view script/ @ 20:f25d12179c6c draft

"planemo upload for repository commit d5ec4f62fa3d1d52508e07e1221a0c22f0d615bf"
author clifinder
date Thu, 12 Mar 2020 18:01:10 -0400
parents 5c16e8ddff78
children 7bef1cd4d2ad
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl

#Declaration of necessary libraries#############

use strict;
use warnings;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
use POSIX;
use Statistics::R;
use Getopt::Long qw(HelpMessage VersionMessage);
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy::Recursive;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use Archive::Tar;

our $VERSION = '0.5.1';

#Definition options of execution according to the previous variables#

  "first|1=s"     => \my @fastq1,
  "second|2=s"    => \my @fastq2,
  "name=s"        => \my @name,
  "html=s"        => \my $html,
  "html_path=s"   => \my $html_repertory,
  "TE=s"          => \my $TE,
  "ref=s"         => \my $ref,
  "rnadb:s"       => \my $rna_source,
  "estdb:s"       => \my $est_source,
  "build_TE"      => \my $build_TE,
  "build_ref"     => \my $build_ref,
  "build_rnadb"   => \my $build_rnadb,
  "build_estdb"   => \my $build_estdb,
  "rmsk=s"        => \my $rmsk_source,
  "refseq=s"      => \my $refseq,
  "species=s"     => \(my $species = "human"),
  "min_unique:i"  => \(my $prct = 33),
  "size_insert:i" => \(my $maxInsertSize = 250),
  "size_read:i"   => \(my $size_reads = 100),
  "BDir:i"        => \(my $Bdir = 0),
  "min_L1:i"      => \(my $min_L1 = 50),
  "mis_L1:i"      => \(my $mis_L1 = 1),
  "threads:i"     => \(my $threads = 1),
  "help"          => sub { HelpMessage(0); },
  "version"       => sub { VersionMessage(0); },
) or HelpMessage(1);

HelpMessage(1) unless @fastq1 && @fastq2 && @name && defined($TE) && defined($ref) && defined($rmsk_source) && defined($refseq) && defined($html) && defined($html_repertory);

my $iprct = 100 - (($prct / $size_reads)*100) ;
my $mis_auth = $size_reads - $min_L1 + $mis_L1 ;
my $eprct = ($iprct * $size_reads) /100;
my $dprct = ((100-$iprct) * $size_reads) / 100;

#Clean up names and species                    #

foreach(@name) { $_ =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]/_/g; }
$species =~ s/[;&|]//g;

#Construct index of ref and TE if doesn't exist#

`(bwa index '$ref')` if ($build_ref);
`(bwa index '$TE')` if ($build_TE);

#Create repository to store resulting files#

mkdir $html_repertory;

#Define hash                             #

my %frag_exp_id;

#Data file we have to use#

print STDOUT "Extracting data from rmsk file\n";
my $line_only=$html_repertory.'/'.'line_only.txt';
my $rmsk = $html_repertory.'/rmsk.bed'; 
filter_convert_rmsk($rmsk_source, $rmsk, $line_only);

# Analyse of each fastq file #

my @garbage; my $num = 0;
foreach my $tabR (0..$#fastq1)
  # Paired end mapping against L1 promoter sequences#
  ## Align reads on L1 but only keep half-mapped pairs
  print STDOUT "Alignment of $name[$tabR] to L1\n";
  my $sam = $html_repertory.'/'.$name[$tabR].'_L1.sam'; push(@garbage, $sam);
  halfmap_paired($TE, $fastq1[$tabR], $fastq2[$tabR], $sam, $threads, $mis_auth);
  print STDOUT "Alignment done\n";
  ## Filter alignments based on mis_L1 and min_L1
  print STDOUT "Filtering alignments based on mis_L1 and min_L1\n";
  my $filtered_sam = $html_repertory.'/'.$name[$tabR].'_L1_filtered.sam'; push(@garbage, $filtered_sam);
  filter_halfmapped($sam, $filtered_sam, $mis_L1, $min_L1);

  # Creation of two fastq for paired halfed mapped:#
  # - _1 correspond to sequences mapped to L1      #
  # - _2 correspond to sequences unmapped to L1    #

  # Half-mapped reads
  my $hm_reads_1 = $html_repertory.'/'.$name[$tabR].'_halfmapped_1.fastq'; push(@garbage, $hm_reads_1);
  my $hm_reads_2 = $html_repertory.'/'.$name[$tabR].'_halfmapped_2.fastq'; push(@garbage, $hm_reads_2);

