diff weblogolib/__init__.py @ 7:8d676bbd1f2d

author davidmurphy
date Mon, 16 Jan 2012 07:03:36 -0500
parents 4d47ab2b7bcc
children 5149eb3a89c2
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/weblogolib/__init__.py	Mon Jan 16 07:03:36 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,2084 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -------------------------------- WebLogo --------------------------------
+#  Copyright (c) 2003-2004 The Regents of the University of California.
+#  Copyright (c) 2005 Gavin E. Crooks
+#  Copyright (c) 2006, The Regents of the University of California, through print
+#  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required
+#  approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy).  All rights reserved.
+#  This software is distributed under the new BSD Open Source License.
+#  <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html>
+#  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
+#  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 
+#  (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 
+#  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
+#  (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 
+#  notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 
+#  documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution. 
+#  (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley 
+#  National Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors 
+#  may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software 
+#  without specific prior written permission. 
+# Replicates README.txt
+WebLogo (http://code.google.com/p/weblogo/) is a tool for creating sequence 
+logos from biological sequence alignments.  It can be run on the command line,
+as a standalone webserver, as a CGI webapp, or as a python library.
+The main WebLogo webserver is located at http://bespoke.lbl.gov/weblogo/
+Codonlogo is based on Weblogo. 
+Please consult the manual for installation instructions and more information:
+(Also located in the weblogolib/htdocs subdirectory.)
+For help on the command line interface run
+    ./codonlogo --help
+To build a simple logo run
+    ./codonlogo  < cap.fa > logo0.eps
+To run as a standalone webserver at localhost:8080 
+    ./codonlogo --server
+To create a logo in python code:
+    >>> from weblogolib import *
+    >>> fin = open('cap.fa')
+    >>> seqs = read_seq_data(fin) 
+    >>> data = LogoData.from_seqs(seqs)
+    >>> options = LogoOptions()
+    >>> options.title = "A Logo Title"
+    >>> format = LogoFormat(data, options)
+    >>> fout = open('cap.eps', 'w') 
+    >>> eps_formatter( data, format, fout)
+-- Distribution and Modification --
+This package is distributed under the new BSD Open Source License. 
+Please see the LICENSE.txt file for details on copyright and licensing.
+The WebLogo source code can be downloaded from http://code.google.com/p/weblogo/
+WebLogo requires Python 2.3, 2.4 or 2.5, the corebio python toolkit for computational 
+biology (http://code.google.com/p/corebio), and the python array package 
+'numpy' (http://www.scipy.org/Download)
+# -------------------------------- CodonLogo --------------------------------
+from math import *
+import random
+from itertools import izip, count
+import sys
+import copy
+import os
+from itertools import product
+from datetime import datetime
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from  corebio.data import rna_letters, dna_letters, amino_acid_letters
+import random
+# python2.3 compatability
+from corebio._future import Template
+from corebio._future.subprocess import *
+from corebio._future import resource_string, resource_filename
+from math import log, sqrt
+# Avoid 'from numpy import *' since numpy has lots of names defined
+from numpy import array, asarray, float64, ones, zeros, int32,all,any, shape
+import numpy as na
+from corebio.utils.deoptparse import DeOptionParser
+from optparse import OptionGroup
+from color import *
+from colorscheme import *
+from corebio.seq import Alphabet, Seq, SeqList
+from corebio import seq_io
+from corebio.utils import isfloat, find_command, ArgumentError
+from corebio.moremath import *
+from corebio.data import amino_acid_composition
+from corebio.seq import unambiguous_rna_alphabet, unambiguous_dna_alphabet, unambiguous_protein_alphabet
+codon_alphabetU=['AAA', 'AAC', 'AAG', 'AAU', 'ACA', 'ACC', 'ACG', 'ACU', 'AGA', 'AGC', 'AGG', 'AGU', 'AUA', 'AUC', 'AUG', 'AUU', 'CAA', 'CAC', 'CAG', 'CAU', 'CCA', 'CCC', 'CCG', 'CCU', 'CGA', 'CGC', 'CGG', 'CGU', 'CUA', 'CUC', 'CUG', 'CUU', 'GAA', 'GAC', 'GAG', 'GAU', 'GCA', 'GCC', 'GCG', 'GCU', 'GGA', 'GGC', 'GGG', 'GGU', 'GUA', 'GUC', 'GUG', 'GUU', 'UAA', 'UAC', 'UAG', 'UAU', 'UCA', 'UCC', 'UCG', 'UCU', 'UGA', 'UGC', 'UGG', 'UGU', 'UUA', 'UUC', 'UUG', 'UUU']
+codon_alphabetT=['AAA', 'AAC', 'AAG', 'AAT', 'ACA', 'ACC', 'ACG', 'ACT', 'AGA', 'AGC', 'AGG', 'AGT', 'ATA', 'ATC', 'ATG', 'ATT', 'CAA', 'CAC', 'CAG', 'CAT', 'CCA', 'CCC', 'CCG', 'CCT', 'CGA', 'CGC', 'CGG', 'CGT', 'CTA', 'CTC', 'CTG', 'CTT', 'GAA', 'GAC', 'GAG', 'GAT', 'GCA', 'GCC', 'GCG', 'GCT', 'GGA', 'GGC', 'GGG', 'GGT', 'GTA', 'GTC', 'GTG', 'GTT', 'TAA', 'TAC', 'TAG', 'TAT', 'TCA', 'TCC', 'TCG', 'TCT', 'TGA', 'TGC', 'TGG', 'TGT', 'TTA', 'TTC', 'TTG', 'TTT']
+__all__ = ['LogoSize', 
+            'LogoOptions', 
+            'description', 
+            '__version__', 
+            'LogoFormat',
+            'LogoData',
+            'Dirichlet',
+            'GhostscriptAPI',
+            'std_color_schemes',
+            'default_color_schemes',
+            'classic',
+            'std_units',
+            'std_sizes',
+            'std_alphabets',
+            'std_percentCG',
+            'pdf_formatter',
+            'jpeg_formatter',
+            'png_formatter',
+            'png_print_formatter',
+            'txt_formatter',
+            'eps_formatter',
+            'formatters',
+            'default_formatter',
+            'base_distribution',
+            'equiprobable_distribution',
+            'read_seq_data',
+            'which_alphabet',
+            'color',
+            'colorscheme',
+            ]
+description  = "Create sequence logos from biological sequence alignments." 
+__version__ = "1.0"
+# These keywords are subsituted by subversion.
+# The date and revision will only  tell the truth after a branch or tag,
+# since different files in trunk will have been changed at different times
+release_date ="$Date: 2011-09-17 16:30:00 -0700 (Tue, 14 Oct 2008) $".split()[1]
+release_build = "$Revision: 53 $".split()[1]
+release_description = "CodonLogo %s (%s)" % (__version__,  release_date)
+def cgi(htdocs_directory) :
+    import weblogolib._cgi
+    weblogolib._cgi.main(htdocs_directory)
+class GhostscriptAPI(object) :
+    """Interface to the command line program Ghostscript ('gs')"""
+    formats = ('png', 'pdf', 'jpeg')
+    def __init__(self, path=None) :
+        try:
+            command = find_command('gs', path=path)
+        except EnvironmentError:
+            try:
+                command = find_command('gswin32c.exe', path=path)
+            except EnvironmentError:
+                raise EnvironmentError("Could not find Ghostscript on path."
+                " There should be either a gs executable or a gswin32c.exe on your system's path")
+        self.command = command        
+    def version(self) :
+        args = [self.command, '--version']
+        try :
+            p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE)
+            (out,err) = p.communicate() 
+        except OSError :
+            raise RuntimeError("Cannot communicate with ghostscript.")  
+        return out.strip()
+    def convert(self, format, fin, fout,  width,  height, resolution=300) :
+        device_map = { 'png':'png16m',  'pdf':'pdfwrite', 'jpeg':'jpeg'}
+        try :
+            device = device_map[format]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise ValueError("Unsupported format.")
+        args = [self.command, 
+            "-sDEVICE=%s" % device, 
+            "-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer",
+            #"-q",   # Quite: Do not dump messages to stdout.
+            "-sstdout=%stderr", # Redirect messages and errors to stderr
+            "-sOutputFile=-", # Stdout
+            "-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=%s" % str(width),  
+            "-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=%s" % str(height),  
+            "-dSAFER",  # For added security
+            "-dNOPAUSE",]
+        if device != 'pdf' :
+            args.append("-r%s" % str(resolution) ) 
+            if resolution < 300 : # Antialias if resolution is Less than 300 DPI
+                args.append("-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4")
+                args.append("-dTextAlphaBits=4")
+                args.append("-dAlignToPixels=0")
+        args.append("-")  # Read from stdin. Must be last argument.
