diff plotWheels/helical_wheel.py @ 1:9b276485c94a draft

planemo upload commit 94b0cd1fff0826c6db3e7dc0c91c0c5a8be8bb0c
author cpt
date Mon, 05 Jun 2023 02:44:43 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plotWheels/helical_wheel.py	Mon Jun 05 02:44:43 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.lines as lines
+import matplotlib.patches as patches
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+# from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde
+from plotWheels.core import load_scale
+from plotWheels.descriptors import PeptideDescriptor
+def helical_wheel(
+    sequence,
+    colorcoding="rainbow",
+    text_color=None,
+    lineweights=True,
+    filename=None,
+    seq=False,
+    moment=False,
+    seqRange=1,
+    t_size=32,
+    rot=float(90),
+    dpi=150,
+    numbering=True,
+    """A function to project a given peptide sequence onto a helical wheel plot. It can be useful to illustrate the
+    properties of alpha-helices, like positioning of charged and hydrophobic residues along the sequence.
+    :param sequence: {str} the peptide sequence for which the helical wheel should be drawn
+    :param colorcoding: {str} the color coding to be used, available: *rainbow*, *charge*, *polar*, *simple*,
+        *amphipathic*, *custom_input*, *none*
+    :param lineweights: {boolean} defines whether connection lines decrease in thickness along the sequence
+    :param filename: {str} filename  where to save the plot. *default = None* --> show the plot
+    :param seq: {bool} whether the amino acid sequence should be plotted as a title
+    :param moment: {bool} whether the Eisenberg hydrophobic moment should be calculated and plotted
+    :param seqRange: {int} starting value of residue location in sequence
+    :param t_size: {int} text size
+    :param rot: {float} rotation by radians --> converted to degrees.
+    :param dpi: {int} dpi parameter for saved files
+    :return: a helical wheel projection plot of the given sequence (interactively or in **filename**)
+    :Example:
+    >>> helical_wheel('GLFDIVKKVVGALG')
+    >>> helical_wheel('KLLKLLKKLLKLLK', colorcoding='charge')
+    >>> helical_wheel('AKLWLKAGRGFGRG', colorcoding='none', lineweights=False)
+    >>> helical_wheel('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY')
+    .. image:: ../docs/static/wheel1.png
+        :height: 300px
+    .. image:: ../docs/static/wheel2.png
+        :height: 300px
+    .. image:: ../docs/static/wheel3.png
+        :height: 300px
+    .. image:: ../docs/static/wheel4.png
+        :height: 300px
+    .. versionadded:: v2.1.5
+    """
+    # color mappings
+    aa = [
+        "A",
+        "C",
+        "D",
+        "E",
+        "F",
+        "G",
+        "H",
+        "I",
+        "K",
+        "L",
+        "M",
+        "N",
+        "P",
+        "Q",
+        "R",
+        "S",
+        "T",
+        "V",
+        "W",
+        "Y",
+    ]
+    if colorcoding == type(str):
+        f_rainbow = [
+            "#3e3e28",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#b30047",
+            "#b30047",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#3e3e28",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#b366ff",
+            "#29a329",
+            "#b366ff",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#ff66cc",
+            "#ff66cc",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#ffcc33",
+        ]
+        f_charge = [
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#ff4d94",
+            "#ff4d94",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#000000",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+        ]
+        f_polar = [
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#000000",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#000000",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+            "#000000",
+        ]
+        f_simple = [
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#7f7f7f",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#ffcc33",
+        ]
+        f_none = ["#ffffff"] * 20
+        f_amphi = [
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#29a329",
+            "#b30047",
+            "#b30047",
+            "#f79318",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#29a329",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#0047b3",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#80d4ff",
+            "#ffcc33",
+            "#f79318",
+            "#f79318",
+        ]
+        t_rainbow = [