  ## Split mate that matched to L1 and others##
  my $half_num_out = get_halfmapped_reads($filtered_sam, $Bdir, $hm_reads_1, $hm_reads_2);
  print STDOUT "Number of half mapped pairs: $half_num_out\n";
  ## Get pairs after repeatmasker on the other mate
  print STDOUT "Getting pairs with one mate matched to L1 and the other mate undetected by repeatmasker as a repeat sequence\n";
  # Filtered reads after repeatmasker
  my $out_ASP_1 = $html_repertory.'/'.$name[$tabR].'_1.fastq'; push(@garbage, $out_ASP_1);
  my $out_ASP_2 = $html_repertory.'/'.$name[$tabR].'_2.fastq'; push(@garbage, $out_ASP_2);
  my $left = sort_out($threads, $species, $hm_reads_1, $hm_reads_2, $out_ASP_1, $out_ASP_2, $dprct, $eprct, $html_repertory);
  print STDOUT "Number of pairs after repeatmasker: $left\n";
  # Alignment of halfed mapped pairs on genome     #

  ## Align filtered reads on genome
  print STDOUT "Alignment of potential chimeric sequences to the genome\n";
  $sam = $html_repertory.'/'.$name[$tabR].'_genome.sam'; push(@garbage, $sam);
  align_genome($ref, $out_ASP_1, $out_ASP_2, $sam, $maxInsertSize, $threads);
  print STDOUT "Alignment done\n";
  ## Compute the number of sequences obtained after alignment ##
  $left = `samtools view -@ $threads -Shc '$sam'`;
  chomp $left; $left = $left/2;
  print STDOUT "Number of sequences: $left\n";

  # Create bedfiles of potential chimerae          #
  # and Know repeat sequences removed              #
  print STDOUT "Looking for chimerae\n";
  results($html_repertory, $sam, $name[$tabR], $iprct, \%frag_exp_id, $rmsk, $num, \@garbage);

##define files variables ##

my $repfirst = $html_repertory.'/first.bed'; push(@garbage,$repfirst);
my $repsecond = $html_repertory.'/second.bed'; push(@garbage,$repsecond);
my $repMfirst = $html_repertory.'/firstM.bed'; push(@garbage,$repMfirst);
my $repMsecond = $html_repertory.'/secondM.bed'; push(@garbage,$repMsecond);
#my $covRepMsecond = $html_repertory.'/covSecondM.bed'; push(@garbage,$covRepMsecond);

##Concatenate all files for first and second mate results ##

`cat $html_repertory/*-first.bed > '$repfirst'`; #*/
`cat $html_repertory/*-second.bed > '$repsecond'`; #*/

## Sort Files and generate files that merge reads in the same locus ##
print STDOUT "Sort files and merge reads in the same locus\n";
`bedtools sort -i '$repfirst' | bedtools merge -c 4,5 -o collapse,max -d 100 -s > '$repMfirst'`;
`bedtools sort -i '$repsecond' | bedtools merge -c 4,5 -o collapse,max -d 100 -s > '$repMsecond'`;

my (%frag_uni, @second_R, @second_exp, @results);
my $merge_target = $html_repertory.'/target_merged.bed'; push(@garbage, $merge_target);
my $merge = $html_repertory.'/merged.bed'; push(@garbage, $merge);

open(my $mT, '>', $merge_target) || die "Cannot open $merge_target\n";
open(my $m, '>', $merge) || die "Cannot open $merge\n";
open(my $in, '<', $repMsecond) || die "Cannot open $repMsecond\n";
my $cmp = 0;
while (<$in>)
  chomp $_;
  my @tmp = (0) x scalar(@fastq1);
  my @line = split /\t/, $_;
  my @names =split /,/, $line[4];
  foreach my $n (@names){$n =~/(.*?)\/[12]/; $frag_uni{$1} = $cmp; $tmp[$frag_exp_id{$1}]++; }
  $second_exp[$cmp] = \@tmp;
  push @second_R, [$line[0],$line[1],$line[2],$line[3]];

$cmp = 0;
open($in, '<', $repMfirst) || die "Cannot open $repMfirst\n";
while (<$in>)
  chomp $_;
  my %sec;
  my @line = split /\t/, $_;
  my @names =split /,/, $line[4];
  my @tmp = (0) x scalar(@fastq1);
  foreach my $n (@names){$n =~/(.*?)\/[12]/; $tmp[$frag_exp_id{$1}]++; }
  foreach my $n (@names)
    $n =~/(.*?)\/[12]/;
    unless (exists ($sec{$frag_uni{$1}}) )
      my @lmp = ($line[0], $line[1], $line[2], $line[3]);
      foreach my $exp_N (@tmp){ push @lmp, $exp_N;}
      push (@lmp, $second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[0], $second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[1], $second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[2], $second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[3]);
      foreach my $exp_N (@{$second_exp[$frag_uni{$1}]}){ push @lmp, $exp_N;}
      my $name = $cmp.'-'.$second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[0].'-'.$second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[1].'-'.$second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[2];
      print $mT $second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[0]."\t".$second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[1]."\t".$second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[2]."\t$name\t29\t".$second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[3]."\n";
      my ($b, $e) = (0,0);
      if ($line[1] < $second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[1])
        $b = $line[1] - 1000; $e = $second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[2] + 1000;
        $name = $cmp.'-'.$line[0].'-'.$b.'-'.$e;
        print $m $line[0]."\t".$b."\t".$e."\t$name\t29\t".$second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[3]."\n";
        $b = $second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[1] - 1000; $e = $line[2] + 1000;
        $name = $cmp.'-'.$line[0].'-'.$b.'-'.$e;
        print $m $line[0]."\t".$b."\t".$e."\t$name\t29\t".$second_R[$frag_uni{$1}]->[3]."\n";
      $results[$cmp] = \@lmp;
    $sec{$frag_uni{$1}} = undef;
close $mT; close $m;

