view marea_2/marea.xml @ 120:f44f7a7c6a47 draft

author luca_milaz
date Sun, 21 Jul 2024 19:28:48 +0000
parents 3304c8843deb
children 899803ee928f
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="MaREA" name="Metabolic Reaction Enrichment Analysis" version="1.1.8">
		<requirement type="package" version="1.24.4">numpy</requirement>
        <requirement type="package" version="2.0.3">pandas</requirement>
        <requirement type="package" version="5.2.2">lxml</requirement>
        <requirement type="package" version="1.10.1">scipy</requirement>
		<requirement type="package" version="1.5.1">svglib</requirement>
		<requirement type="package" version="2.2.3">pyvips</requirement>
		<requirement type="package" version="2.7.1">cairosvg</requirement>
	<command detect_errors="exit_code">
      	python $__tool_directory__/

      	--tool_dir $__tool_directory__
      	--option $cond.type_selector
        --out_log $log
        #if $cond.type_selector == 'datasets':

			--using_RAS $cond.using_ras.check
			--using_RPS $cond.using_rps.check

			#if $cond.using_ras.check == 'true':
				#for $data in $cond.using_ras.input_datasets:
				#end for

				#for $data in $cond.using_ras.input_datasets:
				#end for
			#end if

			#if $cond.using_rps.check == 'true':
				#for $data in $cond.using_rps.input_datasets_rps:
				#end for

				#for $data in $cond.using_rps.input_datasets_rps:
				#end for
			#end if
        #elif $cond.type_selector == 'dataset_class':

			--using_RAS $cond.using_ras_all.check
			--using_RPS $cond.using_rps_all.check

			#if $cond.using_ras_all.check == 'true':
				--input_data ${cond.using_ras_all.input_data}
				--input_class ${cond.using_ras_all.input_class}
			#end if

			#if $cond.using_rps_all.check == 'true':
				--input_data_rps ${cond.using_rps_all.input_data_rps}
				--input_class_rps ${cond.using_rps_all.input_class_rps}
			#end if
        #end if

		--comparison ${comparis.comparison}
		#if $comparis.comparison == 'onevsmany'
			--control '${cond.comparis.controlgroup}'
		#end if

		--choice_map '${cond_choice_map.choice_map}'
		#if $cond_choice_map.choice_map == 'Custom':
			--custom_map ${cond_choice_map.custom_map}
		#end if
		#if $advanced.choice == 'true':
			--pValue ${advanced.pValue}
			--fChange ${advanced.fChange}
			--generate_svg ${advanced.generateSvg}
			--generate_pdf ${advanced.generatePdf}
			--net ${advanced.netRPS}
			--pValue 0.05
			--fChange 1.2
			--generate_svg false
			--generate_pdf true
			--net false
		#end if
		<conditional name="cond">
			<param name="type_selector" argument="--option" type="select" label="Input format:">
				<option value="datasets" selected="true">RAS of group 1 + RAS of group 2 + ... + RAS of group N</option>
				<option value="dataset_class">RAS of all samples + sample group specification</option>

			<when value="datasets">
				<conditional name = "using_ras">
					<param name = "check" argument = "--using_ras" type = "boolean" checked = "true" label = "Using RAS datasets." />

					<when value = "true">
						<repeat name="input_datasets" title="RAS dataset" min="2">
							<param name="input" argument="--input_datas" type="data" format="tabular, csv, tsv" label="add dataset" />
							<param name="input_name" argument="--names" type="text" label="Dataset's name:" value="Dataset" help="Default: Dataset" />

				<conditional name = "using_rps">
					<param name = "check" argument = "--using_rps" type = "boolean" checked = "false" label = "Using RPS datasets." />

					<when value = "true">
						<repeat name="input_datasets_rps" title="RPS dataset" min="2">
							<param name="input_rps" argument="--input_datas_rps" type="data" format="tabular, csv, tsv" label="add dataset" />
							<param name="input_name_rps" argument="--names_rps" type="text" label="Dataset's name:" value="Dataset" help="Default: Dataset" />

			<when value="dataset_class">
				<conditional name = "using_ras_all">
					<param name = "check" argument = "--using_ras_all" type = "boolean" checked = "true" label = "Using RAS datasets." />

					<when value = "true">
						<param name="input_data" argument="--input_data" type="data" format="tabular, csv, tsv" label="RAS of all samples" />
						<param name="input_class" argument="--input_class" type="data" format="tabular, csv, tsv" label="Sample group specification" />

				<conditional name = "using_rps_all">
					<param name = "check" argument = "--using_rps_all" type = "boolean" checked = "false" label = "Using RPS datasets." />

					<when value = "true">
						<param name="input_data_rps" argument="--input_data_rps" type="data" format="tabular, csv, tsv" label="RPS of all samples" />
						<param name="input_class_rps" argument="--input_class_rps" type="data" format="tabular, csv, tsv" label="Sample group specification" />
		<conditional name="comparis">
			<param name="comparison" argument="--comparison" type="select" label="Groups comparison:">
				<option value="manyvsmany" selected="true">One vs One</option>
				<option value="onevsrest">One vs All</option>
				<option value="onevsmany">One vs Control</option>
			<when value="onevsmany">
				<param name="controlgroup" argument="--controlgroup" type="text" label="Control group label:" value="0" help="Name of group label to be compared to others"/>
		<conditional name="cond_choice_map">
			<param name="choice_map" argument="--choice_map" type="select" label="Choose metabolic map:">
				<option value="HMRcore" selected="true">HMRcore</option>
				<option value="ENGRO2">ENGRO2</option>
				<option value="Custom">Custom</option>

