diff hbonds/hbonds.tcl @ 0:8aa5e465b043 draft default tip

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/thatchristoph/vmd-cvs-github/tree/master/vmd commit a48d8046b8d9c8093daaa35bfedafa62fc5c5fd9"
author chemteam
date Thu, 24 Oct 2019 07:00:24 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hbonds/hbonds.tcl	Thu Oct 24 07:00:24 2019 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+# hbonds - finds hydrogen bonds in a trajectory
+# Authors:
+#     JC Gumbart (gumbart@ks.uiuc.edu)
+#     with the detailed hbond calculations contributed by Dong Luo (us917@yahoo.com)
+#     also with thanks to Leo Trabuco and Elizabeth Villa whose salt bridge plugin provided the foundation for this one
+# $Id: hbonds.tcl,v 1.9 2013/04/15 15:50:16 johns Exp $
+# TODO:
+# - show hbonds in the gui?
+package provide hbonds 1.2
+namespace eval ::hbonds:: {
+  namespace export hbonds
+  variable defaultAng 20
+  variable defaultDist 3.0
+  variable defaultWrite 0
+  variable defaultFrames "all"
+  variable defaultOutdir
+  variable defaultLogFile ""
+  variable defaultUpdateSel 1
+  variable defaultPlot 1
+  variable defaultPolar 0
+  variable debug 0
+  variable currentMol none
+  variable atomselectText1 "protein"
+  variable atomselectText2 ""
+  variable defaultDatFile "hbonds.dat"
+  variable statusMsg ""
+  variable defaultDetailFile "hbonds-details.dat" 
+  variable defaultDetailType none
+  variable defaultDA both
+proc ::hbonds::hbonds_gui {} {
+  variable defaultDist
+  variable defaultAng
+  variable defaultWrite
+  variable defaultPlot
+  variable defaultFrames
+  variable defaultLogFile
+  variable defaultUpdateSel
+  variable defaultDatFile
+  variable defaultDetailFile
+  variable defaultDetailType
+  variable defaultPolar
+  variable w
+  variable defaultDA
+  variable nullMolString "none"
+  variable currentMol
+  variable molMenuButtonText
+ trace add variable [namespace current]::currentMol write [namespace code {
+    variable currentMol
+    variable molMenuButtonText
+    if { ! [catch { molinfo $currentMol get name } name ] } {
+      set molMenuButtonText "$currentMol: $name"
+    } else {
+      set molMenuButtonText $currentMol
+    }
+  # } ]
+  set currentMol $nullMolString
+  variable usableMolLoaded 0
+  variable atomselectText1 "protein"
+  variable atomselectText2 ""
+  # Add traces to the checkboxes, so various widgets can be disabled
+  # appropriately
+  if {[llength [trace info variable [namespace current]::atomselectText2]] == 0} {
+    trace add variable [namespace current]::atomselectText2 write ::hbonds::sel2_state
+  }
+  if {[llength [trace info variable [namespace current]::guiWrite]] == 0} {
+    trace add variable [namespace current]::guiWrite write ::hbonds::write_state
+  }
+  if {[llength [trace info variable [namespace current]::guiType]] == 0} {
+    trace add variable [namespace current]::guiType write ::hbonds::write_state
+  }
+  # If already initialized, just turn on
+  if { [winfo exists .hbonds] } {
+    wm deiconify $w
+    return
+  }
+  set w [toplevel ".hbonds"]
+  wm title $w "Hydrogen Bonds"
+  wm resizable $w 0 0
+  variable statusMsg "Ready."