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+        ]
+        t_charge = [
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+        ]
+        t_polar = [
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+        ]
+        t_simple = [
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+        ]
+        t_none = ["k"] * 20
+        t_amphi = [
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "k",
+            "w",
+            "w",
+        ]
+        d_eisberg = load_scale("eisenberg")[1]  # eisenberg hydrophobicity values for HM
+    else:
+        f_custom = colorcoding
+        t_custom = text_color
+        d_eisberg = load_scale("eisenberg")[1]
+    if lineweights:
+        lw = np.arange(0.1, 5.5, 5.0 / (len(sequence) - 1))  # line thickness array
+        lw = lw[::-1]  # inverse order
+    else:
+        lw = [2.0] * (len(sequence) - 1)
+    # check which color coding to use
+    if colorcoding == type(str):
+        if colorcoding == "rainbow":
+            df = dict(zip(aa, f_rainbow))
+            dt = dict(zip(aa, t_rainbow))
+        elif colorcoding == "charge":
+            df = dict(zip(aa, f_charge))
+            dt = dict(zip(aa, t_charge))
+        elif colorcoding == "polar":
+            df = dict(zip(aa, f_polar))
+            dt = dict(zip(aa, t_polar))
+        elif colorcoding == "simple":
+            df = dict(zip(aa, f_simple))
+            dt = dict(zip(aa, t_simple))
+        elif colorcoding == "none":
+            df = dict(zip(aa, f_none))
+            dt = dict(zip(aa, t_none))
+        elif colorcoding == "amphipathic":
+            df = dict(zip(aa, f_amphi))
+            dt = dict(zip(aa, t_amphi))
+        else:
+            print("Unknown color coding, 'rainbow' used instead")
+            df = dict(zip(aa, f_rainbow))
+            dt = dict(zip(aa, t_rainbow))
+    else:
+        df = dict(zip(aa, f_custom))
+        dt = dict(zip(aa, t_custom))
+    # degree to radian
+    deg = np.arange(float(len(sequence))) * -100.0
+    deg = [d + rot for d in deg]  # start at 270 degree in unit circle (on top)
+    rad = np.radians(deg)
+    # dict for coordinates and eisenberg values
+    d_hydro = dict(zip(rad, [0.0] * len(rad)))
+    # create figure
+    fig = plt.figure(frameon=False, figsize=(10, 10))
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
+    old = None
+    hm = list()
+    # iterate over sequence
+    for i, r in enumerate(rad):
+        new = (np.cos(r), np.sin(r))  # new AA coordinates
+        if i < 18:
+            # plot the connecting lines
+            if old is not None:
+                line = lines.Line2D(
+                    (old[0], new[0]),
+                    (old[1], new[1]),
+                    transform=ax.transData,
+                    color="k",
+                    linewidth=lw[i - 1],
+                )
+                line.set_zorder(1)  # 1 = level behind circles
+                ax.add_line(line)
+        elif 17 < i < 36:
+            line = lines.Line2D(
+                (old[0], new[0]),
+                (old[1], new[1]),
+                transform=ax.transData,
+                color="k",
+                linewidth=lw[i - 1],
+            )
+            line.set_zorder(1)  # 1 = level behind circles
+            ax.add_line(line)
+            new = (np.cos(r) * 1.2, np.sin(r) * 1.2)
+        elif i == 36:
+            line = lines.Line2D(
+                (old[0], new[0]),
+                (old[1], new[1]),
+                transform=ax.transData,
+                color="k",
+                linewidth=lw[i - 1],
+            )
+            line.set_zorder(1)  # 1 = level behind circles
+            ax.add_line(line)
+            new = (np.cos(r) * 1.4, np.sin(r) * 1.4)
+        else:
+            new = (np.cos(r) * 1.4, np.sin(r) * 1.4)
+        # plot circles
+        circ = patches.Circle(
+            new,
+            radius=0.125,
+            transform=ax.transData,
+            edgecolor="k",
+            facecolor=df[sequence[i]],
+        )
+        circ.set_zorder(2)  # level in front of lines
+        ax.add_patch(circ)
+        # check if N- or C-terminus and add subscript, then plot AA letter
+        if numbering:
+            size = t_size
+            if i == 0:
+                ax.text(
+                    new[0],
+                    new[1],
+                    sequence[i] + "$_N$",
+                    va="center",
+                    ha="center",
+                    transform=ax.transData,
+                    size=size,
