changeset 1:b566013f81e8 draft default tip

author daumsoft
date Tue, 24 Jul 2018 03:38:01 -0400
parents 8922a3be8490
files export_info.xml manifest.xml star_alignment/.shed.yml star_alignment/ star_alignment/ star_alignment/STAR star_alignment/icgc_star2_wrapper.xml star_alignment/ star_icgc_alignment2-8922a3be8490.tar.gz
diffstat 9 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 633 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/export_info.xml	Tue Jul 24 03:38:01 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <export_time>Tue, 24 Jul 2018 07:36:35 +0000</export_time>
+    <tool_shed></tool_shed>
+    <repository_name>star_icgc_alignment2</repository_name>
+    <repository_owner>daumsoft</repository_owner>
+    <changeset_revision>8922a3be8490</changeset_revision>
+    <export_repository_dependencies>False</export_repository_dependencies>
+    <exported_via_api>False</exported_via_api>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/manifest.xml	Tue Jul 24 03:38:01 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <repository name="star_icgc_alignment2" type="unrestricted" username="daumsoft">
+      <description>star_icgc_alignment of daumsoft</description>
+        <long_description>star_icgc_alignment of daumsoft</long_description>
+        <archive>star_icgc_alignment2-8922a3be8490.tar.gz</archive>
+        <categories>
+          <category>Transcriptomics</category>
+        </categories>
+    </repository>
--- a/star_alignment/.shed.yml	Mon Jun 04 02:38:49 2018 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-categories: [Transcriptomics]
-description: daumsoft
-name: tar
-owner: daumsoft
--- a/star_alignment/	Mon Jun 04 02:38:49 2018 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
- echo "[usage:]  fastq_in_tar.gz"
- exit 1;
-export PATH=/storage/data/program/GDC_TGCA-Harmonized/RNA-Seq/bin/ICGC-STAR_ALIGNMENT_PIPELINE:$PATH
-#tar cvfh $TAR_FILE  $FASTQ_2  $FASTQ_1 
-rm -rf $WORK_DIR
-rm -rf $OUTPUT_BAM
-mkdir $WORK_DIR
-mkdir $OUTPUT_BAM
-python $STAD_ALIGN              \
---genomeDir $STAR_INDEX_PATH    \
---tarFileIn $TAR_FILE  \
---workDir $WORK_DIR             \
---out $OUTPUT_BAM \
---genomeFastaFiles $REFERENCE \
---runThreadN $RUN_THREAD_NUM \
---outFilterMultimapScoreRange 1 \
---outFilterMultimapNmax 20 \
---outFilterMismatchNmax 10 \
---alignIntronMax 500000 \
---alignMatesGapMax 1000000 \
---sjdbScore 2 \
---limitBAMsortRAM 0 \
---alignSJDBoverhangMin 1 \
---genomeLoad NoSharedMemory \
---outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.33 \
---outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.33 \
---twopass1readsN -1 \
---sjdbOverhang 100 \
---outSAMstrandField intronMotif \
---outSAMunmapped Within
--- a/star_alignment/	Mon Jun 04 02:38:49 2018 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
- echo "[usage:]  tar.gz(fastq in file)"
- exit 1;
-ln -s $INPUT_TAR_GZ  ${INPUT_TAR_GZ}.tar.gz
Binary file star_alignment/STAR has changed
--- a/star_alignment/icgc_star2_wrapper.xml	Mon Jun 04 02:38:49 2018 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<tool id="daumsoft_wts_star" name="ICGC_STAR_PIPELINE" version="2.4.2A">
-	<description>STAR Alignment/ICGC Method</description>
-        <stdio>
-                <regex match="Exception|Error" source="both" level="fatal" description="Tool execution failed"/>
-        </stdio>
-	<version_command></version_command>
-	<command>
-           ${tar_gz}
-	</command>
-	<inputs>
-		<param name="tar_gz" format="gz" type="data" label="RNA-Seq FASTQ file In TAR.GZ(GRCh38)/hg38" help="" />
-	</inputs>
-	<outputs>
-		<data format="bam" name="alignment" label="${} on ${on_string}: Alignments BAM" from_work_dir="out/Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam"/>
-	</outputs>
-        <tests><test><output name="alignment"/></test></tests>
-        <help>
-For more detailed manual, please visit The GDC mRNA quantification analysis pipeline website:
-The mRNA Analysis pipeline begins with the Alignment Workflow, which is performed using a two-pass method with STAR. 