+  variable guiDist $defaultDist
+  variable guiAng $defaultAng
+  variable guiWrite $defaultWrite
+  variable guiPlot $defaultPlot
+  variable guiFrames $defaultFrames
+  variable guiLogFile $defaultLogFile
+  variable guiUpdateSel $defaultUpdateSel
+  variable guiDatFile $defaultDatFile
+  variable guiPolar $defaultPolar
+  variable guiType $defaultDetailType
+  variable guiDetailFile $defaultDetailFile
+  variable guiOutdir [pwd]
+  variable guiDA $defaultDA
+  # Add a menu bar
+  frame $w.menubar -relief raised -bd 2
+  pack $w.menubar -padx 1 -fill x
+  menubutton $w.menubar.help -text Help -underline 0 -menu $w.menubar.help.menu
+  # XXX - set menubutton width to avoid truncation in OS X
+  $w.menubar.help config -width 5
+  # Help menu
+  menu $w.menubar.help.menu -tearoff no
+  $w.menubar.help.menu add command -label "About" \
+    -command {tk_messageBox -type ok -title "About Hbonds" \
+    -message "The H Bonds plugin searches for hydrogen bonds (subject to user criteria) within one selection or between two selections and then outputs the number of bonds as a function of time."}
+  $w.menubar.help.menu add command -label "Help..." \
+    -command "vmd_open_url [string trimright [vmdinfo www] /]/plugins/hbonds"
+  pack $w.menubar.help -side right
+  ############## frame for input options #################
+  labelframe $w.in -bd 2 -relief ridge -text "Input options" -padx 1m -pady 1m
+  set f [frame $w.in.all]
+  set row 0
+  grid [label $f.mollable -text "Molecule: "] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
+  grid [menubutton $f.mol -textvar [namespace current]::molMenuButtonText \
+    -menu $f.mol.menu -relief raised] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 3 -sticky ew
+  menu $f.mol.menu -tearoff no
+  incr row
+  fill_mol_menu $f.mol.menu
+  trace add variable ::vmd_initialize_structure write [namespace code "
+    fill_mol_menu $f.mol.menu
+  # " ]
+  grid [label $f.sellabel1 -text "Selection 1 (Required): "] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
+  grid [entry $f.sel1 -width 50 \
+    -textvariable [namespace current]::atomselectText1] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 3 -sticky ew
+  incr row
+  grid [label $f.sellabel2 -text "Selection 2 (Optional): "] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
+  grid [entry $f.sel2 -width 50 \
+    -textvariable [namespace current]::atomselectText2] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 3 -sticky ew
+  incr row
+  grid [label $f.selwarning -text "NOTE: if sel1 and sel2 overlap, hbonds output is unreliable!"] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
+  incr row
+  grid [label $f.frameslabel -text "Frames: "] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
+  grid [entry $f.frames -width 10 \
+    -textvariable [namespace current]::guiFrames] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -sticky ew
+  grid [label $f.framescomment -text "(now, all, b:e, or b:s:e)"] \
+    -row $row -column 2 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
+  incr row
+###    -row $row -column 0 -columnspan 4 -sticky w
+##    -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 4 -sticky e
+  grid [checkbutton $f.check -text \
+    "Update selections every frame?" \
+    -variable [namespace current]::guiUpdateSel] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky w
+  grid [checkbutton $f.check2 -text \
+    "Only polar atoms (N, O, S, F)?" \
+    -variable [namespace current]::guiPolar] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -sticky e
+  incr row
+  pack $f -side top -padx 0 -pady 0 -expand 1 -fill none
+  set f [frame $w.in.cutoffs]
+  set row 0
+  #### donor/acceptor check ####
+  grid [label $f.typelabel1 -text "Selection 1 is the: "] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
+  grid [radiobutton $f.type11 -text "Donor" -state disabled \
+    -variable [namespace current]::guiDA -value "D"] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -sticky w
+  grid [radiobutton $f.type12 -text "Acceptor" -state disabled \
+    -variable [namespace current]::guiDA -value "A"] \
+    -row $row -column 2 -sticky w
+  grid [radiobutton $f.type13 -text "Both" \
+    -variable [namespace current]::guiDA -value "both"] \
+    -row $row -column 3 -sticky w
+  incr row
+  grid [label $f.ondistlabel -text "Donor-Acceptor distance (A): "] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
+  grid [entry $f.ondist -width 5 \
+    -textvariable [namespace current]::guiDist] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 3 -sticky ew
+  incr row
+  grid [label $f.comdistlabel -text "Angle cutoff (degrees): "] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
+  grid [entry $f.comdist -width 5 \
+    -textvariable [namespace current]::guiAng] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 3 -sticky ew
+  incr row
+  #### hbonds type define ####
+  grid [label $f.typelabel -text "Calculate detailed info for: "] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
+  grid [radiobutton $f.type1 -text "None" \
