diff corebio/seq.py @ 0:c55bdc2fb9fa

author davidmurphy
date Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:09:09 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/corebio/seq.py	Thu Oct 27 12:09:09 2011 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+#  Copyright (c) 2005 Gavin E. Crooks <gec@compbio.berkeley.edu>
+#  This software is distributed under the MIT Open Source License.
+#  <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html>
+#  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a 
+#  copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+#  to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+#  the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+#  and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+#  Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+#  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+#  in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+""" Alphabetic sequences and associated tools and data.
+Seq is a subclass of a python string with additional annotation and an alphabet.
+The characters in string must be contained in the alphabet. Various standard
+alphabets are provided.
+Classes :
+    Alphabet    -- A subset of non-null ascii characters
+    Seq         -- An alphabetic string
+    SeqList     -- A collection of Seq's
+Alphabets :    
+    o generic_alphabet  -- A generic alphabet. Any printable ASCII character.
+    o protein_alphabet -- IUCAP/IUB Amino Acid one letter codes. 
+    o nucleic_alphabet -- IUPAC/IUB Nucleic Acid codes 'ACGTURYSWKMBDHVN-'
+    o dna_alphabet -- Same as nucleic_alphabet, with 'U' (Uracil) an 
+        alternative for 'T' (Thymidine).
+    o rna_alphabet -- Same as nucleic_alphabet, with 'T' (Thymidine) an
+        alternative for 'U' (Uracil).
+    o reduced_nucleic_alphabet -- All ambiguous codes in 'nucleic_alphabet' are
+        alternative to 'N' (aNy)
+    o reduced_protein_alphabet -- All ambiguous ('BZJ') and non-canonical amino 
+        acids codes ( 'U', Selenocysteine and 'O', Pyrrolysine)  in 
+        'protein_alphabet' are alternative to 'X'.
+    o unambiguous_dna_alphabet -- 'ACGT'
+    o unambiguous_rna_alphabet -- 'ACGU'
+    o unambiguous_protein_alphabet -- The twenty canonical amino acid one letter
+        codes, in alphabetic order, 'ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY'
+Amino Acid Codes:
+    Code  Alt.  Meaning
+    -----------------
+    A           Alanine
+    B           Aspartic acid or Asparagine
+    C           Cysteine
+    D           Aspartate
+    E           Glutamate
+    F           Phenylalanine
+    G           Glycine
+    H           Histidine
+    I           Isoleucine
+    J           Leucine or Isoleucine    
+    K           Lysine
+    L           Leucine
+    M           Methionine
+    N           Asparagine
+    O           Pyrrolysine    
+    P           Proline
+    Q           Glutamine
+    R           Arginine
+    S           Serine
+    T           Threonine
+    U           Selenocysteine
+    V           Valine
+    W           Tryptophan
+    Y           Tyrosine
+    Z           Glutamate or Glutamine
+    X    ?      any
+    *           translation stop
+    -    .~     gap 
+Nucleotide Codes:
+    Code  Alt.  Meaning
+    ------------------------------
+    A           Adenosine
+    C           Cytidine
+    G           Guanine
+    T           Thymidine
+    U           Uracil
+    R           G A (puRine)
+    Y           T C (pYrimidine)
+    K           G T (Ketone)
+    M           A C (aMino group)
+    S           G C (Strong interaction)
+    W           A T (Weak interaction)
+    B           G T C (not A) (B comes after A)
+    D           G A T (not C) (D comes after C)
+    H           A C T (not G) (H comes after G)
+    V           G C A (not T, not U) (V comes after U)
+    N   X?      A G C T (aNy)
+    -   .~      A gap 
+    http://www.chem.qmw.ac.uk/iupac/AminoAcid/A2021.html
+    http://www.chem.qmw.ac.uk/iubmb/misc/naseq.html    
+    Beta    
+    GEC 2004,2005
+# TODO: Add this to docstring somewhere.
+# To replace all ambiguous nucleic code by 'N', replace alphabet and then n 
+# normalize.
