diff corebio/seq_io/_nexus/Trees.py @ 7:8d676bbd1f2d

author davidmurphy
date Mon, 16 Jan 2012 07:03:36 -0500
parents c55bdc2fb9fa
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/corebio/seq_io/_nexus/Trees.py	Mon Jan 16 07:03:36 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+# Trees.py 
+# Copyright 2005 by Frank Kauff & Cymon J. Cox. All rights reserved.
+# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its
+# license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included
+# as part of this package.
+# Tree class handles phylogenetic trees. Provides a set of methods to read and write newick-format tree
+# descriptions, get information about trees (monphyly of taxon sets, congruence between trees, common ancestors,...)
+# and to manipulate trees (reroot trees, split terminal nodes).
+# Bug reports welcome: fkauff@duke.edu
+import sys, random, sets
+import Nodes
+class TreeError(Exception): pass
+class NodeData:
+    """Stores tree-relevant data associated with nodes (e.g. branches or otus)."""
+    def __init__(self,taxon=None,branchlength=0.0,support=None):
+        self.taxon=taxon
+        self.branchlength=branchlength
+        self.support=support
+class Tree(Nodes.Chain):
+    """Represents a tree using a chain of nodes with on predecessor (=ancestor)
+    and multiple successors (=subclades).
+    """ 
+    # A newick tree is parsed into nested list and then converted to a node list in two stages
+    # mostly due to historical reasons. This could be done in one swoop). Note: parentheses ( ) and
+    # colon : are not allowed in taxon names. This is against NEXUS standard, but makes life much
+    # easier when parsing trees.
+    ## NOTE: Tree should store its data class in something like self.dataclass=data,
+    ## so that nodes that are generated have easy access to the data class
+    ## Some routines use automatically NodeData, this needs to be more concise
+    def __init__(self,tree=None,weight=1.0,rooted=False,name='',data=NodeData,values_are_support=False,max_support=1.0):
+        """Ntree(self,tree)."""
+        Nodes.Chain.__init__(self)
+        self.dataclass=data
+        self.__values_are_support=values_are_support
+        self.max_support=max_support
+        self.weight=weight
+        self.rooted=rooted
+        self.name=name
+        root=Nodes.Node(data())
+        self.add(root)
+        self.root=root.id
+        if tree:    # use the tree we have
+            # if Tree is called from outside Nexus parser, we need to get rid of linebreaks, etc
+            tree=tree.strip().replace('\n','').replace('\r','')
+            # there's discrepancy whether newick allows semicolons et the end
+            tree=tree.rstrip(';')
+            self._add_subtree(parent_id=root.id,tree=self._parse(tree)[0])
+    def _parse(self,tree):
+        """Parses (a,b,c...)[[[xx]:]yy] into subcomponents and travels down recursively."""
+        if tree.count('(')!=tree.count(')'):
+            raise TreeError, 'Parentheses do not match in (sub)tree: '+tree
+        if tree.count('(')==0: # a leaf
+            colon=tree.rfind(':')   
+            if colon>-1:
+                return [tree[:colon],self._get_values(tree[colon+1:])]
+            else:
+                return [tree,[None]]
+        else:
+            closing=tree.rfind(')')
+            val=self._get_values(tree[closing+1:])
+            if not val:
+                val=[None]
+            subtrees=[]
+            plevel=0
+            prev=1
+            for p in range(1,closing):
+                if tree[p]=='(':
+                    plevel+=1
+                elif tree[p]==')':
+                    plevel-=1
+                elif tree[p]==',' and plevel==0:
+                    subtrees.append(tree[prev:p])
+                    prev=p+1
+            subtrees.append(tree[prev:closing])
+            subclades=[self._parse(subtree) for subtree in subtrees]
+            return [subclades,val]
+    def _add_subtree(self,parent_id=None,tree=None):
+        """Adds leaf or tree (in newick format) to a parent_id. (self,parent_id,tree)."""
+        if parent_id is None:
+            raise TreeError('Need node_id to connect to.')