+    -variable [namespace current]::guiType -value "none"] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -sticky ew
+  grid [radiobutton $f.type2 -text "All hbonds" \
+    -variable [namespace current]::guiType -value "all"] \
+    -row $row -column 2 -sticky ew
+  grid [radiobutton $f.type3 -text "Residue pairs" \
+    -variable [namespace current]::guiType -value "pair"] \
+    -row $row -column 3 -sticky ew
+  grid [radiobutton $f.type4 -text "Unique hbond" \
+    -variable [namespace current]::guiType -value "unique"] \
+    -row $row -column 4 -sticky ew
+  incr row
+  pack $f -side top -padx 0 -pady 5 -expand 1 -fill x
+  pack $w.in -side top -pady 5 -padx 3 -fill x -anchor w
+  ############## frame for output options #################
+  labelframe $w.out -bd 2 -relief ridge -text "Output options" -padx 1m -pady 1m
+  set f [frame $w.out.all]
+  set row 0
+  grid [checkbutton $f.check1 -text \
+    "Plot the data with MultiPlot?" \
+    -variable [namespace current]::guiPlot] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
+  incr row
+  grid [label $f.label -text "Output directory: "] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -columnspan 1 -sticky e
+  grid [entry $f.entry -textvariable [namespace current]::guiOutdir \
+    -width 35 -relief sunken -justify left -state readonly] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky e
+  grid [button $f.button -text "Choose" -command "::hbonds::getoutdir"] \
+    -row $row -column 2 -columnspan 1 -sticky e
+  incr row
+  grid [label $f.loglabel -text "Log file? "] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
+  grid [entry $f.logname -width 30 \
+    -textvariable [namespace current]::guiLogFile] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
+  incr row
+  grid [checkbutton $f.check2 -text \
+    "Write output to files?" \
+    -variable [namespace current]::guiWrite] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -columnspan 3 -sticky w
+    incr row
+  grid [label $f.fbdata -text "Frame/bond data? " -state disabled] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
+  grid [entry $f.datname -width 30 \
+    -textvariable [namespace current]::guiDatFile -state disabled] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
+    incr row
+  grid [label $f.detdata -text "Detailed hbond data? " -state disabled] \
+    -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
+  grid [entry $f.detname -width 30 \
+    -textvariable [namespace current]::guiDetailFile -state disabled] \
+    -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
+  pack $f -side left -padx 0 -pady 5 -expand 1 -fill x
+  pack $w.out -side top -pady 5 -padx 3 -fill x -anchor w
+  ############## frame for status #################
+  labelframe $w.status -bd 2 -relief ridge -text "Status" -padx 1m -pady 1m
+  set f [frame $w.status.all]
+  label $f.label -textvariable [namespace current]::statusMsg
+  pack $f $f.label
+  pack $w.status -side top -pady 5 -padx 3 -fill x -anchor w
+  set f [frame $w.control]
+  button $f.button -text "Find hydrogen bonds!" -width 20 \
+  -command {::hbonds::hbonds -gui 1 -dist $::hbonds::guiDist -ang $::hbonds::guiAng -writefile $::hbonds::guiWrite -outdir $::hbonds::guiOutdir -frames $::hbonds::guiFrames -log $::hbonds::guiLogFile -upsel $::hbonds::guiUpdateSel -plot $::hbonds::guiPlot -outfile $::hbonds::guiDatFile -polar $::hbonds::guiPolar -type $::hbonds::guiType -detailout $::hbonds::guiDetailFile -DA $::hbonds::guiDA } 
+  pack $f $f.button
+# Adapted from pmepot gui
+proc ::hbonds::fill_mol_menu {name} {
+  variable usableMolLoaded
+  variable currentMol
+  variable nullMolString
+  $name delete 0 end
+  set molList ""
+  foreach mm [array names ::vmd_initialize_structure] {
+    if { $::vmd_initialize_structure($mm) != 0} {
+      lappend molList $mm
+      $name add radiobutton -variable [namespace current]::currentMol \
+        -value $mm -label "$mm [molinfo $mm get name]"
+    }
+  }
+  #set if any non-Graphics molecule is loaded
+  if {[lsearch -exact $molList $currentMol] == -1} {
+    if {[lsearch -exact $molList [molinfo top]] != -1} {
+      set currentMol [molinfo top]
+      set usableMolLoaded 1
+    } else {
+      set currentMol $nullMolString
+      set usableMolLoaded  0
+    }
+  }
+proc ::hbonds::getoutdir {} {
+  variable guiOutdir
+  set newdir [tk_chooseDirectory \
+    -title "Choose output directory" \
+    -initialdir $guiOutdir -mustexist true]
+  if {[string length $newdir] > 0} {
+    set guiOutdir $newdir 
+  } 
+proc hbonds { args } { return [eval ::hbonds::hbonds $args] }
+proc hbondsgui { } { return [eval ::hbonds::hbonds_gui] }
+proc ::hbonds::hbonds_usage { } {
+  variable defaultDist
+  variable defaultAng
+  variable defaultWrite
+  variable defaultPlot
+  variable defaultFrames
+  variable defaultDatFile
+  variable defaultDetailType
+  variable defaultDA
+  puts "Usage: hbonds -sel1 <atom selection> <option1> <option2> ..."
+  puts "Options:"
+  puts "  -sel2 <atom selection> (default: none)"
+  puts "    NOTE: if sel1 and sel2 overlap, hbonds output is unreliable!"