+                    color=dt[sequence[i]],
+                    fontweight="bold",
+                )
+            elif i == len(sequence) - 1:
+                ax.text(
+                    new[0],
+                    new[1],
+                    sequence[i] + "$_C$",
+                    va="center",
+                    ha="center",
+                    transform=ax.transData,
+                    size=size,
+                    color=dt[sequence[i]],
+                    fontweight="bold",
+                )
+            else:
+                seqRange += 1
+                ax.text(
+                    new[0],
+                    new[1],
+                    sequence[i] + "$_{" + str(seqRange) + "}$",
+                    va="center",
+                    ha="center",
+                    transform=ax.transData,
+                    size=size,
+                    color=dt[sequence[i]],
+                    fontweight="bold",
+                )
+            eb = d_eisberg[sequence[i]][0]  # eisenberg value for this AA
+            hm.append(
+                [eb * new[0], eb * new[1]]
+            )  # save eisenberg hydrophobicity vector value to later calculate HM
+            old = (np.cos(r), np.sin(r))  # save as previous coordinates
+        else:
+            size = t_size
+            if i == 0:
+                ax.text(
+                    new[0],
+                    new[1],
+                    sequence[i] + "$_N$",
+                    va="center",
+                    ha="center",
+                    transform=ax.transData,
+                    size=size,
+                    color=dt[sequence[i]],
+                    fontweight="bold",
+                )
+            elif i == len(sequence) - 1:
+                ax.text(
+                    new[0],
+                    new[1],
+                    sequence[i] + "$_C$",
+                    va="center",
+                    ha="center",
+                    transform=ax.transData,
+                    size=size,
+                    color=dt[sequence[i]],
+                    fontweight="bold",
+                )
+            else:
+                ax.text(
+                    new[0],
+                    new[1],
+                    sequence[i],
+                    va="center",
+                    ha="center",
+                    transform=ax.transData,
+                    size=size,
+                    color=dt[sequence[i]],
+                    fontweight="bold",
+                )
+            eb = d_eisberg[sequence[i]][0]  # eisenberg value for this AA
+            hm.append(
+                [eb * new[0], eb * new[1]]
+            )  # save eisenberg hydrophobicity vector value to later calculate HM
+            old = (np.cos(r), np.sin(r))  # save as previous coordinates
+    # draw hydrophobic moment arrow if moment option
+    if moment:
+        v_hm = np.sum(np.array(hm), 0)
+        x = 0.0333 * v_hm[0]
+        y = 0.0333 * v_hm[1]
+        ax.arrow(
+            0.0,
+            0.0,
+            x,
+            y,
+            head_width=0.04,
+            head_length=0.03,
+            transform=ax.transData,
+            color="k",
+            linewidth=6.0,
+        )
+        desc = PeptideDescriptor(sequence)  # calculate hydrophobic moment
+        desc.calculate_moment()
+        if (
+            abs(x) < 0.2 and y > 0.0
+        ):  # right positioning of HM text so arrow does not cover it
+            z = -0.2
+        else:
+            z = 0.2
+        plt.text(
+            0.0,
+            z,
+            str(round(desc.descriptor[0][0], 3)),
+            fontdict={"fontsize": 20, "fontweight": "bold", "ha": "center"},
+        )
+    # plot shape
+    if len(sequence) < 19:
+        ax.set_xlim(-1.2, 1.2)
+        ax.set_ylim(-1.2, 1.2)
+    else:
+        ax.set_xlim(-1.4, 1.4)
+        ax.set_ylim(-1.4, 1.4)
+    ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
+    ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False)
+    ax.spines["left"].set_visible(False)
+    ax.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False)
+    cur_axes = plt.gca()
+    cur_axes.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
+    cur_axes.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False)
+    plt.tight_layout()
+    if seq:
+        plt.title(sequence, fontweight="bold", fontsize=20)
+    # show or save plot
+    if filename:
+        plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
+    else:
+        plt.show()