diff corebio/resource/astral.py @ 7:8d676bbd1f2d

author davidmurphy
date Mon, 16 Jan 2012 07:03:36 -0500
parents c55bdc2fb9fa
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/corebio/resource/astral.py	Mon Jan 16 07:03:36 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+# Copyright 2000 by Jeffrey Chang.  All rights reserved.
+# Copyright 2001 by Gavin E. Crooks.  All rights reserved.
+# Modifications Copyright 2004/2005 James Casbon. 
+# Copyright 2005 by Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved
+#   (Major rewrite for conformance to corebio. Gavin Crooks)
+# This code is derived from the Biopython distribution and is governed by it's
+# license.  Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included
+# as part of this package.
+""" ASTRAL dataset IO.
+From http://astral.berkeley.edu/ :
+The ASTRAL Compendium for Sequence and Structure Analysis 
+The ASTRAL compendium provides databases and tools useful for analyzing protein structures and their sequences.  It is partially derived from, and augments the SCOP: Structural Classification of Proteins database. Most of the resources depend upon the coordinate files maintained and distributed by the Protein Data Bank.
+* Classes :
+    - Raf       -- A file ofASTRAL RAF (Rapid Access Format) Sequence Maps.
+    - RafSeqMap -- A sequence map, a RAF record.
+    - Res       -- A single residue mapping from a RAF record.
+* Functions :
+    - parse_domain  -- Convert an ASTRAL fasta header string into a Scop domain.
+    - normalize_letters -- Bormalize RAF amino acid codes.
+# TODO : Need to pull more of James Casbon's Astral code. 
+import re
+from copy import copy
+from corebio.resource.scop import Domain, Residues
+from corebio.data import extended_three_to_one as to_one_letter_code
+from corebio.utils import FileIndex
+__all__ = ('astral_evalues', 'astral_percent_identities', 
+            'astral_evalues_filenames', 'normalize_letters', 'parse_domain', 
+            'Raf', 'RafSeqMap', 'Res')
+# Percentage identity filtered ASTRAL SCOP genetic domain sequence subset
+astral_percent_identities = [10,20,25,30,35,40,50,70,90,95,100]
+# E-value filtered ASTRAL SCOP genetic domain sequence subsets, based on PDB SEQRES records.
+astral_evalues = [10, 5, 1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-10, 1e-15,1e-20, 1e-25, 1e-50]
+# A map between evalues and astral filename suffixes.
+astral_evalues_filenames = { 
+    10: 'e+1', 5: 'e+0,7', 1: 'e+0', 0.5: 'e-0,3', 0.1: 'e-1',
+    0.05: 'e-1,3', 0.01: 'e-2', 0.005: 'e-2,3', 0.001: 'e-3',
+    1e-4: 'e-4',  1e-5: 'e-5', 1e-10: 'e-10', 1e-15: 'e-15',
+    1e-20: 'e-20', 1e-25: 'e-25', 1e-50: 'e-50' }
+def normalize_letters(one_letter_code) :
+    """Convert RAF one-letter amino acid codes into IUPAC standard codes.
+    Letters are uppercased, and "." ("Unknown") is converted to "X".
+    """
+    if one_letter_code == '.' :
+        return 'X'
+    else :
+        return one_letter_code.upper()
+_domain_re = re.compile(r">?([\w_\.]*)\s+([\w\.]*)\s+\(([^)]*)\) (.*)")
+def parse_domain(str) :
+    """Convert an ASTRAL fasta header string into a Scop domain.
+    An ASTRAL (http://astral.stanford.edu/) header contains a concise
+    description of a SCOP domain. A very similar format is used when a
+    Domain object is converted into a string.  The Domain returned by this
+    method contains most of the SCOP information, but it will not be located
+    within the SCOP hierarchy (i.e. The parent node will be None). The
+    description is composed of the SCOP protein and species descriptions.
+    A typical ASTRAL header looks like --
+    >d1tpt_1 a.46.2.1 (1-70) Thymidine phosphorylase {Escherichia coli}
+    """
+    m = _domain_re.match(str)
+    if (not m) : raise ValueError("Domain: "+ str)
+    dom = Domain()
+    dom.sid = m.group(1)
+    dom.sccs = m.group(2)
+    dom.residues = Residues(m.group(3))
+    if not dom.residues.pdbid :
+        dom.residues.pdbid= dom.sid[1:5]
+    dom.description = m.group(4).strip()
+    return dom
+class Raf(FileIndex) :
+    """ASTRAL RAF (Rapid Access Format) Sequence Maps.
