diff syncpairs.py @ 0:79682a423af7 draft

author brenninc
date Mon, 09 May 2016 05:15:01 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/syncpairs.py	Mon May 09 05:15:01 2016 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmendez12/sync_paired_end_reads/master/sync_paired_end_reads/syncpairs.py
+__author__ = 'mickael'
+__author__ = 'mickael'
+from Bio import SeqIO
+from itertools import izip
+import argparse
+def adjust_name(reads1, reads2):
+    for r1, r2 in izip(reads1, reads2):
+        r2.name = r1.description
+        r2.description = r1.description
+        r2.id = r1.description
+        yield r2
+def remove_space_from_sequence_header(read):
+    """ replaces spaces in a read's name by three underscores.
+    Args:
+        read: A SeqRecord object (see Biopython)
+    >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
+    >>> from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
+    >>> from Bio.Alphabet import SingleLetterAlphabet
+    >>> read = SeqRecord(Seq("AAAAA",SingleLetterAlphabet),\
+                       id="read A", name="read A", description="read A")
+    >>> print remove_space_from_sequence_header(read).name
+    read___A
+    """
+    read.description = read.description.replace(' ', '___')
+    read.name = read.description
+    read.id = read.description
+    return read
+def next_matching_read(reads1, reads2):
+    """ return next read2 that matches read2
+    Args:
+        reads1: A generator that contains a SeqRecord (see Biopython)
+        reads2: A generator that contains a SeqRecord (see Biopython)
+    >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq
+    >>> from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
+    >>> from Bio.Alphabet import SingleLetterAlphabet
+    >>> reads1 = []
+    >>> reads2 = []
+    >>> reads1.append(SeqRecord(Seq("AAAAA",SingleLetterAlphabet),\
+                       id="read A", name="read A", description="read A"))
+    >>> reads2.append(SeqRecord(Seq("TTTTT",SingleLetterAlphabet),\
+                       id="read A", name="read A", description="read A"))
+    >>> reads1.append(SeqRecord(Seq("AAAAA",SingleLetterAlphabet),\
+                       id="read B", name="read B", description="read B"))
+    >>> reads1.append(SeqRecord(Seq("AAAAA",SingleLetterAlphabet),\
+                       id="read C", name="read C", description="read C"))
+    >>> reads2.append(SeqRecord(Seq("TTTTT",SingleLetterAlphabet),\
+                       id="read C", name="read C", description="read C"))
+    >>> match = [read2 for read2 in next_matching_read(reads1, reads2)]
+    >>> print match[0].name
+    read A
+    >>> print match[1].name
+    read C
+    """
+    for read1 in reads1:
+        for read2 in reads2:
+            if read1.name == read2.name:
+                yield read2
+                break
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("reads1",help='modified reads')
+    parser.add_argument("reads2", help='reads to adjust')
+    parser.add_argument('reads1_output',  help='output folder and filename. Note that the folder should already exist')
+    parser.add_argument('reads2_output',  help='output folder and filename. Note that the folder should already exist')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    #we'll need to go through the reads1 multiple time and it can be a large file
+    #so it's better to use inline func that return a generator
+    _reads1 = lambda: (rec for rec in SeqIO.parse(args.reads1, 'fastq'))
+    _reads2 = (rec for rec in SeqIO.parse(args.reads2, 'fastq'))
+    matching_reads2 = (read2 for read2 in next_matching_read(_reads1(), _reads2))
+    synced_reads2_names = (read2 for read2 in adjust_name(_reads1(), matching_reads2))
+    final_reads1 = (remove_space_from_sequence_header(r1) for r1 in _reads1())
+    final_reads2 = (remove_space_from_sequence_header(r2) for r2 in synced_reads2_names)
+    SeqIO.write(final_reads1, args.reads1_output, "fastq")
+    SeqIO.write(final_reads2, args.reads2_output, "fastq")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()