+# >>> Seq( 'ACGT-RYKM', reduced_nucleic_alphabet).normalized()
+from array import array
+from string import maketrans
+from corebio.moremath import argmax, sqrt
+__all__ = [
+    'Alphabet', 
+    'Seq', 
+    'rna', 'dna', 'protein',
+    'SeqList', 
+    'generic_alphabet', 
+    'protein_alphabet', 
+    'nucleic_alphabet',
+    'dna_alphabet',
+    'rna_alphabet', 
+    'reduced_nucleic_alphabet',
+    'reduced_protein_alphabet',
+    'unambiguous_dna_alphabet',
+    'unambiguous_dna_alphabet', 
+    'unambiguous_rna_alphabet', 
+    'unambiguous_protein_alphabet',
+    'generic_alphabet'
+    ]
+class Alphabet(object) :
+    """An ordered subset of printable ascii characters.
+    Status:
+        Beta
+    Authors: 
+        - GEC 2005
+    """
+    __slots__ = ['_letters', '_alternatives','_ord_table', '_chr_table']
+    # We're immutable, so use __new__ not __init__
+    def __new__(cls, letters, alternatives= None) :
+        """Create a new, immutable Alphabet.
+        arguments:
+        - letters -- the letters in the alphabet. The ordering determines
+            the ordinal position of each character in this alphabet.
+        - alt -- A list of (alternative, canonical) letters. The alternatives
+            are given the same ordinal position as the canonical character. 
+            e.g. (('?','X'),('x', 'X')) states that '?' and 'x' are synomonous 
+            with 'X'.  Values that are not in 'letters' are ignored. Alternatives
+            that are already in 'letters' are also ignored. If the same
+            alternative character is used twice then the alternative is assigned
+            to the canonical character that occurs first in 'letters'. The 
+            default is to assume that upper and lower case characters are
+            equivalent, unless both cases are included in 'letters'.                   
+        raises:
+            ValueError : Repetitive or otherwise illegal set of letters.        
+        """
+        self = object.__new__(cls)
+        # Printable Ascii characters
+        ascii_letters = "".join([chr(__i) for __i in range(32,128)])
+        if letters is None : letters = ascii_letters
+        self._letters = letters
+        equivalent_by_case = zip( 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
+                                  'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
+        if alternatives is None : alternatives = equivalent_by_case
+        # The ord_table maps between the ordinal position of a character in ascii
+        # and the ordinal position in this alphabet. Characters not in the
+        # alphabet are given a position of 255. The ord_table is stored as a 
+        # string. 
+        ord_table = ["\xff",] * 256
+        for i,a in enumerate(letters) :
+            n = ord(a)
+            if n == 0 :
+                raise ValueError("Alphabet cannot contain null character \\0")
+            if ord_table[ n ] != "\xff":
+                raise ValueError("Repetitive alphabet")
+            ord_table[ n ] = chr(i)
+        # Add alternatives
+        _from = []
+        _to = []
+        for e, c in alternatives :
+            if c in letters :
+                n = ord(e)
+                if ord_table[ n ] == "\xff" : # empty  
+                    ord_table[ n ] = ord_table[ ord(c)]     
+                    _from.append(e)
+                    _to.append(c)
+        self._alternatives = (''.join(_from), ''.join(_to))
+        ord_table = "".join(ord_table)
+        assert( ord_table[0] == "\xff")
+        self._ord_table = ord_table
+        # The chr_table maps between ordinal position in the alphabet letters
+        # and the ordinal position in ascii. This map is not the inverse of
+        # ord_table if there are alternatives.
+        chr_table = ["\x00"]*256
+        for i,a in enumerate(letters) :
+            chr_table[ i ] = a
+        chr_table = "".join(chr_table)
+        self._chr_table = chr_table
+        return self
+    def alphabetic(self, string) :
+        """True if all characters of the string are in this alphabet."""
+        table = self._ord_table
+        for s in str(string):
+            if table[ord(s)] == "\xff" :
+                return False
+        return True
+    def chr(self, n) :
+        """ The n'th character in the alphabet (zero indexed) or \\0 """
+        return self._chr_table[n]
+    def ord(self, c) :
+        """The ordinal position of the character c in this alphabet,
+        or 255 if no such character.
+        """
+        return ord(self._ord_table[ord(c)])
+    def chrs(self, sequence_of_ints) :
+        """Convert a sequence of ordinals into an alphabetic string."""
