comparison @ 3:0d7c61693867 draft

planemo upload commit 94b0cd1fff0826c6db3e7dc0c91c0c5a8be8bb0c
author cpt
date Mon, 05 Jun 2023 02:34:39 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:22bea84a1e37 3:0d7c61693867
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 import argparse
3 import copy
4 import logging
5 import re
6 import sys
7 from CPT_GFFParser import gffParse, gffWrite, gffSeqFeature
8 from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML
9 from Bio.Seq import Seq
10 from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
11 from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation
13 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
14 log = logging.getLogger(name="blast2gff3")
16 __doc__ = """
17 Convert BlastXML or Blast 25 Column Table output into GFF3
18 """
20 # note for all FeatureLocations, Biopython saves in zero index and Blast provides one indexed locations, thus a Blast Location of (123,500) should be saved as (122, 500)
21 def blast2gff3(blast, blastxml=False, blasttab=False, include_seq=False):
22 # Call correct function based on xml or tabular file input, raise error if neither or both are provided
23 if blastxml and blasttab:
24 raise Exception("Cannot provide both blast xml and tabular flag")
26 if blastxml:
27 return blastxml2gff3(blast, include_seq)
28 elif blasttab:
29 return blasttsv2gff3(blast, include_seq)
30 else:
31 raise Exception("Must provide either blast xml or tabular flag")
34 def check_bounds(ps, pe, qs, qe):
35 # simplify the constant boundary checking used in subfeature generation
36 if qs < ps:
37 ps = qs
38 if qe > pe:
39 pe = qe
40 if ps <= 0:
41 ps = 1
42 return (min(ps, pe), max(ps, pe))
45 def clean_string(s):
46 clean_str = re.sub("\|", "_", s) # Replace any \ or | with _
47 clean_str = re.sub(
48 "[^A-Za-z0-9_\ .-]", "", clean_str
49 ) # Remove any non-alphanumeric or _.- chars
50 return clean_str
53 def clean_slist(l):
54 cleaned_list = []
55 for s in l:
56 cleaned_list.append(clean_string(s))
57 return cleaned_list
60 def blastxml2gff3(blastxml, include_seq=False):
62 blast_records = NCBIXML.parse(blastxml)
63 for idx_record, record in enumerate(blast_records):
64 #
65 # match_type = { # Currently we can only handle BLASTN, BLASTP
66 # "BLASTN": "nucleotide_match",
67 # "BLASTP": "protein_match",
68 # }.get(record.application, "match")
69 match_type = "match"
70 collected_records = []
72 recid = record.query
73 if " " in recid:
74 recid = clean_string(recid[0 : recid.index(" ")])
76 for idx_hit, hit in enumerate(record.alignments):
77 # gotta check all hsps in a hit to see boundaries
78 rec = SeqRecord("", id=recid)
79 parent_match_start = 0
80 parent_match_end = 0
81 hit_qualifiers = {
82 "ID": "b2g.%s.%s" % (idx_record, idx_hit),
83 "source": "blast",
84 "accession": hit.accession,
85 "hit_id": clean_string(hit.hit_id),
86 "score": None,
87 "length": hit.length,
88 "hit_titles": clean_slist(hit.title.split(" >")),
89 "hsp_count": len(hit.hsps),
90 }
91 desc = hit.title.split(" >")[0]
92 hit_qualifiers["Name"] = desc
93 sub_features = []
94 for idx_hsp, hsp in enumerate(hit.hsps):
95 if idx_hsp == 0:
96 # -2 and +1 for start/end to convert 0 index of python to 1 index of people, -2 on start because feature location saving issue
97 parent_match_start = hsp.query_start
98 parent_match_end = hsp.query_end
99 hit_qualifiers["score"] = hsp.expect
100 # generate qualifiers to be added to gff3 feature
101 hit_qualifiers["score"] = min(hit_qualifiers["score"], hsp.expect)
102 hsp_qualifiers = {
103 "ID": "b2g.%s.%s.hsp%s" % (idx_record, idx_hit, idx_hsp),