+        for st in tree:
+            if type(st[0])==list: # it's a subtree
+                nd=self.dataclass()
+                if len(st[1])>=2: # if there's two values, support comes first. Is that always so?
+                    nd.support=st[1][0]
+                    if st[1][1] is not None:
+                        nd.branchlength=st[1][1]
+                elif len(st[1])==1: # otherwise it could be real branchlengths or support as branchlengths
+                    if not self.__values_are_support: # default
+                        if st[1][0] is not None:
+                            nd.branchlength=st[1][0]
+                    else:
+                        nd.support=st[1][0]
+                sn=Nodes.Node(nd)
+                self.add(sn,parent_id)
+                self._add_subtree(sn.id,st[0])
+            else: # it's a leaf
+                nd=self.dataclass()
+                nd.taxon=st[0]
+                if len(st)>1:
+                    if len(st[1])>=2: # if there's two values, support comes first. Is that always so?
+                        nd.support=st[1][0]
+                        if st[1][1] is not None:
+                            nd.branchlength=st[1][1]
+                    elif len(st[1])==1: # otherwise it could be real branchlengths or support as branchlengths
+                        if not self.__values_are_support: # default
+                            if st[1][0] is not None:
+                                nd.branchlength=st[1][0]
+                        else:
+                            nd.support=st[1][0]
+                leaf=Nodes.Node(nd)
+                self.add(leaf,parent_id)
+    def _get_values(self, text):
+        """Extracts values (support/branchlength) from xx[:yyy], xx."""
+        if text=='':
+            return None
+        return [float(t) for t in text.split(':') if t.strip()] 
+    def _walk(self,node=None):
+        """Return all node_ids downwards from a node."""
+        if node is None:
+            node=self.root
+        for n in self.node(node).succ:
+            yield n
+            for sn in self._walk(n):
+                yield sn
+    def node(self,node_id):
+        """Return the instance of node_id.
+        node = node(self,node_id)
+        """
+        if node_id not in self.chain:
+            raise TreeError('Unknown node_id: %d' % node_id)
+        return self.chain[node_id]
+    def split(self,parent_id=None,n=2,branchlength=1.0):
+        """Speciation: generates n (default two) descendants of a node.
+        [new ids] = split(self,parent_id=None,n=2,branchlength=1.0):
+        """ 
+        if parent_id is None:
+            raise TreeError('Missing node_id.')
+        ids=[]
+        parent_data=self.chain[parent_id].data
+        for i in range(n):
+            node=Nodes.Node()
+            if parent_data:
+                node.data=self.dataclass()
+                # each node has taxon and branchlength attribute
+                if parent_data.taxon:
+                    node.data.taxon=parent_data.taxon+str(i)
+                node.data.branchlength=branchlength
+            ids.append(self.add(node,parent_id))
+        return ids
+    def search_taxon(self,taxon):
+        """Returns the first matching taxon in self.data.taxon. Not restricted to terminal nodes.
+        node_id = search_taxon(self,taxon)
+        """
+        for id,node in self.chain.items():
+            if node.data.taxon==taxon:
+                return id
+        return None
+    def prune(self,taxon):
+        """Prunes a terminal taxon from the tree.
+        id_of_previous_node = prune(self,taxon)
+        If taxon is from a bifurcation, the connectiong node will be collapsed
+        and its branchlength added to remaining terminal node. This might be no
+        longer a meaningful value'
+        """
+        id=self.search_taxon(taxon)
+        if id is None:
+            raise TreeError('Taxon not found: %s' % taxon)
+        elif id not in self.get_terminals():
+            raise TreeError('Not a terminal taxon: %s' % taxon)
+        else:
+            prev=self.unlink(id)
+            self.kill(id)
+            if not prev==self.root and len(self.node(prev).succ)==1:
+                succ=self.node(prev).succ[0]
+                new_bl=self.node(prev).data.branchlength+self.node(succ).data.branchlength
+                self.collapse(prev)
+                self.node(succ).data.branchlength=new_bl
+            return prev
+    def get_taxa(self,node_id=None):
+        """Return a list of all otus downwards from a node (self, node_id).
