+ − 1 #!/usr/bin/python
+ − 2
+ − 3 """
+ − 4 ****************************** vdb_retrieval.py ******************************
+ − 5 VDBRetrieval() instance called in two stages:
+ − 6 1) by tool's versioned_data.xml form (dynamic_option field)
+ − 7 2) by its executable versioned_data.py script.
+ − 8
+ − 9 """
+ − 10
+ − 11 import os, sys, glob, time
+ − 12 import string
+ − 13 from random import choice
+ − 14
+ − 15 from bioblend.galaxy import GalaxyInstance
+ − 16 from requests.exceptions import ChunkedEncodingError
+ − 17 from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
+ − 18
+ − 19 import urllib2
+ − 20 import json
+ − 21 import vdb_common
+ − 22
+ − 23 # Store these values in python/galaxy environment variables?
+ − 24 VDB_DATA_LIBRARY = 'Versioned Data'
+ − 25 VDB_WORKFLOW_CACHE_FOLDER_NAME = 'Workflow cache'
+ − 26 VDB_CACHED_DATA_LABEL = 'Cached data'
+ − 27
+ − 28 # Don't forget to add "versionedata@localhost.com" to galaxy config admin_users list.
+ − 29
+ − 30 VDB_ADMIN_API_USER = 'versioneddata'
+ − 31 VDB_ADMIN_API_EMAIL = 'versioneddata@localhost.com'
+ − 32 VDB_ADMIN_API_KEY_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename), 'versioneddata_api_key.txt')
+ − 33
+ − 34 #kipper, git, folder and other registered handlers
+ − 35 VDB_STORAGE_OPTIONS = 'kipper git folder biomaj'
+ − 36
+ − 37 # Used in versioned_data_form.py
+ − 38 VDB_DATASET_NOT_AVAILABLE = 'This database is not currently available (no items).'
+ − 39 VDB_DATA_LIBRARY_FOLDER_ERROR = 'Error: this data library folder is not configured correctly.'
+ − 40 VDB_DATA_LIBRARY_CONFIG_ERROR = 'Error: Check folder config file: '
+ − 41
+ − 42
+ − 43 class VDBRetrieval(object):
+ − 44
+ − 45 def __init__(self, api_key=None, api_url=None):
+ − 46 """
+ − 47 This gets either trans.x.y from <code file="..."> call in versioned_data.xml,
+ − 48 or it gets a call with api_key and api_url from versioned_data.py
+ − 49
+ − 50 @param api_key_path string File path to temporary file containing user's galaxy api_key
+ − 51 @param api_url string contains http://[ip]:[port] for handling galaxy api calls.
+ − 52
+ − 53 """
+ − 54 # Initialized constants during the life of a request:
+ − 55 self.global_retrieval_date = None
+ − 56 self.library_id = None
+ − 57 self.history_id = None
+ − 58 self.data_stores = []
+ − 59
+ − 60 # Entire json library structure. item.url, type=file|folder, id, name (library path)
+ − 61 # Note: changes to library during a request aren't reflected here.
+ − 62 self.library = None
+ − 63
+ − 64 self.user_api_key = None
+ − 65 self.user_api = None
+ − 66 self.admin_api_key = None
+ − 67 self.admin_api = None
+ − 68 self.api_url = None
+ − 69
+ − 70
+ − 71 def set_trans(self, api_url, history_id, user_api_key=None): #master_api_key=None,
+ − 72 """
+ − 73 Used only on initial presentation of versioned_data.xml form. Doesn't need admin_api
+ − 74 """
+ − 75 self.history_id = history_id
+ − 76 self.api_url = api_url
+ − 77 self.user_api_key = user_api_key
+ − 78 #self.master_api_key = master_api_key
+ − 79
+ − 80 self.set_user_api()
+ − 81 self.set_admin_api()
+ − 82 self.set_datastores()
+ − 83
+ − 84
+ − 85 def set_api(self, api_info_path):
+ − 86 """
+ − 87 "api_info_path" is provided only when user submits tool via versioned_data.py call.
+ − 88 It encodes both the api_url and the history_id of current session
+ − 89 Only at this point will we need the admin_api, so it is looked up below.
+ − 90
+ − 91 """
+ − 92
+ − 93 with open(api_info_path, 'r') as access:
+ − 94
+ − 95 self.user_api_key = access.readline().strip()
+ − 96 #self.master_api_key = access.readline().strip()
+ − 97 api_info = access.readline().strip() #[api_url]-[history_id]
+ − 98 self.api_url, self.history_id = api_info.split('-')
+ − 99
+ − 100 self.set_user_api()
+ − 101 self.set_admin_api()
+ − 102 self.set_datastores()
+ − 103
+ − 104
+ − 105 def set_user_api(self):
+ − 106 """
+ − 107 Note: error message tacked on to self.data_stores for display back to user.
+ − 108 """
+ − 109 self.user_api = GalaxyInstance(url=self.api_url, key=self.user_api_key)
+ − 110
+ − 111 if not self.user_api:
+ − 112 self.data_stores.append({'name':'Error: user Galaxy API connection was not set up correctly. Try getting another user API key.', 'id':'none'})
+ − 113 return
+ − 114
+ − 115
+ − 116 def set_datastores(self):
+ − 117 """
+ − 118 Provides the list of data stores that users can select versions from.
+ − 119 Note: error message tacked on to self.data_stores for display back to user.
