diff clustalomega/clustal-omega-0.2.0/src/squid/shuffle.c @ 0:ff1768533a07

Migrated tool version 0.2 from old tool shed archive to new tool shed repository
author clustalomega
date Tue, 07 Jun 2011 17:04:25 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/clustalomega/clustal-omega-0.2.0/src/squid/shuffle.c	Tue Jun 07 17:04:25 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+ * SQUID - a library of functions for biological sequence analysis
+ * Copyright (C) 1992-2002 Washington University School of Medicine
+ * 
+ *     This source code is freely distributed under the terms of the
+ *     GNU General Public License. See the files COPYRIGHT and LICENSE
+ *     for details.
+ *****************************************************************/
+/* shuffle.c
+ * 
+ * Routines for randomizing sequences.
+ *  
+ * All routines are alphabet-independent (DNA, protein, RNA, whatever);
+ * they assume that input strings are purely alphabetical [a-zA-Z], and
+ * will return strings in all upper case [A-Z].
+ *  
+ * All return 1 on success, and 0 on failure; 0 status invariably
+ * means the input string was not alphabetical.
+ * 
+ * StrShuffle()   - shuffled string, preserve mono-symbol composition.
+ * StrDPShuffle() - shuffled string, preserve mono- and di-symbol composition.
+ * 
+ * StrMarkov0()   - random string, same zeroth order Markov properties.
+ * StrMarkov1()   - random string, same first order Markov properties.
+ * 
+ * StrReverse()   - simple reversal of string
+ * StrRegionalShuffle() -  mono-symbol shuffled string in regional windows
+ *
+ * There are also similar routines for shuffling alignments:
+ *
+ * AlignmentShuffle()   - alignment version of StrShuffle().
+ * AlignmentBootstrap() - sample with replacement; a bootstrap dataset.
+ * QRNAShuffle()        - shuffle a pairwise alignment, preserving all gap positions.
+ * 
+ * CVS $Id: shuffle.c,v 1.6 2002/10/09 14:26:09 eddy Exp)
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "squid.h"
+#include "sre_random.h"
+/* Function: StrShuffle()
+ * 
+ * Purpose:  Returns a shuffled version of s2, in s1.
+ *           (s1 and s2 can be identical, to shuffle in place.)
+ *  
+ * Args:     s1 - allocated space for shuffled string.
+ *           s2 - string to shuffle.
+ *           
+ * Return:   1 on success.
+ */
+StrShuffle(char *s1, char *s2)
+  int  len;
+  int  pos;
+  char c;
+  if (s1 != s2) strcpy(s1, s2);
+  for (len = strlen(s1); len > 1; len--)
+    {				
+      pos       = CHOOSE(len);
+      c         = s1[pos];
+      s1[pos]   = s1[len-1];
+      s1[len-1] = c;
+    }
+  return 1;
+/* Function: StrDPShuffle()
+ * Date:     SRE, Fri Oct 29 09:15:17 1999 [St. Louis]
+ *
+ * Purpose:  Returns a shuffled version of s2, in s1.
+ *           (s1 and s2 may be identical; i.e. a string
+ *           may be shuffled in place.) The shuffle is a  
+ *           "doublet-preserving" (DP) shuffle. Both
+ *           mono- and di-symbol composition are preserved.
+ *           
+ *           Done by searching for a random Eulerian 
+ *           walk on a directed multigraph. 
+ *           Reference: S.F. Altschul and B.W. Erickson, Mol. Biol.
+ *           Evol. 2:526-538, 1985. Quoted bits in my comments
+ *           are from Altschul's outline of the algorithm.
+ *
+ * Args:     s1   - RETURN: the string after it's been shuffled
+ *                    (space for s1 allocated by caller)
+ *           s2   - the string to be shuffled
+ *
+ * Returns:  0 if string can't be shuffled (it's not all [a-zA-z]
+ *             alphabetic.
+ *           1 on success. 
+ */
+StrDPShuffle(char *s1, char *s2)
+  int    len;
+  int    pos;	/* a position in s1 or s2 */
+  int    x,y;   /* indices of two characters */
+  char **E;     /* edge lists: E[0] is the edge list from vertex A */
+  int   *nE;    /* lengths of edge lists */
+  int   *iE;    /* positions in edge lists */
+  int    n;	/* tmp: remaining length of an edge list to be shuffled */
+  char   sf;    /* last character in s2 */
+  char   Z[26]; /* connectivity in last edge graph Z */ 
+  int    keep_connecting; /* flag used in Z connectivity algorithm */
+  int    is_eulerian;		/* flag used for when we've got a good Z */
+  /* First, verify that the string is entirely alphabetic.