my $fasta = $html_repertory.'/target_merged.fasta'; push(@garbage, $fasta);
my $extend = $html_repertory.'/extend.fasta'; push(@garbage, $extend);

`bedtools getfasta -name -fi '$ref' -bed '$merge' -fo '$extend'`;
`bedtools getfasta -name -fi '$ref' -bed '$merge_target' -fo '$fasta'`;

#Blast against human rna and est, if provided  #

my $rna;
my $est;
  ##get databases for est and rna
  print STDOUT "Getting blast databases for rna\n";
  my $rna_db = get_blastdb_from_source($rna_source, $build_rnadb, 'rna', $html_repertory);

  print STDOUT "Blast against human rna\n";
  my $tabular = $html_repertory.'/'; push(@garbage, $tabular);
  blast($rna_db, $fasta, $tabular, $threads);
  $rna = extract_blast($tabular);

  # Clean RNA blast database if in html dir
  if(rindex($rna_db, $html_repertory, 0) == 0)
    my $toErase = $rna_db.'.*';
    unlink glob "$toErase";
  print STDOUT "Getting blast databases for est\n";
  my $est_db = get_blastdb_from_source($est_source, $build_estdb, 'est', $html_repertory);

  print STDOUT "Blast against human est\n";
  my $tabular2 = $html_repertory.'/'; push(@garbage, $tabular2);
  blast($est_db, $fasta, $tabular2, $threads);
  $est = extract_blast($tabular2);

  # Clean EST blast database if in html dir
  if(rindex($est_db, $html_repertory, 0) == 0)
    my $toErase = $est_db.'.*';
    unlink glob "$toErase";

#Create Results html file                      #
print STDOUT "Save results in file\n";
save_csv(\@fastq1, \@name, \@results, $line_only, $refseq, $html_repertory);

print STDOUT "Create HTML\n";
html_tab(\@fastq1, \@name, \@results, $rna, $est, $html, $html_repertory);

$extend = $extend.'*';
push(@garbage, glob($extend));
push(@garbage, $line_only);
push(@garbage, $rmsk);
unlink @garbage;

print STDOUT "Job done!\n";
########################################### END MAIN ##########################################################

############################################     FUNCTIONS   #################################################

## Function to convert rmsk table to bed and line_only #####
## @param:                                                 #
##       $source: rmsk table file                          #
##       $bed: rmsk bed file                               #
##       $line_only: rmsk table file with only LINE        #

sub filter_convert_rmsk
  my ($source, $bed, $line_only) = @_;
  open(my $input, '<', $source) || die "Cannot open rmsk file! $!\n"; ## Open source file
  open(my $bedfile, '>', $bed) || die "Cannot open output bed file for rmsk! $!\n"; ## Open bed file
  open(my $linefile, '>', $line_only) || die "Cannot open output LINE-only file for rmsk! $!\n"; ## Open line_only file
  my @headers;
  my %indices;

  print $linefile "#filter: rmsk.repClass = 'LINE'\n";

    chomp $_;
    if($. == 1)
      if(substr($_, 0, 1) ne "#")
        die "rmsk file does not have header starting with #\n";
        print $linefile "$_\n";
        my $firstline = substr($_, 1);
        @headers = split(/\t/, $firstline);
        @indices{@headers} = 0..$#headers;
      my @line = split(/\t/,$_);
      if($line[$indices{"repClass"}] eq "LINE")
        print $linefile "$_\n";
      print $bedfile "$line[$indices{'genoName'}]\t$line[$indices{'genoStart'}]\t$line[$indices{'genoEnd'}]\t$line[$indices{'repName'}]\t$line[$indices{'swScore'}]\t$line[$indices{'strand'}]\n";
  close $input;
  close $bedfile;
  close $linefile;