+  if $defaultWrite {
+     puts "  -writefile <yes|no> (default: yes)"
+  } else {
+     puts "  -writefile <yes|no> (default: no)"
+  }
+  puts "  -upsel <yes|no> (update atom selections every frame? default: yes)"
+  puts "  -frames <begin:end> or <begin:step:end> or all or now (default: $defaultFrames)"
+  puts "  -dist <cutoff distance between donor and acceptor> (default: $defaultDist)"
+  puts "  -ang <angle cutoff> (default: $defaultAng)"
+  puts "  -plot <yes|no> (plot with MultiPlot, default: yes)"
+  puts "  -outdir <output directory> (default: current)"
+  puts "  -log <log filename> (default: none)"
+  puts "  -outfile <dat filename> (default: $defaultDatFile)"
+  puts "  -polar <yes|no> (consider only polar atoms (N, O, S, F)? default: no)"
+  puts "  -DA <D|A|both> (sel1 is the donor (D), acceptor (A), or donor and acceptor (both)?"  
+  puts "        Only valid when used with two selections, default: $defaultDA)"
+  puts "  -type: (default: $defaultDetailType)"
+  puts "        none--no detailed bonding information will be calculated"
+  puts "        all--hbonds in the same residue pair type are all counted"
+  puts "        pair--hbonds in the same residue pair type are counted once"
+  puts "        unique--hbonds are counted according to the donor-acceptor atom pair type"
+  puts "  -detailout <details output file> (default: stdout)"
+  return
+proc ::hbonds::hbonds { args } {
+  global tk_version
+  variable hbondcount 
+  variable hbondallframes
+  variable multichain 
+  variable molid
+  variable detailType
+  variable defaultDist
+  variable defaultAng
+  variable defaultFrames
+  variable defaultWrite
+  variable defaultPlot
+  variable defaultFrames
+  variable defaultUpdateSel
+  variable defaultDatFile
+  variable defaultPolar
+  variable defaultDA
+  variable currentMol
+  variable atomselectText1
+  variable atomselectText2
+  variable debug
+  variable log
+  variable statusMsg
+  variable plotHbonds
+  variable defaultOutdir [pwd]
+  variable defaultDetailFile 
+  variable defaultDetailType  
+  set nargs [llength $args]
+  if { $nargs == 0 || $nargs % 2 } {
+    if { $nargs == 0 } {
+      hbonds_usage
+      error ""
+    }
+    if { $nargs % 2 } {
+      hbonds_usage
+        error "error: odd number of arguments $args"
+    }
+  }
+  foreach {name val} $args {
+    switch -- $name {
+      -sel1 { set arg(sel1) $val }
+      -sel2 { set arg(sel2) $val }
+      -upsel { set arg(upsel) $val }
+      -frames { set arg(frames) $val }
+      -dist { set arg(dist) $val }
+      -ang { set arg(ang) $val }
+      -writefile { set arg(writefile) $val }
+      -outdir { set arg(outdir) $val }
+      -log { set arg(log) $val }
+      -gui { set arg(gui) $val }
+      -debug { set arg(debug) $val }
+      -plot {set arg(plot) $val}
+      -outfile {set arg(outfile) $val}
+      -type { set arg(type) $val }
+      -detailout { set arg(detout) $val }
+      -polar {set arg(polar) $val }
+      -DA { set arg(DA) $val }
+      default { error "unknown argument: $name $val" }
+    }
+  }
+  # was I called by the gui?
+  if [info exists arg(gui)] {
+      set gui 1
+  } else {
+      set gui 0
+  }
+  # debug flag
+  if [info exists arg(debug)] {
+      set debug 1
+  }
+  # outdir
+  if [info exists arg(outdir)] {
+    set outdir $arg(outdir)
+  } else {
+    set outdir $defaultOutdir
+  }
+  if { ![file isdirectory $outdir] } {
+    error "$outdir is not a directory."
+  }
+  # log file
+  if { [info exists arg(log)] && $arg(log) != "" } {
+    set log [open [file join $outdir $arg(log)] w]
+  } else {
+    set log "stdout"
+  }
+  # polar atoms only?
+  if [info exists arg(polar)] {
+    if { $arg(polar) == "no" || $arg(polar) == 0 } {
+      set polar 0
+    } elseif { $arg(polar) == "yes" || $arg(polar) == 1 } {
+      set polar 1
+    } else {
+      error "error: bad argument for option -polar $arg(polar): acceptable arguments are 'yes' or 'no'"
+    }
+  } else {
+    set polar $defaultPolar
+  }
+  # donor/acceptor?