+   */
+  len = strlen(s2);
+  for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++)
+    if (! isalpha(s2[pos])) return 0;
+  /* "(1) Construct the doublet graph G and edge ordering E
+   *      corresponding to S."
+   * 
+   * Note that these also imply the graph G; and note,
+   * for any list x with nE[x] = 0, vertex x is not part
+   * of G.
+   */
+  E  = MallocOrDie(sizeof(char *) * 26);
+  nE = MallocOrDie(sizeof(int)    * 26);
+  for (x = 0; x < 26; x++)
+    {
+      E[x]  = MallocOrDie(sizeof(char) * (len-1));
+      nE[x] = 0; 
+    }
+  x = toupper(s2[0]) - 'A';
+  for (pos = 1; pos < len; pos++)
+    {
+      y = toupper(s2[pos]) - 'A';
+      E[x][nE[x]] = y;
+      nE[x]++;
+      x = y;
+    }
+  /* Now we have to find a random Eulerian edge ordering.
+   */
+  sf = toupper(s2[len-1]) - 'A'; 
+  is_eulerian = 0;
+  while (! is_eulerian)
+    {
+      /* "(2) For each vertex s in G except s_f, randomly select
+       *      one edge from the s edge list of E(S) to be the
+       *      last edge of the s list in a new edge ordering."
+       *
+       * select random edges and move them to the end of each 
+       * edge list.
+       */
+      for (x = 0; x < 26; x++)
+	{
+	  if (nE[x] == 0 || x == sf) continue;
+	  pos           = CHOOSE(nE[x]);
+	  y             = E[x][pos];		
+	  E[x][pos]     = E[x][nE[x]-1];
+	  E[x][nE[x]-1] = y;
+	}
+      /* "(3) From this last set of edges, construct the last-edge
+       *      graph Z and determine whether or not all of its
+       *      vertices are connected to s_f."
+       * 
+       * a probably stupid algorithm for looking at the
+       * connectivity in Z: iteratively sweep through the
+       * edges in Z, and build up an array (confusing called Z[x])
+       * whose elements are 1 if x is connected to sf, else 0.
+       */
+      for (x = 0; x < 26; x++) Z[x] = 0;
+      Z[(int) sf] = keep_connecting = 1;
+      while (keep_connecting) {
+	keep_connecting = 0;
+	for (x = 0; x < 26; x++)
+	  {
+	    y = E[x][nE[x]-1];            /* xy is an edge in Z */
+	    if (Z[x] == 0 && Z[y] == 1)   /* x is connected to sf in Z */
+	      {
+		Z[x] = 1;
+		keep_connecting = 1;
+	      }
+	  }
+      }
+      /* if any vertex in Z is tagged with a 0, it's
+       * not connected to sf, and we won't have a Eulerian
+       * walk.
+       */
+      is_eulerian = 1;
+      for (x = 0; x < 26; x++)
+	{
+	  if (nE[x] == 0 || x == sf) continue;
+	  if (Z[x] == 0) {
+	    is_eulerian = 0;
+	    break;
+	  }
+	}
+      /* "(4) If any vertex is not connected in Z to s_f, the
+       *      new edge ordering will not be Eulerian, so return to
+       *      (2). If all vertices are connected in Z to s_f, 
+       *      the new edge ordering will be Eulerian, so
+       *      continue to (5)."
+       *      
+       * e.g. note infinite loop while is_eulerian is FALSE.
+       */
+    }
+  /* "(5) For each vertex s in G, randomly permute the remaining
+   *      edges of the s edge list of E(S) to generate the s
+   *      edge list of the new edge ordering E(S')."
+   *      
+   * Essentially a StrShuffle() on the remaining nE[x]-1 elements
+   * of each edge list; unfortunately our edge lists are arrays,
+   * not strings, so we can't just call out to StrShuffle().
+   */
+  for (x = 0; x < 26; x++)
+    for (n = nE[x] - 1; n > 1; n--)
+      {
+	pos       = CHOOSE(n);
+	y         = E[x][pos];
+	E[x][pos] = E[x][n-1];
+	E[x][n-1] = y;
+      }
+  /* "(6) Construct sequence S', a random DP permutation of
+   *      S, from E(S') as follows. Start at the s_1 edge list.
+   *      At each s_i edge list, add s_i to S', delete the
+   *      first edge s_i,s_j of the edge list, and move to
+   *      the s_j edge list. Continue this process until
+   *      all edge lists are exhausted."