##Function to align paired-end reads on a genome    ########
## @param:                                                 #
##       $index: referential genome                        #
##       $fasq1: first paired end file                     #
##       $fasq2: second paired end file                    #
##       $sam: alignment output file                       #
##       $maxInsertSize: maximum size of insert            #
##       $threads: number of threads used                  #

sub align_genome
  my ($index, $fastq1, $fastq2, $sam, $maxInsertSize, $threads) = @_ ;
  my @L_garbage =();
  my $sai1 = $sam.'_temporary.sai1'; push @L_garbage,$sai1;
  my $sai2 = $sam.'_temporary.sai2'; push @L_garbage,$sai2;
  `bwa aln -o4 -e1000 -t $threads '$index' '$fastq1' > '$sai1'`;
  `bwa aln -o4 -e1000 -t $threads '$index' '$fastq2' > '$sai2'`;
  ## -A force the insertion size
  `bwa sampe -s -A -a $maxInsertSize '$index' '$sai1' '$sai2' '$fastq1' '$fastq2' | samtools view -@ $threads -F4 -f 2 -Sh /dev/stdin -o '$sam'`;
  unlink @L_garbage;

##Function to get half-mapped paired-end reads on a ref    #
## @param:                                                 #
##       $index: referential file                          #
##       $fasq1: first file paired end reads               #
##       $fasq2: second file paired end reads              #
##       $sam: output alignment file                       #
##       $threads: number of threads used                  #
##       $mis: tolerated mismatches                        #

sub halfmap_paired
  my ($index, $fastq1, $fastq2, $sam, $threads, $mis) = @_ ;
  my @garbage = ();
  my $sai1 = $sam.'_temporary.sai1'; push(@garbage,$sai1);
  my $sai2 = $sam.'_temporary.sai2'; push(@garbage,$sai2);

  ##alignement with bwa
  `bwa aln -n $mis -t $threads '$index' '$fastq1' > '$sai1'`;
  `bwa aln -n $mis -t $threads '$index' '$fastq2' > '$sai2'`;
  `bwa sampe '$index' '$sai1' '$sai2' '$fastq1' '$fastq2' | samtools view -@ $threads -h -F 2 -G 12 -o '$sam'`;

  ## delete temporary single aligned files
  unlink @garbage;

##Function filter_halfmapped to filter half-mapped pairs ###
## @param:                                                 #
##       $sam: name of alignment file                      #
##       $filteredsam: name of filtered alignment file     #
##       $mis_L1: maximum number of mismatches             #
##       $min_L1: minimum number of bp matching            #

sub filter_halfmapped
  ## store name of file
  my $sam = shift;
  my $filtered_sam = shift;
  my $mis_L1 = shift;
  my $min_L1 = shift;
  open(my $in, '<', $sam) || die "Cannot open $sam file! ($!)\n";
  open(my $out, '>', $filtered_sam) || die "Cannot open $filtered_sam file! ($!)\n";

  ##read file##
    chomp $_;

    ##Find if alignments have min_L1 consecutives bases mapped on R1 ##
    if ($_ =~/MD:Z:(.*)/)
       my $MD = $1;
       $MD = $1 if ($MD =~ /(.*)\t/);
       $MD =~ s/\^//g;
       my @tab = split /[ATCG]/,$MD;
       my $tot = 0;
       my $accept = 0;
       if( $mis_L1+1 < scalar(@tab) )
         splice(@tab, $mis_L1+1);
         foreach my $elt (@tab) { $tot += int($elt) if($elt ne ''); }
         next if $tot < $min_L1;
    print $out "$_\n";
  close $in;
  close $out;

##Function get_halfmapped_reads to get half-mapped reads ###
## @param:                                                 #
##       $sam: name of alignment file                      #
##       $Bdir: reads orientation                          #
##       $fastq1: fastq file with matching reads (1)       #
##       $fastq2: fastq file with matching reads (2)       #
##                                                         #
## @return:                                                #
##       $half_num_out: number of alignment saved          #

sub get_halfmapped_reads
  my $sam = shift;
  my $Bdir = shift;
  my $fastq1 = shift;
  my $fastq2 = shift;
  my $half_num_out = 0;

  # Generate fastq files
  my $report;
  if($Bdir == 2)
    $report = `samtools sort -n '$sam' -O SAM | samtools view -h -G 72 | samtools fastq -G 132 -1 '$fastq2' -2 '$fastq1' -0 /dev/null -s /dev/null /dev/stdin 2>&1 > /dev/null`;
  elsif($Bdir == 1)
    $report = `samtools sort -n '$sam' -O SAM | samtools view -h -G 136 | samtools fastq -G 68 -1 '$fastq1' -2 '$fastq2' -0 /dev/null -s /dev/null /dev/stdin 2>&1 > /dev/null`;
    $report = `samtools fixmate '$sam' /dev/stdout | samtools sort -n -O SAM | samtools fastq -n -f 9 -F 4 /dev/stdin 2>&1 > '$fastq1'`;
    my $report2 = `samtools fixmate '$sam' /dev/stdout | samtools sort -n -O SAM | samtools fastq -n -f 5 -F 8 /dev/stdin 2>&1 > '$fastq2'`;
    $report = $report.$report2;
  my @processed = $report =~ m/processed\ (\d+)\ reads/;
    $half_num_out = int($processed[0]);
  if(defined($processed[1]) && $processed[1] ne $processed[0])
    print STDERR "Number of half-mapped reads in file _1 and _2 not matching.\n";
    $half_num_out = int($processed[$processed[0]>$processed[1]]); # Get min value
  print STDERR $report;
  return $half_num_out;

