diff common.py @ 0:7db7ecc78ad6 draft

author damion
date Mon, 02 Mar 2015 20:46:00 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common.py	Mon Mar 02 20:46:00 2015 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+import os.path
+import sys
+import re
+import optparse
+import subprocess
+from shutil import move
+import csv
+re_default_query_id = re.compile("^Query_\d+$")
+	#assert re_default_query_id.match("Query_101")
+	#assert not re_default_query_id.match("Query_101a")
+	#assert not re_default_query_id.match("MyQuery_101")
+re_default_subject_id = re.compile("^(Subject_|gnl\|BL_ORD_ID\|)\d+$") #requires some kind of numeric id
+	#assert self.re_default_subject_id.match("gnl|BL_ORD_ID|221")
+	#assert re_default_subject_id.match("Subject_1")
+	#assert not re_default_subject_id.match("Subject_")
+	#assert not re_default_subject_id.match("Subject_12a")
+	#assert not re_default_subject_id.match("TheSubject_1")  
+	# Spot sequence ids that have accession ids in them
+re_default_ncbi_id = re.compile("^gi\|\d+\|[a-z]+\|[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\.\d+)?\|")
+re_default_ref_id = re.compile("^ref\|[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\|[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\.\d+)?\|")
+def stop_err( msg ):
+    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg)
+    sys.exit(1)
+class MyParser(optparse.OptionParser):
+	"""
+	 From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1857346/python-optparse-how-to-include-additional-info-in-usage-output
+	 Provides a better class for displaying formatted help info in epilog() portion of optParse; allows for carriage returns.
+	"""
+	def format_epilog(self, formatter):
+		return self.epilog
+## *********************************** FieldFilter ****************************
+class FieldFilter(object):
+	def __init__(self, tagGroup, options):	
+		""" Creates dicitionary of fields that are to be filtered, and array of comparators and their values.
+		Numeric filters have a single numeric value
+		Each text filter is a string of phrases separated by "|"
+		 e.g. filters = "pident: > 97,score: > 37,sallseqdescr includes what | have|you"
+		 @param filters string	e.g. "[ [field name]: [comparator] [value],[[comparator] [value],]* ]* 
+		 @result .dict dictionary contains field name keys and arrays of [comparator, filterValue]
+		"""
+		self.dict = {}
+		self.comparators = {
+			'==': lambda x,y: float(x) == float(y), 
+			'!=': lambda x,y: float(x) != float(y), 
+			'gt': lambda x,y: float(x) > float(y), 
+			'gte': lambda x,y: float(x) >= float(y), 
+			'lt': lambda x,y: float(x) < float(y), 
+			'lte': lambda x,y: float(x) <= float(y),
+			'includes': self.includesPhrase, 
+			'excludes': self.excludesPhrase
+		}
+		self.matches = {}
+		self.drop_redundant_hits = options.drop_redundant_hits
+		if options.filters != None:
+			cleaned_filters = []
+			for colPtr, filterParam in enumerate(options.filters.strip().strip(';').split(';')):
+				filterSpec = filterParam.strip().split(":")
+				filterField = filterSpec[0].strip()
+				if len(filterField) > 0:
+					if filterField in self.dict:
+						stop_err("Filter field listed twice: \"" + filterField + "\". Please move constraints up to first use of field!")
+					field_name = cleanField(tagGroup.columns_in, filterField, 'Invalid field for filtering eh')
+					if len(filterSpec) > 1: #we have start of filter field defn. "[field]:[crit]+,"
+						self.dict[field_name] = [] #new entry for filter field
+						for filterParam in filterSpec[1].strip().strip(',').split(','):
+							filterSpec2 = filterParam.strip().split(' ')
+							comparator = filterSpec2[0]
+							if not comparator in self.comparators:
+								stop_err("Invalid comparator for field filter: \"" + comparator + "\"")
+							if len(filterSpec2) < 2:
+								stop_err("Missing value for field comparator: \"" + comparator + "\"")
+							#For text search, values are trimmed array of phrases 
+							if comparator in ['includes','excludes']:
+								filterValue = list(map(str.strip, ' '.join(filterSpec2[1:]).split('|')))
+								filterValue = filter(None, filterValue)
+							else:	
+								filterValue = filterSpec2[1] 
+							self.dict[field_name].append([comparator, filterValue])
+						cleaned_filters.append(field_name + ':' + filterSpec[1])
+			options.filters = ';'.join(cleaned_filters)
+			# Adjust filter expression fieldnames.
