1 import sys
2 import os
3 from time import sleep
5 files = sys.argv[1] # read in a string of file names seperated by ", "
6 print files
7 # e.g. "Default_Protein_Report.txt, Default_Protein_Report_2.txt"
8 #bait = sys.argv[2] # SAINT formatted bait file
9 # still need a way to match files to bait identifiers
10 # or they can just be required to be put in the order of the bait file
11 quant_type = sys.argv[3] # what metric to use for quantification
12 print quant_type
13 # "#Validated Peptides", "#Peptides", "#Unique", "#Validated PSMs", "#PSMs"
14 db = sys.argv[4] # fasta database used in SearchGUI and PeptideShaker
15 print db
16 prey = sys.argv[5]
17 print prey
18 tool_path = sys.argv[7]
19 print tool_path
20 if db == "None":
21 db = str(tool_path) + "/SwissProt_HUMAN_2015_12.fasta"
22 make_bait = sys.argv[6]
23 print make_bait
24 bait_bool = sys.argv[8]
25 print bait_bool
27 def bait_create(baits, infile):
28 # Verifies the Baits are valid in the Scaffold file and writes the Bait.txt.
29 baits = make_bait.split()
30 i = 0
31 bait_file_tmp = open("bait.txt", "w")
32 order = []
33 bait_cache = []
34 while i < len(baits):
35 if baits[i+2] == "true":
36 T_C = "C"
37 else:
38 T_C = "T"
39 bait_line = baits[i] + "\t" + baits[i+1] + "\t" + T_C + "\n"
40 bait_cache.append(str(bait_line))
41 i = i + 3
43 for cache_line in bait_cache:
44 bait_file_tmp.write(cache_line)
46 bait_file_tmp.close()
48 if bait_bool == 'false':
49 bait_create(make_bait, infile)
50 bait = "bait.txt"
51 else:
52 bait_temp_file = open(sys.argv[9], 'r')
53 bait_cache = bait_temp_file.readlines()
54 bait_file_tmp = open("bait.txt", "wr")
55 for cache_line in bait_cache:
56 bait_file_tmp.write(cache_line)
57 bait_file_tmp.close()
58 bait = "bait.txt"
60 class ReturnValue1(object):
61 def __init__(self, sequence, gene):
62 self.seqlength = sequence
63 self.genename = gene
65 def read_tab(infile):
66 with open(infile,'r') as x:
67 output = []
68 for line in x:
69 line = line.strip()
70 temp = line.split('\t')
71 output.append(temp)
72 return output
73 def printProgress (iteration, total, prefix = '', suffix = '', decimals = 1, barLength = 100):
74 """
75 Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar
76 @params:
77 iteration - Required : current iteration (Int)
78 total - Required : total iterations (Int)
79 prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str)
80 suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str)
81 decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int)
82 barLength - Optional : character length of bar (Int)
83 """
84 formatStr = "{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}"
85 percents = formatStr.format(100 * (iteration / float(total)))
86 filledLength = int(round(barLength * iteration / float(total)))
87 bar = '=' * filledLength + '-' * (barLength - filledLength)
88 sys.stdout.write('\r%s |%s| %s%s %s' % (prefix, bar, percents, '%', suffix)),
89 sys.stdout.flush()
90 if iteration == total:
91 sys.stdout.write('\n')
92 sys.stdout.flush()
93 def get_info(uniprot_accession_in,fasta_db):
94 # Get aminoacid lengths and gene name.
95 error = open('error proteins.txt', 'a+')
96 data = open(fasta_db, 'r')
97 data_lines = data.readlines()
98 db_len = len(data_lines)
99 seqlength = 0
100 count = 0
101 for data_line in data_lines:
102 if ">sp" in data_line:
103 namer = data_line.split("|")[2]
104 if uniprot_accession_in == data_line.split("|")[1]:
105 match = count + 1
106 if 'GN=' in data_line:
107 lst = data_line.split('GN=')
108 lst2 = lst[1].split(' ')
109 genename = lst2[0]
110 if 'GN=' not in data_line:
111 genename = 'NA'
112 while ">sp" not in data_lines[match]:
113 if match <= db_len:
114 seqlength = seqlength + len(data_lines[match].strip())
115 match = match + 1
116 else:
117 break
118 return ReturnValue1(seqlength, genename)
119 if uniprot_accession_in == namer.split(" ")[0]:
120 match = count + 1
121 # Ensures consistent spacing throughout.