+        nodes = get_taxa(self,node_id=None)
+        """
+        if node_id is None:
+            node_id=self.root
+        if node_id not in self.chain:
+            raise TreeError('Unknown node_id: %d.' % node_id)    
+        if self.chain[node_id].succ==[]:
+            if self.chain[node_id].data:
+                return [self.chain[node_id].data.taxon]
+            else:
+                return None
+        else:
+            list=[]
+            for succ in self.chain[node_id].succ:
+                list.extend(self.get_taxa(succ))
+            return list
+    def get_terminals(self):
+        """Return a list of all terminal nodes."""
+        return [i for i in self.all_ids() if self.node(i).succ==[]]
+    def sum_branchlength(self,root=None,node=None):
+        """Adds up the branchlengths from root (default self.root) to node.
+        sum = sum_branchlength(self,root=None,node=None)
+        """
+        if root is None:
+            root=self.root
+        if node is None:
+            raise TreeError('Missing node id.')
+        blen=0.0
+        while node is not None and node is not root: 
+            blen+=self.node(node).data.branchlength
+            node=self.node(node).prev
+        return blen
+    def set_subtree(self,node):
+        """Return subtree as a set of nested sets.
+        sets = set_subtree(self,node)
+        """
+        if self.node(node).succ==[]:
+            return self.node(node).data.taxon
+        else:
+            return sets.Set([self.set_subtree(n) for n in self.node(node).succ])
+    def is_identical(self,tree2):
+        """Compare tree and tree2 for identity.
+        result = is_identical(self,tree2)
+        """
+        return self.set_subtree(self.root)==tree2.set_subtree(tree2.root)
+    def is_compatible(self,tree2,threshold,strict=True):
+        """Compares branches with support>threshold for compatibility.
+        result = is_compatible(self,tree2,threshold)
+        """
+        # check if both trees have the same set of taxa. strict=True enforces this.
+        missing2=sets.Set(self.get_taxa())-sets.Set(tree2.get_taxa())
+        missing1=sets.Set(tree2.get_taxa())-sets.Set(self.get_taxa())
+        if strict and (missing1 or missing2):
+            if missing1: 
+                print 'Taxon/taxa %s is/are missing in tree %s' % (','.join(missing1) , self.name)
+            if missing2:
+                print 'Taxon/taxa %s is/are missing in tree %s' % (','.join(missing2) , tree2.name)
+            raise TreeError, 'Can\'t compare trees with different taxon compositions.'
+        t1=[(sets.Set(self.get_taxa(n)),self.node(n).data.support) for n in self.all_ids() if \
+            self.node(n).succ and\
+            (self.node(n).data and self.node(n).data.support and self.node(n).data.support>=threshold)]
+        t2=[(sets.Set(tree2.get_taxa(n)),tree2.node(n).data.support) for n in tree2.all_ids() if \
+            tree2.node(n).succ and\
+            (tree2.node(n).data and tree2.node(n).data.support and tree2.node(n).data.support>=threshold)]
+        conflict=[]
+        for (st1,sup1) in t1:
+            for (st2,sup2) in t2:
+                if not st1.issubset(st2) and not st2.issubset(st1):                     # don't hiccup on upstream nodes
+                    intersect,notin1,notin2=st1 & st2, st2-st1, st1-st2                 # all three are non-empty sets
+                    # if notin1==missing1 or notin2==missing2  <==> st1.issubset(st2) or st2.issubset(st1) ???
+                    if intersect and not (notin1.issubset(missing1) or notin2.issubset(missing2)):         # omit conflicts due to missing taxa
+                        conflict.append((st1,sup1,st2,sup2,intersect,notin1,notin2))
+        return conflict
+    def common_ancestor(self,node1,node2):
+        """Return the common ancestor that connects to nodes.
+        node_id = common_ancestor(self,node1,node2)
+        """
+        l1=[self.root]+self.trace(self.root,node1)
+        l2=[self.root]+self.trace(self.root,node2)
+        return [n for n in l1 if n in l2][-1]
+    def distance(self,node1,node2):
+        """Add and return the sum of the branchlengths between two nodes.
