view gecko/src/comparisonFunctions.h @ 5:6377afdf6aa2 draft

author bitlab
date Tue, 17 Nov 2020 11:58:44 +0000
parents 9db88f0f32b7
line wrap: on
line source


#define min(x,y)    (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))

 * Read a new hash entry from 'f' with no more occurences
 * than 'freqThr'
int readHashEntry(hashentry *h, FILE *f, uint64_t freqThr);

 * Read the ocurrences of the given hash entry from the
 * ocurrences file 'f' and stored them in 'pos'
void loadWordOcurrences(hashentry he, location** pos, FILE** f);

 * Get the maximum score possible between the two sequences
unsigned long scoreMax(char *seq, char *seq2, uint64_t len, int point);

 * Read the sequence from disk and store it in a list of Sequence struct
 * n: sequence length
 * ns: number of nodes in the list
struct Sequence* LeeSeqDB(FILE *f, uint64_t *n, uint64_t *nSeqs, int fAst);

 * Get the value of the sequence in a given position of the list node ns
char getValue(struct Sequence *s, uint64_t pos);

 * Get the length of the sequence 's'
long getSeqLength(struct Sequence *s);

 * Function to read a fragment from the specified file
void readFragment(struct FragFile *frag, FILE *f);

 * Function to write a fragment to the specified file
void writeFragment(struct FragFile *frag, FILE *f);

 * Function to read the sequence length
void readSequenceLength(uint64_t *length, FILE *f);

 * Function to write the sequence length
void writeSequenceLength(uint64_t *length, FILE *f);

 * Function to return the sizeof a fragment.
 * Due to architeture issues the value of sizeof built-in
 * function could be different
long int sizeofFragment();