+        if not isinstance(sequence_of_ints, array) :
+            sequence_of_ints = array('B', sequence_of_ints)
+        s = sequence_of_ints.tostring().translate(self._chr_table)
+        return Seq(s, self)
+    def ords(self, string) :
+        """Convert an alphabetic string into a byte array of ordinals."""
+        string = str(string)
+        s = string.translate(self._ord_table)
+        a = array('B',s)
+        return a
+    def normalize(self, string) :
+        """Normalize an alphabetic string by converting all alternative symbols 
+        to the canonical equivalent in 'letters'.
+        """
+        if not self.alphabetic(string) :
+            raise ValueError("Not an alphabetic string.")
+        return self.chrs(self.ords(string))
+    def letters(self) :
+        """ Letters of the alphabet as a string."""
+        return str(self)
+    def _all_letters(self) :
+        """ All allowed letters, including alternatives."""
+        let = []
+        let.append(self._letters)
+        for key, value in self._alternatives :
+            let.append(value)
+        return ''.join(let)
+    def __repr__(self) :
+        return "Alphabet( '" + self._letters +"', zip"+ repr(self._alternatives)+" )" 
+    def __str__(self) :
+        return str(self._letters)
+    def __len__(self) :
+        return len(self._letters)
+    def __eq__(self, other) :
+        if not hasattr(other, "_ord_table") : return False
+        return self._ord_table == other._ord_table
+    def __ne__(self, other) :
+        return not self.__eq__(other)
+    def __iter__(self) :
+        return iter(self._letters)
+    def __getitem__(self, key) :
+        return self._letters[key]
+# End class Alphabet
+# ------------------- Standard ALPHABETS -------------------
+# Standard alphabets are defined here, after Alphabet class.
+generic_alphabet = Alphabet(None, None)
+protein_alphabet = Alphabet('ACDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWYBJZX*-', 
+                        zip('acdefghiklmnopqrstuvwybjzx?.~',
+                            'ACDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWYBJZXX--') )
+nucleic_alphabet     =  Alphabet("ACGTURYSWKMBDHVN-", 
+                            zip("acgturyswkmbdhvnXx?.~",
+                                "ACGTURYSWKMBDHVNNNN--") )
+dna_alphabet  =    Alphabet("ACGTRYSWKMBDHVN-", 
+                        zip('acgtryswkmbdhvnXx?.~Uu', 
+                            'ACGTRYSWKMBDHVNNNN--TT') )
+rna_alphabet  =    Alphabet("ACGURYSWKMBDHVN-", 
+                        zip('acguryswkmbdhvnXx?.~Tt', 
+                            'ACGURYSWKMBDHVNNNN--UU') )
+reduced_nucleic_alphabet  =  Alphabet("ACGTN-", 
+                            zip('acgtryswkmbdhvnXx?.~TtRYSWKMBDHV', 
+                                'ACGTNNNNNNNNNNNNNN--TTNNNNNNNNNN') )
+reduced_protein_alphabet = Alphabet('ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYX*-', 
+                                zip('acdefghiklmnpqrstvwyx?.~BbZzUu',
+                                    'ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYXX--XXXXCC') )
+unambiguous_dna_alphabet    =  Alphabet("ACGT", zip('acgt','ACGT') )
+unambiguous_rna_alphabet    =  Alphabet("ACGU", zip('acgu','ACGU') )
+unambiguous_protein_alphabet =  Alphabet("ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY",
+                        zip('acdefghiklmnopqrstuvwy',
+                            'ACDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWY') )
+_complement_table = maketrans("ACGTRYSWKMBDHVN-acgtUuryswkmbdhvnXx?.~",
+                              "TGCAYRSWMKVHDBN-tgcaAayrswmkvhdbnXx?.~")
+class Seq(str):
+    """ An alphabetic string. A subclass of "str" consisting solely of
+    letters from the same alphabet.
+    Attributes:
+        alphabet    -- A string or Alphabet of allowed characters.
+        name        -- A short string used to identify the sequence.
+        description -- A string describing the sequence   
+    Authors :
+        GEC 2005
+    """
+    # TODO: need a method to return a copy of the string with a new alphabet,
+    # preserving the sequence, name and alphabet?