-STAR aligns each read group separately and then merges the resulting alignments into one.
-Following the methods used by the International Cancer Genome Consortium ICGC, 
-the two-pass method includes a splice junction detection step, which is used to generate the final alignment. 
-This workflow outputs a BAM file, which contains both aligned and unaligned reads. 
-Quality assessment is performed pre-alignment with  FASTQC and post-alignment with RNA-SeQC and   Picard Tools.
-	</help>
-        <citations></citations>
--- a/star_alignment/	Mon Jun 04 02:38:49 2018 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-import sys
-import re
-import string
-import tempfile
-import subprocess
-import argparse
-import shutil
-import lxml.etree as etree
-import fnmatch
-def walk_dir(base, pattern):
-    files = []
-    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(base):
-        for fname in fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern):
-            files.append(os.path.join(root, fname))
-    return files
-def scan_workdir(base): 
-    ### scan for paired-end files
-    #############################
-    ### unzipped fastq input
-    fastq_files = walk_dir(base, "*_read[12]_*fastq")
-    if len(fastq_files):
-        o = {}
-        for i in sorted(fastq_files):
-            basename = re.sub(r'_read[12]', '', i)
-            try:
-                o[basename].append(i)
-            except KeyError:
-                o[basename] = [i]
-        if not all( (len(i) == 2 for i in o.values())):
-            raise Exception("Missing Pair")
-        return ( 'cat', list( (os.path.basename(i), o[i][0], o[i][1]) for i in o.keys()), 'PE') 
-    ### unzipped fastq input
-    fastq_files = walk_dir(base, "*_R[12]_001.fastq")
-    if len(fastq_files):
-        o = {}
-        for i in fastq_files:
-            basename = re.sub(r'_R[12]_001.fastq$', '', i)
-            o[basename] = o.get(basename, 0) + 1
-        if not all( (i == 2 for i in o.values())):
-            raise Exception("Missing Pair")
-        return ( 'cat', list( (os.path.basename(i), "%s_R1_001.fastq" % i,"%s_R2_001.fastq" % i) for i in o.keys()), 'PE') 
-    ### unzipped fastq input
-    fastq_files = walk_dir(base, "*_[12].fastq")
-    if len(fastq_files):
-        o = {}
-        for i in fastq_files:
-            basename = re.sub(r'_[12].fastq$', '', i)
-            o[basename] = o.get(basename, 0) + 1
-        if not all( (i == 2 for i in o.values())):
-            raise Exception("Missing Pair")
-        return ( 'cat', list( (os.path.basename(i), "%s_1.fastq" % i,"%s_2.fastq" % i) for i in o.keys()), 'PE') 
-    ### unzipped fastq input
-    fastq_files = walk_dir(base, "*[.][12].fastq")
-    if len(fastq_files):
-        o = {}
-        for i in fastq_files:
-            basename = re.sub(r'[.][12].fastq$', '', i)
-            o[basename] = o.get(basename, 0) + 1
-        if not all( (i == 2 for i in o.values())):
-            raise Exception("Missing Pair")
-        return ( 'cat', list( (os.path.basename(i), "%s.1.fastq" % i,"%s.2.fastq" % i) for i in o.keys()), 'PE') 
-    ### unzipped fastq input
-    fastq_files = walk_dir(base, "*.fastq[12]")
-    if len(fastq_files):
-        o = {}
-        for i in fastq_files:
-            basename = re.sub(r'.fastq[12]$', '', i)
