comparison bedToBam.xml @ 0:a993f4a9aeaa draft default tip

author brenninc
date Thu, 12 May 2016 06:20:51 -0400
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a993f4a9aeaa
1 <!-- adapted from
2 Added the samtools sort and samtools requirement as bam files must be outpit sorted -->
3 <tool id="bedtools_bedtobam_sorted" name="BED to sorted BAM" version="@WRAPPER_VERSION@.0">
4 <description>converter</description>
5 <macros>
6 <import>macros.xml</import>
7 </macros>
8 <expand macro="requirements" >
9 <requirement type="package" version="1.2">samtools</requirement>
10 </expand>
11 <expand macro="stdio" />
12 <command>
13 <![CDATA[
14 bedtools bedtobam
15 $bed12
16 -mapq $mapq
17 -g $genome
18 -i '$input'
19 > unsorted.bam &&
20 samtools sort -@ \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} -o '$output' -O bam -T dataset 'unsorted.bam'
21 ]]>
22 </command>
23 <inputs>
24 <param format="bed" name="input" type="data" label="Convert the following BED file to BAM"/>
25 <param name="bed12" type="boolean" truevalue="-bed12" falsevalue="" checked="false"
26 label="Indicate that the input BED file is in BED12 (a.k.a 'blocked' BED) format"
27 help="If Selected, bedToBam will convert blocked BED features (e.g., gene annotaions) into 'spliced' BAM alignments by creating an appropriate CIGAR string. (-bed12)"/>
28 <expand macro="genome" />
29 <param name="mapq" type="integer" value="255"
30 label="Set a mapping quality (SAM MAPQ field) value for all BED entries" help="(-mapq)"/>
31 </inputs>
32 <outputs>
33 <data format="bam" name="output" metadata_source="input" label="${} (as BAM)"/>
34 </outputs>
35 <tests>
36 <test>
37 <param name="input" value="bedToBam1.bed" ftype="bed" />
38 <param name="genome" value="mm9_chr1.len" ftype="tabular" />
39 <output name="output" file="sortedBedToBam_result.bam" lines_diff="4" ftype="bam" />
40 </test>
41 </tests>
42 <help>
43 <![CDATA[
44 **What it does**
46 bedToBam converts features in a feature file to BAM format. This is useful as an efficient means of storing large genome annotations in a compact, indexed format for visualization purposes.
49 ]]>
50 </help>
51 <expand macro="citations" />
52 </tool>