			<when value="Custom">				
				<param name="custom_map" argument="--custom_map" type="data" format="xml, svg" label="custom-map.svg"/>
		<conditional name="advanced">
			<param name="choice" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Use advanced options?" help="Use this options to choose custom parameters for evaluation: pValue, Fold-Change threshold, how to solve (A and NaN) and specify output maps.">
				<option value="true" selected="true">No</option>
				<option value="false">Yes</option>

			<when value="true">
				<param name="pValue" argument="--pValue" type="float" size="20" value="0.05" max="1" min="0" label="P-value threshold:" help="min value 0" />
				<param name="fChange" argument="--fChange" type="float" size="20" value="1.2" min="1" label="Fold-Change threshold:" help="min value 1" />
				<param name="generateSvg" argument="--generateSvg" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Generate SVG map" help="should the program generate an editable svg map of the processes?" />
				<param name="generatePdf" argument="--generatePdf" type="boolean" checked="true" label="Generate PDF map" help="should the program return a non editable (but displayble) pdf map of the processes?" />
				<param name="netRPS" argument="--net" type="boolean" checked="false" label="Should RPS enrichment use net values?" help="If checked and RPS datasets are present the arrow tips of a reversible arrow will be colored with the net contribution of both directions' RPS values" />

		<data format="txt" name="log" label="MaREA - Log" />
		<collection name="results" type="list" label="MaREA - Results">
			<discover_datasets pattern="__name_and_ext__" directory="result"/>

What it does

This tool analyzes and visualizes differences in the Reaction Activity Scores (RASs) of groups of samples, as computed by the Expression2RAS tool, of groups of samples.

Accepted files are: 
    - option 1) two or more RAS datasets, each referring to samples in a given group. The user can specify a label for each group (as e.g. "classA" and "classB");
    - option 2) one RAS dataset and one group-file specifying the group each sample belongs to.
RAS datasets format: tab-separated text files, reporting the RAS value of each reaction (row) for a given sample (column).

Column header: sample ID.
Row header: reaction ID. 

Optional files:
    - custom svg map. Graphical elements must have the same IDs of reactions. See HmrCore svg map for an example.

The tool generates:
    - 1) a tab-separated file: reporting fold-change and p-values of reaction activity scores (RASs) between a pair of conditions/classes;
    - 2) a metabolic map file (downloadable as .svg): visualizing up- and down-regulated reactions between a pair of conditions/classes;
    - 3) a log file (.txt).
Output options:
To calculate P-Values and Fold-Changes and to enrich maps, comparisons are performed for each possible pair of groups (default option ‘One vs One’).

Alternative options are:
    - comparison of each group vs. the rest of samples (option ‘One vs Rest’)
    - comparison of each group vs. a control group (option ‘One vs Control). If this option is selected the user must indicate the control group label.

Output files will be named as classA_vs_classB. Reactions will conventionally be reported as up-regulated (down-regulated) if they are significantly more (less) active in class having label "classA".

Example input

"RAS of group 1 + RAS of group 2 + ... + RAS of group N" option:

RAS Dataset 1:

| Reaction ID|   TCGAA62670   |   TCGAA62671   |   TCGAA62672   |  
| r1642      |    0.523167    |    0.371355    |    0.925661    |  
| r1643      |    0.568765    |    0.765567    |    0.456789    |    
| r1640      |    0.876545    |    0.768933    |    0.987654    |  
| r1641      |    0.456788    |    0.876543    |    0.876542    |    
| r1646      |    0.876543    |    0.786543    |    0.897654    |   

RAS Dataset 2:

| Reaction ID|   TCGAA62670   |   TCGAA62671   |   TCGAA62672   |  
| r1642      |    0.523167    |    0.371355    |    0.925661    |  
| r1643      |    0.568765    |    0.765567    |    0.456789    |    
| r1640      |    0.876545    |    0.768933    |    0.987654    |  
| r1641      |    0.456788    |    0.876543    |    0.876542    |    
| r1646      |    0.876543    |    0.786543    |    0.897654    |   

"RAS of all samples + sample group specification" option:

RAS Dataset:

| Reaction ID|   TCGAA62670   |   TCGAA62671   |   TCGAA62672   |  
| r1642      |    0.523167    |    0.371355    |    0.925661    |  
| r1643      |    0.568765    |    0.765567    |    0.456789    |    
| r1640      |    0.876545    |    0.768933    |    0.987654    |  
| r1641      |    0.456788    |    0.876543    |    0.876542    |    
| r1646      |    0.876543    |    0.786543    |    0.897654    |   


| Patient ID    |   Class   | 
| TCGAAA3529    |    MSI    | 
| TCGAA62671    |    MSS    |    
| TCGAA62672    |    MSI    |

Advanced options

P-Value threshold: the threshold used for significance Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test, to verify whether the distributions of RASs over the samples in two sets are significantly different

Fold-Change threshold: threshold of the fold-change between the average RAS of two groups. Among the reactions that pass the KS test, only fold-change values larger than the indicated threshold will be visualized on the output metabolic map;

.. class:: infomark

**TIP**: If your data is not TAB delimited, use `Convert delimiters to TAB`_.

.. class:: infomark

**TIP**: If your dataset is not split into classes, use `MaREA cluster analysis`_.

.. class:: infomark

**TIP**: This tool using the RAS scores computed by `Ras tool`_.


.. _Ras tool:
.. _Convert delimiters to TAB:
.. _MaREA cluster analysis:

	<expand macro="citations" />