-            o[basename] = o.get(basename, 0) + 1
-        if not all( (i == 2 for i in o.values())):
-            raise Exception("Missing Pair")
-        return ( 'cat', list( (os.path.basename(i), "%s.fastq1" % i,"%s.fastq2" % i) for i in o.keys()), 'PE') 
-    ### unzipped txt input
-    fastq_files = walk_dir(base, "*_[12]_sequence.txt")
-    if len(fastq_files):
-        o = {}
-        for i in fastq_files:
-            basename = re.sub(r'_[12]_sequence.txt$', '', i)
-            o[basename] = o.get(basename, 0) + 1
-        if not all( (i == 2 for i in o.values())):
-            raise Exception("Missing Pair")
-        return ( 'cat', list( (os.path.basename(i), "%s_1_sequence.txt" % i,"%s_2_sequence.txt" % i) for i in o.keys()), 'PE') 
-    ### gzipped input
-    fastq_gz_files = walk_dir(base, "*_[12].fastq.gz")
-    if len(fastq_gz_files):
-        o = {}
-        for i in fastq_gz_files:
-            basename = re.sub(r'_[12].fastq.gz$', '', i)
-            o[basename] = o.get(basename, 0) + 1
-        if not all( (i == 2 for i in o.values())):
-            raise Exception("Missing Pair")
-        return ( 'zcat', list( (os.path.basename(i), "%s_1.fastq.gz" % i,"%s_2.fastq.gz" % i) for i in o.keys()), 'PE') 
-    ### bzipped input
-    fastq_bz_files = walk_dir(base, "*_[12]")
-    if len(fastq_gz_files):
-        o = {}
-        for i in fastq_gz_files:
-            basename = re.sub(r'_[12]$', '', i)
-            o[basename] = o.get(basename, 0) + 1
-        if not all( (i == 2 for i in o.values())):
-            raise Exception("Missing Pair")
-        return ( 'bzcat', list( (os.path.basename(i), "" % i,"" % i) for i in o.keys()), 'PE') 
-    ### scan for single-end files
-    #############################
-    ### unzipped input
-    fastq_files = walk_dir(base, "*.fastq")
-    if len(fastq_files):
-        return ( 'cat', list( (os.path.basename(re.sub(r'.fastq$', '', i)), i) for i in fastq_files), 'SE') 
-    ### unzipped input
-    fastq_files = walk_dir(base, "*.fq")
-    if len(fastq_files):
-        return ( 'cat', list( (os.path.basename(re.sub(r'.fq$', '', i)), i) for i in fastq_files), 'SE') 
-    ### gzipped input
-    fastq_files = walk_dir(base, "*.fastq.gz")
-    if len(fastq_files):
-        return ( 'zcat', list( (os.path.basename(re.sub(r'.fastq.gz$', '', i)), i) for i in fastq_files), 'SE') 
-    ### bzipped input
-    fastq_files = walk_dir(base, "*")
-    if len(fastq_files):
-        return ( 'bzcat', list( (os.path.basename(re.sub(r'$', '', i)), i) for i in fastq_files), 'SE') 
-    raise Exception("Unable to determine input type")
-def spreadsheet2dict(spreadFile):
-    """
-    Takes the filename of the spreadsheet, loads the data and organizes
-    it into a dictionary"""
-    spreadDict = {}
-    key2field = {}
-    for l, line in enumerate(open(spreadFile)):
-        sl = line.strip().split('\t')
-        if l == 0:
-            for k, key in enumerate(sl):
-                key2field[key] = k
-        else:
-            spreadDict[sl[key2field['analysis_id']]] = sl
-    return (spreadDict, key2field)
-def spreadsheet2RGdict(spreadFile, analysisID):
-    """Compiles a read group dictionary from the information
-    in the spreadFile for the given analysisID."""