+        error_msg = "Unrecoverable error : Ghostscript conversion failed " \
+                    "(Invalid postscript?). %s" % " ".join(args) 
+        source = fin.read()
+        try :
+            p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout = PIPE, stderr= PIPE) 
+            (out,err) = p.communicate(source) 
+        except OSError :
+            raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
+        if p.returncode != 0 : 
+            error_msg += '\nReturn code: %i\n' % p.returncode 
+            if err is not None : error_msg += err
+            raise RuntimeError(error_msg)
+        print >>fout, out
+# end class Ghostscript
+aa_composition = [ amino_acid_composition[_k] for _k in
+                    unambiguous_protein_alphabet]
+# ------  DATA ------
+classic = ColorScheme([
+    ColorGroup("G",  "orange" ),
+    ColorGroup("TU", "red"),
+    ColorGroup("C",  "blue"),
+    ColorGroup("A",  "green")
+    ] )
+std_color_schemes = {"auto":            None,   # Depends on sequence type
+                     "monochrome":      monochrome,
+                     "base pairing":    base_pairing,
+                     "classic":         classic,
+                     "hydrophobicity" : hydrophobicity,  
+                     "chemistry" :      chemistry,
+                     "charge" :         charge,
+                     }#
+default_color_schemes = {
+    unambiguous_protein_alphabet: hydrophobicity, 
+    unambiguous_rna_alphabet: base_pairing,
+    unambiguous_dna_alphabet: base_pairing
+    #codon_alphabet:codonsU
+    }
+std_units = {
+    "bits"    : 1./log(2),
+    "nats"    : 1.,
+    "digits"  : 1./log(10),
+    "kT"      : 1.,
+    "kJ/mol"  : 8.314472 *298.15 /1000.,
+    "kcal/mol": 1.987 *298.15  /1000.,
+    "probability" : None,
+class LogoSize(object) :
+    def __init__(self, stack_width, stack_height) :
+         self.stack_width = stack_width
+         self.stack_height = stack_height
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return stdrepr(self)
+# The base stack width is set equal to 9pt Courier. 
+# (Courier has a width equal to 3/5 of the point size.)
+# Check that can get 80 characters in journal page @small
+# 40 chacaters in a journal column
+std_sizes = {
+    "small" : LogoSize( stack_width = 10, stack_height = 10*1*5), 
+    "medium" : LogoSize( stack_width = 10*2, stack_height = 10*2*5),
+    "large"  : LogoSize( stack_width = 10*3, stack_height = 10*3*5),    
+std_alphabets = {
+    'protein': unambiguous_protein_alphabet, 
+    'rna': unambiguous_rna_alphabet,
+    'dna': unambiguous_dna_alphabet,
+    'codonsU':codon_alphabetU,
+    'codonsT':codon_alphabetT
+std_percentCG = {
+    'H. sapiens'    : 40.,
+    'E. coli'       : 50.5,
+    'S. cerevisiae' : 38.,
+    'C. elegans'    : 36.,
+    'D. melanogaster': 43.,
+    'M. musculus'   :  42.,
+    'T. thermophilus' : 69.4,
+# Thermus thermophilus: Henne A, Bruggemann H, Raasch C, Wiezer A, Hartsch T,
+# Liesegang H, Johann A, Lienard T, Gohl O, Martinez-Arias R, Jacobi C, 
+# Starkuviene V, Schlenczeck S, Dencker S, Huber R, Klenk HP, Kramer W, 
+# Merkl R, Gottschalk G, Fritz HJ: The genome sequence of the extreme 
+# thermophile Thermus thermophilus.
+# Nat Biotechnol 2004, 22:547-53
+def stdrepr(obj) :
+    attr = vars(obj).items()
+    attr.sort()
+    args = []
+    for a in attr :
+        if a[0][0]=='_' : continue
+        args.append( '%s=%s' % ( a[0], repr(a[1])) )
+    args = ',\n'.join(args).replace('\n', '\n    ')
+    return '%s(\n    %s\n)' % (obj.__class__.__name__, args)
+class LogoOptions(object) :
+    """ A container for all logo formating options. Not all of these
+    are directly accessible through the CLI or web interfaces. 
+    To display LogoOption defaults:
+    >>> from weblogolib import *
+    >>> LogoOptions()
+    Attributes:
+        o alphabet
+        o creator_text           -- Embedded as comment in figures.
+        o logo_title             
+        o logo_label
+        o stacks_per_line
+        o unit_name  
+        o show_yaxis 
+        o yaxis_label             -- Default depends on other settings.
+        o yaxis_tic_interval 
+        o yaxis_minor_tic_ratio 
+        o yaxis_scale
+        o show_xaxis 
+        o xaxis_label
+        o xaxis_tic_interval 
+        o rotate_numbers
+        o number_interval
+        o show_ends 
+        o show_fineprint
+        o fineprint
+        o show_boxes 
+        o shrink_fraction
+        o show_errorbars 
+        o errorbar_fraction 
+        o errorbar_width_fraction 
+        o errorbar_gray 
+        o resolution             -- Dots per inch
+        o default_color 
+        o color_scheme 
+        o debug
+        o logo_margin
+        o stroke_width
+        o tic_length
+        o size
+        o stack_margin
+        o pad_right
+        o small_fontsize
+        o fontsize
+        o title_fontsize
+        o number_fontsize
+        o text_font
+        o logo_font
+        o title_font
+        o first_index
+        o logo_start
+        o logo_end
+        o scale_width
+    """       
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs) :
+        """ Create a new LogoOptions instance.
+        >>> L = LogoOptions(logo_title = "Some Title String")
+        >>> L.show_yaxis = False
+        >>> repr(L)
+        """
+        self.creator_text = release_description,
+        self.alphabet = None
+        self.logo_title = ""
+        self.logo_label = ""
+        self.stacks_per_line = 20
+        self.unit_name = "bits"
+        self.show_yaxis = True
+        # yaxis_lable default depends on other settings. See LogoFormat
+        self.yaxis_label = None
+        self.yaxis_tic_interval = 1.
+        self.yaxis_minor_tic_ratio = 5
+        self.yaxis_scale = None
+        self.show_xaxis = True
+        self.xaxis_label = ""
+        self.xaxis_tic_interval =1
+        self.rotate_numbers = False
+        self.number_interval = 5            
+        self.show_ends = False
+        self.show_fineprint = True
+        self.fineprint =  "CodonLogo "+__version__ 
+        self.show_boxes = False
+        self.shrink_fraction = 0.5
+        self.show_errorbars = True
+        self.altype = True
+        self.errorbar_fraction = 0.90
+        self.errorbar_width_fraction = 0.25      
+        self.errorbar_gray = 0.50
+        self.resolution  = 96.     # Dots per inch
+        self.default_color = Color.by_name("black")    
+        self.color_scheme = None
+        #self.show_color_key = False # NOT yet implemented
+        self.debug = False
+        self.logo_margin = 2
+        self.stroke_width = 0.5
+        self.tic_length = 5
+        self.size = std_sizes["medium"]        
+        self.stack_margin = 0.5
+        self.pad_right = False  
+        self.small_fontsize = 6
+        self.fontsize = 10
+        self.title_fontsize = 12
+        self.number_fontsize = 8
+        self.text_font    = "ArialMT"
+        self.logo_font    = "Arial-BoldMT"
+        self.title_font   = "ArialMT"
+        self.first_index = 1        
+        self.logo_start = None      
+        self.logo_end=None          
+        # Scale width of characters proportional to gaps
+        self.scale_width = True
+        from corebio.utils import update
+        update(self, **kwargs)
+    def __repr__(self) :
+        attr = vars(self).items()
+        attr.sort()
+        args = []
+        for a in attr :
+            if a[0][0]=='_' : continue
+            args.append( '%s=%s' % ( a[0], repr(a[1])) )
+        args = ',\n'.join(args).replace('\n', '\n    ')
+        return '%s(\n    %s\n)' % (self.__class__.__name__, args)
+# End class LogoOptions
+class LogoFormat(LogoOptions) :     
+    """ Specifies the format of the logo. Requires a LogoData and LogoOptions 
+    objects.