+			words = {'gt':'&gt;', 'gte':'&gt;=', 'lt':'&lt;', 'lte':'&lt;=',',':'',':':' '} 
+			options.filters_HTML = word_replace_all(options.filters, words)
+			words = {'gt':'>', 'gte':'>=', 'lt':'<', 'lte':'<=',',':'',':':' '}
+			options.filters = word_replace_all(options.filters, words)
+		else:
+			options.filters = None
+			options.filters_HTML = ''
+	def __str__(self):
+		return "label: %s    dict: %s" % (self.label, str(self.dict))
+	def includesPhrase(self, source, filter_phrases):
+		""" Search for any words/phrases (separated by commas) in commastring in source string
+		 @param source string	Words separated by whitespace
+		 @param filter_phrases array of phrases
+		"""
+		return any(x in source for x in filter_phrases)
+	def excludesPhrase(self, source, commastring):	
+		return not self.includesPhrase(source, commastring)
+	def process(self, record):
+		""" For given record (an object) cycle through filters to see if any of record's attributes fail filter conditions.
+		 FUTURE: MAKE GENERIC SO PASSED record field function for unique test.???
+		 @uses self.dict
+		 @uses self.drop_redundant_hits
+		 @uses self.matches
+		 @param record object	An object containing field & values read from a <hit> line.
+		 @return boolean	True if all filter criteria succeed, false otherwise
+		"""
+		# Block out repeated hits
+		# THIS ASSUMES BLASTn XML file is listing BEST HIT FIRST.  Only appropriate for searching for single hits within a reference sequence.
+		if self.drop_redundant_hits == True:
+			# parsing succession id from e.g. gi|57163783|ref|NP_001009242.1| rhodopsin [Felis catus]
+			#acc = str(record.sseqid.split('|')[3:4]).strip()
+			key = record.qseqid + '-' + record.accessionid #acc
+			if key in self.matches:
+				return False
+			self.matches[key] = True
+		for key, constraints in self.dict.items():
+			try:	# The .loc table of fields has fieldnames without leading _ underscore. 
+				# Such fields are assumed to be added by code;
+				# Leading underscore fields are raw values read from XML file directly.
+				# Our filter names don't have underscore, but we see if underscore field exists if normal attr check fails
+				value = getattr(record, key)
+				for ptr, constraint in enumerate(constraints):
+					comparator = constraint[0]
+					userValue = constraint[1]
+					# print "constraint " + str(value) + comparator + str(userValue) + " -> " + \
+					# str (self.comparators[comparator](value, userValue) )
+					if not self.comparators[comparator](value, userValue): 
+						return False #failed a constraint
+			except AttributeError: 
+				print 'A filter on field [' + key + '] was requested, but this field does not exist.'
+				raise KeyError
+		return True
+class FieldSpec(object):
+	def __init__(self, file_path, columns_in = []):
+		""" READ FIELD SPECIFICATIONS of a particular galaxy tool form/process from a .loc 'tabular data' file
+		Example blast_reporting_fields.tab file
+			#value	type	subtype	sort	filter	default	min	max	choose	name
+			# Remember to edit tool_data_table_conf.xml for column spec!
+			qseqid	numeric	int	1	1				1	Query Seq-id
+			sseqid	numeric	int	1	1				1	Subject Seq-id
+			pident	numeric	float	1	1	97	90	100	1	Percentage of identical matches
+		 - value is name of field: alphanumeric strings only.
+		 - type is 'text' or 'numeric' or 'bin'
+		 - subtype where applicable, indicates further validation function
+		 - sort indicates if field should be provided in sort menu
+		 - filter indicates if field should be in menu of fields that can be filtered
+		 - default is default value field should have if drawn on form
+		 - min is minimum range of field
+		 - max is maximum range of field
+		 - choose indicates if field can be chosen for an output column (some are mandatory / some are to be avoided?)
