view easyjoin @ 10:e39fceb6ab85 draft

planemo upload for repository commit f48156f03164bde1f1be4826b2f0a1f16dc2cd2f
author bgruening
date Tue, 20 Feb 2018 09:24:19 -0500
parents 5314e5d6f040
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl
## EASY Join -
## Join with automatic pre-sorting of both files
## Copyright (C) 2010 A. Gordon (
## license: AGPLv3+
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling no_ignore_case_always);
use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
use POSIX qw(locale_h);

sub show_help();
sub show_version();
sub show_examples();
sub parse_commandline_options();
sub sort_file($$$);
sub join_files($$);
sub cleanup_files(@);

my $PROGRAM="easyjoin";
my $VERSION="0.6.1";

my $debug=undef;
my $HEADER=undef;
my $IGNORE_CASE=undef;
my $FIELD_SEP=undef;
my $OUTPUT_FORMAT=undef;
my $EMPTY_FILLER=undef;
my $SORT_TEMP_DIR=undef;
my $input_filename1;
my $input_filename2;

## Program Start
$ENV{'LANG'}="C";## "C" locale is critical for sorting and joining correctly
my (undef, $tmp_filename1) = tempfile(OPEN=>0);
my (undef, $tmp_filename2) = tempfile(OPEN=>0);
sort_file($input_filename1, $tmp_filename1, $FILE1_KEY_COLUMN);
sort_file($input_filename2, $tmp_filename2, $FILE2_KEY_COLUMN);
my $join_exit_code = join_files($tmp_filename1, $tmp_filename2);
cleanup_files($tmp_filename1, $tmp_filename2);

## Program end

sub show_help()
${PROGRAM}: Wrapper for GNU join+sort, automaticalyl sorts files before joining them.


OPTIONS: Options specific to this program:

   --header      =  Both input files have a header line as the first line.
                    The header line will be joined properly, without being sorted.

   --version     =  Print ${PROGRAM}'s version.

   --debug       =  Print debug messages (relating to ${PROGRAM}'s operation).

   --help        =  Show this help screen.

   --example     =  Show usage examples.

   --all         =  Short-cut for:
                      -a 1 -a 2 -o auto -e . -t <TAB>
                    This will show all values (paired and unpared) from both files,
		    Automatically formatting the columns, and using TAB as field separator.
		    You can override the empty filler (-e X) on the command line.

   --allh        =  Short-cut for:
                       -a 1 -a 2 -o auto -e . -t <TAB> --header
		    Same as above, but will also respect the header line from both input files.

   All of GNU join options are supported.
       join --help
   To see all possible joining options.

   The following options are supported for the intermediate sorting step:

   -S SIZE
   --buffer-size SIZE   = GNU sort's --buffer-size option.

   -T DIR
   --temporary-directory DIR = GNU sort's --temporary-directory option.

      sort --help
   To learn about these options. They might improve sorting performances for big files.

   The two input files to be sorted, joined.
   Unlike GNU join,  joining STDIN is not supported. Both files must be real files.

NOTE About "--header" and "--auto-format":
   The "--header" feature requires GNU coreutils version 8.6 or later.
   The "-o auto" feature requires GNU coreutils version 8.10 or later.


sub show_version()
Copyright (C) 2010 A. Gordon (gordon\
License AGPLv3+: Affero GPL version 3 or later (

To see the GNU's join version, run:
	join --version

sub show_examples()
Example of joining two unsorted files (each file having a header line):

\$ cat input1.txt
Fruit	Color
Apple	red
Banana	yellow
Orange	orange
Melon	green

\$ cat input2.txt
Fruit	Price
Orange	7
Avocado	8
Apple	4
Banana	3

\$ easyjoin -j 1 -a 1 -a 2 --header -e . -o auto input1.txt input2.txt
Fruit   Color   Price
Apple   red     4
Avocado .       8
Banana  yellow  3
Melon   green   .
Orange  orange  7

## A short-cut for all the options above:
\$ easyjoin --allh input1.txt input2.txt
Fruit   Color   Price
Apple   red     4
Avocado .       8
Banana  yellow  3
Melon   green   .
Orange  orange  7


sub parse_commandline_options()
	## Parse command line
	my $rc = GetOptions(
			"a=i" => sub { push @OUTPUT_SPECIFIERS, '-a', $_[1] },
			"e=s" => \$EMPTY_FILLER,
			"ignore-case|i" => \$IGNORE_CASE,
			"j=i" => sub { $FILE1_KEY_COLUMN = $_[1] ; $FILE2_KEY_COLUMN = $_[1] ; },
			"o=s" => \$OUTPUT_FORMAT,
			"t=s" => \$FIELD_SEP,
			"v=i" => sub { push @OUTPUT_SPECIFIERS, '-v', $_[1] },
			"1=i" => \$FILE1_KEY_COLUMN,
			"2=i" => \$FILE2_KEY_COLUMN,
			"debug" => \$debug,
			"header" => \$HEADER,
			"help" => \&show_help,
			"version" => \&show_version,
			"examples" => \&show_examples,
			"buffer-size|S=s" => \$SORT_BUFFER_SIZE,
			"temporary-directory|T=s" => \$SORT_TEMP_DIR,
			"all" => sub {
					push @OUTPUT_SPECIFIERS, "-a", 1, "-a", 2;
					$FIELD_SEP = "\t";
					$OUTPUT_FORMAT = "auto";
					$EMPTY_FILLER = "." unless defined $EMPTY_FILLER;
			"allh" => sub {
					push @OUTPUT_SPECIFIERS, "-a", 1, "-a", 2;
					$FIELD_SEP = "\t";
					$OUTPUT_FORMAT = "auto";
					$EMPTY_FILLER = "." unless defined $EMPTY_FILLER;
	die "$PROGRAM: invalid command-line arguments.\n" unless $rc;