+    >>> data = LogoData.from_seqs(seqs )
+    >>> options = LogoOptions()
+    >>> options.title = "A Logo Title"
+    >>> format = LogoFormat(data, options) 
+    """
+    # TODO: Raise ArgumentErrors instead of ValueError and document
+    def __init__(self, data, options= None) :
+        LogoOptions.__init__(self)
+        #global offset
+        if options is not None :
+            self.__dict__.update(options.__dict__)
+        #offset=options.frame
+        self.alphabet = data.alphabet
+        self.seqlen = data.length
+        self.altype = True
+        self.show_title = False
+        self.show_xaxis_label = False
+        self.yaxis_minor_tic_interval = None
+        self.lines_per_logo       = None
+        self.char_width       = None
+        self.line_margin_left = None
+        self.line_margin_right    = None
+        self.line_margin_bottom = None
+        self.line_margin_top = None
+        self.title_height = None
+        self.xaxis_label_height = None
+        self.line_height = None
+        self.line_width = None
+        self.logo_height = None
+        self.logo_width = None
+        self.creation_date = None
+        self.end_type = None
+        if self.stacks_per_line< 1 :
+            raise ArgumentError("Stacks per line should be greater than zero.",
+                                "stacks_per_line" )
+        if self.size.stack_height<=0.0 : 
+            raise ArgumentError( 
+                "Stack height must be greater than zero.", "stack_height")
+        if (self.small_fontsize <= 0 or self.fontsize <=0 or    
+                self.title_fontsize<=0 ):
+            raise ValueError("Font sizes must be positive.")
+        if self.errorbar_fraction<0.0 or self.errorbar_fraction>1.0 :
+            raise ValueError(
+        "The visible fraction of the error bar must be between zero and one.")
+        if self.yaxis_tic_interval<=0.0 :
+            raise ArgumentError( "The yaxis tic interval cannot be negative.",
+                'yaxis_tic_interval')
+        if self.size.stack_width <= 0.0 :
+            raise ValueError(
+                "The width of a stack should be a positive number.")
+        if self.yaxis_minor_tic_interval and \
+                self.yaxis_minor_tic_interval<=0.0 : 
+            raise ValueError("Distances cannot be negative.")
+        if self.xaxis_tic_interval<=0 :
+            raise ValueError("Tic interval must be greater than zero.")
+        if self.number_interval<=0 :
+            raise ValueError("Invalid interval between numbers.")
+        if self.shrink_fraction<0.0 or self.shrink_fraction>1.0 :
+            raise ValueError("Invalid shrink fraction.")
+        if self.stack_margin<=0.0 : 
+            raise ValueError("Invalid stack margin."  )
+        if self.logo_margin<=0.0 : 
+            raise ValueError("Invalid logo margin."  )
+        if self.stroke_width<=0.0 : 
+            raise ValueError("Invalid stroke width.")  
+        if self.tic_length<=0.0 : 
+            raise ValueError("Invalid tic length.") 
+        # FIXME: More validation
+        # Inclusive upper and lower bounds
+        # FIXME: Validate here. Move from eps_formatter        
+        if self.logo_start is  None: self.logo_start = self.first_index
+        if self.logo_end is  None : 
+            self.logo_end = self.seqlen + self.first_index -1 
+        self.total_stacks = self.logo_end - self.logo_start +1
+        if self.logo_start - self.first_index <0 :
+            raise ArgumentError(
+                "Logo range extends before start of available sequence.",
+                'logo_range')
+        if self.logo_end - self.first_index  >= self.seqlen  : 
+            raise ArgumentError(
+                "Logo range extends beyond end of available sequence.",
+                'logo_range')
+        if self.logo_title      : self.show_title = True
+        if not self.fineprint   : self.show_fineprint = False
+        if self.xaxis_label     : self.show_xaxis_label = True
+        if self.yaxis_label is None : 
+            self.yaxis_label = self.unit_name
+        if self.yaxis_label : 
+            self.show_yaxis_label = True
+        else :
+            self.show_yaxis_label = False
+            self.show_ends = False
+        if not self.yaxis_scale :
+            conversion_factor = std_units[self.unit_name]
+            if conversion_factor :
+	        self.yaxis_scale=log(len(self.alphabet))*conversion_factor
+                #self.yaxis_scale=max(data.entropy)*conversion_factor
+                #marker# this is where I handle the max height. needs revision.
+            else :
+                self.yaxis_scale=1.0    # probability units
+        if self.yaxis_scale<=0.0 : 
+            raise ValueError(('yaxis_scale', "Invalid yaxis scale"))
+        if self.yaxis_tic_interval >= self.yaxis_scale:
+            self.yaxis_tic_interval /= 2. 
+        self.yaxis_minor_tic_interval \
+            = float(self.yaxis_tic_interval)/self.yaxis_minor_tic_ratio
+        if self.color_scheme is None :
+            #if self.alphabet in default_color_schemes :
+                #self.color_scheme = default_color_schemes[self.alphabet]
+            #else :
+	  self.color_scheme = codonsT
+	#else:
+          #for color, symbols, desc in options.colors:
+            #try :
+                #self.color_scheme.append( ColorGroup(symbols, color, desc)  )
+                #print >>sys.stderr, color_scheme.groups[2]
+            #except ValueError : 
+                #raise ValueError(
+                     #"error: option --color: invalid value: '%s'" % color )
+        self.lines_per_logo = 1+ ( (self.total_stacks-1) / self.stacks_per_line)
+        if self.lines_per_logo==1 and not self.pad_right:
+            self.stacks_per_line = min(self.stacks_per_line, self.total_stacks)
+        self.char_width = self.size.stack_width - 2* self.stack_margin
+        if self.show_yaxis :
+            self.line_margin_left = self.fontsize * 3.0
+        else :
+            self.line_margin_left = 0
+        if self.show_ends :
+            self.line_margin_right = self.fontsize *1.5 
+        else :
+            self.line_margin_right = self.fontsize             
+        if self.show_xaxis :
+            if self.rotate_numbers :
+                self.line_margin_bottom = self.number_fontsize *2.5
+            else:
+                self.line_margin_bottom = self.number_fontsize *1.5
+        else :
+            self.line_margin_bottom = 4
+        self.line_margin_top = 4
+        if self.show_title :
+            self.title_height = self.title_fontsize 
+        else :
+            self.title_height = 0
+        self.xaxis_label_height =0.
+        if self.show_xaxis_label :
+            self.xaxis_label_height += self.fontsize
+        if self.show_fineprint :
+            self.xaxis_label_height += self.small_fontsize
+        self.line_height = (self.size.stack_height + self.line_margin_top +    
+                            self.line_margin_bottom )
+        self.line_width  = (self.size.stack_width*self.stacks_per_line + 
+                            self.line_margin_left + self.line_margin_right )
+        self.logo_height = int(2*self.logo_margin + self.title_height \
+            + self.xaxis_label_height + self.line_height*self.lines_per_logo) 
+        self.logo_width = int(2*self.logo_margin + self.line_width )
+        self.creation_date = datetime.now().isoformat(' ') 
+        end_type = '-'
+        end_types = {
+            unambiguous_protein_alphabet: 'p', 
+            unambiguous_rna_alphabet: '-',
+            unambiguous_dna_alphabet: 'd' 
+        }
+        if self.show_ends and self.alphabet in end_types:
+            end_type = end_types[self.alphabet]
+        self.end_type = end_type
+    # End __init__
+# End class LogoFormat
+# ------ Logo Formaters ------
+# Each formatter is a function f(LogoData, LogoFormat, output file).
+# that draws a represntation of the logo into the given file.
+# The main graphical formatter is eps_formatter. A mapping 'formatters'
+# containing all available formatters is located after the formatter
+# definitions. 
+def pdf_formatter(data, format, fout) :
+    """ Generate a logo in PDF format."""
+    feps = StringIO()
+    eps_formatter(data, format, feps)
+    feps.seek(0)
+    gs = GhostscriptAPI()    
+    gs.convert('pdf', feps, fout, format.logo_width, format.logo_height)
+def _bitmap_formatter(data, format, fout, device) :
+    feps = StringIO()
+    eps_formatter(data, format, feps)
+    feps.seek(0)
+    gs = GhostscriptAPI()    
+    gs.convert(device, feps, fout, 
+        format.logo_width, format.logo_height, format.resolution)
+def jpeg_formatter(data, format, fout) : 
+    """ Generate a logo in JPEG format."""
+    _bitmap_formatter(data, format, fout, device="jpeg")
+def png_formatter(data, format, fout) : 
+    """ Generate a logo in PNG format."""
+    _bitmap_formatter(data, format, fout, device="png")
+def png_print_formatter(data, format, fout) : 
+    """ Generate a logo in PNG format with print quality (600 DPI) resolution."""