+  if [info exists arg(DA)] {
+    if { $arg(DA) == "D" || $arg(DA) == "donor" } {
+      set DA "D"
+    } elseif { $arg(DA) == "A" || $arg(DA) == "acceptor" } {
+      set DA "A"
+    } elseif { $arg(DA) == "both" } {
+      set DA "both"
+    } else {
+      error "error: bad argument for option -DA $arg(DA): acceptable arguments are 'D', 'A', or 'both'"
+    }
+  } else {
+    set DA $defaultDA
+  }
+  # get selection
+  if [info exists arg(sel1)] {
+     set molid [$arg(sel1) molid]
+     if { $polar } {
+        set sel1 [atomselect $molid "([$arg(sel1) text]) and (name \"N.*\" \"O.*\" \"S.*\" FA F1 F2 F3)"]
+     } else {
+        set sel1 $arg(sel1)
+     }
+     if [info exists arg(sel2)] {
+        if { $polar } {
+           set sel2 [atomselect $molid "([$arg(sel2) text]) and (name \"N.*\" \"O.*\" \"S.*\" FA F1 F2 F3)"]
+        } else {
+           set sel2 $arg(sel2)
+        }
+     }
+  } elseif $gui {
+    if { $currentMol == "none" } {
+      error "No molecules were found."
+    } else {
+       set molid $currentMol
+       if { $polar } {
+          set sel1 [atomselect $currentMol "($atomselectText1) and (name \"N.*\" \"O.*\" \"S.*\" FA F1 F2 F3)"]
+       } else {
+          set sel1 [atomselect $currentMol $atomselectText1]
+       }
+     if {$atomselectText2 != ""} {
+       if { $polar } {
+          set sel2 [atomselect $currentMol "($atomselectText2) and (name \"N.*\" \"O.*\" \"S.*\" FA F1 F2 F3)"]
+       } else {
+          set sel2 [atomselect $currentMol $atomselectText2]
+       }
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    hbonds_usage
+    error "No atomselection was given."
+  }
+  # update selections?
+  if [info exists arg(upsel)] {
+    if { $arg(upsel) == "no" || $arg(upsel) == 0 } {
+      set updateSel 0
+    } elseif { $arg(upsel) == "yes" || $arg(upsel) == 1 } {
+      set updateSel 1
+    } else {
+      error "error: bad argument for option -upsel $arg(upsel): acceptable arguments are 'yes' or 'no'"
+    }
+  } else {
+    set updateSel $defaultUpdateSel
+  }
+  set nowframe [molinfo $molid get frame]
+  set lastframe [expr [molinfo $molid get numframes] - 1]
+  if { ! [info exists arg(frames)] } { set arg(frames) $defaultFrames }
+  if [info exists arg(frames)] {
+    set fl [split $arg(frames) :]
+    switch -- [llength $fl] {
+      1 {
+        switch -- $fl {
+          all {
+            set frames_begin 0
+            set frames_end $lastframe
+          }
+          now {
+            set frames_begin $nowframe
+          }
+          last {
+            set frames_begin $lastframe
+          }
+          default {
+            set frames_begin $fl
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      2 {
+        set frames_begin [lindex $fl 0]
+        set frames_end [lindex $fl 1]
+      }
+      3 {
+        set frames_begin [lindex $fl 0]
+        set frames_step [lindex $fl 1]
+        set frames_end [lindex $fl 2]
+      }
+      default { error "bad -frames arg: $arg(frames)" }
+    }
+  } else {
+    set frames_begin 0
+  }
+  if { ! [info exists frames_step] } { set frames_step 1 }
+  if { ! [info exists frames_end] } { set frames_end $lastframe }
+    switch -- $frames_end {
+      end - last { set frames_end $lastframe }
+  }
+  if { [ catch {
+    if { $frames_begin < 0 } {
+      set frames_begin [expr $lastframe + 1 + $frames_begin]
+    }
+    if { $frames_end < 0 } {
+      set frames_end [expr $lastframe + 1 + $frames_end]
+    }
+    if { ! ( [string is integer $frames_begin] && \
+      ( $frames_begin >= 0 ) && ( $frames_begin <= $lastframe ) && \
+	  [string is integer $frames_end] && \
+  	  ( $frames_end >= 0 ) && ( $frames_end <= $lastframe ) && \
+  	  ( $frames_begin <= $frames_end ) && \
+  	  [string is integer $frames_step] && ( $frames_step > 0 ) ) } {
+        error
+      }
+  } ok ] } { error "bad -frames arg: $arg(frames)" }
+  if $debug {
+    puts $log "frames_begin: $frames_begin"
+    puts $log "frames_step: $frames_step"
+    puts $log "frames_end: $frames_end"
+    flush $log
+  }
+  # get Dist
+  if [info exists arg(dist)] {
+    set dist $arg(dist)
+  } else {
+    set dist $defaultDist
+  }
+  # get Ang
+  if [info exists arg(ang)] {
+    set ang $arg(ang)
+  } else {
+    set ang $defaultAng
+  }
+  # write files?
