diff resfinder/cge/output/table.py @ 0:55051a9bc58d draft default tip

author dcouvin
date Mon, 10 Jan 2022 20:06:07 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/resfinder/cge/output/table.py	Mon Jan 10 20:06:07 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from .orderedset import OrderedSet
+from .exceptions import DuplicateKeyError
+from .exceptions import LockedObjectError
+class TableResults(dict):
+    """
+        The hit table is created empty.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, software, version, run_date, run_cmd, id):
+        self.software = software
+        self.version = version
+        self.run_date = run_date
+        self.run_cmd = run_cmd
+        self.id = id
+        self.long = {}
+        self.medium = {}
+        self.short = {}
+        self.databases = {}
+    def add_database(self, id, version):
+        self.databases[id] = version
+    def add_table(self, table_name, copy=False):
+        """
+            TODO: Implement copy argument
+        """
+        if(isinstance(table_name, Table)):
+            name = table_name.name
+        else:
+            name = table_name
+        if(self.long.get(name, False)):
+            raise DuplicateKeyError("All table names need to be unique. An "
+                                    "attempt was made to add a table with a "
+                                    "name that already exists. The name is:{}."
+                                    .format(name))
+        if(isinstance(table_name, Table)):
+            if(copy):
+                raise NotImplementedError()
+                # self.long[name] = copy.deepcopy(table_name)
+            else:
+                self.long[name] = table_name
+        else:
+            self.long[name] = Table(name)
+    def as_txt(self, type, header=True, sep="\t", sort=True, pre_name=""):
+        if(type == "long"):
+            tr = self.long
+        elif(type == "medium"):
+            tr = self.medium
+        elif(type == "short"):
+            tr = self.short
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("as_text method in TableResults class must be "
+                             "called with either 'long', 'medium', or "
+                             "'short'. It was called with {}".format(type))
+        out_str = ""
+        for table_name in tr:
+            table_str = tr[table_name].as_txt(header=header, sep=sep, sort=sort)
+            out_str += ("{pre}{name}\n{table}\n"
+                        .format(pre=pre_name, name=table_name, table=table_str))
+        return out_str
+    def merge(self, tr2, auto_row_header=False, copy=False):
+        """
+            Merges another table result object into the calling table results
+            instance.
+            Table objects with identical names will be merged, as will headers
+            within merged tables.
+            The other table is copied with copy.deepcopy so that changes to the
+            merged tables or changes to the other table does not affect each
+            other.
+            IMPORTANT: Currently ONLY merges the tables stored in 'self.long'
+            IMPORTANT: Table merge function does not copy the table that gets
+                       merged. Thus, a change in the table that gets merged
+                       will also occur in the merged table.
+            TODO: Implement the copy argument to create a deepcopy of the
+                  merged table instead of just referencing it.
+        """
+        if(copy is True):
+            raise NotImplementedError()
+        for table_name in tr2.long:
+            other_tbl = tr2.long[table_name]
+            if(table_name not in self.long):
+                self.add_table(table_name)
+                self.long[table_name] = other_tbl
+                continue
+            call_tbl = self.long[table_name]
+            for row_header in other_tbl:
+                # Get row now as row header might change if a row header
+                # collision occurs.
+                other_row_dict = other_tbl[row_header]
+                # Handle row header collisions
+                if(row_header in call_tbl):
+                    if(auto_row_header is False):
+                        raise DuplicateKeyError(
+                            "During merge of two table, row headers were "
+                            "found not to be unique across the two tables. "
+                            "Row headers needs to be renamed or the merge "
+                            "method should be called with "
+                            "auto_row_header=True. Note auto row headers will "
+                            "become incrementing integers.\n"
+                            "Calling table: {}\n"
+                            "Other table: {}\n"
+                            "Row header: {}\n"
+                            .format(call_tbl.name, other_tbl.name, row_header))
+                    call_tbl._row_header_count += 1
+                    row_header = call_tbl._row_header_count
+                call_tbl[row_header] = other_row_dict
+class Row(dict):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(self, table):
+        self.table = table
+        super(Row, self).__init__()
+    def __setitem__(self, col_header, col_val):
+        if(not col_header in self.table._headers):
+            if(self.table.lock_headers):
+                raise LockedObjectError("Attempt to add a header via a Row "
+                                        "insertion to a table, where the "
+                                        "headers has been locked.\n"
+                                        "Table: {}\n"
+                                        "Row header, val: {}, {}\n"
+                                        "Header: {}\n"
+                                        .format(self.name, col_header, col_val,
+                                                header))
+            self.table.add_header(col_header)
+        super(Row, self).__setitem__(col_header, col_val)
+class Table(dict):
+    """
+        Keys of a Table object is considered 'row headers'.