+    format.resolution = 600
+    _bitmap_formatter(data, format, fout, device="png")
+def txt_formatter( logodata, format, fout) :
+    """ Create a text representation of the logo data. 
+    """
+    print >>fout, str(logodata)
+def eps_formatter( logodata, format, fout) :
+    """ Generate a logo in Encapsulated Postscript (EPS)"""
+    subsitutions = {}
+    from_format =[
+        "creation_date",    "logo_width",           "logo_height",      
+        "lines_per_logo",   "line_width",           "line_height",
+        "line_margin_right","line_margin_left",     "line_margin_bottom",
+        "line_margin_top",  "title_height",         "xaxis_label_height",
+        "creator_text",     "logo_title",           "logo_margin",
+        "stroke_width",     "tic_length",           
+        "stacks_per_line",  "stack_margin",
+        "yaxis_label",      "yaxis_tic_interval",   "yaxis_minor_tic_interval",
+        "xaxis_label",      "xaxis_tic_interval",   "number_interval",
+        "fineprint",        "shrink_fraction",      "errorbar_fraction",
+        "errorbar_width_fraction",
+        "errorbar_gray",    "small_fontsize",       "fontsize",
+        "title_fontsize",   "number_fontsize",      "text_font",
+        "logo_font",        "title_font",          
+        "logo_label",       "yaxis_scale",          "end_type",
+        "debug",            "show_title",           "show_xaxis",
+        "show_xaxis_label", "show_yaxis",           "show_yaxis_label",
+        "show_boxes",       "show_errorbars",       "show_fineprint",
+        "rotate_numbers",   "show_ends",            "altype",
+        ]
+    for s in from_format :
+        subsitutions[s] = getattr(format,s)
+    from_format_size = ["stack_height", "stack_width"]
+    for s in from_format_size :
+        subsitutions[s] = getattr(format.size,s)
+    subsitutions["shrink"] = str(format.show_boxes).lower()
+    # --------- COLORS --------------
+    def format_color(color):
+        return  " ".join( ("[",str(color.red) , str(color.green), 
+            str(color.blue), "]"))  
+    subsitutions["default_color"] = format_color(format.default_color)
+    global col  
+    colors = []
+    if altype=="codonsT" or altype=="codonsU":
+      for group in col:
+          cf = format_color(group.color)
+          colors.append( "  ("+group.symbols+") " + cf )   
+      for group in format.color_scheme.groups :
+	  cf = format_color(group.color)
+	  colors.append( "  ("+group.symbols+") " + cf )
+	  #print >>sys.stderr,opts.colors
+	  #print >>sys.stderr,logodata.options
+	  #print >>sys.stderr, group.symbols
+	  #print >>sys.stderr, cf  
+    else:
+      for group in format.color_scheme.groups :
+	  cf = format_color(group.color)
+	  for s in group.symbols :
+	      colors.append( "  ("+s+") " + cf )
+    subsitutions["color_dict"] = "\n".join(colors)          
+    data = []
+    # Unit conversion. 'None' for probability units
+    conv_factor = std_units[format.unit_name]
+    data.append("StartLine")
+    seq_from = format.logo_start- format.first_index
+    seq_to = format.logo_end - format.first_index +1
+    # seq_index : zero based index into sequence data
+    # logo_index : User visible coordinate, first_index based
+    # stack_index : zero based index of visible stacks
+    for seq_index in range(seq_from, seq_to) :
+        logo_index = seq_index + format.first_index 
+        stack_index = seq_index - seq_from
+        if stack_index!=0 and (stack_index % format.stacks_per_line) ==0 :
+            data.append("")
+            data.append("EndLine")
+            data.append("StartLine")
+            data.append("")
+        if isreversed : 
+            data.append("(%d) StartStack" % logo_index)
+        else :            
+            data.append("(%d) StartStack" % logo_index)
+        if conv_factor: 
+            stack_height = logodata.entropy[seq_index] * std_units[format.unit_name]
+        else :
+            stack_height = 1.0 # Probability
+      #  if logodata.entropy_interval is not None and conv_factor:
+            # Draw Error bars
+       #     low, high = logodata.entropy_interval[seq_index]
+       #     center = logodata.entropy[seq_index]
+       #     down = (center - low) * conv_factor
+       #     up   = (high - center) * conv_factor
+       #     data.append(" %f %f %f DrawErrorbarFirst" % (down, up, stack_height) )
+        s = zip(logodata.counts[seq_index], logodata.alphabet)
+        def mycmp( c1, c2 ) :
+            # Sort by frequency. If equal frequency then reverse alphabetic
+            if c1[0] == c2[0] : return cmp(c2[1], c1[1])
+            return cmp(c1[0], c2[0])
+        s.sort(mycmp)
+        C = float(sum(logodata.counts[seq_index])) 
+        if C > 0.0 :
+            fraction_width = 1.0
+            if format.scale_width :
+                fraction_width = logodata.weight[seq_index] 
+            for c in s:
+                data.append(" %f %f (%s) ShowSymbol" % (fraction_width, c[0]*stack_height/C, c[1]) )
+        # Draw error bar on top of logo. Replaced by DrawErrorbarFirst above.
+        if logodata.entropy_interval is not None and conv_factor:
+            low, high = logodata.entropy_interval[seq_index]
+            center = logodata.entropy[seq_index]
+            down = (center - low) * conv_factor
+            up   = (high - center) * conv_factor
+            data.append(" %f %f DrawErrorbar" % (down, up) )
+        data.append("EndStack")
+        data.append("")
+    data.append("EndLine")
+    subsitutions["logo_data"] = "\n".join(data)  
+    # Create and output logo
+    template = resource_string( __name__, 'template.eps', __file__)
+    logo = Template(template).substitute(subsitutions)
+    print >>fout, logo
+# map between output format names and logo  
+formatters = {
+    'eps': eps_formatter, 
+    'pdf': pdf_formatter,
+    'png': png_formatter,
+    'png_print' : png_print_formatter,
+    'jpeg'  : jpeg_formatter,
+    'txt' : txt_formatter,          
+    }     
+default_formatter = eps_formatter
+def parse_prior(composition, alphabet, weight=None) :
+    """ Parse a description of the expected monomer distribution of a sequence.
+    Valid compositions:
+    - None or 'none' :      No composition sepecified 
+    - 'auto' or 'automatic': Use the typical average distribution
+                            for proteins and an equiprobable distribution for
+                            everything else.    
+    - 'equiprobable' :      All monomers have the same probability.
+    - a percentage, e.g. '45%' or a fraction '0.45':
+                            The fraction of CG bases for nucleotide alphabets
+    - a species name, e.g. 'E. coli', 'H. sapiens' :
+                            Use the average CG percentage for the specie's      
+                            genome.
+    - An explicit distribution,  e.g. {'A':10, 'C':40, 'G':40, 'T':10}
+    """
+    if composition is None: return None
+    comp = composition.strip()
+    if comp.lower() == 'none': return None
+    if weight is None and alphabet is not None: weight = float(len(alphabet))
+    if comp.lower() == 'equiprobable' :
+        prior = weight * equiprobable_distribution(len(alphabet)) 
+    elif comp.lower() == 'auto' or comp.lower() == 'automatic':
+        if alphabet == unambiguous_protein_alphabet :
+            prior =  weight * asarray(aa_composition, float64)
+        else :
+            prior = weight * equiprobable_distribution(len(alphabet)) 
+    elif comp in std_percentCG :
+        prior = weight * base_distribution(std_percentCG[comp])
+    elif comp[-1] == '%' :
+        prior = weight * base_distribution( float(comp[:-1]))
+    elif isfloat(comp) :
+        prior = weight * base_distribution( float(comp)*100. )
+    elif composition[0] == '{' and composition[-1] == '}' : 
+        explicit = composition[1: -1]
+        explicit = explicit.replace(',',' ').replace("'", ' ').replace('"',' ').replace(':', ' ').split()
+        if len(explicit) != len(alphabet)*2 :
+            #print explicit
+            raise ValueError("Explicit prior does not match length of alphabet")
+        prior = - ones(len(alphabet), float64) 
+        try :
+            for r in range(len(explicit)/2) :
+                letter = explicit[r*2]
+                index = alphabet.index(letter)
+                value = float(explicit[r*2 +1])
+                prior[index] = value
+        except ValueError :
+            raise ValueError("Cannot parse explicit composition")
+        if any(prior==-1.) :
+            raise ValueError("Explicit prior does not match alphabet") 
+        prior/= sum(prior)
+        prior *= weight
+    else : 
+        raise ValueError("Unknown or malformed composition: %s"%composition)
+    if len(prior) != len(alphabet) :
+        raise ValueError(
+            "The sequence alphabet and composition are incompatible.")