##Function sort_out: extract paired end reads            ###
## @param:                                                 #
##       $threads: number of threads used                  #
##       $species: species RepeatMasker should use         #
##       $in1: input file halfmapped 1                     #
##       $in2: input file halfmapped 2                     #
##       $out1: output file accepted 1                     #
##       $out2: output file accepted 2                     #
##       $dprct: number of bp not annotated by RepeatMasker#
##       $eprct: number of repeated bases tolerated        #
##       $html_repertory: folder for html files            #

sub sort_out
  my ($threads, $species, $in1, $in2, $out1, $out2, $dprct, $eprct, $html_repertory) = @_;
  my ($name,$path) = fileparse($out2,'.fastq');
  my %repeat;
  my @garbage = (); my $cmp = 0;
  my $repout = $html_repertory.'/'.$name.'.repout/';
  my $list = $html_repertory.'/'.$name.'.list'; push(@garbage, $list);
  my $fa = $html_repertory.'/'.$name.'.fa'; push(@garbage, $fa);
  mkdir $repout;
  my %notLine;
  ## Transform fastq file to fasta
  `fastq_to_fasta -i '$in2' -o '$fa' -Q33`;

  ##Launch RepeatMasker on fasta file
  `RepeatMasker -s -pa $threads -dir '$repout' -species "$species" '$fa'`;
  my $repfile = $repout.$name.'.fa.out';
  open(my $rep, '<', $repfile) || die "Cannot open $repfile ($!)\n";
    ## test the percent of repeats ##
    my $string = $_;
    $string =~ s/^\s+//;
    next unless ($string =~ /^\d/);
    $string =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    my @line = split (' ',$string);
    if ( exists($repeat{$line[4]}) )
      $repeat{$line[4]}->[0] = $line[5] if $repeat{$line[4]}->[0] > $line[5];
      $repeat{$line[4]}->[1] = $line[6] if $repeat{$line[4]}->[1] < $line[6];
    else{ $repeat{$line[4]} = [$line[5],$line[6]];}
  close $rep;
  ## store in list if pair passed the repeat test ##
  open(my $fq, '<', $in2) || die "Cannot open $in2 ($!)\n";
  open(my $lst, '>', $list) || die "Cannot open $list ($!)\n";
    chomp $_;
    next unless(index($_, '@') == 0 && $. % 4 == 1);
    my $seqname = substr($_, 1);
    my $repseq = $repeat{$seqname};
    unless(defined($repseq) && ($repseq->[0] <= $dprct && $repseq->[1] >= $eprct))
      print $lst "$seqname\n";
  close $fq;
  close $lst;

  ##write resulting reads in both files for paired ##
  `seqtk subseq '$in1' '$list' > '$out1'`;
  `seqtk subseq '$in2' '$list' > '$out2'`;
  ##drop files and directories generated by repeatmasker##
  my $toErase = $repout.'*';
  unlink glob "$toErase";
  unlink @garbage; rmdir $repout;
  return $cmp;

##Function results computes bed files for result         ###
## @param:                                                 #
##       $out_repository: repository to store results      #
##       $file: sam file resulting of alignement           #
##       $name: name of paireds end reads file             #
##       $iprct: percentage of repeats tolerated           #
##       $hashRef: store number for each first read value  #
##       $rmsk: UCSC repeat sequences                      #
##       $ps: number of the paired end file                #
##       $garbage_ref: reference to garbage array          #

sub results
  my ($out_repertory, $file, $name, $iprct, $hashRef, $rmsk, $ps, $garbage_ref) = @_;
  my $tempnamefirst = $out_repertory.'/'.$name.'-first.tmp.bed'; push(@$garbage_ref, $tempnamefirst);
  my $tempnamesecond = $out_repertory.'/'.$name.'-second.tmp.bed'; push(@$garbage_ref, $tempnamesecond);
  my $namefirst = $out_repertory.'/'.$name.'-first.bed'; push(@$garbage_ref, $namefirst);
  my $namesecond = $out_repertory.'/'.$name.'-second.bed'; push(@$garbage_ref, $namesecond);
  ## store reads mapped in proper pair respectively first and second in pair in bam files and transform in bed files##
  `samtools view -Sb -f66 '$file' | bedtools bamtobed -i /dev/stdin > '$tempnamefirst'`;
  `samtools view -Sb -f130 '$file' | bedtools bamtobed -i /dev/stdin > '$tempnamesecond'`;
  ##compute converage of second mate on rmsk##
  my $baseCov = 0;
  my %IdCov = ();
  my @coverage = `bedtools coverage -a '$tempnamesecond' -b '$rmsk'`;