104 "source": "blast",
105 "score": hsp.expect,
106 "accession": hit.accession,
107 "hit_id": clean_string(hit.hit_id),
108 "length": hit.length,
109 "hit_titles": clean_slist(hit.title.split(" >")),
110 }
111 if include_seq:
112 if (
113 "blast_qseq",
114 "blast_sseq",
115 "blast_mseq",
116 ) in hit_qualifiers.keys():
117 hit_qualifiers.update(
118 {
119 "blast_qseq": hit_qualifiers["blast_qseq"] + hsp.query,
120 "blast_sseq": hit_qualifiers["blast_sseq"] + hsp.sbjct,
121 "blast_mseq": hit_qualifiers["blast_mseq"] + hsp.match,
122 }
123 )
124 else:
125 hit_qualifiers.update(
126 {
127 "blast_qseq": hsp.query,
128 "blast_sseq": hsp.sbjct,
129 "blast_mseq": hsp.match,
130 }
131 )
132 for prop in (
133 "score",
134 "bits",
135 "identities",
136 "positives",
137 "gaps",
138 "align_length",
139 "strand",
140 "frame",
141 "query_start",
142 "query_end",
143 "sbjct_start",
144 "sbjct_end",
145 ):
146 hsp_qualifiers["blast_" + prop] = getattr(hsp, prop, None)
148 # check if parent boundary needs to increase to envelope hsp
149 # if hsp.query_start < parent_match_start:
150 # parent_match_start = hsp.query_start - 1
151 # if hsp.query_end > parent_match_end:
152 # parent_match_end = hsp.query_end + 1
154 parent_match_start, parent_match_end = check_bounds(
155 parent_match_start, parent_match_end, hsp.query_start, hsp.query_end
156 )
158 # add hsp to the gff3 feature as a "match_part"
159 sub_features.append(
160 gffSeqFeature(
161 FeatureLocation(hsp.query_start - 1, hsp.query_end),
162 type="match_part",
163 strand=0,
164 qualifiers=copy.deepcopy(hsp_qualifiers),
165 )
166 )
168 # Build the top level seq feature for the hit
169 hit_qualifiers["description"] = "Residue %s..%s hit to %s" % (
170 parent_match_start,
171 parent_match_end,
172 desc,
173 )
174 top_feature = gffSeqFeature(
175 FeatureLocation(parent_match_start - 1, parent_match_end),
176 type=match_type,
177 strand=0,
178 qualifiers=hit_qualifiers,
179 )
180 # add the generated subfeature hsp match_parts to the hit feature
181 top_feature.sub_features = copy.deepcopy(
182 sorted(sub_features, key=lambda x: int(x.location.start))
183 )
184 # Add the hit feature to the record
185 rec.features.append(top_feature)
186 rec.annotations = {}
187 collected_records.append(rec)
189 if not len(collected_records):
190 print("##gff-version 3\n##sequence-region null 1 4")
192 for rec in collected_records:
193 yield rec
196 def combine_records(records):
197 # Go through each record and identify those records with
198 cleaned_records = {}
199 for rec in records:
200 combo_id = (
201 rec.features[0].qualifiers["target"]
202 + rec.features[0].qualifiers["accession"]
203 )
204 if combo_id not in cleaned_records.keys():
205 # First instance of a query ID + subject ID combination
206 # Save this record as it's only item
207 newid = rec.features[0].qualifiers["ID"] + ".0"
208 rec.features[0].qualifiers["ID"] = newid
209 rec.features[0].sub_features[0].qualifiers["ID"] = newid + ".hsp0"
210 cleaned_records[combo_id] = rec
211 else:
212 # Query ID + Subject ID has appeared before
213 # Combine the Match Parts as subfeatures
214 sub_features = copy.deepcopy(
215 cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].sub_features
216 )
217 addtnl_features = rec.features[0].sub_features
218 # add the current records sub features to the ones previous
219 for feat in addtnl_features:
220 sub_features.append(feat)
221 cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].subfeatures = copy.deepcopy(
222 sub_features
223 )
224 cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].qualifiers["score"] = min(