+		 - name is textual name of field as it should appear on pulldown menus
+		 @param file_path string	full name and path of .loc file containing pertinent field names and their specifications.
+		 @result .dict dictionary
+		"""
+		self.dict = {}
+		self.columns_in = columns_in
+		with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
+			reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='\t') #1st row read as field name header by default
+			try:
+				for row in reader:
+					myKey = row['#value']
+					# Some lines begin with '#' for value.  Ignore them
+					# Also, reader has read column names from first row; "#value" is name of first column
+					if not myKey[0] == '#': # 1st character is not a hash
+						row.pop("#value", None)
+						self.dict[myKey] = row
+						# self.dict[myKey]['value']=row['#value'] # If we need this ever?
+			except csv.Error as e:
+				stop_err('file %s, line %d: %s' % (filename, reader.line_num, e))
+	def initColumns(self, columns_out, custom_columns):
+		"""
+		# Augment columns with fieldSpec label and some sorting defaults.
+		# Default sorts: qseqid is marked as sorted asc; score as sorted desc.
+		# No need to move sorted fields around.
+		# This basically creates spec to generate tab-delimited file.  
+		# The only other calculation done for that is the row_limit cut, if any.
+		"""		
+		column_spec = list(columns_out)
+		for (i, spec) in enumerate(column_spec):
+			spec_field = spec.lstrip("_")
+			if spec_field == 'qseqid': 
+				sort = 'asc'
+				group = 'section'
+			elif spec_field == 'score': 
+				sort = 'desc'
+				group = 'column'			
+			else:
+				sort = ''
+				group = 'column'			
+			field = {
+				'field': spec,
+				'group': group,
+				'sort': sort,
+				'label': self.getAttribute(spec_field, 'short_name'),
+				'type': self.getAttribute(spec_field, 'type')
+			} 
+			column_spec[i] = field
+		"""
+		# For the HTML (OR XML) report we allow users to specify columns of data to represent sections of the report or table sections.
+		# Selected columns either enhance an existing column's info, or add a new column. 
+		# If a selected column is sorted, it is inserted/moved to after last SORTED column in data. 
+		# In other words, primary/secondary etc sorting is preserved.
+		"""
+		if custom_columns != None:
+			custom_spec = [x.strip() for x in custom_columns.split(';')]
+			for spec in custom_spec:	
+				params = [i.strip() for i in spec.rstrip(":").split(":")]
+				parlen = len(params)
+				if parlen > 0 and params[0] != '':
+					field_name = cleanField(self.columns_in, params[0]) # Halts if it finds a field mismatch
+					group = 'column'
+					sort = ''
+					if parlen > 1 and params[1] in ['column','hidden','table','section']: group = params[1] 
+					if parlen > 2 and params[2] in ['asc','desc']: sort = params[2] 
+					# Enforce sort on section and table items....
+					# All self.column_spec have a fieldspec entry.  Get default label from there.
+					spec_field = field_name.lstrip("_")
+					label = self.getAttribute(spec_field, 'short_name')
+					if parlen > 3: label = params[3] 
+					field = {
+						'field': field_name,
+						'group': group,
+						'sort': sort,
+						'label': label,
+						'type': self.getAttribute(spec_field, 'type')
+					} 
+					#	If field is a 'section' move it right after last existing 'section' (if not matched)
+					#	if its a 'table' move it after last existing 'table' (if not matched)
+					#	otherwise append to column list.(if not matched)
+					found = False # if found== true, rest of loop looks for existing mention of field, and removes it.
+					for (ptr, target) in enumerate(column_spec):
+						found_name = spec_field == target['field'].lstrip("_")
+						if (found == True):
+							if (found_name): # Found duplicate name
+								del column_spec[ptr]
+								break
+						elif (found_name):
+							found = True
+							column_spec[ptr] = field # Overwrite spec.