+  if [info exists arg(writefile)] {
+     if { $arg(writefile) == "no" || $arg(writefile) == 0 } {
+        set writefile 0
+     } elseif { $arg(writefile) == "yes" || $arg(writefile) == 1 } {
+        set writefile 1
+        if [info exists arg(outfile)] {
+           if {$arg(outfile) != ""} {
+              set datfile $arg(outfile)
+           } else {
+              set datfile $defaultDatFile
+           }
+        } else {
+           set datfile $defaultDatFile
+        }
+        if [info exists arg(detout)] {
+           if {$arg(detout) != ""} {
+              set detailFile $arg(detout)
+           } else {
+              set detailFile $defaultDetailFile
+           }
+        } else {
+           set detailFile $defaultDetailFile
+        }
+     } else {
+       error "error: bad argument for option -writefile $arg(writefile): acceptable arguments are 'yes' or 'no'"
+     }
+  } else {
+    set writefile $defaultWrite
+    set datfile $defaultDatFile
+    set detailFile $defaultDetailFile
+  }
+  # Plot?
+  if [info exists arg(plot)] {
+    if { ($arg(plot) == "no" || $arg(plot) == 0) && $writefile } {
+      set plotHbonds 0
+    } elseif { ($arg(plot) == "yes" || $arg(plot) == 1) || !$writefile } {
+      set plotHbonds 1
+    } else {
+      error "error: bad argument for option -plot $arg(plot): acceptable arguments are 'yes' or 'no'"
+    }
+  } else {
+    set plotHbonds $defaultPlot
+  }
+  # Don't call multiplot in text mode
+  if {![info exists tk_version]} {
+    set plotHbonds 0
+  }
+  # calculate details?
+  if [info exists arg(type)] {
+    if { $arg(type) == "none" || $arg(type) == 0 } {
+      set detailType "none"
+    } elseif { $arg(type) == "unique" || $arg(type) == "all" || $arg(type) == "pair" } {
+      set detailType $arg(type)
+    } else {
+      error "error: bad argument for option -type $arg(type): acceptable arguments are 'none', 'all', 'pair', or 'unique'"
+    }
+  } else {
+      set detailType $defaultDetailType
+  }
+  # print name, version and date of plugin
+  puts $log "H-Bonds Plugin, Version 1.1"
+  puts $log "[clock format [clock scan now]]\n"
+  puts $log "Parameters used in the calculation of hydrogen bonds:"
+  puts $log "- Atomselection 1: [$sel1 text]"
+  if [info exists sel2] {
+      puts $log "- Atomselection 2: [$sel2 text]"
+  }
+  if $updateSel {
+      puts $log "- Update selections every frame: yes"
+  } else {
+      puts $log "- Update selections every frame: no"
+  }
+  puts $log "- Initial frame: $frames_begin"
+  puts $log "- Frame step: $frames_step"
+  puts $log "- Final frame: $frames_end"
+  puts $log "- Donor-Acceptor distance: $dist"
+  puts $log "- Angle cutoff: $ang"
+  puts $log "- Type: $detailType"
+  if $writefile {
+    puts $log "- Write a file with H bond/frame data: yes"
+    puts $log "- Filename: $datfile"
+    if {$detailType != "none"} {
+       puts $log "- Details output file: $detailFile"
+    }
+  } else {
+    puts $log "- Write a file with H bond/frame data: no"
+  }
+  puts $log ""
+  flush $log
+  # check if multiple chains/molecules exist in the two selections
+  set chainlist [$sel1 get chain]
+  if { [lsearch -not $chainlist [lindex $chainlist 0]] == -1 } {
+     set multichain 0
+  } else { set multichain 1 }
+  if {[info exists sel2]} {
+     set chainlist [$sel2 get chain]
+  }
+  if { [lsearch -not $chainlist [lindex $chainlist 0]] == -1 && $multichain == 0} {
+     set multichain 0
+  } else { set multichain 1 }
+  set hbondallframes {}
+  set hbondcount {}
+  set numberofframes [expr { ($frames_end - $frames_begin) / $frames_step + 1 }]
+  for { set f $frames_begin } { $f <= $frames_end } { incr f $frames_step } {
+     $sel1 frame $f
+     if {[info exists sel2]} {
+        $sel2 frame $f
+     }
+     if $updateSel {
+        $sel1 update
+        if {[info exists sel2]} {
+           $sel2 update
+        }
+     }
+     if {[info exists sel2]} {
+        set count1 0
+        set count2 0
+        if {$DA == "D" || $DA == "both"} {
+            set hbondsingleframe1 [measure hbonds $dist $ang $sel1 $sel2]
+            set count1 [llength [lindex $hbondsingleframe1 0]]
+        }
+        if {$DA == "A" || $DA == "both"} {
+            set hbondsingleframe2 [measure hbonds $dist $ang $sel2 $sel1]
+            set count2 [llength [lindex $hbondsingleframe2 0]]
+        }
+        lappend framecount $f     
+        lappend numHbonds [expr $count1 + $count2]
+        if {$detailType != "none"} {
+           if {$DA == "D" || $DA == "both"} {
+              hbonds::hbonddetails $hbondsingleframe1
+           }
+           if {$DA == "A" || $DA == "both"} {
+              hbonds::hbonddetails $hbondsingleframe2
+           }
+        }
+     } else {
+        set hbondsingleframe1 [measure hbonds $dist $ang $sel1]
+        set count1 [llength [lindex $hbondsingleframe1 0]]
+        lappend framecount $f     
+        lappend numHbonds $count1
+        if {$detailType != "none"} {
+           hbonds::hbonddetails $hbondsingleframe1
+        }
+     }
+  }
+  # delete the selection if it was created here
+  if { ![info exists arg(sel1)] } {
+    $sel1 delete
+  }
+  if {[info exists sel2]} {
+     if { ![info exists arg(sel2)] } {
+        $sel2 delete
+     }
+  }
+  if { $writefile } {
+     set statusMsg "Printing frame/hbond data to file... "
+     update
+     puts -nonewline $log $statusMsg
+     flush $log
+     set outfile [open [file join $outdir $datfile] w]
+     if $debug {
+       puts $log "Printing to file $datfile"
+     }
+     foreach fr $framecount hb $numHbonds {
+        puts $outfile "$fr $hb"
+     }
+     unset fr hb
+     close $outfile
+     append statusMsg "Done."