225 cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].qualifiers["score"],
226 rec.features[0].qualifiers["score"],
227 )
228 # now we need to update the IDs for the features when combined
229 # sort them into the proper order, then apply new ids
230 # and also ensure the parent record boundaries fit the whole span of subfeatures
231 sub_features = sorted(sub_features, key=lambda x: int(x.location.start))
232 new_parent_start = cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].location.start + 1
233 new_parent_end = cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].location.end
234 for idx, feat in enumerate(sub_features):
235 feat.qualifiers["ID"] = "%s.hsp%s" % (
236 cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].qualifiers["ID"],
237 idx,
238 )
239 new_parent_start, new_parent_end = check_bounds(
240 new_parent_start,
241 new_parent_end,
242 feat.location.start + 1,
243 feat.location.end,
244 )
245 cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].qualifiers["score"] = min(
246 cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].qualifiers["score"],
247 feat.qualifiers["blast_score"],
248 )
249 # if feat.location.start < new_parent_start:
250 # new_parent_start = feat.location.start - 1
251 # if feat.location.end > new_parent_end:
252 # new_parent_end = feat.location.end + 1
253 cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].location = FeatureLocation(
254 new_parent_start - 1, new_parent_end
255 )
256 cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].qualifiers[
257 "description"
258 ] = "Residue %s..%s hit to %s" % (
259 new_parent_start,
260 new_parent_end,
261 cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].qualifiers["Name"],
262 )
263 # save the renamed and ordered feature list to record
264 cleaned_records[combo_id].features[0].sub_features = copy.deepcopy(
265 sub_features
266 )
267 return sorted(
268 cleaned_records.values(), key=lambda x: int(x.features[0].location.start)
269 )
272 def blasttsv2gff3(blasttsv, include_seq=False):
274 #
275 # match_type = { # Currently we can only handle BLASTN, BLASTP
276 # "BLASTN": "nucleotide_match",
277 # "BLASTP": "protein_match",
278 # }.get(type, "match")
279 match_type = "match"
281 columns = [
282 "qseqid", # 01 Query Seq-id (ID of your sequence)
283 "sseqid", # 02 Subject Seq-id (ID of the database hit)
284 "pident", # 03 Percentage of identical matches
285 "length", # 04 Alignment length
286 "mismatch", # 05 Number of mismatches
287 "gapopen", # 06 Number of gap openings
288 "qstart", # 07 Start of alignment in query
289 "qend", # 08 End of alignment in query
290 "sstart", # 09 Start of alignment in subject (database hit)
291 "send", # 10 End of alignment in subject (database hit)
292 "evalue", # 11 Expectation value (E-value)
293 "bitscore", # 12 Bit score
294 "sallseqid", # 13 All subject Seq-id(s), separated by a ';'
295 "score", # 14 Raw score
296 "nident", # 15 Number of identical matches
297 "positive", # 16 Number of positive-scoring matches
298 "gaps", # 17 Total number of gaps
299 "ppos", # 18 Percentage of positive-scoring matches
300 "qframe", # 19 Query frame
301 "sframe", # 20 Subject frame
302 "qseq", # 21 Aligned part of query sequence
303 "sseq", # 22 Aligned part of subject sequence
304 "qlen", # 23 Query sequence length
305 "slen", # 24 Subject sequence length
306 "salltitles", # 25 All subject title(s), separated by a '<>'
307 ]
308 collected_records = []
309 for record_idx, record in enumerate(blasttsv):
310 if record.startswith("#"):
311 continue
313 dc = {k: v for (k, v) in zip(columns, (x.strip() for x in record.split("\t")))}
