1 <tool id="diffbind" name="DiffBind" version="2.0.1">
2 <description> differential binding analysis of ChIP-Seq peak data</description>
3 <requirements>
4 <requirement type="binary">Rscript</requirement>
5 <requirement type="R-module">DESeq2</requirement>
6 <requirement type="package" version="3.0.1">R_3_0_1</requirement>
7 <requirement type="package" version="1.0.17">deseq2</requirement>
8 <requirement type="package" version="1.8.3">diffbind</requirement>
9 </requirements>
10 <command>
11 ## seems that diffbind also needs file extensions to work properly
12 #set $counter = 1
13 #for $sample in $samples:
14 ln -s $sample.bamreads #echo str($counter) + "_bamreads.bam"# &&
15 ln -s ${sample.bamreads.metadata.bam_index} #echo str($counter) + "_bamreads.bai"# &&
16 ln -s $sample.bamcontrol #echo str($counter) + "_bamcontrol.bam"# &&
17 ln -s ${sample.bamcontrol.metadata.bam_index} #echo str($counter) + "_bamcontrol.bai"# &&
18 #set $counter = $counter + 1
19 #end for
21 Rscript /usr/local/galaxy/shed_tools/testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/bgruening/diffbind/7929c8b3f6f9/diffbind/diffbind.R
22 -i $infile
23 -o $outfile
24 -p $plots
25 -f $format
26 </command>
27 <stdio>
28 <regex match="Execution halted"
29 source="both"
30 level="fatal"
31 description="Execution halted." />
32 <regex match="Input-Error 01"
33 source="both"
34 level="fatal"
35 description="Error in your input parameters: Make sure you only apply factors to selected samples." />
36 <regex match="Error in"
37 source="both"
38 level="fatal"
39 description="An undefined error occured, please check your intput carefully and contact your administrator." />
40 </stdio>
41 <inputs>
42 <repeat name="samples" title="Samples" min="2">
43 <param name="sample_id" type="text" value="Sample ID" label="Specify a sample id" help="e.g. BT474.1-" />
44 <param name="tissue" type="text" value="Tissue" label="Specify the tissue" help="e.g. BT474" />
45 <param name="factor" type="text" value="Factor Name" label="Specify a factor name" help="e.g. ER" />
46 <param name="condition" type="text" value="Condition" label="Specify the condition" help="e.g. Resistent" />
47 <param name="replicate" type="integer" value="1" label="Specify the replicate number" help="e.g. 1" />
48 <param format="bam" name="bamreads" type="data" label="Read BAM file" help="Specify the Read BAM file, used for Peak calling."/>
49 <param format="bam" name="bamcontrol" type="data" label="Control BAM file" help="Specify the Control BAM file, used for Peak calling."/>
50 <param format="bed" name="peaks" type="data" label="Peak file" help="Result of your Peak calling experiment."/>
51 </repeat>
52 <param name="pdf" type="boolean" truevalue="" falsevalue="" checked="true"
53 label="Visualising the analysis results"
54 help="output an additional PDF files" />
55 <param name="format" type="select" label="Output Format">
56 <option value="bed">BED</option>
57 <option value="gff">GFF</option>
58 <option value="wig">WIG</option>
59 </param>
60 </inputs>
61 <configfiles>
62 <configfile name="infile">
63 SampleID,Tissue,Factor,Condition,Replicate,bamReads,bamControl,Peaks
64 #set $counter = 1
65 #for $sample in $samples:
66 $sample.sample_id,$sample.tissue,$sample.factor,$sample.condition,$sample.replicate,#echo str($counter) + '_bamreads.bam'#,#echo str($counter) + '_bamcontrol.bam'#,$sample.peaks
67 #set $counter = $counter + 1
68 #end for
69 </configfile>
70 </configfiles>
71 <outputs>
72 <data format="bed" name="outfile" label="Differential binding sites on ${on_string}">
73 <change_format>
74 <when input="format" value="wig" format="wig" />
75 <when input="format" value="gff" format="gff" />
76 </change_format>
77 </data>
78 <data format="pdf" name="plots" label="Differential binding sites on ${on_string}">
79 <filter>pdf == True</filter>
80 </data>
81 </outputs>
83 <help>
85 .. class:: infomark
87 **What it does**
90 ------
92 **References**
94 DiffBind_ Authors: Rory Stark, Gordon Brown
96 .. _DiffBind: http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DiffBind.html
98 Wrapper authors: Bjoern Gruening, Pavankumar Videm
100 </help>
101 </tool>