+     update
+     puts $log "Done."
+     flush $log
+  }
+  if {$detailType != "none"} {
+     if { $writefile } {
+        set outfile [open [file join $outdir $detailFile] w]
+        if $debug {
+          puts $log "Printing detailed hbond info to file $detailFile"
+        }
+     } else { set outfile "stdout" }
+     set statusMsg "Printing results ... "
+     update
+     puts $outfile "Found [llength $hbondcount] hbonds."
+     if { $multichain } {
+        puts -nonewline $outfile "donor \t\t\t "
+     } else { puts -nonewline $outfile "donor \t\t " }
+     if { $multichain } {
+        puts $outfile "acceptor \t\t occupancy"
+     } else { puts $outfile "acceptor \t occupancy" }
+     foreach { h } $hbondallframes { o } $hbondcount {
+         set occupancy [expr { 100*$o/($numberofframes+0.0) } ]
+         set i -1
+         if { $multichain } { puts -nonewline $outfile "Seg[lindex $h [incr i]]-" }
+###         if { $multichain } { puts -nonewline $outfile "Chain[lindex $h [incr i]]-" }
+         if { $detailType != "unique" } {
+            puts -nonewline $outfile [format "%s%s%s \t " \
+            [lindex $h [incr i]] [lindex $h [incr i]] [lindex $h [incr i]]]
+         } else {
+            puts -nonewline $outfile [format "%s%s%s%s \t " \
+            [lindex $h [incr i]] [lindex $h [incr i]] [lindex $h [incr i]] [lindex $h [incr i]]]
+         }
+         if { $multichain } { puts -nonewline $outfile "Seg[lindex $h [incr i]]-" }
+###         if { $multichain } { puts -nonewline $outfile "Chain[lindex $h [incr i]]-" }
+         if { $detailType != "unique" } {
+            puts $outfile [format "%s%s%s \t %.2f%%" \
+            [lindex $h [incr i]] [lindex $h [incr i]] [lindex $h [incr i]] $occupancy]
+          } else {
+            puts $outfile [format "%s%s%s%s \t %.2f%%" \
+            [lindex $h [incr i]] [lindex $h [incr i]] [lindex $h [incr i]] [lindex $h [incr i]] $occupancy]
+         }
+     }
+     if { $outfile != "stdout" } {
+        close $outfile
+     }
+  }
+  if { $plotHbonds } {
+     set title [format "%s %s %s: %s" Molecule $molid, [molinfo $molid get name]  "H-Bonds vs. Frame"]
+     # feed everything to the plotter
+     set plothandle [multiplot -title $title -xlabel "Frame " -ylabel "No. Bonds"]
+     $plothandle add $framecount $numHbonds -lines -linewidth 1 -linecolor black -marker none 
+     $plothandle replot
+  }
+  if { $log != "stdout" } {
+      close $log
+  }
+  set statusMsg "Done."
+  update
+  return
+# This gets called by VMD the first time the menu is opened.