-    sD, k2f = spreadsheet2dict(spreadFile)
-    try:
-        rec = sD[analysisID]
-    except KeyError:
-        raise Exception('Information for analysis ID %s could not be found in %s' % (analysisID, spreadFile))
-    ### build dictionary
-    RG_dict = { 'ID' : '%s:%s' % (rec[k2f['center_name']], analysisID),
-                'CN' : rec[k2f['center_name']],
-                'LB' : 'RNA-Seq:%s:%s' % (rec[k2f['center_name']], rec[k2f['lib_id']]),
-                'PL' : rec[k2f['platform']],
-                'PM' : rec[k2f['platform_model']],
-                'SM' : rec[k2f['specimen_id']],
-                'SI' : rec[k2f['submitted_sample_id']]}
-    files = []
-    if 'fastq_files' in k2f:
-        if not rec[k2f['fastq_files']].strip(' ') in ['N/A', 'NA', 'no', '']:
-            files = rec[k2f['fastq_files']].strip(' ').split(' ')
-    return (RG_dict, files)
-def xml2RGdict(xmlfile):
-    ### read xml in
-    root = etree.parse(xmlfile)
-    rtree = root.find('Result')
-    ### analysis_id
-    analysis_id = rtree.find('analysis_id').text
-    center = rtree.find('center_name').text
-    try:
-        date_string = rtree.find('analysis_xml/ANALYSIS_SET/ANALYSIS').attrib['analysis_date']
-    except KeyError:
-        date_string = rtree.find('run_xml/RUN_SET/RUN').attrib['run_date']
-    sample_id = rtree.find('sample_id').text
-    submitter_id = rtree.find('legacy_sample_id').text
-    library_id = rtree.find('experiment_xml/EXPERIMENT_SET/EXPERIMENT').attrib['alias']
-    platform = rtree.find('experiment_xml/EXPERIMENT_SET/EXPERIMENT/PLATFORM').getchildren()[0].tag 
-    instrument = rtree.find('experiment_xml/EXPERIMENT_SET/EXPERIMENT/PLATFORM/*/INSTRUMENT_MODEL').text
-    ### build dictionary
-    RG_dict = { 'ID' : '%s:%s' % (center, analysis_id),
-                'CN' : center,
-                'DT' : date_string,
-                'LB' : 'RNA-Seq:%s:%s' % (center, library_id),
-                'PL' : platform,
-                'PM' : instrument,
-                'SM' : sample_id,
-                'SI' : submitter_id}
-    return RG_dict
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ICGC RNA-Seq alignment wrapper for STAR alignments.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, usage='%(prog)s [options]', add_help=False)
-    required = parser.add_argument_group("Required input parameters")
-    required.add_argument("--genomeDir", default=None, help="Directory containing the reference genome index", required=True)
-    required.add_argument("--tarFileIn", default=None, help="Input file containing the sequence information", required=True)
-    optional = parser.add_argument_group("optional input parameters")
-    optional.add_argument("--out", default="out.bam", help="Name of the output BAM file")
-    optional.add_argument("--workDir", default="./", help="Work directory")
-    optional.add_argument("--metaDataTab", default=None, help="File containing metadata for the alignment header")
-    optional.add_argument("--analysisID", default=None, help="Analysis ID to be considered in the metadata file")
-    optional.add_argument("--keepJunctions", default=False, action='store_true', help="keeps the junction file as {--out}.junctions")
-    optional.add_argument("--useTMP", default=None, help="environment variable that is used as prefix for temprary data")
-    optional.add_argument("-h", "--help", action='store_true', help="show this help message and exit")
-    star = parser.add_argument_group("STAR input parameters")
-    star.add_argument("--runThreadN", type=int, default=4, help="Number of threads")
-    star.add_argument("--outFilterMultimapScoreRange", type=int, default=1, help="outFilterMultimapScoreRange")
-    star.add_argument("--outFilterMultimapNmax", type=int, default=20, help="outFilterMultimapNmax")
