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author | damion |
date | Sun, 09 Aug 2015 16:07:50 -0400 (2015-08-09) |
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#!/usr/bin/python # import os import sys # Extra step enables this script to locate vdb_common and vdb_retrieval # From _self_dir = os.path.dirname(sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename) sys.path.append(_self_dir) import vdb_common import vdb_retrieval retrieval_obj = None # Global used here to manage user's currently selected retrieval info. def vdb_init_tool_user(trans): """ Retrieves a user's api key if they have one, otherwise lets them know they need one This function is automatically called from versioned_data.xml form on presentation to user Note that this is how self.api_url gets back into form, for passage back to 2nd call via self.api_key is passed via secure <configfile> construct. ALSO: squeezing history_id in this way since no other way to pass it. "trans" is provided only by tool form presentation via <code file="..."> BUT NOW SEE John Chilton's: See galaxy source code at, See See master api key, set in galaxy config: #self.master_api_key = """ global retrieval_obj api_url = trans.request.application_url + '/api' history_id = str( user_api_key = None #master_api_key = if trans.user: user_name = trans.user.username if trans.user.api_keys and len(trans.user.api_keys) > 0: user_api_key = trans.user.api_keys[0].key #First key is always the active one? items = [ { 'name': user_name, 'value': api_url + '-' + history_id, 'options':[], 'selected': True } ] else: items = [ { 'name': user_name + ' - Note: you need a key (see "User" menu)!', 'value': '0', 'options':[], 'selected': False } ] else: items = [ { 'name': 'You need to be logged in to use this tool!', 'value': '1', 'options':[], 'selected': False } ] retrieval_obj = vdb_retrieval.VDBRetrieval() retrieval_obj.set_trans(api_url, history_id, user_api_key) #, master_api_key return items def vdb_get_databases(): """ Called by Tool Form, retrieves list of versioned databases from galaxy library called "Versioned Data" @return [name,value,selected] array """ global retrieval_obj items = retrieval_obj.get_library_data_store_list() if len(items) == 0: # Not great: Communicating library problem by text in form select pulldown input. items = [[vdb_retrieval.VDB_DATA_LIBRARY_FOLDER_ERROR, None, False]] return items def vdb_get_versions(spec_file_id, global_retrieval_date): """ Retrieve applicable versions of given database. Unfortunately this is only refreshed when form screen is refreshed @param dbKey [folder_id] @return [name,value,selected] array """ global retrieval_obj items = [] if spec_file_id: data_store_spec = retrieval_obj.user_api.libraries.show_folder(retrieval_obj.library_id, spec_file_id) if data_store_spec: #OTHERWISE DOES THIS MEAN USER DOESN'T HAVE PERMISSIONS? VALIDATE file_name = data_store_spec['name'] # Short (no path), original file name, not galaxy-assigned file_name data_store_type = retrieval_obj.test_data_store_type(file_name) library_label_path = retrieval_obj.get_library_label_path(spec_file_id) if not data_store_type or not library_label_path: # Cludgy method of sending message to user items.append([vdb_retrieval.VDB_DATA_LIBRARY_FOLDER_ERROR, None, False]) items.append([vdb_retrieval.VDB_DATA_LIBRARY_CONFIG_ERROR + '"' + vdb_retrieval.VDB_DATA_LIBRARY + '/' + str(library_label_path) + '/' + file_name + '"', None, False]) return items _retrieval_date = vdb_common.parse_date(global_retrieval_date) # Loads interface for appropriate data source retrieval ds_obj = retrieval_obj.get_data_store_gateway(data_store_type, spec_file_id) items = ds_obj.get_version_options(global_retrieval_date=_retrieval_date) else: items.append(['Unable to find' + spec_file_id + ':Check permissions?','',False]) return items def vdb_get_workflows(dbKey): """ List appropriate workflows for database. These are indicated by prefix "Versioning:" in name. Currently can see ALL workflows that are published; admin_api() receives this in all galaxy versions. Seems like only some galaxy versions allow user_api() to also see published workflows. Only alternative is to list only individual workflows that current user can see - ones they created, and published workflows; but versioneddata user needs to have permissions on these too. Future: Sensitivity: Some workflows apply only to some kinds of database @param dbKey [data_spec_id] @return [name,value,selected] array """ global retrieval_obj data = [] try: workflows = retrieval_obj.admin_api.workflows.get_workflows(published=True) except Exception as err: if err.message[-21:] == 'HTTP status code: 403': data.append(['Error: User does not have permissions to see workflows (or they need to be published).' , 0, False]) else: data.append(['Error: In getting workflows: %s' % err.message , 0, False]) return data oldName = "" for workflow in workflows: name = workflow['name'] if name[0:11].lower() == "versioning:" and name != oldName: # Interface Bug: If an item is published and is also shared personally with a user, it is shown twice. data.append([name, workflow['id'], False]) oldName = name return data