315 rec = SeqRecord("", id=dc["qseqid"])
317 feature_id = "b2g.%s" % (record_idx)
318 hit_qualifiers = {
319 "ID": feature_id,
320 "Name": (dc["salltitles"].split("<>")[0]),
321 "description": "Residue {sstart}..{send} hit to {x}".format(
322 x=dc["salltitles"].split("<>")[0], **dc
323 ),
324 "source": "blast",
325 "score": dc["evalue"],
326 "accession": clean_string(dc["sseqid"]),
327 "length": dc["qlen"],
328 "hit_titles": clean_slist(dc["salltitles"].split("<>")),
329 "target": clean_string(dc["qseqid"]),
330 }
331 hsp_qualifiers = {"source": "blast"}
332 for key in dc.keys():
333 # Add the remaining BLAST info to the GFF qualifiers
334 if key in (
335 "salltitles",
336 "sallseqid",
337 "sseqid",
338 "qseqid",
339 "qseq",
340 "sseq",
341 ):
342 continue
343 hsp_qualifiers["blast_%s" % key] = clean_string(dc[key])
345 # Below numbers stored as strings, convert to proper form
346 for (
347 integer_numerical_key
348 ) in "gapopen gaps length mismatch nident positive qend qframe qlen qstart score send sframe slen sstart".split(
349 " "
350 ):
351 dc[integer_numerical_key] = int(dc[integer_numerical_key])
353 for float_numerical_key in "bitscore evalue pident ppos".split(" "):
354 dc[float_numerical_key] = float(dc[float_numerical_key])
356 parent_match_start = dc["qstart"]
357 parent_match_end = dc["qend"]
359 parent_match_start, parent_match_end = check_bounds(
360 parent_match_start, parent_match_end, dc["qstart"], dc["qend"]
361 )
363 # The ``match`` feature will hold one or more ``match_part``s
364 top_feature = gffSeqFeature(
365 FeatureLocation(
366 min(parent_match_start, parent_match_end) - 1,
367 max(parent_match_start, parent_match_end),
368 ),
369 type=match_type,
370 strand=0,
371 qualifiers=hit_qualifiers,
372 )
373 top_feature.sub_features = []
374 # There is a possibility of multiple lines containing the HSPS
375 # for the same hit.
376 # Unlike the parent feature, ``match_part``s have sources.
377 hsp_qualifiers["ID"] = clean_string(dc["sseqid"])
378 match_part_start = dc["qstart"]
379 match_part_end = dc["qend"]
381 top_feature.sub_features.append(
382 gffSeqFeature(
383 FeatureLocation(
384 min(match_part_start, match_part_end) - 1,
385 max(match_part_start, match_part_end),
386 ),
387 type="match_part",
388 strand=0,
389 qualifiers=copy.deepcopy(hsp_qualifiers),
390 )
391 )
392 top_feature.sub_features = sorted(
393 top_feature.sub_features, key=lambda x: int(x.location.start)
394 )
395 rec.features = [top_feature]
396 rec.annotations = {}
397 collected_records.append(rec)
399 collected_records = combine_records(collected_records)
400 if not len(collected_records):
401 print("##gff-version 3\n##sequence-region null 1 4")
402 for rec in collected_records:
403 yield rec
406 if __name__ == "__main__":
407 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
408 description="Convert BlastP or BlastN output to GFF3, must provide XML or Tabular output",
409 epilog="",
410 )
411 parser.add_argument(
412 "blast",
413 type=argparse.FileType("r"),
414 help="Blast XML or 25 Column Tabular Output file",
415 )
416 parser.add_argument(
417 "--blastxml", action="store_true", help="Process file as Blast XML Output"
418 )
419 parser.add_argument(
420 "--blasttab",
421 action="store_true",
422 help="Process file as Blast 25 Column Tabular Output",
423 )
424 parser.add_argument(
425 "--include_seq",
426 action="store_true",
427 help="Include sequence, only used for Blast XML",
428 )
429 args = parser.parse_args()
431 for rec in blast2gff3(**vars(args)):
432 if len(rec.features):
433 gffWrite([rec], sys.stdout)