view cpt_psm_plotter/ @ 0:54c7a3ea81e2 draft

author cpt
date Tue, 05 Jul 2022 05:40:36 +0000
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#       Code written by Eric Rasche
#               tel:404.692.2048
#       for
#               Center for Phage Technology

use strict;
use warnings;

use CPT::GalaxyGetOpt;
use Data::Dumper;

my $ggo = CPT::GalaxyGetOpt->new();
my %colors = map { $_ => $_ } qw(red orange yellow green blue gray black white);
my %intensity = map { $_ => $_ } qw (vvvvl vvvl vvl vl vd vvd vvvd vvvvd);

my $options = $ggo->getOptions(
	'options' => [
			'Input file',
				required => 1,
				validate => 'File/Input',
				file_format => ['genbank', 'embl', 'txt'],
			'chromosome' => 'Name for the
			chromosome inside Circos',
				required => 1,
				validate => 'String'
			'color' => 'Color to use for Circos plot',
				required => 1,
				validate => 'Option',
				options  => \%colors,
			'intensity' => 'Circos color intensity. ',
				validate => 'Option',
				options  => \%intensity,
	'outputs' => [
			'Circos Karyotype File',
				validate       => 'File/Output',
				required       => 1,
				default        => 'karyotype',
				data_format    => 'text/plain',
				default_format => 'TXT'
	'defaults' => [
		'appname' => 'Genbank2CircosK',
		'appid'   => 'Genbank2CircosK',
		'appvers' => '1.94',
		'appdesc' =>
'Convert genbank files to Circos Karyotype configuration files',
	'tests' => [
			test_name => "Default",
			params => {
				'file' => 'test-data/inputs/multi.gbk',
				'chromosome' => 'test',
				'color' => 'red',
				'intensity' => 'vvvl',
			outputs => {
				'circosk' => ['karyotype.txt', 'test-data/outputs/circosk.conf'],

use CPT::Bio;
my $bio = CPT::Bio->new();

my @results;
my $c = 0;
my $seqio = $bio->requestCopyIO( file => $options->{file} );

while(my $seqobj = $seqio->next_seq()){
	foreach my $feat ( $seqobj->get_SeqFeatures () ) {

		#band test 12 CDS__test_1gbk 5715 6335 red]
		next if ( $feat->primary_tag ne 'CDS' );
		my $id = $bio->_getIdentifier($feat);
		$id =~ s/\s+/_/g;
				' ',
					(defined $options->{'intensity'} ? $options->{'intensity'} : '') . $options->{'color'}

my $z = join( "\n", @results );

use CPT::OutputFiles;
my $output = CPT::OutputFiles->new(
        name => 'circosk',
        GGO => $ggo,
$output->CRR(data => $z);