diff exomedepth.R @ 2:7697ae024df6 draft

author crs4
date Tue, 05 Jun 2018 18:57:45 -0400
children 9ccde1867fbb
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/exomedepth.R	Tue Jun 05 18:57:45 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Load ExomeDepth library (without warnings)
+# Import parameters from xml wrapper (args_file)
+args  <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
+param <- read.table(args[1],sep="=", as.is=TRUE)
+# Set common parameters
+target      <- param[match("target",param[,1]),2]
+trans_prob  <- as.numeric(param[match("trans_prob",param[,1]),2])
+output      <- param[match("output",param[,1]),2]
+test_vs_ref <- as.logical(param[match("test_vs_ref",param[,1]),2])
+# Create symbolic links for multiple bam and bai 
+bam         <- param[param[,1]=="bam",2]
+bam_bai     <- param[param[,1]=="bam_bai",2]
+bam_label   <- param[param[,1]=="bam_label",2]
+bam_label   <- gsub(" ", "_", bam_label)
+for(i in 1:length(bam)){
+  stopifnot(file.symlink(bam[i], paste(bam_label[i], "bam", sep=".")))
+  stopifnot(file.symlink(bam_bai[i], paste(bam_label[i], "bam.bai", sep=".")))
+# Generate read count data
+BAMFiles <- paste(bam_label, "bam", sep=".")
+ExomeCount <- suppressMessages(getBamCounts(bed.file=target, bam.files = BAMFiles))
+# Convert counts in a data frame
+ExomeCount.dafr <- as(ExomeCount[, colnames(ExomeCount)], 'data.frame')
+# Prepare the main matrix of read count data
+ExomeCount.mat <- as.matrix(ExomeCount.dafr[, grep(names(ExomeCount.dafr), pattern='.bam')])
+# Remove .bam from sample name
+colnames(ExomeCount.mat) <- gsub(".bam", "", colnames(ExomeCount.mat))
+# Set nsamples == 1 if mode is test vs reference, assuming test is sample 1
+nsamples <- ifelse(test_vs_ref, 1, ncol(ExomeCount.mat))
+# Loop over samples
+for (i in 1:nsamples){
+	# Create the aggregate reference set for this sample
+	my.choice <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(
+					select.reference.set(test.counts = ExomeCount.mat[,i],  
+                           				 reference.counts = subset(ExomeCount.mat, select=-i),  
+                           			     bin.length = (ExomeCount.dafr$end - ExomeCount.dafr$start)/1000,
+                           		         n.bins.reduced = 10000)))
+	my.reference.selected <- apply(X = ExomeCount.mat[, my.choice$reference.choice, drop=FALSE],
+                               	   MAR = 1,
+                               	   FUN = sum)
+	# Now create the ExomeDepth object for the CNVs call
+	all.exons<-suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(new('ExomeDepth',
+               test = ExomeCount.mat[,i],
+               reference = my.reference.selected,
+               formula = 'cbind(test,reference)~1')))
+	# Now call the CNVs
+	result <- try(all.exons<-suppressMessages(CallCNVs(x=all.exons,
+                            transition.probability = trans_prob,
+                            chromosome = ExomeCount.dafr$space,
+                            start = ExomeCount.dafr$start,
+                            end = ExomeCount.dafr$end,
+                            name = ExomeCount.dafr$names)), silent=T)
+	# Next if CNVs are not detected
+	if (class(result)=="try-error"){
+		next
+	}
+	# Compute correlation between ref and test
+	my.cor <- cor(all.exons@reference, all.exons@test)
+	n.call <- nrow(all.exons@CNV.calls)
+	# Write results
+	my.results <- cbind(all.exons@CNV.calls[,c(7,5,6,3)], 
+            		 	sample=colnames(ExomeCount.mat)[i],
+            			corr=my.cor,
+            			all.exons@CNV.calls[,c(4,9,12)])
+    	# Re-order by chr and position
+    	chrOrder<-c(paste("chr",1:22,sep=""),"chrX","chrY","chrM")
+    	my.results[,1] <- factor(my.results[,1], levels=chrOrder)
+    	my.results <- my.results[order(my.results[,1], my.results[,2], my.results[,3]),]
+	write.table(sep='\t', quote=FALSE, file = output,
+            		x = my.results,
+       			row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, dec=".", append=TRUE)