+    def __new__(cls, obj, 
+            alphabet= generic_alphabet, 
+            name =None,  description=None,
+            ):
+        self = str.__new__(cls, obj)
+        if alphabet is None: 
+            alphabet = generic_alphabet
+        if  not isinstance(alphabet, Alphabet): 
+            alphabet = Alphabet(alphabet)
+        if not alphabet.alphabetic(self) :
+            raise ValueError("Sequence not alphabetic %s, '%s'" %(alphabet, self))
+        self._alphabet=alphabet
+        self.name = name
+        self.description = description
+        return self
+    # Make alphabet constant 
+    def _get_alphabet(self):
+        return self._alphabet
+    alphabet = property(_get_alphabet)     
+    # END PROPERTIES        
+    def ords(self) :
+        """ Convert sequence to an array of integers 
+        in the range [0, len(alphabet) ) 
+        """
+        return self.alphabet.ords(self) 
+    def tally(self, alphabet = None):
+        """Counts the occurrences of alphabetic characters.
+        Arguments:
+        - alphabet -- an optional alternative alphabet
+        Returns :
+            A list of character counts in alphabetic order.
+        """
+        # Renamed from count() since this conflicts with str.count().
+        if not alphabet : alphabet = self.alphabet 
+        L = len(alphabet)
+        counts = [0,] * L
+        ords = alphabet.ords(self) 
+        for n in ords:
+            if n<L : counts[n] +=1
+        return counts
+    def kmers(self, alphabet = None, k=1):
+        """Counts the occurrences of overlapping alphabetic subsequences.   
+        Arguments:
+        - alphabet -- an optional alternative alphabet
+        - k        -- subsequence length. Default: 1 (monomers)
+        Returns :
+            A list of kmers counts in alphabetic order.
+        Status :
+            Alpha -- Not sure on interface. Will only work for small k
+        """      
+        # TODO: Refactor?
+        # TODO: Rename 'kmers' to 'words' or word_count
+        if not alphabet : alphabet = self.alphabet 
+        L = len(alphabet)
+        N = L**k
+        counts = [0,]*N
+        ords = alphabet.ords(self) 
+        # Easy case 
+        if k==1 :       
+            for n in ords:
+                if n<N : counts[n] +=1
+            return counts
+        # Kmer counting. 
+        # FIXME: This code assumes that k isn't too large.
+        # e.g. L =10, k = 3, multi = [100,10,1]
+        multi = [ L**i for i in range(k-1,-1,-1)]
+        for i in range(len(ords)-k+1) :
+            if ords[i] >= N :   # Skip non-alphabetic kmers
+                i += k
+                continue
+            #FIXME: this should be a function of alphabet?
+            n = sum([multi[j]* ords[i+j] for j in range(k)  ])
+            counts[n] +=1
+        return counts 
+    def __getslice__(self, i, j):    
+        cls = self.__class__
+        return cls( str.__getslice__(self,i,j), self.alphabet)    
+    def __getitem__(self, key) :
+        cls = self.__class__
+        return cls( str.__getitem__(self,key), self.alphabet)
+    def __add__(self, other) :
+        # called for "self + other"
+        cls = self.__class__
+        return cls( str.__add__(self, other), self.alphabet) 
+    def __radd__(self, other) :
+        # Called when "other + self" and other is superclass of self
+        cls = self.__class__
+        return cls( str.__add__(self, other), self.alphabet) 
+    def join(self, str_list) :
+        cls = self.__class__
+        return cls( super(Seq, self).join(str_list), self.alphabet)        
+    def __eq__(self, other) :
+        if not hasattr(other, "alphabet") : return False
+        if self.alphabet != other.alphabet :
+            return False
+        return str.__eq__(self, other)
+    def __ne__(self, other) :
+        return not self.__eq__(other)
+    def tostring(self) :
+        """ Converts Seq to a raw string. 
+        """
+        # Compatibility with biopython
+        return str(self)
+    # ---- Transformations of Seq ----
+    def reverse(self) :
+        """Return the reversed sequence. 
+        Not that this method returns a new object, in contrast to
+        the in-place reverse() method of list objects.
+        """
+        cls = self.__class__
+        return cls( self[::-1], self.alphabet) 
+    def ungap(self) :
+        # FIXME: Gap symbols should be specified by the Alphabet?