+    return prior
+def base_distribution(percentCG) :
+    A = (1. - (percentCG/100.))/2.
+    C = (percentCG/100.)/2.
+    G = (percentCG/100.)/2.
+    T = (1. - (percentCG/100))/2.
+    return asarray((A,C,G,T), float64)   
+def equiprobable_distribution( length) :
+    return ones( (length), float64) /length   
+def read_seq_data(fin, input_parser=seq_io.read,alphabet=None, ignore_lower_case=False, max_file_size=0):
+    # TODO: Document this method and enviroment variable
+    max_file_size =int(os.environ.get("WEBLOGO_MAX_FILE_SIZE", max_file_size))
+    # If max_file_size is set, or if fin==stdin (which is non-seekable), we
+    # read the data and replace fin with a StringIO object. 
+    if(max_file_size>0) :
+        data = fin.read(max_file_size)
+        more_data = fin.read(2)
+        if more_data != "" :
+            raise IOError("File exceeds maximum allowed size: %d bytes"  % max_file_size) 
+        fin = StringIO(data)
+    elif fin == sys.stdin:
+        fin = StringIO(fin.read())
+    seqs = input_parser(fin)
+    if seqs is None or len(seqs) ==0 :
+        raise ValueError("Please provide a multiple sequence alignment")
+    if ignore_lower_case :
+        # Case is significant. Do not count lower case letters.
+        for i,s in enumerate(seqs) :
+            seqs[i] = s.mask()
+    global altype
+    if(altype=="codonsT" or altype=="codonsU"):
+      if 'T' in seqs[0] or 't' in seqs[0]:
+        altype="codonsT"
+      if 'U' in seqs[0] or 'u' in seqs[0]:
+        altype="codonsU"
+    global offset
+    global isreversed
+    seq2=[""]*len(seqs)
+    seq2 = []
+    for i in xrange(len(seqs)):
+      seq2.append([])
+    if(offset%6>2):
+      for x in range(0,len(seqs)):
+        backs=seqs[x][::-1]
+        for y in range(0,len(backs)):
+          seq2[x].append(str(backs[y]))
+      if(altype=="codonsU"):
+        for x in range(0,len(seq2)):
+          for y in range(0,len(seq2[x])):
+            if(cmp(seq2[x][y],'G')==0):
+              seq2[x][y]="C"
+            elif(cmp(seq2[x][y],'A')==0):
+              seq2[x][y]='U'
+            elif(cmp(seq2[x][y],'U')==0):
+              seq2[x][y]='A'
+            elif(cmp(seq2[x][y],'C')==0):
+              seq2[x][y]='G'
+      if(altype=="codonsT"):
+        for x in range(0,len(seq2)):
+          for y in range(0,len(seq2[x])):
+            if(cmp(seq2[x][y],'G')==0):            
+              seq2[x][y]='C'
+            elif(cmp(seq2[x][y],'A')==0):              
+              seq2[x][y]='T'
+            elif(cmp(seq2[x][y],'T')==0):
+              seq2[x][y]='A'
+            elif(cmp(seq2[x][y],'C')==0):
+              seq2[x][y]='G'
+      offset=offset%3
+      isreversed=True
+      for x in range(0,len(seqs)):
+        seqs[x]=Seq("".join(seq2[x]))
+    # Add alphabet to seqs.
+    if alphabet :
+        seqs.alphabet = alphabet 
+    else :
+        seqs.alphabet = which_alphabet(seqs)
+    return seqs
+#TODO: Move to seq_io? 
+#   Would have to check that no symbol outside of full alphabet?
+def which_alphabet(seqs) :
+    """ Returns the most appropriate unambiguous protien, rna or dna alphabet
+    for a Seq or SeqList.
+    """
+    alphabets = (unambiguous_protein_alphabet,
+                unambiguous_rna_alphabet,
+                unambiguous_dna_alphabet
+            )
+    # Heuristic
+    # Count occurances of each letter. Downweight longer alphabet.
+    #for x in seqs:
+    if(	altype=="codonsU"):
+      return codon_alphabetU
+    if(	altype=="codonsT"):
+      return codon_alphabetT
+    else:
+      score = [1.0*asarray(seqs.tally(a)).sum()/sqrt(len(a)) for a in alphabets]
+    #print score
+    best = argmax(score) # Ties go to last in list.
+    a = alphabets[best]
+    return a
+class LogoData(object) :
+    """The data needed to generate a sequence logo.
+    - alphabet 
+    - length
+    - counts  -- An array of character counts
+    - entropy -- The relative entropy of each column
+    - entropy_interval -- entropy confidence interval
+     """
+    def __init__(self, length=None, alphabet = None, counts =None, 
+            entropy =None, entropy_interval = None, weight=None) :
+        """Creates a new LogoData object"""
+        self.length = length
+        self.alphabet = alphabet
+        self.counts = counts
+        self.entropy = entropy
+        self.entropy_interval = entropy_interval
+        self.weight = weight
+    #@classmethod    
+    def from_counts(cls, alphabet, counts, prior= None):
+        """Build a logodata object from counts."""
+        seq_length, A = counts.shape
+        if prior is not None: prior = array(prior, float64)
+        if prior is None :
+            R = log(A)
+            ent = zeros(  seq_length, float64)
+            entropy_interval = None    
+            for i in range (0, seq_length) :
+                C = sum(counts[i]) 
+                #FIXME: fixup corebio.moremath.entropy()?
+                if C == 0 :
+                    ent[i] = 0.0
+                else :
+                    ent[i] = R - entropy(counts[i])
+        else :
+            ent = zeros(  seq_length, float64)
+            entropy_interval = zeros( (seq_length,2) , float64)
+            R = log(A)
+            for i in range (0, seq_length) :
+                alpha = array(counts[i] , float64)
+                alpha += prior
+                posterior = Dirichlet(alpha)
+                ent[i] = posterior.mean_relative_entropy(prior/sum(prior)) 
+                entropy_interval[i][0], entropy_interval[i][1] = \
+                    posterior.interval_relative_entropy(prior/sum(prior), 0.95) 
+        weight = array( na.sum(counts,axis=1) , float) 
+        weight /= max(weight)
+        return cls(seq_length, alphabet, counts, ent, entropy_interval, weight)
+    from_counts = classmethod(from_counts)
+    #@classmethod    
+    def from_seqs(cls, seqs, prior= None):
+        alphabet=seqs.alphabet
+        #get the offset and if it's greater than 2 swap bases to get the reverse compliment and reverse.
+        for x in range(0,len(seqs)):
+	  seqs[x]=seqs[x].upper()
+	counter=0  
+        """Build a 2D array from a SeqList, a list of sequences."""
+        # --- VALIDATE DATA ---
+        # check that there is at least one sequence of length 1
+        if len(seqs)==0 or len(seqs[0]) ==0:
+            raise ValueError("No sequence data found.")   
+            sys.exit(0)
+        # Check sequence lengths    
+        seq_length = len(seqs[0])
+        for i,s in enumerate(seqs) :
+            #print i,s, len(s)
+            if seq_length != len(s) :
+                raise ArgumentError(
+                "Sequence number %d differs in length from the previous sequences" % (i+1) ,'sequences')
+                sys.exit(0)
+        if(altype=="codonsT" or altype=="codonsU"):
+	  x = [[0]*64 for x in xrange(seq_length/3)]
+	  counter=offset
+	  while counter+offset<seq_length:
+	    for i in range(0,len(seqs)):
+              if len(str(seqs[i][(counter):(counter+3)]))==3 and len(seqs[i][(counter):(counter+3)].strip("GATUC"))==0  :
+		if(str(seqs[i][(counter):(counter+3)]) in alphabet):
+                  x[counter/3][ (alphabet.index(str(seqs[i][(counter):(counter+3)]))) ]+=1
+	    counter=counter+3
+	  counts=asarray(x)
+        else:
+	  counts = asarray(seqs.tally())
+        return cls.from_counts(alphabet, counts, prior)
+    from_seqs = classmethod(from_seqs)
+    def __str__(self) :
+        out = StringIO()
+        print >>out, '## LogoData'
+        print >>out, '# First column is position number, couting from zero'
+        print >>out, '# Subsequent columns are raw symbol counts'
+        print >>out, '# Entropy is mean entropy measured in nats.' 
+        print >>out, '# Low and High are the 95% confidence limits.'