+        dist = distance(self,node1,node2)
+        """
+        ca=self.common_ancestor(node1,node2)
+        return self.sum_branchlength(ca,node1)+self.sum_branchlength(ca,node2)
+    def is_monophyletic(self,taxon_list):
+        """Return node_id of common ancestor if taxon_list is monophyletic, -1 otherwise.
+        result = is_monophyletic(self,taxon_list)
+        """
+        if isinstance(taxon_list,str):
+            taxon_set=sets.Set([taxon_list])
+        else:
+            taxon_set=sets.Set(taxon_list)
+        node_id=self.root
+        while 1:
+            subclade_taxa=sets.Set(self.get_taxa(node_id))
+            if subclade_taxa==taxon_set:                                        # are we there?
+                return node_id
+            else:                                                               # check subnodes
+                for subnode in self.chain[node_id].succ:
+                    if sets.Set(self.get_taxa(subnode)).issuperset(taxon_set):  # taxon_set is downstream
+                        node_id=subnode
+                        break   # out of for loop
+                else:
+                    return -1   # taxon set was not with successors, for loop exhausted
+    def is_bifurcating(self,node=None):
+        """Return True if tree downstream of node is strictly bifurcating."""
+        if not node:
+            node=self.root
+        if node==self.root and len(self.node(node).succ)==3: #root can be trifurcating, because it has no ancestor
+            return self.is_bifurcating(self.node(node).succ[0]) and \
+                    self.is_bifurcating(self.node(node).succ[1]) and \
+                    self.is_bifurcating(self.node(node).succ[2])
+        if len(self.node(node).succ)==2:
+            return self.is_bifurcating(self.node(node).succ[0]) and self.is_bifurcating(self.node(node).succ[1])
+        elif len(self.node(node).succ)==0:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def branchlength2support(self):
+        """Move values stored in data.branchlength to data.support, and set branchlength to 0.0
+        This is necessary when support has been stored as branchlength (e.g. paup), and has thus
+        been read in as branchlength. 
+        """
+        for n in self.chain.keys():
+            self.node(n).data.support=self.node(n).data.branchlength
+            self.node(n).data.branchlength=0.0
+    def convert_absolute_support(self,nrep):
+        """Convert absolute support (clade-count) to rel. frequencies.
+        Some software (e.g. PHYLIP consense) just calculate how often clades appear, instead of
+        calculating relative frequencies."""
+        for n in self._walk():
+            if self.node(n).data.support:
+                self.node(n).data.support/=float(nrep)
+    def randomize(self,ntax=None,taxon_list=None,branchlength=1.0,branchlength_sd=None,bifurcate=True):
+        """Generates a random tree with ntax taxa and/or taxa from taxlabels.
+        new_tree = randomize(self,ntax=None,taxon_list=None,branchlength=1.0,branchlength_sd=None,bifurcate=True)
+        Trees are bifurcating by default. (Polytomies not yet supported).
+        """
+        if not ntax and taxon_list:
+            ntax=len(taxon_list)
+        elif not taxon_list and ntax:
+            taxon_list=['taxon'+str(i+1) for i in range(ntax)]
+        elif not ntax and not taxon_list:
+            raise TreeError('Either numer of taxa or list of taxa must be specified.')
+        elif ntax<>len(taxon_list):
+            raise TreeError('Length of taxon list must correspond to ntax.')
+        # initiate self with empty root
+        self.__init__()
+        terminals=self.get_terminals()
+        # bifurcate randomly at terminal nodes until ntax is reached
+        while len(terminals)<ntax:
+            newsplit=random.choice(terminals)
+            new_terminals=self.split(parent_id=newsplit,branchlength=branchlength)
+            # if desired, give some variation to the branch length
+            if branchlength_sd:
+                for nt in new_terminals:
+                    bl=random.gauss(branchlength,branchlength_sd)
+                    if bl<0:
+                        bl=0
+                    self.node(nt).data.branchlength=bl
+            terminals.extend(new_terminals)
+            terminals.remove(newsplit)
+        # distribute taxon labels randomly
+        random.shuffle(taxon_list)
+        for (node,name) in zip(terminals,taxon_list):
+            self.node(node).data.taxon=name
+    def display(self):
+        """Quick and dirty lists of all nodes."""