+    The ASTRAL RAF Sequence Maps record the relationship between the PDB SEQRES
+    records (representing the sequence of the molecule used in an experiment) 
+    and the ATOM records (representing the atoms experimentally observed). 
+    This data is derived from the Protein Data Bank CIF files. Known errors in 
+    the CIF files are corrected manually, with the original PDB file serving as
+    the final arbiter in case of discrepancies. 
+    Residues are referenced by residue ID. This consists of a the PDB residue
+    sequence number (up to 4 digits) and an optional PDB  insertion code (an
+    ascii alphabetic character, a-z, A-Z). e.g. "1", "10A", "1010b", "-1"
+    See "ASTRAL RAF Sequence Maps":http://astral.stanford.edu/raf.html
+    The RAF file itself is about 50 MB. Each line consists of a sequence map of
+    a different protein chain. This index provides rapid, random
+    access of RAF records without having to load the entire file into memory.
+    This class does not load the entire RAF file into memory. Instead, it
+    reads the file once, noting the location and content of each RafSeqMap.
+    The index key is a concatenation of the  PDB ID and chain ID. e.g
+    "2drcA", "155c_". RAF uses an underscore to indicate blank
+    chain IDs. Custom maps of subsequences or spanning multiple chains, can
+    be constructed with the get_seqmap method. 
+    """
+    def __init__(self, raf_file) :
+        def linekey(line) :
+            if not line or len(line)<5 or line.isspace() or line[0]=='#':
+                return None
+            return line[0:5]
+        def parser( f) : return RafSeqMap(f.readline())
+        FileIndex.__init__(self, raf_file, linekey, parser)
+    def get_seqmap(self, residues) :
+        """Get the sequence map for a collection of residues.
+        residues -- A SCOP style description of a collection of residues from a
+                    PDB strucure, (e.g. '(1bba A:10-20,B:)'), as a string or a
+                    scop.Residues instance.
+        """
+        if type(residues)== str :
+            residues = Residues(residues)
+        pdbid  = residues.pdbid
+        frags = residues.fragments
+        if not frags: frags =(('_','',''),) # All residues of unnamed chain
+        seqMap = None
+        for frag in frags :
+            chainid = frag[0]
+            if chainid=='' or chainid=='-' or chainid==' ' or chainid=='_':
+                chainid = '_'
+            sid = pdbid + chainid
+            sm = self[sid]
+            # Cut out fragment of interest
+            start = 0
+            end = len(sm.res)
+            if frag[1] : start = int(sm.index(frag[1], chainid))
+            if frag[2] : end = int(sm.index(frag[2], chainid)+1)
+            sm = sm[start:end]
+            if seqMap is None :
+                seqMap = sm
+            else :
+                seqMap += sm
+        return seqMap
+ # End Raf
+class RafSeqMap(object) :
+    """ASTRAL RAF (Rapid Access Format) Sequence Maps.
+    RafSeqMap is a list like object; You can find the location of particular
+    residues with index(), slice this RafSeqMap into fragments, and glue 
+    fragments back together with extend().
+    - pdbid -- The PDB 4 character ID
+    - pdb_datestamp -- From the PDB file
+    - version -- The RAF format version. e.g. 0.01
+    - flags -- RAF flags. (See release notes for more information.)
+    - res -- A list of Res objects, one for each residue in this sequence map
+    """
+    def __init__(self, raf_record=None) :
+        """Parses a RAF record into a RafSeqMap object."""