+   */ 
+  iE = MallocOrDie(sizeof(int) * 26);
+  for (x = 0; x < 26; x++) iE[x] = 0; 
+  pos = 0; 
+  x = toupper(s2[0]) - 'A';
+  while (1) 
+    {
+      s1[pos++] = 'A' + x;	/* add s_i to S' */
+      y = E[x][iE[x]];
+      iE[x]++;			/* "delete" s_i,s_j from edge list */
+      x = y;			/* move to s_j edge list. */
+      if (iE[x] == nE[x])
+	break;			/* the edge list is exhausted. */
+    }
+  s1[pos++] = 'A' + sf;
+  s1[pos]   = '\0';  
+  /* Reality checks.
+   */
+  if (x   != sf)  Die("hey, you didn't end on s_f.");
+  if (pos != len) Die("hey, pos (%d) != len (%d).", pos, len);
+  /* Free and return.
+   */
+  Free2DArray((void **) E, 26);
+  free(nE);
+  free(iE);
+  return 1;
+/* Function: StrMarkov0()
+ * Date:     SRE, Fri Oct 29 11:08:31 1999 [St. Louis]
+ *
+ * Purpose:  Returns a random string s1 with the same
+ *           length and zero-th order Markov properties
+ *           as s2. 
+ *           
+ *           s1 and s2 may be identical, to randomize s2
+ *           in place.
+ *
+ * Args:     s1 - allocated space for random string
+ *           s2 - string to base s1's properties on.
+ *
+ * Returns:  1 on success; 0 if s2 doesn't look alphabetical.
+ */
+StrMarkov0(char *s1, char *s2)
+  int   len;
+  int   pos; 
+  float p[26];			/* symbol probabilities */
+  /* First, verify that the string is entirely alphabetic.
+   */
+  len = strlen(s2);
+  for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++)
+    if (! isalpha(s2[pos])) return 0;
+  /* Collect zeroth order counts and convert to frequencies.
+   */
+  FSet(p, 26, 0.);
+  for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++)
+    p[(int)(toupper(s2[pos]) - 'A')] += 1.0;
+  FNorm(p, 26);
+  /* Generate a random string using those p's.
+   */
+  for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++)
+    s1[pos] = FChoose(p, 26) + 'A';
+  s1[pos] = '\0';
+  return 1;
+/* Function: StrMarkov1()
+ * Date:     SRE, Fri Oct 29 11:22:20 1999 [St. Louis]
+ *
+ * Purpose:  Returns a random string s1 with the same
+ *           length and first order Markov properties
+ *           as s2. 
+ *           
+ *           s1 and s2 may be identical, to randomize s2
+ *           in place.
+ *
+ * Args:     s1 - allocated space for random string
+ *           s2 - string to base s1's properties on.
+ *
+ * Returns:  1 on success; 0 if s2 doesn't look alphabetical.
+ */
+StrMarkov1(char *s1, char *s2)
+  int   len;
+  int   pos; 
+  int   x,y;
+  int   i;			/* initial symbol */
+  float p[26][26];		/* symbol probabilities */
+  /* First, verify that the string is entirely alphabetic.
+   */
+  len = strlen(s2);
+  for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++)
+    if (! isalpha(s2[pos])) return 0;
+  /* Collect first order counts and convert to frequencies.
+   */
+  for (x = 0; x < 26; x++) FSet(p[x], 26, 0.);
+  i = x = toupper(s2[0]) - 'A';
+  for (pos = 1; pos < len; pos++)
+    {
+      y = toupper(s2[pos]) - 'A';
+      p[x][y] += 1.0; 
+      x = y;
+    }
+  for (x = 0; x < 26; x++) 
+    FNorm(p[x], 26);
+  /* Generate a random string using those p's.
+   */
+  x = i;
+  s1[0] = x + 'A';
+  for (pos = 1; pos < len; pos++)
+    {
+      y = FChoose(p[x], 26);
+      s1[pos] = y + 'A';
+      x = y;
+    } 
+  s1[pos] = '\0';
+  return 1;
+/* Function: StrReverse()
+ * Date:     SRE, Thu Nov 20 10:54:52 1997 [St. Louis]
+ * 
+ * Purpose:  Returns a reversed version of s2, in s1.
+ *           (s1 and s2 can be identical, to reverse in place)
+ * 
+ * Args:     s1 - allocated space for reversed string.
+ *           s2 - string to reverse.
+ *           
+ * Return:   1.