+        return self.remove( '-.~')
+    def remove(self, delchars) :
+        """Return a new alphabetic sequence with all characters in 'delchars'
+         removed.
+        """
+        cls = self.__class__
+        return cls( str(self).translate(maketrans('',''), delchars), self.alphabet) 
+    def lower(self) :
+        """Return a lower case copy of the sequence. """
+        cls = self.__class__
+        trans = maketrans('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
+        return cls(str(self).translate(trans), self.alphabet)
+    def upper(self) :
+        """Return a lower case copy of the sequence. """
+        cls = self.__class__
+        trans = maketrans('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
+        return cls(str(self).translate(trans), self.alphabet)
+    def mask(self, letters= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', mask='X') :
+        """Replace all occurences of letters with the mask character.
+        The default is to replace all lower case letters with 'X'.
+        """
+        LL = len(letters)
+        if len(mask) !=1 : 
+            raise ValueError("Mask should be single character") 
+        to = mask * LL
+        trans = maketrans( letters, to)
+        cls = self.__class__
+        return cls(str(self).translate(trans), self.alphabet)
+    def translate(self) :
+        """Translate a nucleotide sequence to a polypeptide using full
+        IUPAC ambiguities in DNA/RNA and amino acid codes, using the
+        standard genetic code. See corebio.transform.GeneticCode for
+        details and more options.
+        """
+        # Note: masks str.translate
+        from transform import GeneticCode
+        return GeneticCode.std().translate(self)
+    def back_translate(self) :
+        """Translate a protein sequence back into coding DNA, using using the
+        standard genetic code. See corebio.transform.GeneticCode for
+        details and more options.
+        """
+        from transform import GeneticCode
+        return GeneticCode.std().back_translate(self)
+    def reverse_complement(self) :
+        """Returns reversed complementary nucleic acid sequence (i.e. the other
+        strand of a DNA sequence.) 
+        """
+        return self.reverse().complement()
+    def complement(self) :
+        """Returns complementary nucleic acid sequence."""
+        if not nucleic_alphabet.alphabetic(self.alphabet):
+            raise ValueError("Incompatable alphabets")
+        s = str.translate(self, _complement_table)
+        cls = self.__class__
+        return cls(s, self.alphabet, self.name, self.description) 
+# end class Seq
+class SeqList(list):
+    """ A list of sequences. 
+    Status:
+        Beta
+    """
+    # TODO: If alphabet given, we should ensure that all sequences conform. 
+    # TODO: Need an isaligned() method. All seqs same length, same alphabet.
+    __slots__ =["alphabet", "name", "description"]
+    def __init__(self, alist=[], alphabet=None, name=None, description=None):
+        list.__init__(self, alist)
+        self.alphabet = alphabet
+        self.name = name
+        self.description = description
+    # TOOWTDI. Replicates seq_io.read()
+    #@classmethod
+    #def read(cls, afile, alphabet = None):
+    #    return corebio.seq_io.read(afile, alphabet)
+    #read = classmethod(read)    
+    def ords(self, alphabet=None) :
+        """ Convert sequence list into a 2D array of ordinals.
+        """
+        if not alphabet : alphabet = self.alphabet
+        if not alphabet : raise ValueError("No alphabet")
+        k = []
+        for s in self:
+            k.append( alphabet.ords(s) )
+        return k
+    def tally(self, alphabet = None):
+        """Counts the occurrences of characters in each column.""" 
+        if not alphabet : alphabet = self.alphabet
+        if not alphabet : raise ValueError("No alphabet")        
+        N = len(alphabet) 
+        ords = self.ords(alphabet)
+        L = len(ords[0])
+        counts = [ [0,]*N for l in range(0,L)]
+        for o in ords :
+            for j,n in enumerate(o) :
+                if n<N : counts[ j][n] +=1
+        return counts
+# end class SeqList
+def dna(string) :
+    """Create an alphabetic sequence representing a stretch of DNA.    
+    """
+    return Seq(string, alphabet = dna_alphabet)
+def rna(string) :
+    """Create an alphabetic sequence representing a stretch of RNA.    
+    """
+    return Seq(string, alphabet = rna_alphabet)
+def protein(string) :
+    """Create an alphabetic sequence representing a stretch of polypeptide.    
+    """
+    return Seq(string, alphabet = protein_alphabet)
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