  ## store coverage fraction ##
  foreach my $covRmsk (@coverage)
    chomp $covRmsk;
    my @split_cov = split /\t/, $covRmsk;
    ##generate identifier for IdCov ##
    $split_cov[3] =~ /(.*?)\/[12]/;
    ##store value in IdCov ##
    if (!exists($IdCov{$1}))
      $IdCov{$1} = $split_cov[-1];
      $IdCov{$1} = $split_cov[-1] if $split_cov[-1] > $IdCov{$1};
  ## get only first mate that have less tant $iprct repeats ##
  open(my $tmp_fi, '<', $tempnamefirst) || die "Cannot open $tempnamefirst!\n";
  open(my $nam_fi, '>', $namefirst) || die "Cannot open $namefirst!\n";
  while (<$tmp_fi>)
    my @line = split /\t/, $_;
    $line[3] =~ /(.*?)\/[12]/;
    if ($IdCov{$1} <= $iprct/100)
      print $nam_fi $_;
      ${$hashRef}{$1}= $ps;
  close $tmp_fi; close $nam_fi;
  ## get only  second mate that have less than $iprct repeats ##
  open(my $tmp_sec, '<', $tempnamesecond) || die "Cannot open $tempnamesecond!\n";
  open(my $nam_sec, '>', $namesecond) || die "Cannot open $namesecond!\n";
  while (<$tmp_sec>)
    my @line = split /\t/, $_;
    $line[3] =~ /(.*?)\/[12]/;
    if ($IdCov{$1} <= $iprct/100)
      print $nam_sec $_;
  close $tmp_sec; close $nam_sec;

## Function to get blast db from the specified source ######
## @param:                                                 #
##       $source: db source (URL or path)                  #
##       $build_db: whether the db should be created       #
##       $name: name of the db that could be created       #
##       $dest_dir: where the data can be placed           #
## @return:                                                #
##       $path: blast db path                              #

sub get_blastdb_from_source
  my ($source, $build_db, $name, $dest_dir) = @_;
  # Assume source is just db path
  my $path = $source;
  my ($file) = $path =~ m~([^/\\]*)$~;
  my $dbname = $file;
  my @garbage;

    $dbname = $name;
    $path = $dest_dir.'/'.$name;
    print STDOUT "Making $dbname blast database\n";
    `makeblastdb -in '$source' -dbtype nucl -out '$path'`;
    # Check if source is URL
    if(index($source, ":/") != -1)
      my $url = $source;
      if($file =~ /\*/)
        $url =~ s/\Q$file//;
        print STDOUT "Downloading blast database from $url\n";
        `wget -q -N -r -nH -nd -np --accept=$file $url -P '$dest_dir'`;

        # Assume regexp matches db name
        $dbname =~ s/\*$//;
        print STDOUT "Downloading blast database from $url\n";
        `wget -q -N $source -P '$dest_dir'`;
        push(@garbage, $dest_dir.'/'.$file);
      if($? == 0)
        print "Downloaded database\n";
        print "Error while downloading database\n";
      $path = $dest_dir.'/'.$dbname;
    if(index($file, ".") != -1)
      if(index($file, ".tar") != -1)
        ## Extract tar files
        print STDOUT "Extracting blast database from $file\n";
        my @properties = ('name');
        my $tar=Archive::Tar->new();
        my @files = $tar->list_files(\@properties);
        unlink @garbage;

        ## Get dbname from filenames
        my @parts = split(/\./, $files[0]);
        $dbname = $parts[0];
        $path = $dest_dir.'/'.$dbname;
        print STDOUT "Extracted database\n";
        print STDOUT "Unexpected file format for database"
  print "Using $dbname database\n";
  return $path;

##Function blast: blast nucleotide sequences on ref      ###
## @param:                                                 #
##       $db: database where to search                     #
##       $fasta: file containing nucleotide sequences      #
##       $tabular: out file name                           #
##       $threads: number of threads used                  #

sub blast
  my ($db, $fasta, $tabular, $threads) = @_;
  `blastn -db '$db' -query '$fasta' -num_threads $threads -out '$tabular' -outfmt 6 -evalue 10e-10`;

##Function extract_blast: extract result from blast      ###
## @param:                                                 #
##       $file: name of sequences file                     #
## @return: hash that contains sequences                   #

sub extract_blast
  my $file = shift;
  my %hash = ();
  open(my $f, '<', $file) || die "Cannot open $file\n";
  while (<$f>)
    chomp $_;
    my ($seq,$id) = split /\t/,$_;
    chomp $id;
    $seq = $1 if ($seq =~ /(\d+)-(.*?)-(\d+)-(\d+)/);
    chomp $seq;
    $hash{$seq} = [] unless exists $hash{$seq};
    push @{$hash{$seq}}, $id;
  close $f;
  return \%hash;