-    star.add_argument("--outFilterMismatchNmax", type=int, default=10, help="outFilterMismatchNmax")
-    star.add_argument("--alignIntronMax", type=int, default=500000, help="alignIntronMax")
-    star.add_argument("--alignMatesGapMax", type=int, default=1000000, help="alignMatesGapMax")
-    star.add_argument("--sjdbScore", type=int, default=2, help="sjdbScore")
-    star.add_argument("--limitBAMsortRAM", type=int, default=0, help="limitBAMsortRAM")
-    star.add_argument("--alignSJDBoverhangMin", type=int, default=1, help="alignSJDBoverhangMin")
-    star.add_argument("--genomeLoad", default="NoSharedMemory", help="genomeLoad")
-    star.add_argument("--genomeFastaFiles", default=None, help="genome sequence in fasta format to rebuild index")
-    star.add_argument("--outFilterMatchNminOverLread", type=float, default=0.33, help="outFilterMatchNminOverLread")
-    star.add_argument("--outFilterScoreMinOverLread", type=float, default=0.33, help="outFilterScoreMinOverLread")
-    star.add_argument("--twopass1readsN", type=int, default=-1, help="twopass1readsN (-1 means all reads are used for remapping)")
-    star.add_argument("--sjdbOverhang", type=int, default=100, help="sjdbOverhang (only necessary for two-pass mode)")
-    star.add_argument("--outSAMstrandField", default="intronMotif", help="outSAMstrandField")
-    star.add_argument("--outSAMattributes", default=["NH", "HI", "NM", "MD", "AS", "XS"], help="outSAMattributes")
-    star.add_argument("--outSAMunmapped", default="Within", help="outSAMunmapped")
-    star.add_argument("--outSAMtype", default=["BAM", "SortedByCoordinate"], help="outSAMtype")
-    star.add_argument("--outSAMheaderHD", default=["@HD", "VN:1.4"], help="outSAMheaderHD")
-    star.add_argument("--outSAMattrRGline", default=None, help="RG attribute line submitted to outSAMattrRGline")
-    star.add_argument("--outSAMattrRGfile", default=None, help="File containing the RG attribute line submitted to outSAMattrRGline")
-    star.add_argument("--outSAMattrRGxml", default=None, help="XML-File in TCGA format to compile RG attribute line")
-    ### check completeness of command line inputs
-    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
-        parser.print_help()
-        sys.exit(0)
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    ### some sanity checks on command line parameters
-    if args.metaDataTab is not None:
-        if not os.path.exists(args.metaDataTab):
-            raise Exception("File provided via --metaDataTab does not exist\nFile: %s" % args.metaDataTab)
-        if args.analysisID is None:
-            raise Exception("When providing information in a metadata file, a value for --analysisID is required")
-    if args.outSAMattrRGxml is not None and not os.path.exists(args.outSAMattrRGxml):
-        raise Exception("File provided via --outSAMattrRGxml does not exist\nFile: %s" % args.outSAMattrRGxml)
-    if args.outSAMattrRGfile is not None and not os.path.exists(args.outSAMattrRGfile):
-        raise Exception("File provided via --outSAMattrRGfile does not exist\nFile: %s" % args.outSAMattrRGfile)
-    ### handling of input file (unpacking, etc. )
-    if args.useTMP is not None:
-        workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.environ[args.useTMP], prefix="star_inputdir_")
-    else:
-        workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=args.workDir, prefix="star_inputdir_")
-    if args.tarFileIn.endswith(".gz"):
-        tarcmd = "tar xvzf %s -C %s" % (args.tarFileIn, workdir)
-    elif args.tarFileIn.endswith(".bz"):
-        tarcmd = "tar xvjf %s -C %s" % (args.tarFileIn, workdir)
-    elif args.tarFileIn.endswith(".tar"):
-        tarcmd = "tar xvf %s -C %s" % (args.tarFileIn, workdir)
