif((! $rank_by_score) && ($evalue < $prv_evalue)) { 
+        die "ERROR found lines with same target [$target] incorrectly sorted by E-value, did you sort by sequence name and E-value?";
+      }
+    }
+    ##############################################################
+    # look through all other hits $i on the same strand and see if any of them overlap with this one
+    # if (! $do_maxkeep) we look at all hits
+    # if (  $do_maxkeep) we only look at hits that haven't been removed yet
+    my $keep_me = 1; # set to '0' below if we find a better scoring hit
+    my $overlap_idx = -1;
+    for(my $i = 0; $i < $nhits; $i++) { 
+      if(($strand_A[$i] eq $strand) &&                                # same strand
+         (determine_if_clans_match($do_clans, $clan, $clan_A[$i])) && # clans match, or --clanin not used
+         ((! $do_maxkeep) || ($keepme_A[$i] == 1))) {                 # either --maxkeep not enabled, or this hit is a keepter
+        if(($strand eq "+") && (get_overlap($seqfrom, $seqto, $seqfrom_A[$i], $seqto_A[$i]) > 0)) { 
+          $keep_me = 0;
+          $overlap_idx = $i;
+          $i = $nhits; # breaks for loop
+        }
+        elsif(($strand eq "-") && (get_overlap($seqto, $seqfrom, $seqto_A[$i], $seqfrom_A[$i]) > 0)) { 
+          $keep_me = 0;
+          $overlap_idx = $i;
+          $i = $nhits; # breaks for loop
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    # add hit to list of hits we have for this sequence
+    $line_A[$nhits]    = $line . "\n";
+    $seqfrom_A[$nhits] = $seqfrom;
+    $seqto_A[$nhits]   = $seqto;
+    $strand_A[$nhits]  = $strand;
+    $clan_A[$nhits]    = $clan;
+    if($keep_me) { 
+      $nkept++;
+      $keepme_A[$nhits] = 1;
+    }
+    else { 
+      $nremoved++;
+      $keepme_A[$nhits] = 0;
+      if($do_debug) { 
+        printf("Removing $seqfrom..$seqto, it overlapped with $seqfrom_A[$overlap_idx]..$seqto_A[$overlap_idx]\n");
+      }
+    }
+    $nhits++;
+    $prv_target = $target;
+    $prv_score  = $score;
+    $prv_evalue = $evalue;
+  }
+  # output data for final sequence
+  output_one_target($out_FH, \@line_A, \@keepme_A);
+  # close file handle
+  close(IN);
+  return ($nkept, $nremoved);
+# Subroutine : output_one_target()
+# Incept:      EPN, Mon May  8 10:20:40 2017
+# Purpose:     Output all hits for a target. Overlapping hits 
+#              are not included, they've been skipped.
+# Arguments: 
+#   $out_FH:      file handle to output short output to (can be undef to not output short output)
+#   $line_AR:     array of lines to output
+#   $keepme_AR:   array of '1', '0', $keepme_AR->[$i]==1 indicates we should output $line_AR->[$i]
+# Returns:     Nothing.
+# Dies:        Never.
+sub output_one_target { 
+  my $nargs_expected = 3;
+  my $sub_name = "output_one_target";
+  if(scalar(@_) != $nargs_expected) { printf STDERR ("ERROR, $sub_name entered with %d != %d input arguments.\n", scalar(@_), $nargs_expected); exit(1); } 
+  my ($out_FH, $line_AR, $keepme_AR) = @_;
+  for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$line_AR}); $i++) { 
+    if($keepme_AR->[$i]) { 
+      print $out_FH $line_AR->[$i]; 
+    }
+  }
+  return;
+# Subroutine : determine_if_clans_match()
+# Incept:      EPN, Mon May  8 10:28:41 2017
+# Purpose:     Given two clan values return true if they 
+#              either match or if the --clanin option is
+#              not used.
+# Arguments: 
+#   $do_clans: '1' if the --clanin option was used
+#   $clan1:    clan 1, can be undef
+#   $clan2:    clan 2, can be undef
+# Returns:     '1' if the clans match or if $do_clans is FALSE
+# Dies:        Never.
+sub determine_if_clans_match { 
+  my $nargs_expected = 3;
+  my $sub_name = "determine_if_clans_match";
+  if(scalar(@_) != $nargs_expected) { printf STDERR ("ERROR, $sub_name entered with %d != %d input arguments.\n", scalar(@_), $nargs_expected); exit(1); } 
+  my ($do_clans, $clan1, $clan2) = @_;
+  if(! $do_clans) { 
+    return 1; 
+  }
+  elsif((! defined $clan1) || (! defined $clan2)) { 
+    # 1 or both of $clan1 and $clan2 are undefined, can't be a match
+    return 0;
+  }
+  elsif($clan1 eq $clan2) { 
+    # equal clans
+    return 1;
+  }
+  else { 
+    return 0;
+  }
+# Subroutine: get_overlap()
+# Incept:     EPN, Mon Mar 14 13:47:57 2016 [dnaorg_scripts:dnaorg.pm:getOverlap()]
+# Purpose:    Calculate number of nucleotides of overlap between
+#             two regions.