+        table=[('#','taxon','prev','succ','brlen','blen (sum)','support')]
+        for i in self.all_ids():
+            n=self.node(i)
+            if not n.data:
+                table.append((str(i),'-',str(n.prev),str(n.succ),'-','-','-'))
+            else:
+                tx=n.data.taxon
+                if not tx:
+                    tx='-'
+                blength=n.data.branchlength
+                if blength is None:
+                    blength='-'
+                    sum_blength='-'
+                else:
+                    sum_blength=self.sum_branchlength(node=i)
+                support=n.data.support
+                if support is None:
+                    support='-'
+                table.append((str(i),tx,str(n.prev),str(n.succ),blength,sum_blength,support))
+        print '\n'.join(['%3s %32s %15s %15s %8s %10s %8s' % l for l in table])
+        print '\nRoot: ',self.root
+    def to_string(self,support_as_branchlengths=False,branchlengths_only=False,plain=True,plain_newick=False):
+        """Return a paup compatible tree line.
+        to_string(self,support_as_branchlengths=False,branchlengths_only=False,plain=True)
+        """
+        # if there's a conflict in the arguments, we override plain=True
+        if support_as_branchlengths or branchlengths_only:
+            plain=False
+        self.support_as_branchlengths=support_as_branchlengths
+        self.branchlengths_only=branchlengths_only
+        self.plain=plain
+        def make_info_string(data,terminal=False):
+            """Creates nicely formatted support/branchlengths."""
+            # CHECK FORMATTING
+            if self.plain: # plain tree only. That's easy.
+                return ''
+            elif self.support_as_branchlengths: # support as branchlengths (eg. PAUP), ignore actual branchlengths
+                if terminal:    # terminal branches have 100% support
+                    return ':%1.2f' % self.max_support
+                else:
+                    return ':%1.2f' % (data.support)
+            elif self.branchlengths_only: # write only branchlengths, ignore support
+                return ':%1.5f' % (data.branchlength)
+            else:   # write suport and branchlengths (e.g. .con tree of mrbayes)
+                if terminal:
+                    return ':%1.5f' % (data.branchlength)
+                else:
+                    if data.branchlength is not None and data.support is not None:  # we have blen and suppport
+                        return '%1.2f:%1.5f' % (data.support,data.branchlength)
+                    elif data.branchlength is not None:                             # we have only blen
+                        return '0.00000:%1.5f' % (data.branchlength)
+                    elif data.support is not None:                                  # we have only support
+                        return '%1.2f:0.00000' % (data.support)
+                    else:
+                        return '0.00:0.00000'
+        def newickize(node):
+            """Convert a node tree to a newick tree recursively."""
+            if not self.node(node).succ:    #terminal
+                return self.node(node).data.taxon+make_info_string(self.node(node).data,terminal=True)
+            else:
+                return '(%s)%s' % (','.join(map(newickize,self.node(node).succ)),make_info_string(self.node(node).data))
+            return subtree
+        treeline=['tree']
+        if self.name:
+            treeline.append(self.name)
+        else:
+            treeline.append('a_tree')
+        treeline.append('=')
+        if self.weight<>1:
+            treeline.append('[&W%s]' % str(round(float(self.weight),3)))
+        if self.rooted:
+            treeline.append('[&R]')
+        treeline.append('(%s)' % ','.join(map(newickize,self.node(self.root).succ)))
+        treeline.append(';')
+        if plain_newick:
+            return treeline[-2]
+        else:
+            return ' '.join(treeline)
+    def __str__(self):
+        """Short version of to_string(), gives plain tree"""
+        return self.to_string(plain=True)
+    def unroot(self):
+        """Defines a unrooted Tree structure, using data of a rooted Tree."""