##Function print_header: header of html file             ###
## @param:                                                 #

sub print_header
  my $fileR = shift; my $title = shift;
  print $fileR "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\t<title>$title</title>\n";
  print $fileR "\t<style type=\"text/css\">\n";
  print $fileR "\t\tbody { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size:0.8em;}\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t#report { border-collapse:collapse;}\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t#report h4 { margin:0px; padding:0px;}\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t#report img { float:right;}\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t#report ul { margin:10px 0 10px 40px; padding:0px;}\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t#report th { background:#7CB8E2 url(static/images/header_bkg.png) repeat-x scroll center left; color:#fff; padding:7px 15px; text-align:left;}\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t#report td { background:#C7DDEE none repeat-x scroll center left; color:#000; padding:7px 15px; }\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t#report tr.odd td { background:#fff url(static/images/row_bkg.png) repeat-x scroll center left; cursor:pointer; }\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t#report div.arrow { background:transparent url(static/images/arrows.png) no-repeat scroll 0px -16px; width:16px; height:16px; display:block;}\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t#report div.up { background-position:0px 0px;}\n";
  print $fileR "\t</style>\n";
  print $fileR "\t<script src=\"./js/jquery.min.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n";
  print $fileR "\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t\$(document).ready(function(){\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t\t\$(\"#report tr:odd\").addClass(\"odd\");\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t\t\$(\"#report tr:not(.odd)\").hide();\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t\t\$(\"#report tr:first-child\").show();\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t\t\$(\"#report tr.odd\").click(function(){\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t\t\t\$(this).next(\"tr\").toggle();\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t\t\t\$(this).find(\".arrow\").toggleClass(\"up\");\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t\t});\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t\t//\$(\"#report\").jExpand();\n";
  print $fileR "\t\t});\n\t</script>\n";
  print $fileR "</head>\n<body>\n\t<table id=\"report\">\n";

##Function html_tab: definition of html file             ###
## @param:                                                 #
##       $fastq1_ref: reference to first paired end files  #
##       $name_ref: reference to names of reads files      #
##       $results_ref: reference to results files          #
##       $rna: results for known RNA                       #
##       $est: results for known EST                       #
##       $html: html results file                          #
##       $html_repertory: repository to store results      #

sub html_tab
  my ($fastq1_ref, $name_ref, $results_ref, $rna, $est, $html, $html_repertory) = @_;
  my $out = $html_repertory;
  my @fastq1 = @{$fastq1_ref};
  my @name = @{$name_ref};
  my @results = @{$results_ref};
  my ($rna_col, $est_col) = ('','');
  $rna_col = "Known RNA" if(defined($rna));
  $est_col = "Known EST" if(defined($est));
  # Copy HTML resources to results folder
  File::Copy::Recursive::dircopy "$Bin/js/", "$out/js" or die "Copy failed: $!";
  File::Copy::Recursive::dircopy "$Bin/static/", "$out/static" or die "Copy failed: $!";

  my $chimOut = $html;
  open(my $tab, '>', $chimOut) || die "Cannot open $chimOut";
  print_header($tab, "Chimerae");
  print $tab "\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<th>L1 chromosome</th>\n\t\t\t<th>L1 start</th>\n\t\t\t<th>L1 end</th>\n\t\t\t<th>L1 strand</th>\n";
  for my $i (0..$#fastq1)
    print $tab "\t\t\t<th>$name[$i] read #</th>\n";
  print $tab "\t\t\t<th>Chimera chromosome</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Chimera start</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Chimera end</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Chimera strand</th>\n";
  for my $i (0..$#fastq1)
    print $tab "\t\t\t<th>$name[$i] read #</th>\n";
  print $tab "\t\t\t<th>$rna_col</th>\n\t\t\t<th>$est_col</th>\n\t\t\t<th></th>\n\t\t</tr>\n";
  for my $i (0..$#results)
    print $tab "\t\t<tr>\n";
    foreach my $j (@{$results[$i]})
      print $tab "\t\t\t<td>$j</td>\n";
    my ($Hrna, $Hest) = ('','');
    $Hrna = "<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"${$rna}{$i}[0]\">${$rna}{$i}[0]</a>" if exists(${$rna}{$i});
    $Hest = "<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"${$est}{$i}[0]\">${$est}{$i}[0]</a>" if exists(${$est}{$i});
    print $tab "\t\t\t<td>$Hrna</td>\n\t\t\t<td>$Hest</td>\n\t\t\t<td><div class=\"arrow\"></div></td>\n\t\t</tr>\n";
    my $colspan = scalar(@fastq1) * 2 + 8;
    print $tab "\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td valign=top colspan=$colspan></td>\n\t\t\t<td valign=top>\n";
    if (exists(${$rna}{$i}))
      for (my $w = 1; $w <= $#{${$rna}{$i}}; $w++)
        $Hrna = "<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"${$rna}{$i}[$w]\">${$rna}{$i}[$w]</a>";
        print $tab "\t\t\t\t$Hrna<br>\n";
      delete ${$rna}{$i};
    print $tab "\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td valign=top>\n";
    if (exists (${$est}{$i}))
      for (my $w = 1; $w <= $#{${$est}{$i}}; $w++)
        $Hest = "<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"${$est}{$i}[$w]\">${$est}{$i}[$w]</a>";
        print $tab "\t\t\t\t$Hest<br>\n";
      delete ${$est}{$i};
    print $tab "\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td></td>\n\t\t</tr>\n";
  print $tab "\t</table>\n</body>\n</html>\n";
  close $tab;