+        The Key can be None in which case the row header will become an
+        increasing integer (starting at 1).
+        Values must be lists of length 2. Where the first entry is the name of
+        a column header and the second entry is the value.
+    """
+    NULL_VAL = "NA"
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+        self.lock_headers = False
+        self._headers = OrderedSet()
+        self._row_header_count = 0
+        self._sort_key = "row_header"
+        self._sort_list = SortList(container=self)
+        self._iter_count = 0
+    def add_header(self, header, exist_ok=True):
+        if(self.lock_headers):
+            raise LockedObjectError("Attempt to add a header to an object "
+                                    "where the headers has been locked.\n"
+                                    "Table: {}\n"
+                                    "Header: {}\n".format(self.name, header))
+        if(exist_ok is False and header in self._headers):
+            raise DuplicateKeyError("Attempt to add header that already exists"
+                                    " to table, but the add_header method was "
+                                    "called with exist_ok=False.\n"
+                                    "Table: {}\n"
+                                    "Header: {}\n".format(self.name, header))
+        self._headers.add(header)
+    def add_headers(self, headers, exist_ok=True):
+        for header in headers:
+            self.add_header(header, exist_ok)
+    def as_txt(self, header=True, sep="\t", sort=True):
+        """
+        """
+        if(sort):
+            self.set_sort_key(self._sort_key)
+        if(header):
+            out_str = ("{sep}{heads}\n"
+                       .format(sep=sep, heads=sep.join(self._headers)))
+        else:
+            out_str = ""
+        for row in self:
+            row_list = self.get_row_as_list(row, as_txt=True)
+            out_str += ("{}\n".format(sep.join(row_list)))
+        return out_str
+    def extract_column(self, col):
+        """
+        """
+        if(col == "row_header"):
+            return list(self.keys())
+        if(col not in self._headers):
+            raise KeyError("Attempt to extract a column that doesn't exist.\n"
+                           "Missing column name: {}\n"
+                           "Table name: {}".format(col, self.name))
+        column = []
+        for entry in self._sort_list:
+            row = self[entry._key]
+            column.append(row.get(col, Table.NULL_VAL))
+        return column
+    def get_headers(self):
+        """ Returns an OrderedSet """
+        return self._headers
+    def get_row_as_list(self, row_header, as_txt=False):
+        if(row_header not in self):
+            raise KeyError("Unable to find the row_header: {}\n"
+                           "In Table object named: {}"
+                           .format(row_header, self.name))
+        if(as_txt):
+            row_list = [str(row_header)]
+        else:
+            row_list = [row_header]
+        for col_header in self._headers:
+            if(as_txt):
+                row_list.append(str(
+                    self[row_header].get(col_header, Table.NULL_VAL)))
+            else:
+                row_list.append(
+                    self[row_header].get(col_header, Table.NULL_VAL))
+        return row_list
+    def get_sort_list(self):
+        """
+        """
+        if(self._sort_key is None):
+            raise TypeError("The sort key is None. The sort key needs to be "
+                            "set before calling the get_sort_list method.\n"
+                            "Table: {}".format(self.name))
+        return self._sort_list
+    def rename_row(self, old_name, new_name):
+        """
+        """
+        row_dict = self[old_name]
+        del(self[old_name])
+        self._sort_list.remove(old_name)
+        self[new_name] = row_dict
+    def set_sort_key(self, key, sort=True):
+        """
+        """
+        if(key not in self._headers and key != "row_header"):
+            raise KeyError("Attempt to set sort_key to a value that is not a "
+                           "header.\n"
+                           "Key: {}\n"
+                           "Available headers: {}\n"
+                           "Table name: {}"
+                           .format(key, self._headers, self.name))
+        self._sort_key = key
