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planemo upload commit 15239f1674081ab51ab8dd75a9a40cf1bfaa93e8
author cstrittmatter
date Mon, 20 Jan 2020 15:11:03 -0500 (2020-01-20)
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# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
""" - v0.04 2009-07-28 Philippe Lagadec

This module provides a few classes to easily generate HTML code such as tables
and lists.

Project website:

License: CeCILL (open-source GPL compatible), see source code for details.

__version__ = '0.04'
__date__    = '2009-07-28'
__author__  = 'Philippe Lagadec'

#--- LICENSE ------------------------------------------------------------------

# Copyright Philippe Lagadec - see for contact info
# This module provides a few classes to easily generate HTML tables and lists.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
# modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# "".
# A copy of the CeCILL license is also provided in these attached files:
# Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.html and Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.html
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty  and the software's author, the holder of the
# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
# therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
# data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

#--- THANKS --------------------------------------------------------------------

# - Michal Cernoevic, for the idea of column styles.

#--- REFERENCES ----------------------------------------------------------------

# HTML 4.01 specs:

# Colors:

# Columns alignement and style, one of the oldest and trickiest bugs in Mozilla:

#--- CONSTANTS -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Table style to get thin black lines in Mozilla/Firefox instead of 3D borders
#TABLE_STYLE_THINBORDER = "border: 1px solid #000000; border-collapse: collapse;"
#TABLE_STYLE_THINBORDER = "border: 1px solid #000000;"

#=== CLASSES ===================================================================

class TableCell (object):
    a TableCell object is used to create a cell in a HTML table. (TD or TH)

    - text: text in the cell (may contain HTML tags). May be any object which
            can be converted to a string using str().
    - header: bool, false for a normal data cell (TD), true for a header cell (TH)
    - bgcolor: str, background color
    - width: str, width
    - align: str, horizontal alignement (left, center, right, justify or char)
    - char: str, alignment character, decimal point if not specified
    - charoff: str, see HTML specs
    - valign: str, vertical alignment (top|middle|bottom|baseline)
    - style: str, CSS style
    - attribs: dict, additional attributes for the TD/TH tag


    def __init__(self, text="", bgcolor=None, header=False, width=None,
                align=None, char=None, charoff=None, valign=None, style=None,
        """TableCell constructor"""
        self.text    = text
        self.bgcolor = bgcolor
        self.header  = header
        self.width   = width
        self.align   = align
        self.char    = char
        self.charoff = charoff
        self.valign  = valign   = style
        self.attribs = attribs
        if attribs==None:
            self.attribs = {}

    def __str__(self):
        """return the HTML code for the table cell as a string"""
        attribs_str = ""
        if self.bgcolor: self.attribs['bgcolor'] = self.bgcolor
        if self.width:   self.attribs['width']   = self.width
        if self.align:   self.attribs['align']   = self.align
        if self.char:    self.attribs['char']    = self.char
        if self.charoff: self.attribs['charoff'] = self.charoff
        if self.valign:  self.attribs['valign']  = self.valign
        if   self.attribs['style']   =
        for attr in self.attribs:
            attribs_str += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, self.attribs[attr])
        if self.text:
            text = str(self.text)
            # An empty cell should at least contain a non-breaking space
            text = ' '
        if self.header:
            return '<th%s>%s</th>' % (attribs_str, text)
            return '<td%s>%s</td>' % (attribs_str, text)


class TableRow (object):
    a TableRow object is used to create a row in a HTML table. (TR tag)

    - cells: list, tuple or any iterable, containing one string or TableCell
             object for each cell
    - header: bool, true for a header row (TH), false for a normal data row (TD)
    - bgcolor: str, background color
    - col_align, col_valign, col_char, col_charoff, col_styles: see Table class
    - attribs: dict, additional attributes for the TR tag


    def __init__(self, cells=None, bgcolor=None, header=False, attribs=None,
                col_align=None, col_valign=None, col_char=None,
                col_charoff=None, col_styles=None):
        """TableCell constructor"""
        self.bgcolor     = bgcolor
        self.cells       = cells
        self.header      = header
        self.col_align   = col_align
        self.col_valign  = col_valign
        self.col_char    = col_char
        self.col_charoff = col_charoff
        self.col_styles  = col_styles
        self.attribs     = attribs
        if attribs==None:
            self.attribs = {}

    def __str__(self):
        """return the HTML code for the table row as a string"""
        attribs_str = ""
        if self.bgcolor: self.attribs['bgcolor'] = self.bgcolor
        for attr in self.attribs:
            attribs_str += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, self.attribs[attr])
        result = '<tr%s>' % attribs_str
        for cell in self.cells:
            col = self.cells.index(cell)    # cell column index
            if not isinstance(cell, TableCell):
                cell = TableCell(cell, header=self.header)
            # apply column alignment if specified:
            if self.col_align and cell.align==None:
                cell.align = self.col_align[col]
            if self.col_char and cell.char==None:
                cell.char = self.col_char[col]
            if self.col_charoff and cell.charoff==None:
                cell.charoff = self.col_charoff[col]
            if self.col_valign and cell.valign==None:
                cell.valign = self.col_valign[col]
            # apply column style if specified:
            if self.col_styles and
       = self.col_styles[col]
            result += str(cell)
        result += '</tr>\n'
        return result


class Table (object):
    a Table object is used to create a HTML table. (TABLE tag)

