view createDatabase.xml @ 6:2f71b3495221 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit 2579c8746819670348c378f86116f83703c493eb"
author computational-metabolomics
date Thu, 04 Mar 2021 12:27:21 +0000
parents 19fd19059791
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="mspurity_createdatabase" name="msPurity.createDatabase" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy@GALAXY_TOOL_VERSION@">
    <description>Create and SQLite database of an LC-MS(/MS) experiment</description>
    <expand macro="requirements" />
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
        Rscript '$__tool_directory__/createDatabase.R'
            #if $file_load_conditional.file_load_select=="yes"
                #for $i in $file_load_conditional.input
                #end for
                #for $i in $file_load_conditional.input
                #end for
            #end if

            #if $eic
            #end if

            #if $grp_peaklist_opt.grp_peaklist_opt=="yes"
            #end if

        <param argument="--xset_xa" type="data"  label="xcmsSet or CAMERA object"
               help="Either xcmsSet object saved as 'xset' or CAMERA 'xa' object in an RData file.
                     Please specify which to use below"
        <expand macro="camera_xcms" />
        <param argument="--pa" type="data" label="purityA object (frag4feature output)" format="rdata"
               help="purityA object saved as 'pa' in a RData file (output from frag4feature)"/>
      	<param argument="--eic" type="boolean" label="Include EIC data?"
               help="The Extracted Ion Chromatogram can be calculated for each peak and stored in
                     the database. Note, this will take considerable time for large datasets and
                     the resulting SQLite database can be large"/>
        <expand macro="grp_peaklist" />
        <expand macro="fileload" />
        <data name="createDatabase_output_sqlite" format="sqlite"
              label="${} on ${on_string}: LC-MS(/MS) data SQLite db"
              from_work_dir="createDatabase_output.sqlite" />

            <conditional name="file_load_conditional">
                <param name="file_load_select" value="yes"/>
                <param name="input" >
                    <collection type="list">
                        <element name="LCMS_1.mzML" value="LCMS_1.mzML"/>
                        <element name="LCMS_2.mzML" value="LCMS_2.mzML"/>
                        <element name="LCMSMS_1.mzML" value="LCMSMS_1.mzML"/>
                        <element name="LCMSMS_2.mzML" value="LCMSMS_2.mzML"/>
	         <param name="camera_xcms" value="xcms"/>
           <param name="xset_xa" value="xset_group_LCMS_1_LCMS_2_LCMSMS_1_LCMSMS_2.RData"/>
           <param name="pa" value="averageFragSpectra_output_all.RData"/>
           <output name="createDatabase_output_sqlite" value="createDatabase_output.sqlite" ftype="sqlite" compare="sim_size"/>

            <conditional name="file_load_conditional">
                <param name="file_load_select" value="yes"/>
                <param name="input" >
                    <collection type="list">
                        <element name="LCMS_1.mzML" value="LCMS_1.mzML"/>
                        <element name="LCMS_2.mzML" value="LCMS_2.mzML"/>
                        <element name="LCMSMS_1.mzML" value="LCMSMS_1.mzML"/>
                        <element name="LCMSMS_2.mzML" value="LCMSMS_2.mzML"/>
	         <param name="camera_xcms" value="xcms"/>
	         <param name="eic" value="true"/>
           <param name="xset_xa" value="xset_group_LCMS_1_LCMS_2_LCMSMS_1_LCMSMS_2.RData"/>
           <param name="pa" value="averageFragSpectra_output_all.RData"/>
           <output name="createDatabase_output_sqlite" value="createDatabase_output_eic.sqlite" ftype="sqlite" compare="sim_size"/>

Create SQLite database for LC-MS(/MS) dataset
** General **

Create and SQLite database of an LC-MS(/MS) experiment (replaces the create_database function).

Schema details can be found [here](

**Example LC-MS/MS processing workflow**

* Purity assessments
    +  (mzML files) -> purityA -> (pa)
* XCMS processing
    +  (mzML files) -> xcms.xcmsSet -> xcms.merge -> -> xcms.retcor -> -> (xset)
* Fragmentation processing
    + (xset, pa) -> frag4feature -> filterFragSpectra -> averageAllFragSpectra -> **createDatabase** -> spectralMatching -> (sqlite spectral database)

* lcms_sqlite: An SQLite database of the LC-MS(/MS) data (including fragmentation scans)

<expand macro="citations" />