-    elif args.tarFileIn.endswith(".sra"):
-        tarcmd = "fastq-dump --gzip --split-3 --outdir %s %s" % (workdir, args.tarFileIn)
-    else:
-        raise Exception("Unknown input file extension for file %s" % (args.tarFileIn))
-    subprocess.check_call(tarcmd, shell=True)
-    ### collect fastq information from extraction dir
-    align_sets = scan_workdir(os.path.abspath(workdir))
-    ### process read group information
-    files = []
-    if args.metaDataTab is not None:
-        (RG_dict, files_tmp) = spreadsheet2RGdict(args.metaDataTab, args.analysisID) 
-        files.extend(files_tmp)
-    elif args.outSAMattrRGxml is not None:
-        RG_dict = xml2RGdict(args.outSAMattrRGxml)
-    elif args.outSAMattrRGline is not None:
-        RG_dict = dict([(x.split(':', 1)[0], x.split(':', 1)[1]) for x in args.outSAMattrRGline.split()])
-    elif args.outSAMattrRGfile is not None:
-        _fh = open(args.outSAMattrRGfile, 'r')
-        RG_dict = dict([(x.split(':', 1)[0], x.split(':', 1)[1]) for x in])
-        _fh.close()
-    else:
-        RG_dict = {'ID' : '', 'SM' : ''}
-    ### post-process RG-dict to comply with STAR conventions
-    for key in RG_dict:
-        sl = RG_dict[key].split(' ')
-        if len(sl) > 1:
-            RG_dict[key] = '"%s"' % RG_dict[key]
-    ### use list of fastq input files for whitelisting
-    if len(files) > 0:
-        align_sets = (align_sets[0], [x for x in align_sets[1] if (re.sub('(_[12]){,1}.fastq(.(gz|bz2|bz))*', '', os.path.basename(x[1])) in files)], align_sets[2])
-        if len(align_sets[1]) == 0:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'All input files have been filtered out - no input remaining. Terminating.'
-            sys.exit()
-    ### use filename stub as read group label
-    RG_dict['RG'] = []
-    for fn in [x[1] for x in align_sets[1]]:
-        fn_stub = re.sub('(_[12]){,1}.fastq(.(gz|bz2|bz))*', '', os.path.basename(fn))
-        fn_stub = re.sub('(_[12]){,1}_sequence.txt(.(gz|bz2|bz))*', '', fn_stub)
-        fn_stub = re.sub('_read[12]', '', fn_stub)
-        fn_stub = re.sub('_R[12]_001$', '', fn_stub)
-        RG_dict['RG'].append(fn_stub)
-    ### prepare template string
-    if align_sets[2] == 'PE':
-        read_str = '${fastq_left} ${fastq_right}'
-    else:
-        read_str = '${fastq_left}'
-    ### simulate two pass alignment until STAR fully implements this
-    if args.twopass1readsN != 0:
-        ### run first round of alignments and only record junctions
-        align_template_str_1st = """STAR \
---genomeDir ${genomeDir} --readFilesIn %s \
---runThreadN ${runThreadN} \
---outFilterMultimapScoreRange ${outFilterMultimapScoreRange} \
---outFilterMultimapNmax ${outFilterMultimapNmax} \
---outFilterMismatchNmax ${outFilterMismatchNmax} \
---alignIntronMax ${alignIntronMax} \
---alignMatesGapMax ${alignMatesGapMax} \
---sjdbScore ${sjdbScore} \
---alignSJDBoverhangMin ${alignSJDBoverhangMin} \
---genomeLoad ${genomeLoad} \
---readFilesCommand ${readFilesCommand} \
---outFilterMatchNminOverLread ${outFilterMatchNminOverLread} \
---outFilterScoreMinOverLread ${outFilterScoreMinOverLread} \
---sjdbOverhang ${sjdbOverhang} \
---outSAMstrandField ${outSAMstrandField} \
---outSAMtype None \
---outSAMmode None""" % read_str
-        if args.twopass1readsN > 0:
-            align_template_str_1st += " --readMapNumber %i" % args.twopass1readsN
-        cmd = string.Template(align_template_str_1st).safe_substitute({
-            'genomeDir' : os.path.abspath(args.genomeDir),
-            'runThreadN' : args.runThreadN,
-            'outFilterMultimapScoreRange' : args.outFilterMultimapScoreRange,
-            'outFilterMultimapNmax' : args.outFilterMultimapNmax,