+        self.pdbid = ''
+        self.pdb_datestamp = ''
+        self.version = ''
+        self.flags = ''
+        self.res = []
+        if not raf_record : return
+        header_len = 38
+        line = raf_record.rstrip()  # no trailing whitespace        
+        if len(line)<header_len: 
+            raise ValueError("Incomplete header: "+line)
+        self.pdbid = line[0:4]
+        chainid = line[4:5]
+        self.version = line[6:10]
+        # Raf format versions 0.01 and 0.02 are identical for practical purposes
+        if(self.version != "0.01" and  self.version !="0.02") :
+            raise ValueError("Incompatible RAF version: "+self.version) 
+        self.pdb_datestamp = line[14:20]
+        self.flags = line[21:27]
+        for i in range(header_len, len(line), 7) :
+            f = line[i : i+7]
+            if len(f)!=7:
+                raise ValueError("Corrupt Field: ("+f+")" )
+            r = Res()
+            r.chainid = chainid
+            r.resid =  f[0:5].strip()
+            r.atom = normalize_letters(f[5:6])
+            r.seqres = normalize_letters(f[6:7])
+            self.res.append(r)
+    # end __init__
+    #@staticmethod
+    def records(raf_file) :
+        """Iterates over a Raf file, generating RafSeqMaps """
+        for line in raf_file:
+            if line[0] =='#':  continue  # A comment 
+            if line.isspace() : continue
+            yield RafSeqMap(line)        
+    records = staticmethod(records)      
+    def index(self, resid, chainid="_") :
+        for i in range(0, len(self.res)) :
+            if self.res[i].resid == resid and self.res[i].chainid == chainid :
+                return i
+        raise KeyError("No such residue "+chainid+resid)
+    def __getslice__(self, i, j) :
+        s = copy(self)
+        s.res = s.res[i:j]
+        return s
+    def append(self, res) :
+        """Append another Res object onto the list of residue mappings."""
+        self.res.append(res)
+    def extend(self, other) :
+        """Append another RafSeqMap onto the end of self.
+        Both RafSeqMaps must have the same PDB ID, PDB datestamp and
+        RAF version.  The RAF flags are erased if they are inconsistent. This
+        may happen when fragments are taken from different chains.
+        """
+        if not isinstance(other, RafSeqMap):
+            raise TypeError("Can only extend a RafSeqMap with a RafSeqMap.")
+        if self.pdbid != other.pdbid :
+            raise TypeError("Cannot add fragments from different proteins.")
+        if self.version != other.version :
+            raise TypeError("Incompatible rafs.")
+        if self.pdb_datestamp != other.pdb_datestamp :
+            raise TypeError("Different pdb dates!")
+        if self.flags != other.flags :
+            self.flags = ''
+        self.res += other.res
+    def __iadd__(self, other) :
+        self.extend(other)
+        return self
+    def __add__(self, other) :
+        s = copy(self)
+        s.extend(other)
+        return s
+    def extract_atoms(self, pdb_handle, out_handle) :
+        """Extract all relevant ATOM and HETATOM records from a PDB file.
+        The PDB file is scanned for ATOM and HETATOM records. If the
+        chain ID, residue ID (seqNum and iCode), and residue type match
+        a residue in this sequence map, then the record is echoed to the
+        output handle.
+        This is typically used to find the coordinates of a domain, or other
+        residue subset.
+        pdb_file -- A handle to the relevant PDB file.
+        out_file -- All output is written to this stream.
+        """
+        resSet = {}
+        for r in self.res :
+            if r.atom=='X' : # Unknown residue type
+                continue
+            chainid = r.chainid
+            if chainid == '_':
+                chainid = ' '
+            resid = r.resid
+            resSet[(chainid,resid)] = r
+        resFound = {}
+        for line in pdb_handle :
+            if line.startswith("ATOM  ") or line.startswith("HETATM") :
+                chainid = line[21:22]
+                resid = line[22:27].strip()
+                key = (chainid, resid)
+                if key in resSet:
+                    res = resSet[key]
+                    atom_aa = res.atom
+                    resName = line[17:20].capitilize()
+                    if resName in to_one_letter_code :
+                        if to_one_letter_code[resName] == atom_aa :
+                            out_handle.write(line)
+                            resFound[key] = res
+        if len(resSet) != len(resFound) :
+            raise RuntimeError('I could not find at least one ATOM or ' 
+               'HETATM record for each and every residue in this sequence map.')
+class Res(object) :
+    """ A single residue mapping from a RAF record.
+    - chainid -- A single character chain ID.
+    - resid   -- The residue ID. 
+    - atom    -- amino acid one-letter code from ATOM records. 
+    - seqres  -- amino acid one-letter code from SEQRES records.
+    """
+    def __init__(self) :
+        self.chainid = ''
+        self.resid = ''
+        self.atom = ''
+        self.seqres = ''
\ No newline at end of file