+ − 120 """
+ − 121 # Look for library called "Versioned Data"
+ − 122 try:
+ − 123 libs = self.user_api.libraries.get_libraries(name=VDB_DATA_LIBRARY, deleted=False)
+ − 124 except Exception as err:
+ − 125 # This is the first call to api so api url or authentication erro can happen here.
+ − 126 self.data_stores.append({'name':'Error: Unable to make API connection: ' + err.message, 'id':'none'})
+ − 127 return
+ − 128
+ − 129 found = False
+ − 130 for lib in libs:
+ − 131 if lib['deleted'] == False:
+ − 132 found = True
+ − 133 self.library_id = lib['id']
+ − 134 break;
+ − 135
+ − 136 if not found:
+ − 137 self.data_stores.append({'name':'Error: Data Library [%s] needs to be set up by a galaxy administrator.' % VDB_DATA_LIBRARY, 'id':'none'})
+ − 138 return
+ − 139
+ − 140 try:
+ − 141
+ − 142 if self.admin_api:
+ − 143 self.library = self.admin_api.libraries.show_library(self.library_id, contents=True)
+ − 144 else:
+ − 145 self.library = self.user_api.libraries.show_library(self.library_id, contents=True)
+ − 146
+ − 147 except Exception as err:
+ − 148 # If data within a library is somehow messed up (maybe user has no permissions?), this can generate a bioblend errorapi.
+ − 149 if err.message[-21:] == 'HTTP status code: 403':
+ − 150 self.data_stores.append({'name':'Error: [%s] library needs permissions adjusted so users can view it.' % VDB_DATA_LIBRARY , 'id':'none'})
+ − 151 else:
+ − 152 self.data_stores.append({'name':'Error: Unable to get [%s] library contents: %s' % (VDB_DATA_LIBRARY, err.message) , 'id':'none'})
+ − 153 return
+ − 154
+ − 155 # Need to ensure it is sorted folder/file wise such that folders listed by date/id descending (name leads with version date/id) files will follow).
+ − 156 self.library = sorted(self.library, key=lambda x: x['name'], reverse=False)
+ − 157
+ − 158 # Gets list of data stores
+ − 159 # For given library_id (usually called "Versioned Data"), retrieves folder/name
+ − 160 # for any folder containing a data source specification file. A folder should
+ − 161 # have at most one of these. It indicates the storage method used for the folder.
+ − 162
+ − 163 for item in self.library:
+ − 164 if item['type'] == "file" and self.test_data_store_type(item['name']):
+ − 165 # Returns id of specification file that points to data source.
+ − 166 self.data_stores.append({
+ − 167 'name':os.path.dirname(item['name']),
+ − 168 'id':item['id']
+ − 169 })
+ − 170
+ − 171
+ − 172
+ − 173 def set_admin_api(self):
+ − 174
+ − 175 # Now fetch admin_api_key from disk, or regenerate user account and api from scratch.
+ − 176 if os.path.isfile(VDB_ADMIN_API_KEY_PATH):
+ − 177
+ − 178 with open(VDB_ADMIN_API_KEY_PATH, 'r') as access:
+ − 179 self.admin_api_key = access.readline().strip()
+ − 180 self.api_url = access.readline().strip()
+ − 181
+ − 182 else:
+ − 184 user = self.user_api.users.get_current_user()
+ − 185 if user['is_admin'] == False:
+ − 186 print "Unable to establish the admin api: you need to be in the admin_user=... list in galaxy config."
+ − 187 sys.exit(1)
+ − 188 """ Future: will master API be able to do...
+ − 189 #if not self.master_api_key:
+ − 190 # print "Unable to establish the admin api: no existing path to config file, and no master_api_key." + self.master_api_key
+ − 191 # sys.exit(1)
+ − 192 # Generate from scratch:
+ − 193 #master_api = GalaxyInstance(url=self.api_url, key=self.master_api_key)
+ − 194 #users = master_api.users.get_users(deleted=False)
+ − 195 """
+ − 196 users = self.user_api.users.get_users(deleted=False)
+ − 197 for user in users:
+ − 198
+ − 199 if user['email'] == VDB_ADMIN_API_EMAIL:
+ − 200 self.admin_api_key = self.user_api.users.create_user_apikey(user['id'])
+ − 201
+ − 202 if not self.admin_api_key:
+ − 203 #Create admin api access account with dummy email address and reliable but secure password:
+ − 204 # NOTE: this will only be considered an admin account if it is listed in galaxy config file as one.