	## We need two file names to join
	die "$PROGRAM: missing operand: two file names to join\n" if (scalar(@INPUT_FILES)<2);
	die "$PROGRAM: error: too many files specified (can only join two files)\n" if (scalar(@INPUT_FILES)>2);
	die "$PROGRAM: error: input file can't be STDIN, please use a real file name.\n" if $INPUT_FILES[0] eq "-" || $INPUT_FILES[1] eq "-";
	die "$PROGRAM: error: input file 1 '" . $INPUT_FILES[0] . "' not found!" unless -e $INPUT_FILES[0];
	die "$PROGRAM: error: input file 2 '" . $INPUT_FILES[1] . "' not found!" unless -e $INPUT_FILES[1];

	$input_filename1 = $INPUT_FILES[0];
	$input_filename2 = $INPUT_FILES[1];

sub sort_file($$$)
	my ($input_filename, $output_filename, $key_column) = @_;

	push @SORT_COMMAND, $HEADER ? "./sort-header" : "sort" ;
	push @SORT_COMMAND, "-f" if $IGNORE_CASE;
	push @SORT_COMMAND, "-k${key_column},${key_column}" ;
	push @SORT_COMMAND, "--temporary-directory", $SORT_TEMP_DIR if $SORT_TEMP_DIR;
	push @SORT_COMMAND, "--output", $output_filename;
	push @SORT_COMMAND, "--debugheader" if $debug && $HEADER;
	push @SORT_COMMAND, $input_filename;

	if ($debug) {
		warn "$PROGRAM: Running sort on '$input_filename' => '$output_filename'\n";
		warn "$PROGRAM: Sort command line:\n";
		print STDERR Dumper(\@SORT_COMMAND), "\n";

	my $sort_exit_code=1;
	if ($? == -1) {
		die "$PROGRAM: Error: failed to execute 'sort': $!\n";
	elsif ($? & 127) {
		my $signal = ($? & 127);
		kill 2, $$ if $signal == 2; ##if sort was interrupted (CTRL-C) - just pass it on and commit suicide
		die "$PROGRAM: Error: 'sort' child-process died with signal $signal\n";
	else {
		$sort_exit_code = ($? >> 8);
	die "$PROGRAM: Error: 'sort' process failed, exit code $sort_exit_code\n" if $sort_exit_code!=0;

sub join_files($$)
	my ($file1, $file2) = @_;

	my @join_command = qw/join/;
	push @join_command, "--header" if $HEADER;
	push @join_command, "--ignore-case" if $IGNORE_CASE;
	push @join_command, "-t", $FIELD_SEP if $FIELD_SEP;
	push @join_command, "-1", $FILE1_KEY_COLUMN if $FILE1_KEY_COLUMN;
	push @join_command, "-2", $FILE2_KEY_COLUMN if $FILE2_KEY_COLUMN;
	push @join_command, "-e", $EMPTY_FILLER if defined $EMPTY_FILLER;
	push @join_command, "-o", $OUTPUT_FORMAT if $OUTPUT_FORMAT;
	push @join_command, @OUTPUT_SPECIFIERS;
	push @join_command, $file1, $file2;

	if ($debug) {
		warn "$PROGRAM: Running join on '$file1'  and '$file2'\n";
		warn "$PROGRAM: join command line:\n";
		print STDERR Dumper(\@join_command), "\n";

	my $join_exit_code=1;
	if ($? == -1) {
		die "$PROGRAM: Error: failed to execute 'join': $!\n";
	elsif ($? & 127) {
		my $signal = ($? & 127);
		kill 2, $$ if $signal == 2; ##if join was interrupted (CTRL-C) - just pass it on and commit suicide
		die "$PROGRAM: Error: 'join' child-process died with signal $signal\n";
	else {
		$join_exit_code = ($? >> 8);
	return $join_exit_code;

sub cleanup_files(@)
	my (@files) = @_;

	foreach my $file (@files) {
		if ($debug) {
			warn "$PROGRAM: debug mode, not deleting temporary file '$file'\n";
		} else {
			my $count = unlink $file;
			warn "$PROGRAM: Error: failed to delete temporary file '$file': $!\n" if ($count != 1);