+        print >>out, '# Weight is the fraction of non-gap symbols in the column.'
+        print >>out, '#\t'
+        print >>out, '#\t',
+        for a in self.alphabet :
+            print >>out, a, '\t',
+        print >>out, 'Entropy\tLow\tHigh\tWeight'
+        for i in range(self.length) :
+            print >>out, i, '\t',
+            for c in self.counts[i] : print >>out, c, '\t',
+            print >>out, self.entropy[i], '\t',
+            if self.entropy_interval is not None:
+                print >>out, self.entropy_interval[i][0], '\t', 
+                print >>out, self.entropy_interval[i][1], '\t',
+            else :
+                print >>out, '\t','\t',
+            if self.weight is not None :
+                print >>out, self.weight[i],
+            print >>out, ''
+        print >>out, '# End LogoData'
+        return out.getvalue()
+# ====================== Main: Parse Command line =============================
+def main(): 
+    """CodonLogo command line interface """
+    # ------ Parse Command line ------
+    parser = _build_option_parser()  
+    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+    if args : parser.error("Unparsable arguments: %s " % args)
+    if opts.serve:
+        httpd_serve_forever(opts.port) # Never returns?
+        sys.exit(0) 
+    # ------ Create Logo ------
+    try:
+        data = _build_logodata(opts)
+        format = _build_logoformat(data, opts)
+        formatter = opts.formatter
+        formatter(data, format, opts.fout)
+    except ValueError, err :
+        print >>sys.stderr, 'Error:', err
+        sys.exit(2)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt, err:
+        sys.exit(0)
+# End main()            
+def httpd_serve_forever(port=8080) :
+    """ Start a webserver on a local port."""
+    import BaseHTTPServer
+    import CGIHTTPServer 
+    class __HTTPRequestHandler(CGIHTTPServer.CGIHTTPRequestHandler):
+        def is_cgi(self) :
+            if self.path == "/create.cgi": 
+                self.cgi_info = '', 'create.cgi'
+                return True
+            return False
+    # Add current directory to PYTHONPATH. This is
+    # so that we can run the standalone server
+    # without having to run the install script.      
+    pythonpath = os.getenv("PYTHONPATH", '')
+    pythonpath += ":" + os.path.abspath(sys.path[0]).split()[0]
+    os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = pythonpath
+    htdocs = resource_filename(__name__, 'htdocs', __file__)
+    os.chdir(htdocs) 
+    HandlerClass = __HTTPRequestHandler
+    ServerClass = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer
+    httpd = ServerClass(('', port), HandlerClass)
+    print "Serving HTTP on localhost:%d ..." % port
+    try :
+        httpd.serve_forever()
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        sys.exit(0)
+# end httpd_serve_forever()  
+def read_priors(finp, alphabet ,max_file_size=0):
+    max_file_size =int(os.environ.get("WEBLOGO_MAX_FILE_SIZE", max_file_size))
+    if(max_file_size>0) :
+        data = finp.read(max_file_size)
+        more_data = finp.read(2)
+        if more_data != "" :
+            raise IOError("File exceeds maximum allowed size: %d bytes"  % max_file_size) 
+        finp = StringIO(data)
+    priordict={}
+    while 1:
+      line = finp.readline()
+      if not line:
+        break
+      line = line.split()
+      priordict[line[0]]=line[1]
+    return priordict    
+def _build_logodata(options) :
+    global offset
+    offset=options.frame
+    options.alphabet = None
+    options.ignore_lower_case = False
+    #options.default_color = Color.by_name("black")
+    options.color_scheme=None
+    #options.colors=[]
+    options.show_ends=False
+    seqs = read_seq_data(options.fin, 
+        options.input_parser.read,
+        alphabet=options.alphabet,
+        ignore_lower_case = options.ignore_lower_case)      
+    if(options.priorfile!=None):
+      if(altype=="CodonsT"):
+        options.composition= str(read_priors(options.priorfile,codon_alphabetT))
+        options.alphabet = codon_alphabetT
+      else:
+        options.composition= str(read_priors(options.priorfile,codon_alphabetU))
+        options.alphabet = codon_alphabetU
+    prior = parse_prior( options.composition,seqs.alphabet, options.weight)
+    data = LogoData.from_seqs(seqs, prior)
+    return data
+def _build_logoformat( logodata, opts) :
+    """ Extract and process relevant option values and return a 
+    LogoFormat object.""" 
+    args = {}  
+    direct_from_opts = [
+        "stacks_per_line", 
+        "logo_title",
+        "yaxis_label", 
+        "show_xaxis",
+        "show_yaxis",        
+        "xaxis_label", 
+        "show_ends",
+        "fineprint",  
+        "show_errorbars",
+        "show_boxes",  
+        "yaxis_tic_interval", 
+        "resolution",      
+        "alphabet",
+        "debug",
+        "show_ends",
+        "default_color",
+        #"show_color_key",
+        "color_scheme",
+        "unit_name",
+        "logo_label",
+        "yaxis_scale",
+        "first_index",
+        "logo_start",
+        "logo_end",
+        "scale_width", 
+        "frame",
+        ]
+    for k in direct_from_opts:
+        args[k] = opts.__dict__[k]
+    logo_size = copy.copy(opts.__dict__['logo_size'])
+    size_from_opts = ["stack_width", "stack_height"]
+    for k in size_from_opts :
+        length = getattr(opts, k)
+        if length : setattr( logo_size, k, length )
+    args["size"] = logo_size    
+    global col
+    if opts.colors:
+        color_scheme = ColorScheme()
+        for color, symbols, desc in opts.colors:
+            try :
+                #c = Color.from_string(color)
+                color_scheme.groups.append( ColorGroup(symbols, color, desc)  )
+                #print >> sys.stderr, color
+                col.append( ColorGroup(symbols, color, desc)  )
+            except ValueError : 
+                raise ValueError(
+                     "error: option --color: invalid value: '%s'" % color )          
+        if(altype!="codonsU" and altype!="codonsT") :        
+          args["color_scheme"] = color_scheme
+    #cf = colorscheme.format_color(col[0])
+    #col.append( "  ("+group.symbols+") " + cf )
+    logooptions = LogoOptions() 
+    for a, v in args.iteritems() :
+        setattr(logooptions,a,v)
+    theformat =  LogoFormat(logodata, logooptions )
+    return theformat
+# ========================== OPTIONS ==========================
+def _build_option_parser() :
+    defaults = LogoOptions()
+    parser = DeOptionParser(usage="%prog [options]  < sequence_data.fa > sequence_logo.eps",
+        description = description,
+        version     = __version__ ,
+        add_verbose_options = False
+        )    
+    io_grp = OptionGroup(parser, "Input/Output Options",)
+    data_grp = OptionGroup(parser, "Logo Data Options",)
+    format_grp = OptionGroup(parser, "Logo Format Options", 
+        "These options control the format and display of the logo.")
+    color_grp = OptionGroup(parser, "Color Options", 
+        "Colors can be specified using CSS2 syntax. e.g. 'red', '#FF0000', etc.")
+    advanced_grp = OptionGroup(parser, "Advanced Format Options", 
+        "These options provide fine control over the display of the logo. ")
+    server_grp = OptionGroup(parser, "CodonLogo Server",
+        "Run a standalone webserver on a local port.")