+ − 205 random_password = ''.join([choice(string.letters + string.digits) for i in range(15)])
+ − 206 api_admin_user = self.user_api.users.create_local_user(VDB_ADMIN_API_USER, VDB_ADMIN_API_EMAIL, random_password)
+ − 207 self.admin_api_key = self.user_api.users.create_user_apikey(api_admin_user['id'])
+ − 208
+ − 209 with open(VDB_ADMIN_API_KEY_PATH, 'w') as access:
+ − 210 access.write(self.admin_api_key + '\n' + self.api_url)
+ − 211
+ − 212 self.admin_api = GalaxyInstance(url=self.api_url, key=self.admin_api_key)
+ − 213
+ − 214 if not self.admin_api:
+ − 215 print 'Error: admin Galaxy API connection was not set up correctly. Admin user should be ' + VDB_ADMIN_API_EMAIL
+ − 216 print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
+ − 217 sys.exit(1)
+ − 218
+ − 219
+ − 220 def get_data_store_gateway(self, type, spec_file_id):
+ − 222 # FUTURE: Adapt this so that any modules in data_stores/ folder are usable
+ − 223 # e.g. https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=109561
+ − 224 # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/301134/dynamic-module-import-in-python
+ − 225
+ − 226 # ****************** GIT ARCHIVE ****************
+ − 227 if type == "git":
+ − 228 import data_stores.vdb_git
+ − 229 return data_stores.vdb_git.VDBGitDataStore(self, spec_file_id)
+ − 230
+ − 231 # ****************** Kipper ARCHIVE ****************
+ − 232 elif type == "kipper":
+ − 233 import data_stores.vdb_kipper
+ − 234 return data_stores.vdb_kipper.VDBKipperDataStore(self, spec_file_id)
+ − 235
+ − 236 # ****************** FILE FOLDER ******************
+ − 237 elif type == "folder":
+ − 238 import data_stores.vdb_folder
+ − 239 return data_stores.vdb_folder.VDBFolderDataStore(self, spec_file_id)
+ − 240
+ − 241 # ****************** BIOMAJ FOLDER ******************
+ − 242 elif type == "biomaj":
+ − 243 import data_stores.vdb_biomaj
+ − 244 return data_stores.vdb_biomaj.VDBBiomajDataStore(self, spec_file_id)
+ − 245
+ − 246 else:
+ − 247 print 'Error: %s not recognized as a valid data store type.' % type
+ − 248 sys.exit( 1 )
+ − 249
+ − 250
+ − 251 #For a given path leading to pointer.[git|kipper|folder|biomaj] returns suffix
+ − 252 def test_data_store_type(self, file_name, file_path=None):
+ − 253 if file_path and not os.path.isfile(file_path):
+ − 254 return False
+ − 255
+ − 256 suffix = file_name.rsplit('.',1)
+ − 257 if len(suffix) > 1 and suffix[1] in VDB_STORAGE_OPTIONS:
+ − 258 return suffix[1]
+ − 259
+ − 260 return False
+ − 261
+ − 262
+ − 263
+ − 264
+ − 265
+ − 266 def get_library_data_store_list(self):
+ − 267 """
+ − 268 For display on tool form, returns names, ids of specification files that point to data sources.
+ − 269
+ − 270 @return dirs array of [[folder label], [folder_id, selected]...]
+ − 271 """
+ − 272 dirs = []
+ − 273 # Gets recursive contents of library - files and folders
+ − 274 for item in self.data_stores:
+ − 275 dirs.append([item['name'], item['id'], False])
+ − 276
+ − 277 return dirs
+ − 278
+ − 279
+ − 280 def get_library_label_path(self, spec_file_id):
+ − 281 for item in self.data_stores:
+ − 282 if item['id'] == spec_file_id:
+ − 283 return item['name']
+ − 284
+ − 285 return None
+ − 286
+ − 287
+ − 288 def get_library_folder_datasets(self, library_version_path, admin=False):
+ − 289 """
+ − 290 Gets set of ALL dataset FILES within folder - INCLUDING SUBFOLDERS - by searching
+ − 291 through a library, examining each item's full hierarchic label
+ − 292 BUT CURRENTLY: If any file has state='error' the whole list is rejected (and regenerated).
+ − 293
+ − 295
+ − 296 @param library_version_path string Full hierarchic label of a library file or folder.
+ − 297
+ − 298 @return array of ldda_id library dataset data association ids.
+ − 299 """
+ − 300
+ − 301 if admin:
+ − 302 api_handle = self.admin_api
+ − 303 else:
+ − 304 api_handle = self.user_api
+ − 305
+ − 306 count = 0
+ − 307 while count < 4:
+ − 308 try:
+ − 309 items = api_handle.libraries.show_library(self.library_id, True)
+ − 310 break
+ − 311 except ChunkedEncodingError:
+ − 312 print "Error: Trying to fetch Versioned Data library listing. Try [" + str(count) + "]"
+ − 313 time.sleep (2)
+ − 314 pass
+ − 315
+ − 316 count +=1
+ − 317
+ − 318 datasets = []
+ − 319 libvpath_len = len(library_version_path) + 1
+ − 320 for item in items:
+ − 321 if item['type'] == "file":
+ − 322 name = item['name']
+ − 323 # need slash or else will match to similar prefixes.
+ − 324 if name[0:libvpath_len] == library_version_path + '/':
+ − 325
+ − 326 # ISSUE seems to be that input library datasets can be queued / running, and this MUST wait till they are finished or it will plow ahead prematurely.
+ − 327
+ − 328 count = 0
+ − 329
+ − 330 while count < 10:
+ − 331
+ − 332 try:
+ − 333 lib_dataset = api_handle.libraries.show_dataset(self.library_id, item['id'])
+ − 334 break
+ − 335
+ − 336 except:
+ − 337 print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
+ − 338 sys.exit(1)
+ − 339
+ − 340 if lib_dataset['state'] == 'running':
+ − 341 time.sleep(10)
+ − 342 count +=1
+ − 343 continue
+ − 344
+ − 345 elif lib_dataset['state'] == 'queued':
+ − 346
+ − 347 # FUTURE: Check date. If it is really stale it should be killed?
