view @ 1:334ad24525db draft

"planemo upload for repository commit 6fa2a0294d615c9f267b766337dca0b2d3637219"
author bgruening
date Fri, 11 Oct 2019 18:26:08 -0400
parents f80cfac80c53
children b8725fec8c7b
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
Cluster a set of molecules based on their 3D overlays as determined by the SuCOS score.

This will generate a set of SD files, one for each cluster of molecules (presumably corresponding to a
binding pocket in the protein target).

SuCOS is the work of Susan Leung.

import sucos, utils
import argparse, gzip
from rdkit import Chem
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, fcluster

### start main execution #########################################

def calc_distance_matrix(mols):
    Calculate a full distance matrix for the given molecules. Identical molecules get a score of 0.0 with the maximum
    distance possible being 1.0.
    :param mols: A list of molecules. It must be possible to iterate through this list multiple times
    :return: A NxN 2D array of distance scores, with N being the number of molecules in the input

    # TODO - do we need to calculate both sides of the matrix? Tanimoto is supposed to be a symmetric distance measure,
    #  but the matrix that is generated does not seem to be symmetric.

    mol_fm_tuples = []
    for mol in mols:
        features = sucos.getRawFeatures(mol)
        mol_fm_tuples.append((mol, features))

    matrix = []
    for tuple1 in mol_fm_tuples:
        tmp = []
        for tuple2 in mol_fm_tuples:
            if tuple1[0] == tuple2[0]:
                #utils.log("Calculating SuCOS between", mol1, mol2)
                sucos_score, fm_score, tani_score = sucos.get_SucosScore(tuple1[0], tuple2[0],
                    tani=True, ref_features=tuple1[1], query_features=tuple2[1])
                tmp.append(1.0 - sucos_score)

    return matrix

def cluster(matrix, threshold=0.8):
    Cluster the supplied distance matrix returning an array of clusters.
    :param matrix: the distance matrix, as calculated with the calc_distance_matrix function.
    :param threshold: The clustering cuttoff. The default of 0.8 is a reasonable value to use.
    :return: An array of clusters, each cluster being an array of the indices from the matrix.

    indexes = [x for x in range(0, len(matrix))]
    cols = [x for x in range(0, len(matrix[0]))]
    #utils.log("indexes", indexes)
    #utils.log("cols", cols)
    df = pd.DataFrame(matrix, columns=cols, index=indexes)
    utils.log("DataFrame:", df.shape)
    indices = np.triu_indices(df.shape[0], k=1)
    #utils.log("Indices:", indices)
    t = np.array(df)[indices]
    Z = linkage(t, 'average')
    lig_clusters = []
    cluster_arr = fcluster(Z, t=threshold, criterion='distance')
    for i in range(np.amax(cluster_arr)):
        clus = df.columns[np.argwhere(cluster_arr==i+1)]
        lig_clusters.append([x[0] for x in clus.tolist()])

    utils.log("Clusters", lig_clusters)
    return lig_clusters

def write_clusters_to_sdfs(mols, clusters, basename, gzip=False):
    Write the molecules to SDF files, 1 file for each cluster.
    :param mols The molecules to write:
    :param clusters The clusters, as returned by the cluster function:
    :param basename The basename for the file name. e.g. if basename is 'output' then files like
    output1.sdf, output2.sdf will be written:
    :param gzip Whether to gzip the output

    i = 0
    for cluster in clusters:
        i += 1
        filename = basename + str(i) + ".sdf"
        if gzip:
            filename += ".gz"
        utils.log("Writing ", len(cluster), "molecules in cluster", i, "to file", filename)
        output_file = utils.open_file_for_writing(filename)
        writer = Chem.SDWriter(output_file)
        for index in cluster:
            mol = mols[index]

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Clustering with SuCOS and RDKit')
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', help='Input file in SDF format. Can be gzipped (*.gz).')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', default="cluster", help="Base name for output files in SDF format. " +
                                               "e.g. if value is 'output' then files like output1.sdf, output2.sdf will be created")
    parser.add_argument('--gzip', action='store_true', help='Gzip the outputs generating files like output1.sdf.gz, output2.sdf.gz')
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', type=float, default=0.8, help='Clustering threshold')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    utils.log("SuCOS Cluster Args: ", args)

    input_file = utils.open_file_for_reading(args.input)
    suppl = Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier(input_file)
    mols = list(suppl)
    matrix = calc_distance_matrix(mols)
    clusters = cluster(matrix, threshold=args.threshold)
    write_clusters_to_sdfs(mols, clusters, args.output, gzip=args.gzip)

if __name__ == "__main__":