diff optimise_hyperparameters.py @ 6:e94dc7945639 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/bgruening/galaxytools/tree/recommendation_training/tools/tool_recommendation_model commit 24bab7a797f53fe4bcc668b18ee0326625486164
author bgruening
date Sun, 16 Oct 2022 11:52:10 +0000
parents 4f7e6612906b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/optimise_hyperparameters.py	Fri May 06 09:05:18 2022 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-Find the optimal combination of hyperparameters
-import numpy as np
-import utils
-from hyperopt import fmin, hp, STATUS_OK, tpe, Trials
-from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
-from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Embedding, GRU, SpatialDropout1D
-from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
-from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import RMSprop
-class HyperparameterOptimisation:
-    def __init__(self):
-        """ Init method. """
-    def train_model(
-        self,
-        config,
-        reverse_dictionary,
-        train_data,
-        train_labels,
-        test_data,
-        test_labels,
-        tool_tr_samples,
-        class_weights,
-    ):
-        """
-        Train a model and report accuracy
-        """
-        # convert items to integer
-        l_batch_size = list(map(int, config["batch_size"].split(",")))
-        l_embedding_size = list(map(int, config["embedding_size"].split(",")))
-        l_units = list(map(int, config["units"].split(",")))
-        # convert items to float
-        l_learning_rate = list(map(float, config["learning_rate"].split(",")))
-        l_dropout = list(map(float, config["dropout"].split(",")))
-        l_spatial_dropout = list(map(float, config["spatial_dropout"].split(",")))
-        l_recurrent_dropout = list(map(float, config["recurrent_dropout"].split(",")))
-        optimize_n_epochs = int(config["optimize_n_epochs"])
-        # get dimensions
-        dimensions = len(reverse_dictionary) + 1
-        best_model_params = dict()
-        early_stopping = EarlyStopping(
-            monitor="val_loss",
-            mode="min",
-            verbose=1,
-            min_delta=1e-1,
-            restore_best_weights=True,
-        )
-        # specify the search space for finding the best combination of parameters using Bayesian optimisation
-        params = {
-            "embedding_size": hp.quniform(
-                "embedding_size", l_embedding_size[0], l_embedding_size[1], 1
-            ),
-            "units": hp.quniform("units", l_units[0], l_units[1], 1),
-            "batch_size": hp.quniform(
-                "batch_size", l_batch_size[0], l_batch_size[1], 1
-            ),
-            "learning_rate": hp.loguniform(
-                "learning_rate", np.log(l_learning_rate[0]), np.log(l_learning_rate[1])
-            ),
-            "dropout": hp.uniform("dropout", l_dropout[0], l_dropout[1]),
-            "spatial_dropout": hp.uniform(
-                "spatial_dropout", l_spatial_dropout[0], l_spatial_dropout[1]
-            ),
-            "recurrent_dropout": hp.uniform(
-                "recurrent_dropout", l_recurrent_dropout[0], l_recurrent_dropout[1]
-            ),
-        }
-        def create_model(params):
-            model = Sequential()
-            model.add(
-                Embedding(dimensions, int(params["embedding_size"]), mask_zero=True)
-            )
-            model.add(SpatialDropout1D(params["spatial_dropout"]))
-            model.add(
-                GRU(
-                    int(params["units"]),
-                    dropout=params["dropout"],
-                    recurrent_dropout=params["recurrent_dropout"],
-                    return_sequences=True,
-                    activation="elu",
-                )
-            )
-            model.add(Dropout(params["dropout"]))
-            model.add(
-                GRU(
-                    int(params["units"]),
-                    dropout=params["dropout"],
-                    recurrent_dropout=params["recurrent_dropout"],
-                    return_sequences=False,
-                    activation="elu",
-                )
-            )
-            model.add(Dropout(params["dropout"]))
-            model.add(Dense(2 * dimensions, activation="sigmoid"))
-            optimizer_rms = RMSprop(lr=params["learning_rate"])
-            batch_size = int(params["batch_size"])
-            model.compile(
-                loss=utils.weighted_loss(class_weights), optimizer=optimizer_rms
-            )
-            print(model.summary())
-            model_fit = model.fit(
-                utils.balanced_sample_generator(
-                    train_data,
-                    train_labels,
-                    batch_size,
-                    tool_tr_samples,
-                    reverse_dictionary,
-                ),
-                steps_per_epoch=len(train_data) // batch_size,
-                epochs=optimize_n_epochs,
-                callbacks=[early_stopping],
-                validation_data=(test_data, test_labels),
-                verbose=2,
-                shuffle=True,
-            )
-            return {
-                "loss": model_fit.history["val_loss"][-1],
-                "status": STATUS_OK,
-                "model": model,
-            }
-        # minimize the objective function using the set of parameters above
-        trials = Trials()
-        learned_params = fmin(
-            create_model,
-            params,
-            trials=trials,
-            algo=tpe.suggest,
-            max_evals=int(config["max_evals"]),
-        )
-        best_model = trials.results[np.argmin([r["loss"] for r in trials.results])][
-            "model"
-        ]
-        # set the best params with respective values
-        for item in learned_params:
-            item_val = learned_params[item]
-            best_model_params[item] = item_val
-        return best_model_params, best_model