+ − 348 print 'Note: library folder dataset item "%s" is [%s]. Please wait until it is finished processing, or have a galaxy administrator delete the dataset if its creation has failed.' % (name, lib_dataset['state'])
+ − 349 sys.exit(1)
+ − 350
+ − 351 elif lib_dataset['state'] != 'ok' or not os.path.isfile(lib_dataset['file_name']):
+ − 352 print 'Note: library folder dataset "%s" had an error during job. Its state was [%s]. Regenerating.' % (name, lib_dataset['state'])
+ − 353 self.admin_api.libraries.delete_library_dataset(self.library_id, item['id'], purged=True)
+ − 354 return []
+ − 355
+ − 356 else:
+ − 357 break
+ − 358
+ − 359 datasets.append(item['id'])
+ − 360
+ − 361
+ − 362 return datasets
+ − 363
+ − 364
+ − 365 def get_library_version_datasets(self, library_version_path, base_folder_id='', version_label='', version_path=''):
+ − 366 """
+ − 367 Check if given library has a folder for given version_path. If so:
+ − 368 - and it has content, return its datasets.
+ − 369 - otherwise refetch content for verison folder
+ − 370 If no folder, populate the version folder with data from the archive and return those datasets.
+ − 371 Version exists in external cache (or in case of unlinked folder, in EXISTING galaxy library folder).
+ − 372 Don't call unless version_path contents have been established.
+ − 373
+ − 374 @param library_version_path string Full hierarchic label of a library file or folder with version id.
+ − 375
+ − 376 For creation:
+ − 377 @param base_folder_id string a library folder id under which version files should exist
+ − 378 @param version_label string Label to give newly created galaxy library version folder
+ − 379 @param version_path string Data source folder to retrieve versioned data files from
+ − 380
+ − 381 @return array of dataset
+ − 382 """
+ − 383
+ − 384
+ − 385 # Pick the first folder of any that match given 'Versioned Data/.../.../[version id]' path.
+ − 386 # This case will always match 'folder' data store:
+ − 387
+ − 388 folder_matches = self.get_folders(name=library_version_path)
+ − 389
+ − 390 if len(folder_matches):
+ − 391
+ − 392 folder_id = folder_matches[0]['id']
+ − 393 dataset_ids = self.get_library_folder_datasets(library_version_path)
+ − 394
+ − 395 if len(dataset_ids) > 0:
+ − 396
+ − 397 return dataset_ids
+ − 398
+ − 399 if os.listdir(version_path) == []:
+ − 400 # version_path doesn't exist for 'folder' data store versions that are datasets directly in library (i.e. not linked)
+ − 401 print "Error: the data store didn't return any content for given version id. Looked in: " + version_path
+ − 402 sys.exit(1)
+ − 403
+ − 404 # NOTE ONE 3rd party COMMENT THAT ONE SHOULD PUT IN file_type='fasta' FOR LARGE FILES. Problem with that is that then galaxy can't recognize other data types.
+ − 405 library_folder_datasets = self.admin_api.libraries.upload_from_galaxy_filesystem(self.library_id, version_path, folder_id, link_data_only=True, roles=None)
+ − 406
+ − 407
+ − 408 else:
+ − 409 if base_folder_id == '': #Normally shouldn't happen
+ − 410
+ − 411 print "Error: no match to given version folder for [" + library_version_path + "] but unable to create one - missing parent folder identifier"
+ − 412 return []
+ − 413
+ − 414 # Provide archive folder with datestamped name and version (folderNew has url, id, name):
+ − 415 folderNew = self.admin_api.libraries.create_folder(self.library_id, version_label, description=VDB_CACHED_DATA_LABEL, base_folder_id=base_folder_id)
+ − 416 folder_id = str(folderNew[0]['id'])
+ − 417
+ − 418 # Now link results to suitably named galaxy library dataset
+ − 419 # Note, this command links to EVERY file/folder in version_folder source.
+ − 420 # Also, Galaxy will strip off .gz suffixes - WITHOUT UNCOMPRESSING FILES!
+ − 421 # So, best to prevent data store from showing .gz files in first place
+ − 422 try:
+ − 423 library_folder_datasets = self.admin_api.libraries.upload_from_galaxy_filesystem(self.library_id, version_path, folder_id, link_data_only=True, roles=None)
+ − 424
+ − 425 except:
+ − 426 # Will return error if version_path folder is empty or kipper unable to create folder or db due to permissions etc.
+ − 427 print "Error: a permission or other error was encountered when trying to retrieve version data for version folder [" + version_path + "]: Is the [%s] listed in galaxy config admin_users list?" % VDB_ADMIN_API_EMAIL, sys.exc_info()[0]
+ − 428 sys.exit(1)
+ − 429
+ − 430
+ − 431 library_dataset_ids = [dataset['id'] for dataset in library_folder_datasets]
+ − 432
+ − 434 # They still take time even for linked big data probably because they are read for metadata.
+ − 435 # Not nice that user doesn't see process as soon as it starts, but timeout possibilities
+ − 436 # later on down the line are more difficult to manage.
+ − 437 for dataset_id in library_dataset_ids:
+ − 438 # ten seconds x 60 = 6 minutes; should be longer?
+ − 439 for count in range(60):
+ − 440 try:
+ − 441 lib_dataset = self.admin_api.libraries.show_dataset(self.library_id, dataset_id)
+ − 442 break
+ − 443
+ − 444 except:
+ − 445 print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
+ − 446 continue
+ − 447
+ − 448 if lib_dataset['state'] in 'running queued':
+ − 449 time.sleep(10)
+ − 450 count +=1
+ − 451 continue
+ − 452 else:
+ − 453 # Possibly in a nice "ok" or not nice state here.