+proc hbonds_tk_cb {} {
+  hbondsgui   ;# start the PDB Tool
+  return $::hbonds::w
+proc ::hbonds::sel2_state {args} {
+  variable w
+  variable atomselectText2
+  variable guiDA
+  variable defaultDA
+  # Disable the prefix file field
+  if {$atomselectText2 == ""} {
+    if {[winfo exists $w.in.cutoffs]} {
+      $w.in.cutoffs.type11 configure -state disabled
+      $w.in.cutoffs.type12 configure -state disabled
+      set guiDA $defaultDA
+    }
+  } else {
+    if {[winfo exists $w.in.cutoffs]} {
+      $w.in.cutoffs.type11 configure -state normal
+      $w.in.cutoffs.type12 configure -state normal
+    }
+  }
+proc ::hbonds::write_state {args} {
+  variable w
+  variable guiWrite
+  variable guiType
+  # Disable the prefix file field
+  if {$guiWrite == 0} {
+    if {[winfo exists $w.out.all]} {
+      $w.out.all.fbdata configure -state disabled
+      $w.out.all.datname configure -state disabled
+    }
+  } else {
+    if {[winfo exists $w.out.all]} {
+      $w.out.all.fbdata configure -state normal
+      $w.out.all.datname configure -state normal
+    }
+  }
+  if {$guiWrite == 0 || $guiType == "none"} {
+    if {[winfo exists $w.out.all]} {
+      $w.out.all.detdata configure -state disabled
+      $w.out.all.detname configure -state disabled
+    }
+  } else {
+    if {[winfo exists $w.out.all]} {
+      $w.out.all.detdata configure -state normal
+      $w.out.all.detname configure -state normal
+    }
+  }
+proc hbonds::hbonddetails {hbondlist} {
+   variable molid
+   variable hbondcount 
+   variable hbondallframes
+   variable multichain 
+   variable detailType
+   set framehbond {}
+      foreach { d } [lindex $hbondlist 0] { a } [lindex $hbondlist 1] {
+          set newhbond_donor {}
+          set donor [atomselect $molid "index $d"]
+          if $multichain { lappend newhbond_donor [$donor get segname] }
+###          if $multichain { lappend newhbond_donor [$donor get chain] }
+          lappend newhbond_donor [$donor get resname] [$donor get resid]
+          set atomname [$donor get name]
+          if { [ lsearch { "N" "CA" "C" "O" } $atomname ] != -1 } {
+             lappend newhbond_donor "-Main"
+          } else {
+             lappend newhbond_donor "-Side"
+          }
+          if { $detailType == "unique" } {
+#             if { [lsearch { "OD1" "OD2" "OE1" "OE2" "OT1" "OT2" "NH1" "NH2" } $atomname] != -1 } {
+#                lappend newhbond_donor "-[string range $atomname 0 1]"
+#             } else { lappend newhbond_donor "-$atomname" }
+              lappend newhbond_donor "-$atomname" 
+          }
+          # add support for water molecule here
+          if { [$donor get chain] == "W" } {
+             set newhbond_donor {}
+             if $multichain { lappend newhbond_donor "W" }
+             lappend newhbond_donor "water" "" "-O  "
+             if { $detailType == "unique" } { lappend newhbond_donor " " }
+          }
+          $donor delete
+          set newhbond_acceptor {}
+          set acceptor [atomselect $molid "index $a"]
+          if $multichain { lappend newhbond_acceptor [$acceptor get segname] }
+###          if $multichain { lappend newhbond_acceptor [$acceptor get chain] }
+          lappend newhbond_acceptor [$acceptor get resname] [$acceptor get resid]
+          set atomname [$acceptor get name]
+          if { [ lsearch { "N" "CA" "C" "O" } $atomname ] != -1 } {
+             lappend newhbond_acceptor "-Main"
+          } else {
+             lappend newhbond_acceptor "-Side"
+          }
+          if { $detailType == "unique" } {
+#             if { [lsearch { "OD1" "OD2" "OE1" "OE2" "OT1" "OT2" "NH1" "NH2" } $atomname] != -1 } {
+#                lappend newhbond_acceptor "-[string range $atomname 0 1]"
+#             } else { lappend newhbond_acceptor "-$atomname" }
+              lappend newhbond_acceptor "-$atomname"
+          }
+          # add support for water molecule here
+          if { [$acceptor get chain] == "W" } {
+             set newhbond_acceptor {}
+             if $multichain { lappend newhbond_acceptor "W" }
+             lappend newhbond_acceptor "water" "" "-O  "
+             if { $detailType == "unique" } { lappend newhbond_acceptor " " }
+          }
+          $acceptor delete
+          set newhbond [concat $newhbond_donor $newhbond_acceptor]
+          if { [lsearch $framehbond $newhbond] == -1 } {
+             if { $detailType != "all" } { lappend framehbond $newhbond }
+             set hbondexist [lsearch $hbondallframes $newhbond]
+             if { $hbondexist == -1 } {
+                lappend hbondallframes $newhbond
+                lappend hbondcount 1
+             } else {
+                lset hbondcount $hbondexist [expr { [lindex $hbondcount $hbondexist] + 1 } ]
+             }
+          }
+     }