+# Args:
+#  $start1: start position of hit 1 (must be <= $end1)
+#  $end1:   end   position of hit 1 (must be >= $end1)
+#  $start2: start position of hit 2 (must be <= $end2)
+#  $end2:   end   position of hit 2 (must be >= $end2)
+# Returns:  $noverlap:    Number of nucleotides of overlap between hit1 and hit2, 
+#                         0 if none
+# Dies:     if $end1 < $start1 or $end2 < $start2.
+sub get_overlap {
+  my $sub_name = "get_overlap";
+  my $nargs_exp = 4;
+  if(scalar(@_) != 4) { die "ERROR $sub_name entered with wrong number of input args"; }
+  my ($start1, $end1, $start2, $end2) = @_; 
+  # printf("in $sub_name $start1..$end1 $start2..$end2\n");
+  if($start1 > $end1) { die "ERROR in $sub_name start1 > end1 ($start1 > $end1)"; }
+  if($start2 > $end2) { die "ERROR in $sub_name start2 > end2 ($start2 > $end2)"; }
+  # Given: $start1 <= $end1 and $start2 <= $end2.
+  # Swap if nec so that $start1 <= $start2.
+  if($start1 > $start2) { 
+    my $tmp;
+    $tmp   = $start1; $start1 = $start2; $start2 = $tmp;
+    $tmp   =   $end1;   $end1 =   $end2;   $end2 = $tmp;
+  }
+  # 3 possible cases:
+  # Case 1. $start1 <=   $end1 <  $start2 <=   $end2  Overlap is 0
+  # Case 2. $start1 <= $start2 <=   $end1 <    $end2  
+  # Case 3. $start1 <= $start2 <=   $end2 <=   $end1
+  if($end1 < $start2) { return (0); }                    # case 1
+  if($end1 <   $end2) { return ($end1 - $start2 + 1); }  # case 2
+  if($end2 <=  $end1) { return ($end2 - $start2 + 1); }  # case 3
+  die "ERROR in $sub_name, unforeseen case in $start1..$end1 and $start2..$end2";
+  return; # NOT REACHED
+# Subroutine:  run_command()
+# Incept:      EPN, Mon Dec 19 10:43:45 2016
+# Purpose:     Runs a command using system() and exits in error 
+#              if the command fails. If $be_verbose, outputs
+#              the command to stdout. 
+# Arguments:
+#   $cmd:         command to run, with a "system" command;
+#   $be_verbose:  '1' to output command to stdout before we run it, '0' not to
+# Returns:    nothing
+# Dies:       if $cmd fails
+sub run_command {
+  my $sub_name = "run_command()";
+  my $nargs_expected = 2;
+  if(scalar(@_) != $nargs_expected) { printf STDERR ("ERROR, $sub_name entered with %d != %d input arguments.\n", scalar(@_), $nargs_expected); exit(1); } 
+  my ($cmd, $be_verbose) = @_;
+  if($be_verbose) { 
+    print ("Running cmd: $cmd\n"); 
+  }
+  system($cmd);
+  if($? != 0) { 
+    die "ERROR in $sub_name, the following command failed:\n$cmd\n";
+  }
+  return;
+# Subroutine:  parse_claninfo()
+# Incept:      EPN, Wed May 10 15:01:07 2017
+# Purpose:     Parse a claninfo file and fill %{$clan_HR}.
+# Arguments:
+#   $claninfo_file: clan info file
+#   $clan_HR:       ref to hash of clan info, key: model name, value: clan name
+# Returns:    nothing
+# Dies:       if $cmd fails
+sub parse_claninfo { 
+  my $sub_name = "parse_claninfo()";
+  my $nargs_expected = 2;
+  if(scalar(@_) != $nargs_expected) { printf STDERR ("ERROR, $sub_name entered with %d != %d input arguments.\n", scalar(@_), $nargs_expected); exit(1); } 
+  my ($claninfo_file, $clan_HR) = @_;
+  open(IN, $claninfo_file) || die "ERROR unable to open clan info file";
+  %{$clan_HR} = ();
+  while(my $line = <IN>) { 
+    if($line !~ m/^#/) { 
+      chomp $line;
+      my @el_A = split(/\s+/, $line);
+      # first element is clan name, all other elements are model names in that clan
+      #CL00111	SSU_rRNA_bacteria SSU_rRNA_archaea SSU_rRNA_eukarya SSU_rRNA_microsporidia SSU_trypano_mito
+      for(my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@el_A); $i++) { 
+        if(exists $clan_H{$el_A[$i]}) { 
+          die "ERROR in $sub_name, parsing clan info file $claninfo_file, read model $el_A[$i] more than once";
+        }
+        $clan_HR->{$el_A[$i]} = $el_A[0];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return;