+ − 454 break
+ − 455
+ − 456
+ − 457 return library_dataset_ids
+ − 458
+ − 459
+ − 460 def get_folders(self, name):
+ − 461 """
+ − 462 ISSUE: Have run into this sporadic error with a number of bioblend api calls. Means api calls may need to be wrapped in a retry mechanism:
+ − 463 File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 656, in generate
+ − 464 raise ChunkedEncodingError(e)
+ − 465 requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError: ('Connection broken: IncompleteRead(475 bytes read)', IncompleteRead(475 bytes read))
+ − 466 """
+ − 467 for count in range(3):
+ − 468 try:
+ − 469 return self.user_api.libraries.get_folders(self.library_id, name=name )
+ − 470 break
+ − 471
+ − 472 except:
+ − 473 print 'Try (%s) to fetch library folders for "%s"' % (str(count), name)
+ − 474 print sys.exc_info()[0]
+ − 475 time.sleep (5)
+ − 476
+ − 477 print "Failed after (%s) tries!" % (str(count))
+ − 478 return None
+ − 479
+ − 480
+ − 481 def get_library_folder(self, library_path, relative_path, relative_labels):
+ − 482 """
+ − 483 Check if given library has folder that looks like library_path + relative_path.
+ − 484 If not, create and return resulting id. Used for cache creation.
+ − 485 Ignores bad library_path.
+ − 486
+ − 487 @param library_path string Full hierarchic label of a library folder. NOTE: Library_path must have leading forward slash for a match, i.e. /derivative_path
+ − 488 @param relative_path string branch of folder tree stemming from library_path
+ − 489 @param relative_labels string label for each relative_path item
+ − 490
+ − 491 @return folder_id
+ − 492 """
+ − 493 created = False
+ − 494 root_match = self.get_folders( name=library_path)
+ − 495
+ − 496 if len(root_match):
+ − 497 base_folder_id=root_match[0]['id']
+ − 498
+ − 499 relative_path_array = relative_path.split('/')
+ − 500 relative_labels_array = relative_labels.split('/')
+ − 501
+ − 502 for ptr in range(len (relative_path_array)):
+ − 503
+ − 504 _library_path = os.path.join(library_path, '/'.join(relative_path_array[0:ptr+1]))
+ − 505 folder_matches = self.get_folders( name=_library_path)
+ − 506
+ − 507 if len(folder_matches):
+ − 508 folder_id = folder_matches[0]['id']
+ − 509 else:
+ − 510 dataset_key = relative_path_array[ptr]
+ − 511 label = relative_labels_array[ptr]
+ − 512 folder_new = self.admin_api.libraries.create_folder(self.library_id, dataset_key, description=label, base_folder_id=base_folder_id)
+ − 513 folder_id = str(folder_new[0]['id'])
+ − 514
+ − 515 base_folder_id = folder_id
+ − 516
+ − 517 return folder_id
+ − 518
+ − 519 return None
+ − 520
+ − 521
+ − 522 def get_library_folders(self, library_label_path):
+ − 523 """
+ − 524 Gets set of ALL folders within given library path. Within each folder, lists its files as well.
+ − 525 Folders are ordered by version date/id, most recent first (natural sort).
+ − 526
+ − 527 NOT Quite recursive. Nested folders don't have parent info.
+ − 528
+ − 529 @param library_version_path string Full hierarchic label of a library folder. Inside it are version subfolders, their datasets, and the pointer file.
+ − 530
+ − 531 @return array of ids of the version subfolders and also their dataset content ids
+ − 532 """
+ − 533
+ − 534 folders = []
+ − 535 libvpath_len = len(library_label_path)
+ − 536 for item in self.library:
+ − 537
+ − 538 name = item['name']
+ − 539 if name[0:libvpath_len] == library_label_path:
+ − 540
+ − 541 # Skip any file that is immediately under library_label_path
+ − 542 if item['type'] == 'file':
+ − 543 file_key_val = item['name'].rsplit('/',1)
+ − 544 #file_name_parts = file_key_val[1].split('.')
+ − 545 if file_key_val[0] == library_label_path:
+ − 546 #and len(file_name_parts) > 1 \
+ − 547 #and file_name_parts[1] in VDB_STORAGE_OPTIONS:
+ − 548 continue
+ − 549
+ − 550 if item['type'] == 'folder':
+ − 551 folders.append({'id':item['id'], 'name':item['name'], 'files':[]})
+ − 552
+ − 553 else:
+ − 554 # Items should be sorted ascending such that each item is contained in previous folder.
+ − 555 folders[-1]['files'].append({'id':item['id'], 'name':item['name']})
+ − 556
+ − 557 return folders
+ − 558
+ − 559
+ − 560 def get_workflow_data(self, workflow_list, datasets, version_id):
+ − 561 """
+ − 562 Run each workflow in turn, given datasets generated above.
+ − 563 See if each workflow's output has been cached.
+ − 564 If not, run workflow and reestablish output data
+ − 565 Complexity is that cache could be:
+ − 566 1) in user's history.