+ */                
+StrReverse(char *s1, char *s2)
+  int  len;
+  int  pos;
+  char c;
+  len = strlen(s2);
+  for (pos = 0; pos < len/2; pos++)
+    {				/* swap ends */
+      c             = s2[len-pos-1];
+      s1[len-pos-1] = s2[pos];
+      s1[pos]       = c;
+    }
+  if (len%2) { s1[pos] = s2[pos]; } /* copy middle residue in odd-len s2 */
+  s1[len] = '\0';
+  return 1;
+/* Function: StrRegionalShuffle()
+ * Date:     SRE, Thu Nov 20 11:02:34 1997 [St. Louis]
+ * 
+ * Purpose:  Returns a regionally shuffled version of s2, in s1.
+ *           (s1 and s2 can be identical to regionally 
+ *           shuffle in place.) See [Pearson88].
+ *           
+ * Args:     s1 - allocated space for regionally shuffled string.
+ *           s2 - string to regionally shuffle
+ *           w  - window size (typically 10 or 20)      
+ *           
+ * Return:   1.
+ */
+StrRegionalShuffle(char *s1, char *s2, int w)
+  int  len;
+  char c;
+  int  pos;
+  int  i, j;
+  if (s1 != s2) strcpy(s1, s2);
+  len = strlen(s1);
+  for (i = 0; i < len; i += w)
+    for (j = MIN(len-1, i+w-1); j > i; j--)
+      {
+	pos     = i + CHOOSE(j-i);
+	c       = s1[pos];
+	s1[pos] = s1[j];
+	s1[j]   = c;
+      }
+  return 1;
+/* Function: AlignmentShuffle()
+ * Date:     SRE, Sun Apr 22 18:37:15 2001 [St. Louis]
+ *
+ * Purpose:  Returns a shuffled version of ali2, in ali1.
+ *           (ali1 and ali2 can be identical, to shuffle
+ *           in place.) The alignment columns are shuffled,
+ *           preserving % identity within the columns.
+ *
+ * Args:     ali1 - allocated space for shuffled alignment
+ *                  [0..nseq-1][0..alen-1]
+ *           ali2 - alignment to be shuffled
+ *           nseq - number of sequences in the alignment       
+ *           alen - length of alignment, in columns.
+ *
+ * Returns:  int
+ */
+AlignmentShuffle(char **ali1, char **ali2, int nseq, int alen)
+  int  i;
+  int  pos;
+  char c;
+  if (ali1 != ali2) 
+    {
+      for (i = 0; i < nseq; i++) strcpy(ali1[i], ali2[i]);
+    }
+  for (i = 0; i < nseq; i++)
+    ali1[i][alen] = '\0';
+  for (; alen > 1; alen--) 
+    {
+      pos = CHOOSE(alen);
+      for (i = 0; i < nseq; i++) 
+	{
+	  c               = ali1[i][pos];
+	  ali1[i][pos]    = ali1[i][alen-1];
+	  ali1[i][alen-1] = c;
+	}
+    }
+  return 1;
+/* Function: AlignmentBootstrap()
+ * Date:     SRE, Sun Apr 22 18:49:14 2001 [St. Louis]
+ *
+ * Purpose:  Returns a bootstrapped alignment sample in ali1, 
+ *           constructed from ali2 by sampling columns with 
+ *           replacement. 
+ *           
+ *           Unlike the other shuffling routines, ali1 and 
+ *           ali2 cannot be the same. ali2 is left unchanged.
+ *           ali1 must be a properly allocated space for an
+ *           alignment the same size as ali2.
+ *
+ * Args:     ali1 - allocated space for bootstrapped alignment
+ *                  [0..nseq-1][0..alen-1]
+ *           ali2 - alignment to be bootstrapped
+ *           nseq - number of sequences in the alignment       
+ *           alen - length of alignment, in columns. 
+ *                  
+ * Returns:  1 on success.                 
+ */
+AlignmentBootstrap(char **ali1, char **ali2, int nseq, int alen)
+  int  pos;
+  int  col;
+  int  i;
+  for (pos = 0; pos < alen; pos++)
+    {
+      col = CHOOSE(alen);
+      for (i = 0; i < nseq; i++) 
+	ali1[i][pos] = ali2[i][col];
+    }
+  for (i = 0; i < nseq; i++)
+    ali1[i][alen] = '\0';
+  return 1;
+/* Function: QRNAShuffle()
+ * Date:     SRE, Mon Dec 10 10:14:12 2001 [St. Louis]
+ *
+ * Purpose:  Shuffle a pairwise alignment x,y while preserving the
+ *           position of gaps; return the shuffled alignment in xs,
+ *           ys.