##Function save_csv: save results in different formats   ###
## @param:                                                 #
##       $fastq1_ref: reference to first paired end files  #
##       $name_ref: reference to names of reads files      #
##       $results_ref: reference to results files          #
##       $line_only: Line only database                    #
##       $refseq: refseq text file                         #
##       $out: repository to store results                 #

sub save_csv{
  my ($fastq1_ref, $name_ref, $results_ref, $line_only, $refseq, $out) = @_;
  my @fastq1 = @{$fastq1_ref};
  my @name = @{$name_ref};
  my @results = @{$results_ref};
  my $out1= $out.'/results.txt';
  my $out2= $out.'/first_results.txt';
  my $out3= $out.'/final_result_chimerae.txt';

  # save result in csv file ##
  my $filed = $out1;
  open(my $tab, '>', $filed) || die "Cannot open $filed";
  print $tab "L1 chromosome\tL1 start\tL1 end\tL1 strand";;
  for my $i (0..$#fastq1)
    print $tab "\t$name[$i] read #";
  print $tab "\tChimera chromosome\tChimera start\tChimera end\tChimera strand";
  for my $i (0..$#fastq1)
    print $tab "\t$name[$i] read #";
  print $tab "\n";
  for my $i ( 0 .. $#results )
    my $rowref = $results[$i];
    my $n = @$rowref - 1;
    for my $j ( 0 .. $n-1 )
      print $tab "$results[$i][$j]\t";
    print $tab "$results[$i][$n]\n";
  close $tab;
  ##Add some information via R Scripts##
  # Create bridge between Perl and R
  my $R = Statistics::R->new();
  $R->set('out1', $out1);
  $R->set('out2', $out2);
  $R->set('out3', $out3);
  $R->set('nfastq', $#fastq1);
  $R->set('line_only', $line_only);
  $R->set('refseq', $refseq);
  my $R_out = $R->run_from_file("$Bin/CLIFinder_results.R");
  print STDOUT "$R_out\n";


=head1 NAME

        CLIFinder - Identification of L1 Chimeric Transcripts in RNA-seq data

=head1 SYNOPSIS --first <first fastq of paired-end set 1> --name <name 1> --second <second fastq of paired-end set 1> [--first <first fastq of paired-end set 2> --name <name 2> --second <second fastq of paired-end set 2> ...] --ref <reference genome> [--build_ref] --TE <transposable elements> [--build_TE] --html <results.html> --html-path <results directory> [options]

                --first <fastq file>    First fastq file to process from paired-end set
                --name <name>           Name of the content to process
                --second <fastq file>   Second fastq file to process from paired-end set
                --ref <reference>       Fasta file containing the reference genome
                --TE <TE>               Fasta file containing the transposable elements
                --rmsk <text file>      Tab-delimited text file (with headers) containing reference repeat sequences (e.g. rmsk track from UCSC)
                --refseq <text file>    Tab-delimited file (with headers) containing reference genes (e.g. RefGene.txt from UCSC)
                --html <html file>      Main HTML file where results will be displayed
                --html_path <dir>       Folder where results will be stored

        For any fasta file, if a bwa index is not provided, you should build it through the corresponding '--build_[element]' argument

                --rnadb <RNA db>        Blast database containing RNA sequences (default: empty)
                --estdb <EST db>        Blast database containing EST sequences (default: empty)
                --size_read <INT>       Size of reads (default: 100)
                --BDir <0|1|2>          Orientation of reads (0: undirectional libraries, 1: TEs sequences in first read in pair, 2: TEs sequences in second read in pair) (default: 0)
                --size_insert <INT>     Maximum size of insert tolerated between R1 and R2 for alignment on the reference genome (default: 250)
                --min_L1 <INT>          Minimum number of bp matching for L1 mapping (default: 50)
                --mis_L1 <INT>          Maximum number of mismatches tolerated for L1 mapping (default: 1)
                --min_unique <INT>      Minimum number of consecutive bp not annotated by RepeatMasker (default: 33)
                --species <STRING>      Species to use in RepeatMasker (default: human)
                --threads <INT>         Number of threads (default: 1)

        For Blast database files, if a fasta is provided, the database can be built with '--build_[db]'. Otherwise, provide a path or URL. \"tar(.gz)\" files are acceptable, as well as wild card (rna*) URLs.