+							break
+						elif (field['group'] == 'section'):
+							if (target['group'] != 'section'): # time to insert section
+								found = True
+								column_spec.insert(ptr, field)
+						elif (field['group'] == 'table'):
+							if (target['group'] == 'column' or target['group'] == 'hidden'):
+								found = True
+								column_spec.insert(ptr, field)
+					if found == False: # didn't find place for field above.
+						column_spec.append(field)
+		# print ("col spec: " + str(column_spec))
+		return column_spec
+	def getAttribute(self, fieldName, attribute):
+		""" Retrieve attribute of a given field
+		 @param fieldName string
+		 @param attribute string
+		 @return string value of attribute
+		"""
+		return self.dict[fieldName][attribute]
+def word_replace_all(text, dictionary):
+	textArray = re.split('(\W+)', text)   #Workaround: split() function is not allowing words next to punctuation.
+	for ptr,w in enumerate(textArray):
+		if w in dictionary: textArray[ptr] = dictionary[w]
+	return ''.join(textArray)
+def cleanField(columns_in, field_name, msg = 'Not a valid field name'):
+	if not field_name.replace('_','').isalnum():
+		stop_err(msg + ': [' + field_name+']')
+	if field_name in columns_in: 
+		clean = field_name
+	elif '_' + field_name in columns_in: #passed from source file
+		clean = '_' + field_name
+	else: #column not found here
+		stop_err(msg + ':'+ field_name + '- no such field')
+	return clean
+def fileSort (out_file, fields):
+	"""
+	 fileSort() uses linux "sort" to handle possibility of giant file sizes. 
+	 List of fields to sort on delivered in options.sorting string as:
+		[{name:[field_name],order:[asc|desc],label:[label]},{name ... }] etc.
+	 Match "sorts" fields to columns to produce -k[col],[col] parameters that start and end sorting
+	 Note that sort takes in columns with primary listed first, then secondary etc.
+	 Note that file to be sorted can't have 1st line column headers.
+	 sort attributes:
+		-f ignore case;
+		-r reverse (i.e. descending)Good.
+		-n numeric
+		-k[start col],[end col] range of text that sort will be performed on
+		-s stabilize sort : "If checked, this will stabilize sort by disabling its last-resort comparison so that lines in which all fields compare equal are left in their original relative order." Note, this might not be available on all linux flavours?
+		-V sorts numbers within text - if number is leading then field essentially treated as numeric.  This means we don't have to specify -n for numeric fields in particular
+	 Note: some attention may need to be given to locale settings for command line sort
+	 May need to set export LC_ALL=C or export LANG=C to ensure same results on all systems 
+	 @param out_file string File path of file to resort
+	 @param sorts string	Comma-separated list of fields to sort, includes ascending/descending 2nd term;each field validated as an alphanumeric word + underscores.
+	 @param prelim_columns dictionary of files column header names
+	"""
+	sortparam = []
+	for colPtr, field in enumerate(fields):
+		if field['sort']:
+			field_name = field['field']
+			if not field_name.replace('_','').isalnum():
+				stop_err("Invalid field to sort on: " + field)
+			#print "sort term:" + field + ":" + str(prelim_columns)
+			ordering = '' if field['sort'] == "asc" else 'r'
+			column = str(colPtr+1)
+			# V sorts numbers AND text (check server's version of sort
+			sortparam.append('-k' + column + 'V' + ordering + ',' + column)
+	if len(sortparam) > 0:
+		args = ['sort','-s','-f','-V','-t\t'] + sortparam + ['-o' + out_file, out_file]
+		sort_a = subprocess.call(args)
+def fileTabular (in_file, tagGroup, options):
+	"""Produces tabular report format.  Takes in tabular data + metainformation about that file, and iterates through rows.  Not a query-based approach.
+	It trims off the sort-only columns (prelim - final), 
+	It optionally adds column label header. (not done in fileSort() because it gets mixed into sort there.)