-            'outFilterMismatchNmax' : args.outFilterMismatchNmax,
-            'fastq_left' : ','.join([os.path.join(x[0], x[1]) for x in align_sets[1]]),
-            'alignIntronMax' : args.alignIntronMax,
-            'alignMatesGapMax': args.alignMatesGapMax,
-            'sjdbScore': args.sjdbScore,
-            'alignSJDBoverhangMin' : args.alignSJDBoverhangMin,
-            'genomeLoad' : args.genomeLoad,
-            'readFilesCommand' : align_sets[0],
-            'outFilterMatchNminOverLread' : args.outFilterMatchNminOverLread,
-            'outFilterScoreMinOverLread' : args.outFilterScoreMinOverLread,
-            'sjdbOverhang' : args.sjdbOverhang,
-            'outSAMstrandField' : args.outSAMstrandField
-        })
-        if align_sets[2] == 'PE':
-            cmd = string.Template(cmd).substitute({
-                'fastq_right' : ','.join([os.path.join(x[0], x[2]) for x in align_sets[1]])
-            })
-        ### take temp directory from environment variable
-        if args.useTMP is not None:
-            align_dir_1st = os.path.abspath( tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.environ[args.useTMP], prefix="star_aligndir_1st_") )
-            genome_dir_1st = os.path.abspath( tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.environ[args.useTMP], prefix="star_genomedir_1st_") )
-        else:
-            align_dir_1st = os.path.abspath( tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=args.workDir, prefix="star_aligndir_1st_") )
-            genome_dir_1st = os.path.abspath( tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=args.workDir, prefix="star_genomedir_1st_") )
-        print "Running", cmd
-        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, cwd=align_dir_1st)
-        ### build index using provided genome fasta as well as junctions from first run
-        cmd = """STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir %s \
---genomeFastaFiles %s \
---sjdbOverhang %i \
---runThreadN %i \
---sjdbFileChrStartEnd %s""" % (genome_dir_1st, args.genomeFastaFiles, args.sjdbOverhang, args.runThreadN, os.path.join(align_dir_1st, '')) 
-        print "Running", cmd
-        subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, cwd=align_dir_1st)
-        ### replace index for the second run with the one currently built
-        genome_dir = genome_dir_1st
-    else:
-        genome_dir = os.path.abspath(args.genomeDir)
-    align_template_str = """STAR \
---genomeDir ${genomeDir} --readFilesIn %s \
---runThreadN ${runThreadN} \
---outFilterMultimapScoreRange ${outFilterMultimapScoreRange} \
---outFilterMultimapNmax ${outFilterMultimapNmax} \
---outFilterMismatchNmax ${outFilterMismatchNmax} \
---alignIntronMax ${alignIntronMax} \
---alignMatesGapMax ${alignMatesGapMax} \
---sjdbScore ${sjdbScore} \
---alignSJDBoverhangMin ${alignSJDBoverhangMin} \
---genomeLoad ${genomeLoad} \
---limitBAMsortRAM ${limitBAMsortRAM} \
---readFilesCommand ${readFilesCommand} \
---outFilterMatchNminOverLread ${outFilterMatchNminOverLread} \
---outFilterScoreMinOverLread ${outFilterScoreMinOverLread} \
---sjdbOverhang ${sjdbOverhang} \
---outSAMstrandField ${outSAMstrandField} \
---outSAMattributes ${outSAMattributes} \
---outSAMunmapped ${outSAMunmapped} \
---outSAMtype ${outSAMtype} \
---outSAMheaderHD ${outSAMheaderHD}""" % read_str
-#--twopass1readsN ${twopass1readsN} \
-    cmd = string.Template(align_template_str).safe_substitute({
-        'genomeDir' : genome_dir,
-        'runThreadN' : args.runThreadN,
-        'fastq_left' : ','.join([os.path.join(x[0], x[1]) for x in align_sets[1]]), #os.path.abspath(pair[1]),
-        'outFilterMultimapScoreRange' : args.outFilterMultimapScoreRange,
-        'outFilterMultimapNmax' : args.outFilterMultimapNmax,