+ − 567 2) in library data folder called "derivative_cache" under data source folder (as created by this galaxy install)
+ − 568 3) in external data folder ..."/derivative_cache" (as created by this galaxy install)
+ − 569 BUT other galaxy installs can't really use this unless they know metadata on workflow that generated it
+ − 570 In future we'll design a system for different galaxies to be able to read metadata to determine if they can use the cached workflow data here.
+ − 571
+ − 572 ISSUE Below: Unless it is a really short workflow, run_workflow() returns before work is actually complete. DO WE NEED TO DELAY UNTIL EVERY SINGLE OUTPUT DATASET IS "ok", not just "queued" or "running"? OR IS SERVER TO LIBRARY UPLOAD PAUSE ABOVE ENOUGH?
+ − 573
+ − 574 Note, workflow_list contains only ids for items beginning with "versioning: "
+ − 576
+ − 577 FUTURE: NEED TO ENSURE EACH dataset id not found in history is retrieved from cache.
+ − 578 FUTURE: Check to see that EVERY SINGLE workflow output
+ − 579 has a corresponding dataset_id in history or library,
+ − 580 i.e. len(workflow['outputs']) == len(history_dataset_ids)
+ − 581 But do we know before execution how many outputs (given conditional output?)
+ − 582
+ − 583 @param workflow_list
+ − 584 @param datasets: an array of correct data source versioned datasets that are inputs to tools and workflows
+ − 585 @param version_id
+ − 586
+ − 587 """
+ − 588 for workflow_id in workflow_list.split():
+ − 589
+ − 590 workflows = self.admin_api.workflows.get_workflows(workflow_id, published=True)
+ − 591
+ − 592 if not len(workflows):
+ − 593 # Error occurs if admin_api user doesn't have permissions on this workflow???
+ − 594 # Currently all workflows have to be shared with VDB_ADMIN_API_EMAIL.
+ − 595 # Future: could get around this by using publicly shared workflows via "import_shared_workflow(workflow_id)"
+ − 596 print 'Error: unable to run workflow - has it been shared with the Versioned Data tool user email address "%s" ?' % VDB_ADMIN_API_EMAIL
+ − 597 sys.exit(1)
+ − 598
+ − 599 for workflow_summary in workflows:
+ − 600
+ − 601 workflow = self.admin_api.workflows.show_workflow(workflow_id)
+ − 602 print 'Doing workflow: "' + workflow_summary['name'] + '"'
+ − 603
+ − 604 if len(workflow['inputs']) == 0:
+ − 605 print "ERROR: This workflow is not configured correctly - it needs at least 1 input dataset step."
+ − 606
+ − 607 # FUTURE: Bring greater intelligence to assigning inputs to workflow?!!!
+ − 608 if len(datasets) < len(workflow['inputs']):
+ − 609
+ − 610 print 'Error: workflow requires more inputs (%s) than are available in retrieved datasets (%s) for this version of retrieved data.' % (len(workflow['inputs']), len(datasets))
+ − 611 sys.exit(1)
+ − 612
+ − 613 codings = self.get_codings(workflow, datasets)
+ − 614 (workflow_input_key, workflow_input_label, annotation_key, dataset_map) = codings
+ − 615
+ − 616 history_dataset_ids = self.get_history_workflow_results(annotation_key)
+ − 617
+ − 618 if not history_dataset_ids:
+ − 619
+ − 620 library_cache_path = os.path.join("/", VDB_WORKFLOW_CACHE_FOLDER_NAME, workflow_id, workflow_input_key)
+ − 621
+ − 622 # This has to be privileged api admin fetch.
+ − 623 library_dataset_ids = self.get_library_folder_datasets(library_cache_path, admin=True)
+ − 624
+ − 625 if not len(library_dataset_ids):
+ − 626 # No cache in library so run workflow
+ − 627
+ − 628 # Create admin_api history
+ − 629 admin_history = self.admin_api.histories.create_history()
+ − 630 admin_history_id = admin_history['id']
+ − 631
+ − 632 # If you try to run a workflow that hasn't been shared with you, it seems to go a bit brezerk.
+ − 633 work_result = self.admin_api.workflows.run_workflow(workflow_id, dataset_map=dataset_map, history_id=admin_history_id)
+ − 634
+ − 635 # Then copy (link) results back to library so can match in future
+ − 636 self.cache_datasets(library_cache_path, work_result, workflow_summary, codings, version_id, admin_history_id)
+ − 637
+ − 638 # Now return the new cached library dataset ids:
+ − 639 library_dataset_ids = self.get_library_folder_datasets(library_cache_path, admin=True)
+ − 640 """ If a dataset is purged, its purged everywhere... so don't purge! Let caching system do that.
+ − 642 self.admin_api.histories.delete_history(admin_history_id, purge=False)
+ − 643 """
+ − 644
+ − 645 # Now link library cache workflow results to history and add key there for future match.
+ − 646 self.update_history(library_dataset_ids, annotation_key, version_id)
+ − 647
+ − 648
+ − 649
+ − 650
+ − 651 def update_history(self, library_dataset_ids, annotation, version_id):
+ − 652 """
+ − 653 Copy datasets from library over to current history if they aren't already there.
+ − 654 Must cycle through history datasets, looking for "copied_from_ldda_id" value. This is available only with details view.