+ *           
+ *           Works by doing three separate
+ *           shuffles, of (1) columns with residues in both
+ *           x and y, (2) columns with residue in x and gap in y,
+ *           and (3) columns with gap in x and residue in y.
+ *           
+ *           xs,x and ys,y may be identical: that is, to shuffle
+ *           an alignment "in place", destroying the original
+ *           alignment, just call:
+ *              QRNAShuffle(x,y,x,y);
+ *
+ * Args:     xs, ys: allocated space for shuffled pairwise ali of x,y [L+1]
+ *           x, y: pairwise alignment to be shuffled [0..L-1]
+ *
+ * Returns:  1 on success, 0 on failure.
+ *           The shuffled alignment is returned in xs, ys.
+ */
+QRNAShuffle(char *xs, char *ys, char *x, char *y)
+  int  L;
+  int *xycol, *xcol, *ycol;
+  int  nxy, nx, ny;
+  int  i;
+  int  pos, c;
+  char xsym, ysym;
+  if (xs != x) strcpy(xs, x);
+  if (ys != y) strcpy(ys, y);
+  /* First, construct three arrays containing lists of the column positions
+   * of the three types of columns. (If a column contains gaps in both x and y,
+   * we've already simply copied it to the shuffled sequence.)
+   */
+  L = strlen(x);
+  xycol = MallocOrDie(sizeof(int) * L);
+  xcol  = MallocOrDie(sizeof(int) * L);
+  ycol  = MallocOrDie(sizeof(int) * L);
+  nxy = nx = ny = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < L; i++)
+    {
+      if      (isgap(x[i]) && isgap(y[i]))     { continue; }
+      else if (! isgap(x[i]) && ! isgap(y[i])) { xycol[nxy] = i; nxy++; }
+      else if (isgap(x[i]))                    { ycol[ny] = i;   ny++;  }
+      else if (isgap(y[i]))                    { xcol[nx] = i;   nx++;  }
+    }
+  /* Second, shuffle the sequences indirectly, via shuffling these arrays.
+   * Yow, careful with those indices, and with order of the statements...
+   */
+  for (; nxy > 1; nxy--) {
+    pos          = CHOOSE(nxy);
+    xsym             = xs[xycol[pos]];   ysym             = ys[xycol[pos]];    c            = xycol[pos];   
+    xs[xycol[pos]]   = xs[xycol[nxy-1]]; ys[xycol[pos]]   = ys[xycol[nxy-1]];  xycol[pos]   = xycol[nxy-1];
+    xs[xycol[nxy-1]] = xsym;             ys[xycol[nxy-1]] = ysym;              xycol[pos]   = xycol[nxy-1];
+  }
+  for (; nx > 1; nx--) {
+    pos        = CHOOSE(nx); 
+    xsym           = xs[xcol[pos]];  ysym           = ys[xcol[pos]];  c          = xcol[pos];  
+    xs[xcol[pos]]  = xs[xcol[nx-1]]; ys[xcol[pos]]  = ys[xcol[nx-1]]; xcol[pos]  = xcol[nx-1]; 
+    xs[xcol[nx-1]] = xsym;           ys[xcol[nx-1]] = ysym;           xcol[nx-1] = c;          
+  }
+  for (; ny > 1; ny--) {
+    pos        = CHOOSE(ny); 
+    xsym           = xs[ycol[pos]];  ysym           = ys[ycol[pos]];  c          = ycol[pos]; 
+    xs[ycol[pos]]  = xs[ycol[ny-1]]; ys[ycol[pos]]  = ys[ycol[ny-1]]; ycol[pos]  = ycol[ny-1];
+    xs[ycol[ny-1]] = xsym;           ys[ycol[ny-1]] = ysym;           ycol[ny-1] = c;          
+  }
+  free(xycol); free(xcol); free(ycol);
+  return 1;
+ * cc -g -o testdriver -DTESTDRIVER -L. shuffle.c -lsquid -lm
+ */
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+  char s1[100];
+  char s2[100];
+  sre_srandom(42);
+   */
+  StrDPShuffle(s1, s2);
+  printf("DPshuffle: %s\n", s1);
+  StrMarkov0(s1,s2);
+  printf("Markov 0 : %s\n", s1);
+  StrMarkov1(s1,s2);
+  printf("Markov 1 : %s\n", s1);
+  strcpy(s1, "ACGTACGT--------ACGTACGT----ACGTACGT");
+  strcpy(s2, "ACGTACGTACGTACGT------------ACGTACGT");
+  QRNAShuffle(s1,s2,s1,s2);
+  printf("QRNA : %s\n", s1);
+  printf("     : %s\n", s2);
+  return 0;