+	@param in_file string	Full file path
+	@param tagGroup	object Includes prelim_columns, final_columns
+	@param options object Includes label_flag and row_limit
+	"""
+	fp_in = open(in_file, "rb")
+	fp_out = open(in_file + '.tmp', 'wb')
+	try:
+		reader = csv.reader(fp_in, delimiter="\t")
+		writer = csv.writer(fp_out, delimiter="\t")
+		if options.column_labels: # options.column_labels in ['name','field']:
+			if options.column_labels == 'label':
+				tabHeader = [field['label'] for field in tagGroup.columns]
+			else:
+				# Tabular data header: strip leading underscores off of any labels...
+				tabHeader = [field['field'].lstrip('_') for field in tagGroup.columns]
+			writer.writerow(tabHeader)
+		for row in reader:
+			rowdata=[]
+			for (idx, field) in enumerate(tagGroup.columns): # Exclude hidden columns here?
+				rowdata.append(row[idx])
+			writer.writerow(rowdata)
+		move(in_file + '.tmp', in_file) # Overwrites in_file
+	except IOError as e:
+		print 'Operation failed: %s' % e.strerror
+	fp_in.close()
+	fp_out.close()
+def fileSelections (in_file, selection_file, tagGroup, options):
+	""" Produces selection report format.  
+	For selection file we need: qseqid, qseq, sseqid, sseq, and #
+	@param in_file string	Full file path
+	@param tagGroup	object Includes prelim_columns, final_columns
+	@param options object Includes label_flag and row_limit
+	"""
+	fp_in = open(in_file, "rb")
+	if selection_file != 'None':
+		fp_out = open(selection_file, 'w')
+		try:
+			reader = csv.reader(fp_in, delimiter="\t")
+			writer = csv.writer(fp_out, delimiter="\t")
+			for (idx, field) in enumerate(tagGroup.columns): 
+				fieldname = field['field']
+				if fieldname == 'qseqid': qseqid_col = idx
+				elif fieldname == '_qseq': 	qseq_col = idx
+				elif fieldname == 'sseqid': sseqid_col = idx
+				elif fieldname == '_sseq': 	sseq_col = idx
+	#			else: stop_err("You : " + field)
+			selectrow_count = 0
+			grouping = -1
+			old_section = ''
+			for row in reader:
+				selectrow_count +=1
+				if row[qseqid_col] != old_section:
+					old_section = row[qseqid_col]
+					grouping +=1
+					writer.writerow([row[qseqid_col], row[qseq_col], grouping, selectrow_count])
+					selectrow_count +=1
+				writer.writerow([row[sseqid_col], row[sseq_col], grouping, selectrow_count])
+		except IOError as e:
+			print 'Operation failed: %s' % e.strerror
+		fp_in.close()
+		fp_out.close()
+def testSuite(test_ids, tests, output_dir):
+	if test_ids == 'all':
+		test_ids = sorted(tests.keys())
+	else:
+		test_ids = test_ids.split(',')
+	for test_id in test_ids:
+		if test_id in tests:
+			test = tests[test_id]
+			test['base_dir'] = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+			# Each output file has to be prefixed with the output folder 
+			test['tmp_output'] = (' ' + test['outputs']).replace(' ',' ' + output_dir)
+			# Note: output_dir output files don't get cleaned up after each test.  Should they?!
+			params = '%(base_dir)s/blast_reporting.py %(base_dir)s/test-data/%(input)s%(tmp_output)s %(options)s' % test
+			print("Testing" + test_id + ': ' + params)
+			os.system(params) 
+			for file in test['outputs'].split(' '):
+				#print(os.system('diff --suppress-common-lines ./test-data/%s %s%s' % (file, output_dir, file)))
+				f1 = open(test['base_dir'] + '/test-data/' + file)
+				f2 = open(output_dir + file)
+				import difflib #n=[number of context lines
+				diff = difflib.context_diff(f1.readlines(), f2.readlines(), lineterm='',n=0)
+				# One Galaxy issue: it doesn't convert entities when user downloads file. BUT IT DOES when generating directly to command line?
+				print '\nCompare ' + file
+				print '\n'.join(list(diff))	
+		else:
+			stop_err("\nExpecting one or more test ids from " + str(sorted(tests.keys())))
+	stop_err("\nTest finished.")