+ − 655
+ − 656 @param library_dataset_ids array List of dataset Ids to copy from library folder
+ − 657 @param annotation string annotation to add (e.g. Path of original version folder added as annotation)
+ − 658 @param version_id string Label to add to copied dataset in user's history
+ − 659 """
+ − 660 history_datasets = self.user_api.histories.show_history(self.history_id, contents=True, deleted=False, visible=True, details='all' , types=None) # ,
+ − 661
+ − 662 datasets = []
+ − 663 for dataset_id in library_dataset_ids:
+ − 664 # USING ADMIN_API because that's only way to get workflow items back... user_api doesn't nec. have view rights on newly created workflow items. Only versioneddata@localhost.com has perms.
+ − 665 ld_dataset = self.admin_api.libraries.show_dataset(self.library_id, dataset_id)
+ − 666
+ − 667 if not ld_dataset['state'] in 'ok running queued':
+ − 668
+ − 669 print "Error when linking to library dataset cache [" + ld_dataset['name'] + ", " + ld_dataset['id'] + "] - it isn't in a good state: " + ld_dataset['state']
+ − 670 sys.exit(1)
+ − 671
+ − 672 if not os.path.isfile(ld_dataset['file_name']):
+ − 673 pass
+ − 675
+ − 676 library_ldda_id = ld_dataset['ldda_id']
+ − 677
+ − 678 # Find out if library dataset item is already in history, and if so, just return that item.
+ − 679 dataset = None
+ − 680 for dataset2 in history_datasets:
+ − 681
+ − 682 if 'copied_from_ldda_id' in dataset2 \
+ − 683 and dataset2['copied_from_ldda_id'] == library_ldda_id \
+ − 684 and dataset2['state'] in 'ok running' \
+ − 685 and dataset2['accessible'] == True:
+ − 686 dataset = dataset2
+ − 687 break
+ − 688
+ − 689 if not dataset: # link in given dataset from library
+ − 690
+ − 691 dataset = self.user_api.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(self.history_id, dataset_id)
+ − 692
+ − 693 # Update dataset's label - not necessary, just hinting at its creation.
+ − 694 new_name = dataset['name']
+ − 695 if dataset['name'][-len(version_id):] != version_id:
+ − 696 new_name += ' ' + version_id
+ − 697
+ − 698 self.user_api.histories.update_dataset(self.history_id, dataset['id'], name=new_name, annotation = annotation)
+ − 699
+ − 700 datasets.append({
+ − 701 'id': dataset['id'],
+ − 702 'ld_id': ld_dataset['id'],
+ − 703 'name': dataset['name'],
+ − 704 'ldda_id': library_ldda_id,
+ − 705 'library_dataset_name': ld_dataset['name'],
+ − 706 'state': ld_dataset['state']
+ − 707 })
+ − 708
+ − 709 return datasets
+ − 710
+ − 711
+ − 712 def get_codings(self, workflow, datasets):
+ − 713 """
+ − 714 Returns a number of coded lists or arrays for use in caching or displaying workflow results.
+ − 715 Note: workflow['inputs'] = {u'23': {u'label': u'Input Dataset', u'value': u''}},
+ − 716 Note: step_id is not incremental.
+ − 717 Note: VERY COMPLICATED because of hda/ldda/ld ids
+ − 718
+ − 721 one can't have a workflow that also makes reference to another just-generated file in user's
+ − 722 history.
+ − 723 """
+ − 724 db_ptr = 0
+ − 725 dataset_map = {}
+ − 726 workflow_input_key = []
+ − 727 workflow_input_labels = []
+ − 728
+ − 729 for step_id, ds_in in workflow['inputs'].iteritems():
+ − 730 input_dataset_id = datasets[db_ptr]['ld_id']
+ − 731 ldda_id = datasets[db_ptr]['ldda_id']
+ − 732 dataset_map[step_id] = {'src': 'ld', 'id': input_dataset_id}
+ − 733 workflow_input_key.append(ldda_id) #like dataset_index but from workflow input perspective
+ − 734 workflow_input_labels.append(datasets[db_ptr]['name'])
+ − 735 db_ptr += 1
+ − 736
+ − 737 workflow_input_key = '_'.join(workflow_input_key)
+ − 738 workflow_input_labels = ', '.join(workflow_input_labels)
+ − 739 annotation_key = workflow['id'] + ":" + workflow_input_key
+ − 740
+ − 741 return (workflow_input_key, workflow_input_labels, annotation_key, dataset_map)
+ − 742
+ − 743
+ − 744 def get_history_workflow_results(self, annotation):
+ − 745 """
+ − 746 See if workflow-generated dataset exists in user's history. The only way to spot this
+ − 747 is to find some dataset in user's history that has workflow_id in its "annotation" field.
+ − 748 We added the specific dataset id's that were used as input to the workflow as well as the
+ − 749 workflow key since same workflow could have been run on different inputs.
+ − 750
+ − 751 @param annotation_key string Contains workflow id and input dataset ids..
+ − 752 """
+ − 753 history_datasets = self.user_api.histories.show_history(self.history_id, contents=True, deleted=False, visible=True, details='all') # , types=None
+ − 754 dataset_ids = []
+ − 755
+ − 756 for dataset in history_datasets:
+ − 757 if dataset['annotation'] == annotation:
+ − 758 if dataset['accessible'] == True and dataset['state'] == 'ok':
+ − 759 dataset_ids.append(dataset['id'])
+ − 760 else:
+ − 761 print "Warning: dataset " + dataset['name'] + " is in an error state [ " + dataset['state'] + "] so skipped!"
