## [1] "dataset1_2.hicup.bam"
Truncation & Mapping
Truncation Frequency
-Total |
-99,742 |
-99,742 |
-Not Truncated |
-92,512 |
-92,628 |
-Truncated |
-7,230 |
-7,114 |
Truncated Read Length
-Average Length Truncated |
-22.4 |
-22.6 |
Mapping Efficiency
-Too Short To Map |
-2,658 |
-2,476 |
-Unique Alignments |
-3,885 |
-3,725 |
-Multiple Alignments |
-12,437 |
-12,679 |
-Failed To Align |
-80,762 |
-80,862 |
-Paired |
-1,143 |
-1,143 |
Truncation and Mapping Bar Plot
Filtering Breakdown by Category
-Valid Pairs |
-544 |
-Invalid Pairs |
-599 |
-Same Circularised |
-21 |
-Same Dangling Ends |
-73 |
-Same Fragment Internal |
-466 |
-Re Ligation |
-39 |
-Contiguous Sequence |
-0 |
-Wrong Size |
-0 |
-Total Pairs |
-1,143 |
Filtering Breakdown Pie Chart
Ditag Length Distribution
Frequency Line Plot
Deduplication Summary Table
-Read Pairs |
-544 |
-544 |
-Cis-close (<10Kbp) |
-44 |
-44 |
-Cis-far (>10Kbp) |
-440 |
-440 |
-Trans |
-60 |
-60 |
Deduplication Bar Chart
Analysis produced by HiCUP - a tool for mapping and performing
-quality control on Hi-C data