+        # travel down the rooted tree structure and save all branches and the nodes they connect
+        def _get_branches(node):
+            branches=[]
+            for b in self.node(node).succ:
+                branches.append([node,b,self.node(b).data.branchlength,self.node(b).data.support])
+                branches.extend(_get_branches(b))
+            return branches
+        self.unrooted=_get_branches(self.root)
+        # if root is bifurcating, then it is eliminated
+        if len(self.node(self.root).succ)==2:
+            # find the two branches that connect to root
+            rootbranches=[b for b in self.unrooted if self.root in b[:2]]
+            b1=self.unrooted.pop(self.unrooted.index(rootbranches[0]))
+            b2=self.unrooted.pop(self.unrooted.index(rootbranches[1]))
+            # Connect them two each other. If both have support, it should be identical (or one set to None?).
+            # If both have branchlengths, they will be added
+            newbranch=[b1[1],b2[1],b1[2]+b2[2]]
+            if b1[3] is None:
+                newbranch.append(b2[3]) # either None (both rootbranches are unsupported) or some support
+            elif b2[3] is None:
+                newbranch.append(b1[3]) # dito
+            elif b1[3]==b2[3]:          
+                newbranch.append(b1[3]) # identical support
+            elif b1[3]==0 or b2[3]==0:
+                newbranch.append(b1[3]+b2[3]) # one is 0, take the other
+            else:
+                raise TreeError, 'Support mismatch in bifurcating root: %f, %f' % (float(b1[3]),float(b2[3]))
+            self.unrooted.append(newbranch)
+    def root_with_outgroup(self,outgroup=None):
+        def _connect_subtree(parent,child):
+            """Hook subtree starting with node child to parent."""
+            for i,branch in enumerate(self.unrooted):
+                if parent in branch[:2] and child in branch[:2]:
+                    branch=self.unrooted.pop(i)
+                    break 
+            else:
+                raise TreeError, 'Unable to connect nodes for rooting: nodes %d and %d are not connected' % (parent,child)
+            self.link(parent,child)
+            self.node(child).data.branchlength=branch[2]
+            self.node(child).data.support=branch[3]
+            #now check if there are more branches connected to the child, and if so, connect them
+            child_branches=[b for b in self.unrooted if child in b[:2]]
+            for b in child_branches:
+                if child==b[0]:
+                    succ=b[1]
+                else:
+                    succ=b[0]
+                _connect_subtree(child,succ) 
+        # check the outgroup we're supposed to root with
+        if outgroup is None:
+            return self.root
+        outgroup_node=self.is_monophyletic(outgroup)
+        if outgroup_node==-1:
+            return -1
+        # if tree is already rooted with outgroup on a bifurcating root,
+        # or the outgroup includes all taxa on the tree, then we're fine
+        if (len(self.node(self.root).succ)==2 and outgroup_node in self.node(self.root).succ) or outgroup_node==self.root:
+            return self.root
+        self.unroot()
+        # now we find the branch that connects outgroup and ingroup
+        #print self.node(outgroup_node).prev
+        for i,b in enumerate(self.unrooted):
+            if outgroup_node in b[:2] and self.node(outgroup_node).prev in b[:2]:
+                root_branch=self.unrooted.pop(i)
+                break
+        else:
+            raise TreeError, 'Unrooted and rooted Tree do not match'
+        if outgroup_node==root_branch[1]:
+            ingroup_node=root_branch[0]
+        else:
+            ingroup_node=root_branch[1]
+        # now we destroy the old tree structure, but keep node data. Nodes will be reconnected according to new outgroup
+        for n in self.all_ids():
+            self.node(n).prev=None
+            self.node(n).succ=[]
+        # now we just add both subtrees (outgroup and ingroup) branch for branch
+        root=Nodes.Node(data=NodeData())            # new root    
+        self.add(root)                              # add to tree description
+        self.root=root.id                           # set as root
+        self.unrooted.append([root.id,ingroup_node,root_branch[2],root_branch[3]])  # add branch to ingroup to unrooted tree
+        self.unrooted.append([root.id,outgroup_node,0.0,0.0])   # add branch to outgroup to unrooted tree
+        _connect_subtree(root.id,ingroup_node)      # add ingroup
+        _connect_subtree(root.id,outgroup_node)     # add outgroup
+        # if theres still a lonely node in self.chain, then it's the old root, and we delete it
+        oldroot=[i for i in self.all_ids() if self.node(i).prev is None and i!=self.root]
+        if len(oldroot)>1:
+            raise TreeError, 'Isolated nodes in tree description: %s' % ','.join(oldroot)
+        elif len(oldroot)==1:
+            self.kill(oldroot[0])
+        return self.root
+def consensus(trees, threshold=0.5,outgroup=None):
+    """Compute a majority rule consensus tree of all clades with relative frequency>=threshold from a list of trees."""