    - rows: list, tuple or any iterable, containing one iterable or TableRow
            object for each row
    - header_row: list, tuple or any iterable, containing the header row (optional)
    - border: str or int, border width
    - style: str, table style in CSS syntax (thin black borders by default)
    - width: str, width of the table on the page
    - attribs: dict, additional attributes for the TABLE tag
    - col_width: list or tuple defining width for each column
    - col_align: list or tuple defining horizontal alignment for each column
    - col_char: list or tuple defining alignment character for each column
    - col_charoff: list or tuple defining charoff attribute for each column
    - col_valign: list or tuple defining vertical alignment for each column
    - col_styles: list or tuple of HTML styles for each column


    def __init__(self, rows=None, border='1', style=None, width=None,
                cellspacing=None, cellpadding=4, attribs=None, header_row=None,
                col_width=None, col_align=None, col_valign=None,
                col_char=None, col_charoff=None, col_styles=None):
        """TableCell constructor"""
        self.border = border = style
        # style for thin borders by default
        #if style == None: = TABLE_STYLE_THINBORDER
        self.width       = width
        self.cellspacing = cellspacing
        self.cellpadding = cellpadding
        self.header_row  = header_row
        self.rows        = rows
        if not rows: self.rows = []
        self.attribs     = attribs
        if not attribs: self.attribs = {}
        self.col_width   = col_width
        self.col_align   = col_align
        self.col_char    = col_char
        self.col_charoff = col_charoff
        self.col_valign  = col_valign
        self.col_styles  = col_styles

    def __str__(self):
        """return the HTML code for the table as a string"""
        attribs_str = ""
        #if self.border: self.attribs['border'] = self.border
        if  self.attribs['style'] =
        if self.width:  self.attribs['width'] = self.width
        if self.cellspacing:  self.attribs['cellspacing'] = self.cellspacing
        if self.cellpadding:  self.attribs['cellpadding'] = self.cellpadding
        for attr in self.attribs:
            attribs_str += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, self.attribs[attr])
        result = '<table%s>\n' % attribs_str
        # insert column tags and attributes if specified:
        if self.col_width:
            for width in self.col_width:
                result += '  <col width="%s">\n' % width
        # First insert a header row if specified:
        if self.header_row:
            if not isinstance(self.header_row, TableRow):
                result += str(TableRow(self.header_row, header=True))
                result += str(self.header_row)
        # Then all data rows:
        for row in self.rows:
            if not isinstance(row, TableRow):
                row = TableRow(row)
            # apply column alignments  and styles to each row if specified:
            # (Mozilla bug workaround)
            if self.col_align and not row.col_align:
                row.col_align = self.col_align
            if self.col_char and not row.col_char:
                row.col_char = self.col_char
            if self.col_charoff and not row.col_charoff:
                row.col_charoff = self.col_charoff
            if self.col_valign and not row.col_valign:
                row.col_valign = self.col_valign
            if self.col_styles and not row.col_styles:
                row.col_styles = self.col_styles
            result += str(row)
        result += '</table>'
        return result


class List (object):
    a List object is used to create an ordered or unordered list in HTML.
    (UL/OL tag)

    - lines: list, tuple or any iterable, containing one string for each line
    - ordered: bool, choice between an ordered (OL) or unordered list (UL)
    - attribs: dict, additional attributes for the OL/UL tag


    def __init__(self, lines=None, ordered=False, start=None, attribs=None):
        """List constructor"""
        if lines:
            self.lines = lines
            self.lines = []
        self.ordered = ordered
        self.start = start
        if attribs:
            self.attribs = attribs
            self.attribs = {}

    def __str__(self):
        """return the HTML code for the list as a string"""
        attribs_str = ""
        if self.start:  self.attribs['start'] = self.start
        for attr in self.attribs:
            attribs_str += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, self.attribs[attr])
        if self.ordered: tag = 'ol'
        else:            tag = 'ul'
        result = '<%s%s>\n' % (tag, attribs_str)
        for line in self.lines:
            result += ' <li>%s\n' % str(line)
        result += '</%s>\n' % tag
        return result

#=== FUNCTIONS ================================================================

# much simpler definition of a link as a function:
def Link(text, url):
    return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, text)

def link(text, url):
    return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, text)

def table(*args, **kwargs):
    'return HTML code for a table as a string. See Table class for parameters.'
    return str(Table(*args, **kwargs))

def list(*args, **kwargs):
    'return HTML code for a list as a string. See List class for parameters.'
    return str(List(*args, **kwargs))

#=== MAIN =====================================================================

# Show sample usage when this file is launched as a script.

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # open an HTML file to show output in a browser
    f = open('test.html', 'w')

    t = Table()
    t.rows.append(TableRow(['A', 'B', 'C'], header=True))
    t.rows.append(TableRow(['D', 'E', 'F']))
    t.rows.append(('i', 'j', 'k'))
    f.write(str(t) + '<p>\n')
    print (str(t))