+    parser.add_option_group(io_grp)
+    parser.add_option_group(data_grp)
+    parser.add_option_group(format_grp)  
+    parser.add_option_group(color_grp)
+    parser.add_option_group(advanced_grp)
+    parser.add_option_group(server_grp)
+    # ========================== IO OPTIONS ==========================
+    io_grp.add_option( "-f", "--fin",
+        dest="fin",
+        action="store",
+        type="file_in",
+        default=sys.stdin,
+        help="Sequence input file (default: stdin)",
+        metavar="FILENAME")
+    io_grp.add_option( "-R", "--prior",
+      dest="priorfile",
+      action="store",
+      type="file_in",
+      help="A file with 64 codons and their prior probabilities, one per line, each codon followed by a space and it's probability.",
+      metavar="FILENAME")
+    io_grp.add_option("", "--fin-format", 
+        dest="input_parser",
+        action="store", type ="dict",
+        default = seq_io,
+        choices = seq_io.format_names(),
+        help="Multiple sequence alignment format: (%s)" % 
+           ', '.join([ f.names[0] for f in seq_io.formats]),
+        metavar="FORMAT")
+    io_grp.add_option("-o", "--fout", dest="fout",
+        type="file_out",
+        default=sys.stdout,
+        help="Output file (default: stdout)",
+        metavar="FILENAME")
+    io_grp.add_option( "-F", "--format",
+        dest="formatter",
+        action="store",
+        type="dict",
+        choices = formatters,
+        metavar= "FORMAT",
+        help="Format of output: eps (default), png, png_print, pdf, jpeg, txt",
+        default = default_formatter)
+    # ========================== Data OPTIONS ==========================
+    data_grp.add_option("-m", "--frame", 
+        dest="frame",
+        action="store",
+        type="int",
+        default=0,
+        help="Offset of the reading frame you wish to look in (default: 0) 3-6 indicate the reverse complement in which case codonlogo will read from the last symbol in the sequences backwards and replace each base with it's complement.",
+        metavar="NUMBER")
+    #data_grp.add_option("-T", "--type", 
+        #dest="altype",
+        #action="store",
+        #type="boolean",
+        #default=True,
+        #help="Generate a codon logo rather than a sequence logo (default: True)",
+        #metavar="YES/NO")
+    #data_grp.add_option( "-A", "--sequence-type",
+        #dest="alphabet",
+        #action="store",
+        #type="dict",
+        #choices = std_alphabets,
+        #help="The type of sequence data: 'protein', 'rna' or 'dna'.",
+        #metavar="TYPE")
+    #data_grp.add_option( "-a", "--alphabet",
+        #dest="alphabet",
+        #action="store",
+        #help="The set of symbols to count, e.g. 'AGTC'. "
+             #"All characters not in the alphabet are ignored. "
+             #"If neither the alphabet nor sequence-type are specified then codonlogo will examine the input data and make an educated guess. "
+             #"See also --sequence-type, --ignore-lower-case" )                       
+    # FIXME Add test? 
+    #data_grp.add_option( "", "--ignore-lower-case",
+        #dest="ignore_lower_case",
+        #action="store",
+        #type = "boolean",
+        #default=False,
+        #metavar = "YES/NO",
+        #help="Disregard lower case letters and only count upper case letters in sequences? (Default: No)"
+       #)
+    data_grp.add_option( "-U", "--units",
+        dest="unit_name",
+        action="store",
+        choices = std_units.keys(),    
+        type="choice",
+        default = defaults.unit_name,
+        help="A unit of entropy ('bits' (default), 'nats', 'digits'), or a unit of free energy ('kT', 'kJ/mol', 'kcal/mol'), or 'probability' for probabilities",
+        metavar = "NUMBER") 
+    data_grp.add_option( "", "--composition",
+        dest="composition",
+        action="store",
+        type="string",
+        default = "auto",
+        help="The expected composition of the sequences: 'auto' (default), 'equiprobable', 'none' (Do not perform any compositional adjustment), ",
+        metavar="COMP.")
+    data_grp.add_option( "", "--weight",
+        dest="weight",
+        action="store",
+        type="float",
+        default = None,
+        help="The weight of prior data.  Default: total pseudocounts equal to the number of monomer types.",
+        metavar="NUMBER")
+    data_grp.add_option( "-i", "--first-index",
+        dest="first_index",
+        action="store",
+        type="int",
+        default = 1,
+        help="Index of first position in sequence data (default: 1)",
+        metavar="INDEX")
+    data_grp.add_option( "-l", "--lower",
+        dest="logo_start",
+        action="store",
+        type="int",
+        help="Lower bound of sequence to display",
+        metavar="INDEX")
+    data_grp.add_option( "-u", "--upper",
+        dest="logo_end",
+        action="store",
+        type="int",
+        help="Upper bound of sequence to display",
+        metavar="INDEX")
+    # ========================== FORMAT OPTIONS ==========================
+    format_grp.add_option( "-s", "--size",
+        dest="logo_size",
+        action="store",
+        type ="dict",
+        choices = std_sizes,
+        metavar = "LOGOSIZE",
+        default = defaults.size,
+        help="Specify a standard logo size (small, medium (default), large)" )
+    format_grp.add_option( "-n", "--stacks-per-line",
+        dest="stacks_per_line",
+        action="store",
+        type="int",
+        help="Maximum number of logo stacks per logo line. (default: %default)",
+        default = defaults.stacks_per_line,
+        metavar="COUNT")
+    format_grp.add_option( "-t", "--title",
+        dest="logo_title",
+        action="store",
+        type="string",
+        help="Logo title text.",
+        default = defaults.logo_title,
+        metavar="TEXT")
+    format_grp.add_option( "", "--label",
+        dest="logo_label",
+        action="store",
+        type="string",
+        help="A figure label, e.g. '2a'",
+        default = defaults.logo_label,
+        metavar="TEXT")
+    format_grp.add_option( "-X", "--show-xaxis",
+        action="store",
+        type = "boolean",
+        default= defaults.show_xaxis,
+        metavar = "YES/NO",
+        help="Display sequence numbers along x-axis? (default: %default)")
+    format_grp.add_option( "-x", "--xlabel",
+        dest="xaxis_label",
+        action="store",
+        type="string",
+        default = defaults.xaxis_label,
+        help="X-axis label",
+        metavar="TEXT")
+    format_grp.add_option( "-S", "--yaxis",
+        dest="yaxis_scale",
+        action="store",
+        type="float",
+        help="Height of yaxis in units. (Default: Maximum value with uninformative prior.)",
+        metavar = "UNIT") 
+    format_grp.add_option( "-Y", "--show-yaxis",
+        action="store",
+        type = "boolean",
+        dest = "show_yaxis",
+        default= defaults.show_yaxis,
+        metavar = "YES/NO",
+        help="Display entropy scale along y-axis? (default: %default)")
+    format_grp.add_option( "-y", "--ylabel",
+        dest="yaxis_label",
+        action="store",
+        type="string",
+        help="Y-axis label  (default depends on plot type and units)",
+        metavar="TEXT")
+    #format_grp.add_option( "-E", "--show-ends",
+        #action="store",
+        #type = "boolean",
+        #default= defaults.show_ends,
+        #metavar = "YES/NO",
+        #help="Label the ends of the sequence? (default: %default)")
+    format_grp.add_option( "-P", "--fineprint",
+        dest="fineprint",
+        action="store",
+        type="string",
+        default= defaults.fineprint,
+        help="The fine print (default: Codonlogo version)",
+        metavar="TEXT")
+    format_grp.add_option( "", "--ticmarks",
+        dest="yaxis_tic_interval",
+        action="store",
+        type="float",
+        default= defaults.yaxis_tic_interval,
+        help="Distance between ticmarks (default: %default)",
+        metavar = "NUMBER")
+    format_grp.add_option( "", "--errorbars",
+        dest = "show_errorbars",
+        action="store",
+        type = "boolean",
+        default= defaults.show_errorbars,
+        metavar = "YES/NO",
+        help="Display error bars? (default: %default)")
+    # ========================== Color OPTIONS ==========================
+    # TODO: Future Feature
+    # color_grp.add_option( "-K", "--color-key",
+    #    dest= "show_color_key",
+    #    action="store",
+    #    type = "boolean",
+    #    default= defaults.show_color_key,
+    #    metavar = "YES/NO",
+    #    help="Display a color key (default: %default)")
+    #color_scheme_choices = std_color_schemes.keys()    
+    #color_scheme_choices.sort()    
+    #color_grp.add_option( "-c", "--color-scheme",
+        #dest="color_scheme",
+        #action="store",
+        #type ="dict",
+        #choices = std_color_schemes,
+        #metavar = "SCHEME",
+        #default = None, # Auto
+        #help="Specify a standard color scheme (%s)" % \
+            #", ".join(color_scheme_choices) )
+    color_grp.add_option( "-C", "--color",
+        dest="colors",
+        action="append",
+        metavar="COLOR SYMBOLS DESCRIPTION ",
+        nargs = 3,
+        default=[],
+        help="Specify symbol colors, e.g. --color black AG 'Purine' --color red TC 'Pyrimidine' ")    
+    color_grp.add_option( "", "--default-color",
+        dest="default_color",
+        action="store",
+        metavar="COLOR",
+        default= defaults.default_color,
+        help="Symbol color if not otherwise specified.")