122 if 'GN=' in data_line:
123 lst = data_line.split('GN=')
124 lst2 = lst[1].split(' ')
125 genename = lst2[0]
126 if 'GN=' not in data_line:
127 genename = 'NA'
128 while ">sp" not in data_lines[match]:
129 if match <= db_len:
130 seqlength = seqlength + len(data_lines[match].strip())
131 match = match + 1
132 else:
133 break
134 return ReturnValue1(seqlength, genename)
135 count = count + 1
136 if seqlength == 0:
137 error.write(uniprot_accession_in + '\t' + "Uniprot not in Fasta" + '\n')
138 error.close
139 seqlength = 'NA'
140 genename = 'NA'
141 return ReturnValue1(seqlength, genename)
142 def concatenate_files(file_list_string, bait_file):
143 file_list = file_list_string.split(",")
144 bait = read_tab(bait_file)
145 master_table = []
146 header_check = 0
147 file_cnt = 0
148 table_cnt = 0
149 for i in file_list:
150 table = read_tab(i)
151 for j in table:
152 if table_cnt == 0:
153 if header_check == 0:
154 header_check +=1
155 j.append("Replicate")
156 j.append("Bait_Grouping")
157 master_table.append(j)
158 if table_cnt > 0:
159 j.append(bait[file_cnt][0])
160 j.append(bait[file_cnt][1])
161 master_table.append(j)
162 table_cnt +=1
163 file_cnt+=1
164 table_cnt = 0
165 if len(master_table[0]) < len(master_table[1]):
166 master_table[0] = ["#"] + master_table[0]
167 with open("merged_PeptideShaker.txt","w") as x:
168 for i in master_table:
169 x.write("\t".join(i))
170 x.write("\n")
171 return master_table
172 def make_inter(master_table,quant_type):
173 if len(master_table[0]) < len(master_table[1]):
174 master_table[0] = ["#"] + master_table[0]
175 replicate_index = master_table[0].index("Replicate")
176 grouping_index = master_table[0].index("Bait_Grouping")
177 accession_index = master_table[0].index("Main Accession")
178 Quant_index = master_table[0].index(quant_type)
179 inter_file = ""
180 for i in master_table[1:]:
181 line = []
182 line.append(i[replicate_index])
183 line.append(i[grouping_index])
184 line.append(i[accession_index])
185 line.append(i[Quant_index])
186 inter_file = inter_file + "\t".join(line) + "\n"
187 with open("inter.txt","w") as x:
188 x.write(inter_file)
190 def make_prey(concat_table,fasta_db):
191 input_data = concat_table
192 if len(input_data[0]) < len(input_data[1]):
193 input_data[0] = ["#"] + input_data[0]
194 accession_index = input_data[0].index("Main Accession")
195 proteins = []
196 for i in input_data[1:]:
197 proteins.append(i[accession_index])
198 output_file = open("prey.txt", 'w')
199 start = 0
200 end = len(proteins)
202 # Initial call to print 0% progress
203 printProgress(start, end, prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete', barLength = 50)
205 for protein in proteins:
206 seq = get_info(protein,fasta_db).seqlength
207 GN = get_info(protein,fasta_db).genename
208 if seq != 'NA':
209 output_file.write(protein + "\t" + str(seq) + "\t" + str(GN) + "\n")
210 start+=1
211 printProgress(start, end, prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete', barLength = 50)
212 output_file.close()
213 data = concatenate_files(files,bait)
214 make_inter(data, quant_type)
215 if prey == "true":
216 make_prey(data,db)
218 os.rename("bait.txt", sys.argv[2])
219 os.rename("inter.txt", sys.argv[10])
220 os.rename("prey.txt", sys.argv[11]) |