-        'outFilterMismatchNmax' : args.outFilterMismatchNmax,
-        'alignIntronMax' : args.alignIntronMax,
-        'alignMatesGapMax': args.alignMatesGapMax,
-        'sjdbScore': args.sjdbScore,
-        'alignSJDBoverhangMin' : args.alignSJDBoverhangMin,
-        'genomeLoad' : args.genomeLoad,
-        'limitBAMsortRAM' : args.limitBAMsortRAM,
-        'readFilesCommand' : align_sets[0],
-        'outFilterMatchNminOverLread' : args.outFilterMatchNminOverLread,
-        'outFilterScoreMinOverLread' : args.outFilterScoreMinOverLread,
-        'sjdbOverhang' : args.sjdbOverhang,
-        'outSAMstrandField' : args.outSAMstrandField,
-        'outSAMattributes' : " ".join(args.outSAMattributes),
-        'outSAMunmapped' : args.outSAMunmapped, 
-        'outSAMtype' : " ".join(args.outSAMtype),
-        'outSAMheaderHD' : " ".join(args.outSAMheaderHD)
-    })
-#        'twopass1readsN' : args.twopass1readsN,
-    if align_sets[2] == 'PE':
-        cmd = string.Template(cmd).substitute({
-            'fastq_right' : ','.join([os.path.join(x[0], x[2]) for x in align_sets[1]]) # os.path.abspath(pair[2]),
-        })
-    ### convert RG_dict into formatted RG line
-    RG_line = []
-    for r, readgroup in enumerate(align_sets[1]):
-        if 'RG' in RG_dict:
-            tmp = 'ID:%s:%s' % (RG_dict['ID'], RG_dict['RG'][r])
-        else:
-            tmp = 'ID:%s:%s' % (RG_dict['ID'], readgroup[0])
-        if len(RG_dict) > 1:
-            tmp += '\t'
-            tmp += '\t'.join(['%s:%s' % (key, RG_dict[key]) for key in RG_dict if key not in ['ID', 'RG', 'SI']])
-        ### add read group label
-        if 'RG' in RG_dict and 'CN' in RG_dict:
-            tmp += '\tPU:%s:%s' % (RG_dict['CN'], RG_dict['RG'][r])
-        RG_line.append('%s' % tmp)
-    cmd += ' --outSAMattrRGline %s' % ' , '.join(RG_line)
-    ### handle comment lines
-    comment_file = None
-    if 'SI' in RG_dict:
-        if args.useTMP is not None:
-            comment_file = os.path.abspath( tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.environ[args.useTMP], prefix="star_comments_")[1] )
-        else:
-            comment_file = os.path.abspath( tempfile.mkstemp(dir=args.workDir, prefix="star_comments_")[1] )
-        fd_com = open(comment_file, 'w')
-        fd_com.write('@CO\tsubmitter_sample_id:%s\n' % RG_dict['SI'])
-        fd_com.flush()
-        fd_com.close()
-        cmd += ' --outSAMheaderCommentFile %s' % comment_file
-    ### take temp directory from environment variable
-    if args.useTMP is not None:
-        align_dir = os.path.abspath( tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.environ[args.useTMP], prefix="star_aligndir_") )
-    else:
-        align_dir = os.path.abspath( tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=args.workDir, prefix="star_aligndir_") )
-    print "Running", cmd
-    subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True, cwd=align_dir)
-    ### move output file
-    if 'BAM' in args.outSAMtype and 'SortedByCoordinate' in args.outSAMtype:
-        shutil.move(os.path.join(align_dir, 'Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam'), args.out)
-    elif 'BAM' in args.outSAMtype and 'Unsorted' in args.outSAMtype:
-        shutil.move(os.path.join(align_dir, 'Aligned.out.bam'), args.out)
-    else:
-        raise Exception('STAR output file could not be determined') 
-    ### move junctions if to be kept
-    if args.keepJunctions:
-        shutil.move(os.path.join(align_dir, ''), args.out + '.junctions')
-    ### clean up working directory
-    shutil.rmtree(workdir)
-    shutil.rmtree(align_dir)
-    if args.twopass1readsN != 0:
-        shutil.rmtree(align_dir_1st)
-        shutil.rmtree(genome_dir_1st)
Binary file star_icgc_alignment2-8922a3be8490.tar.gz has changed