+    # ========================== Advanced options =========================   
+    advanced_grp.add_option( "-W", "--stack-width",
+        dest="stack_width",
+        action="store",
+        type="float",
+        default= None,
+        help="Width of a logo stack (default: %s)"% defaults.size.stack_width,
+        metavar="POINTS" )
+    advanced_grp.add_option( "-H", "--stack-height",
+        dest="stack_height",
+        action="store",
+        type="float",
+        default= None,
+        help="Height of a logo stack (default: %s)"%defaults.size.stack_height,
+        metavar="POINTS" )    
+    advanced_grp.add_option( "", "--box",
+        dest="show_boxes",
+        action="store",
+        type = "boolean",
+        default=False, 
+        metavar = "YES/NO",
+        help="Draw boxes around symbols? (default: no)")
+    advanced_grp.add_option( "", "--resolution",
+        dest="resolution",
+        action="store",
+        type="float",
+        default=96,
+        help="Bitmap resolution in dots per inch (DPI).  (default: 96 DPI, except png_print, 600 DPI) Low resolution bitmaps (DPI<300) are antialiased.",
+        metavar="DPI")  
+    advanced_grp.add_option( "", "--scale-width",
+        dest="scale_width",
+        action="store",
+        type = "boolean",
+        default= True, 
+        metavar = "YES/NO",
+        help="Scale the visible stack width by the fraction of symbols in the column?  (i.e. columns with many gaps of unknowns are narrow.)  (default: yes)")
+    advanced_grp.add_option( "", "--debug",
+        action="store",
+        type = "boolean",
+        default= defaults.debug,
+        metavar = "YES/NO",
+        help="Output additional diagnostic information. (default: %default)")
+    # ========================== Server options =========================   
+    server_grp.add_option( "", "--serve",
+        dest="serve",
+        action="store_true",
+        default= False,
+        help="Start a standalone CodonLogo server for creating sequence logos.")    
+    server_grp.add_option( "", "--port",
+        dest="port",
+        action="store",
+        type="int",
+        default= 8080,
+        help="Listen to this local port. (Default: %default)",
+        metavar="PORT")
+    return parser
+    # END _build_option_parser
+class Dirichlet(object) :
+    """The Dirichlet probability distribution. The Dirichlet is a continuous 
+    multivariate probability distribution across non-negative unit length
+    vectors. In other words, the Dirichlet is a probability distribution of 
+    probability distributions. It is conjugate to the multinomial
+    distribution and is widely used in Bayesian statistics.
+    The Dirichlet probability distribution of order K-1 is 
+     p(theta_1,...,theta_K) d theta_1 ... d theta_K = 
+        (1/Z) prod_i=1,K theta_i^{alpha_i - 1} delta(1 -sum_i=1,K theta_i)
+    The normalization factor Z can be expressed in terms of gamma functions:
+      Z = {prod_i=1,K Gamma(alpha_i)} / {Gamma( sum_i=1,K alpha_i)}  
+    The K constants, alpha_1,...,alpha_K, must be positive. The K parameters, 
+    theta_1,...,theta_K are nonnegative and sum to 1.
+    Status:
+        Alpha
+    """
+    __slots__ = 'alpha', '_total', '_mean', 
+    def __init__(self, alpha) :
+        """
+        Args:
+            - alpha  -- The parameters of the Dirichlet prior distribution.
+                        A vector of non-negative real numbers.  
+        """
+        # TODO: Check that alphas are positive
+        #TODO : what if alpha's not one dimensional?
+        self.alpha = asarray(alpha, float64)
+        self._total = sum(alpha)
+        self._mean = None
+    def sample(self) :
+        """Return a randomly generated probability vector.
+        Random samples are generated by sampling K values from gamma
+        distributions with parameters a=\alpha_i, b=1, and renormalizing. 
+        Ref:
+            A.M. Law, W.D. Kelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis (1991).
+        Authors:
+            Gavin E. Crooks <gec@compbio.berkeley.edu> (2002)
+        """
+        alpha = self.alpha
+        K = len(alpha)
+        theta = zeros( (K,), float64)
+        for k in range(K):
+            theta[k] = random.gammavariate(alpha[k], 1.0) 
+        theta /= sum(theta)
+        return theta
+    def mean(self) :
+        if  self._mean ==None:
+            self._mean = self.alpha / self._total
+        return self._mean
+    def covariance(self) :
+        alpha = self.alpha
+        A = sum(alpha)
+        #A2 = A * A
+        K = len(alpha)
+        cv = zeros( (K,K), float64) 
+        for i in range(K) :
+            cv[i,i] = alpha[i] * (1. - alpha[i]/A) / (A * (A+1.) )
+        for i in range(K) :
+            for j in range(i+1,K) :
+                v = - alpha[i] * alpha[j] / (A * A * (A+1.) )
+                cv[i,j] = v
+                cv[j,i] = v
+        return cv
+    def mean_x(self, x) :
+        x = asarray(x, float64)
+        if shape(x) != shape(self.alpha) :
+            raise ValueError("Argument must be same dimension as Dirichlet")
+        return sum( x * self.mean()) 
+    def variance_x(self, x) :
+        x = asarray(x, float64)
+        if shape(x) != shape(self.alpha) :
+            raise ValueError("Argument must be same dimension as Dirichlet")        
+        cv = self.covariance()
+        var = na.dot(na.dot(na.transpose( x), cv), x)
+        return var
+    def mean_entropy(self) :
+        """Calculate the average entropy of probabilities sampled
+        from this Dirichlet distribution. 
+        Returns:
+            The average entropy.
+        Ref:
+            Wolpert & Wolf, PRE 53:6841-6854 (1996) Theorem 7
+            (Warning: this paper contains typos.)
+        Status:
+            Alpha
+        Authors:
+            GEC 2005
+        """
+        # TODO: Optimize
+        alpha = self.alpha
+        A = float(sum(alpha))
+        ent = 0.0
+        for a in alpha:
+            if a>0 : ent += - 1.0 * a * digamma( 1.0+a) # FIXME: Check
+        ent /= A
+        ent += digamma(A+1.0)
+        return ent    
+    def variance_entropy(self):
+        """Calculate the variance of the Dirichlet entropy. 
+        Ref:
+            Wolpert & Wolf, PRE 53:6841-6854 (1996) Theorem 8
+            (Warning: this paper contains typos.)
+        """
+        alpha = self.alpha
+        A = float(sum(alpha))
+        A2 = A * (A+1)
+        L = len(alpha)
+        dg1 = zeros( (L) , float64)
+        dg2 = zeros( (L) , float64)
+        tg2 = zeros( (L) , float64)        
+        for i in range(L) :
+            dg1[i] = digamma(alpha[i] + 1.0)
+            dg2[i] = digamma(alpha[i] + 2.0)
+            tg2[i] = trigamma(alpha[i] + 2.0)
+        dg_Ap2 = digamma( A+2. )
+        tg_Ap2 = trigamma( A+2. )
+        mean = self.mean_entropy()
+        var = 0.0
+        for i in range(L) :
+            for j in range(L) :
+                if i != j :
+                    var += (
+                        ( dg1[i] - dg_Ap2 ) * (dg1[j] - dg_Ap2 ) - tg_Ap2 
+                        ) * (alpha[i] * alpha[j] ) / A2
+                else : 
+                    var += (
+                        ( dg2[i] - dg_Ap2 ) **2 + ( tg2[i] - tg_Ap2 )
+                        ) * ( alpha[i] * (alpha[i]+1.) ) / A2
+        var -= mean**2
+        return var
+    def mean_relative_entropy(self, pvec) :
+        ln_p = na.log(pvec)
+        return - self.mean_x(ln_p) - self.mean_entropy() 
+    def variance_relative_entropy(self, pvec) :
+        ln_p = na.log(pvec)
+        return self.variance_x(ln_p) + self.variance_entropy()
+    def interval_relative_entropy(self, pvec, frac) :
+        mean = self.mean_relative_entropy(pvec) 
+        variance = self.variance_relative_entropy(pvec) 
+        # If the variance is small, use the standard 95% 
+        # confidence interval: mean +/- 1.96 * sd
+        if variance< 0.1 :
+            sd = sqrt(variance)
+            return max(0.0, mean - sd*1.96), mean + sd*1.96
+        sd = sqrt(variance)
+        return max(0.0, mean - sd*1.96), mean + sd*1.96
+        g = gamma.from_mean_variance(mean, variance)
+        low_limit = g.inverse_cdf( (1.-frac)/2.)
+        high_limit = g.inverse_cdf( 1. - (1.-frac)/2. )
+        return low_limit, high_limit
+# Standard python voodoo for CLI
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    ## Code Profiling. Uncomment these lines
+    #import hotshot, hotshot.stats
+    #prof = hotshot.Profile("stones.prof")
+    #prof.runcall(main)
+    #prof.close()
+    #stats = hotshot.stats.load("stones.prof")
+    #stats.strip_dirs()
+    #stats.sort_stats('cumulative', 'calls')
+    #stats.print_stats(40)
+    #sys.exit()
+    main()