+    total=len(trees)
+    if total==0:
+        return None
+    # shouldn't we make sure that it's NodeData or subclass??
+    dataclass=trees[0].dataclass
+    max_support=trees[0].max_support
+    clades={}
+    #countclades={}
+    alltaxa=sets.Set(trees[0].get_taxa())
+    # calculate calde frequencies
+    c=0
+    for t in trees:
+        c+=1
+        #if c%50==0:
+        #    print c
+        if alltaxa!=sets.Set(t.get_taxa()):
+            raise TreeError, 'Trees for consensus must contain the same taxa'
+        t.root_with_outgroup(outgroup=outgroup)
+        for st_node in t._walk(t.root):
+            subclade_taxa=t.get_taxa(st_node)
+            subclade_taxa.sort()
+            subclade_taxa=str(subclade_taxa) # lists are not hashable
+            if subclade_taxa in clades:
+                clades[subclade_taxa]+=float(t.weight)/total
+            else:
+                clades[subclade_taxa]=float(t.weight)/total
+            #if subclade_taxa in countclades:
+            #    countclades[subclade_taxa]+=t.weight
+            #else:
+            #    countclades[subclade_taxa]=t.weight
+    # weed out clades below threshold
+    for (c,p) in clades.items():
+        if p<threshold:
+            del clades[c]
+    # create a tree with a root node
+    consensus=Tree(name='consensus_%2.1f' % float(threshold),data=dataclass)
+    # each clade needs a node in the new tree, add them as isolated nodes
+    for (c,s) in clades.items():
+        node=Nodes.Node(data=dataclass())
+        node.data.support=s
+        node.data.taxon=sets.Set(eval(c))
+        consensus.add(node)
+    # set root node data
+    consensus.node(consensus.root).data.support=None
+    consensus.node(consensus.root).data.taxon=alltaxa
+    # we sort the nodes by no. of taxa in the clade, so root will be the last
+    consensus_ids=consensus.all_ids()
+    consensus_ids.sort(lambda x,y:len(consensus.node(x).data.taxon)-len(consensus.node(y).data.taxon))
+    # now we just have to hook each node to the next smallest node that includes all taxa of the current 
+    for i,current in enumerate(consensus_ids[:-1]): # skip the last one which is the root
+        #print '----'
+        #print 'current: ',consensus.node(current).data.taxon
+        # search remaining nodes
+        for parent in consensus_ids[i+1:]:
+            #print 'parent: ',consensus.node(parent).data.taxon
+            if consensus.node(parent).data.taxon.issuperset(consensus.node(current).data.taxon):
+                break
+        else:
+            sys.exit('corrupt tree structure?')
+        # internal nodes don't have taxa
+        if len(consensus.node(current).data.taxon)==1:
+            consensus.node(current).data.taxon=consensus.node(current).data.taxon.pop()
+            # reset the support for terminal nodes to maximum
+            #consensus.node(current).data.support=max_support
+        else:
+            consensus.node(current).data.taxon=None
+        consensus.link(parent,current)
+    # eliminate root taxon name
+    consensus.node(consensus_ids[-1]).data.taxon=None 
+    return consensus
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