+ − 762
+ − 763 return dataset_ids
+ − 764
+ − 765
+ − 766 def cache_datasets(self, library_cache_path, work_result, workflow_summary, codings, version_id, history_id):
+ − 767 """
+ − 768 Use the Galaxy API to LINK versioned data api admin user's history workflow-created item(s) into the appropriate Versioned Data Workflow Cache folder. Doing this via API call so that metadata is preserved, e.g. preserving that it is a product of makeblastdb/formatdb and all that entails. Only then does Galaxy remain knowledgeable about datatype/data collection.
+ − 769
+ − 770 Then user gets link to workflow dataset in their history. (If a galaxy user deletes a workflow dataset in their history they actually only deletes their history link to that dataset. True of api admin user?)
+ − 771
+ − 772 FUTURE: have the galaxy-created data shared from a server location?
+ − 773 """
+ − 774
+ − 775 (workflow_input_key, workflow_input_label, annotation_key, dataset_map) = codings
+ − 776
+ − 777 # This will create folder if it doesn't exist:
+ − 778 _library_cache_labels = os.path.join("/", VDB_WORKFLOW_CACHE_FOLDER_NAME, workflow_summary['name'], 'On ' + workflow_input_label)
+ − 779 folder_id = self.get_library_folder("/", library_cache_path, _library_cache_labels)
+ − 780 if not folder_id: # Case should never happen
+ − 781 print 'Error: unable to determine library folder to place cache in:' + library_cache_path
+ − 782 sys.exit(1)
+ − 783
+ − 784
+ − 785 for dataset_id in work_result['outputs']:
+ − 786 # We have to mark each dataset entry with the Workflow ID and input datasets it was generated by.
+ − 787 # No other way to know they are associated. ADD VERSION ID TO END OF workflowinput_label?
+ − 788 label = workflow_summary['name'] +' on ' + workflow_input_label
+ − 789
+ − 791 self.admin_api.histories.update_dataset(history_id, dataset_id, annotation = annotation_key, name=label)
+ − 792
+ − 793 # Upload dataset_id and give it description 'cached data'
+ − 794 if 'copy_from_dataset' in dir(self.admin_api.libraries):
+ − 796 self.admin_api.libraries.copy_from_dataset(self.library_id, dataset_id, folder_id, VDB_CACHED_DATA_LABEL + ": version " + version_id)
+ − 797 else:
+ − 798 self.library_cache_setup_privileged(folder_id, dataset_id, VDB_CACHED_DATA_LABEL + ": version " + version_id)
+ − 799
+ − 800
+ − 801
+ − 802 def library_cache_setup_privileged(self, folder_id, dataset_id, message):
+ − 803 """
+ − 804 Copy a history HDA into a library LDDA (that the current admin api user has add permissions on)
+ − 805 in the given library and library folder. Requires that dataset_id has been created by admin_api_key user. Nicola Soranzo [nicola.soranzo@gmail.com will be adding to BIOBLEND eventually.
+ − 806
+ − 807 We tried linking a Versioned Data library Workflow Cache folder to the dataset(s) a non-admin api user has just generated. It turns out API user that connects the two must be both a Library admin AND the owner of the history dataset being uploaded, or an error occurs. So system can't do action on behalf of non-library-privileged user. Second complication with that approach is that there is no Bioblend API call - one must do this directly in galaxy API via direct URL fetc.
+ − 808
+ − 809 NOTE: This will raise "HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)" if given empty folder_id for example
+ − 810
+ − 811 @see def copy_hda_to_ldda( library_id, library_folder_id, hda_id, message='' ):
+ − 812 @see https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Events/GCC2013/TrainingDay/API?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=lddas_1.py
+ − 813
+ − 814 @uses library_id: the id of the library which we want to query.
+ − 815
+ − 816 @param dataset_id: the id of the user's history dataset we want to copy into the library folder.
+ − 817 @param folder_id: the id of the library folder to copy into.
+ − 818 @param message: an optional message to add to the new LDDA.
+ − 819 """
+ − 820
+ − 821
+ − 822
+ − 823 full_url = self.api_url + '/libraries' + '/' + self.library_id + '/contents'
+ − 824 url = self.make_url( self.admin_api_key, full_url )
+ − 825
+ − 826 post_data = {
+ − 827 'folder_id' : folder_id,
+ − 828 'create_type' : 'file',
+ − 829 'from_hda_id' : dataset_id,
+ − 830 'ldda_message' : message
+ − 831 }
+ − 832
+ − 833 req = urllib2.Request( url, headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, data = json.dumps( post_data ) )
+ − 834 #try:
+ − 835
+ − 836 results = json.loads( urllib2.urlopen( req ).read() )
+ − 837 return
+ − 838
+ − 839
+ − 840 #Expecting to phase this out with bioblend api call for library_cache_setup()
+ − 841 def make_url(self, api_key, url, args=None ):
+ − 842 # Adds the API Key to the URL if it's not already there.
+ − 843 if args is None:
+ − 844 args = []
+ − 845 argsep = '&'
+ − 846 if '?' not in url:
+ − 847 argsep = '?'
+ − 848 if '?key=' not in url and '&key=' not in url:
+ − 849 args.insert( 0, ( 'key', api_key ) )
+ − 850 return url + argsep + '&'.join( [ '='.join( t ) for t in args ] )
+ − 851
+ − 852
+ − 853