+        for i, entry in enumerate(self._sort_list):
+            if(self._sort_key == "row_header"):
+                entry._val = entry._key
+            else:
+                row = self[entry._key]
+                entry._val = row.get(self._sort_key, Table.NULL_VAL)
+            self._sort_list[i] = entry
+        if(sort is True):
+            self._sort_list.sort()
+    def set_sort_list(self, list):
+        """
+        """
+        if(_sort_key is None):
+            raise TypeError("The sort key is None. The sort key needs to be "
+                            "set before calling the set_sort_list method.\n"
+                            "Table: {}".format(self.name))
+        self._sort_list = list
+    def __iter__(self):
+        """
+        """
+        self._iter_count = 0
+        return self
+    def __next__(self):
+        """
+        """
+        if(self._iter_count >= len(self)):
+            raise StopIteration
+        entry = self._sort_list[self._iter_count]
+        self._iter_count += 1
+        return entry._key
+    def __setitem__(self, row_header=None, col_val=None):
+        """
+            TODO
+        """
+        if(col_val is None):
+            raise TypeError("Column key/value argument must be a dict, list or"
+                            " tuple. Value was None.\n"
+                            "Table: {}".format(self.name))
+        if(row_header is None):
+            row_header = self._row_header_count
+            self._row_header_count += 1
+        row_dict = self.get(row_header, Row(table=self))
+        # If row is not new. Sort key has been added to the sort list
+        # previously.
+        sort_key_added = True
+        if(not row_dict):
+            # If row is new a sort key needs to be added to the sort list.
+            sort_key_added = False
+            if(self._sort_key == "row_header"):
+                self._sort_list.append(row_header, row_header, ignore_len=True)
+                sort_key_added = True
+        # Several values must be added as a dict.
+        if(isinstance(col_val, dict)):
+            for col_name, val in col_val.items():
+                if(col_name not in self._headers):
+                    self.add_header(col_name)
+                # Add sort key if needed
+                if(self._sort_key == col_name and sort_key_added is False):
+                    self._sort_list.append(row_header, val, ignore_len=True)
+                    sort_key_added = True
+                row_dict[col_name] = val
+            # Add sort key if needed
+            if(not sort_key_added):
+                self._sort_list.append(row_header, Table.NULL_VAL,
+                                       ignore_len=True)
+            return super(Table, self).__setitem__(row_header, row_dict)
+        # A single cell value in a table can be added using a list or tuple.
+        if(isinstance(col_val, list) or isinstance(col_val, tuple)):
+            if(len(col_val) == 2):
+                if(col_val[0] not in self._headers):
+                    self.add_header(col_val[0])
+                row_dict[col_val[0]] = col_val[1]
+                return super(Table, self).__setitem__(row_header, row_dict)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Unexpected number of values. Expected 2. "
+                                 "Got: {}\n"
+                                 "Input: {}\n"
+                                 "Table: {}".format(len(col_val), col_val,
+                                                    self.name))
+        raise TypeError("Unexpected type. The value must be of the type Row, "
+                        "list, or tuple.\n"
+                        "Recieved type: {}\n"
+                        "Table: {}\n".format(type(col_name), self.name))
+class ColumnHeader():
+    def __init__(self, table, header):
+        """
+        """
+        table._col_header_count += 1
+        self._header = header
+        self._index = table._col_header_count
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        if(not isinstance(other, ColumnHeader)):
+            raise TypeError("A ColumnHeader object cannot be compared to a "
+                            "non-ColumnHeader object.\n"
+                            "ColumnHeader _header: {} _index: {}\n"
+                            "Other object was of type: {}"
+                            .format(self._header, self._index, type(other)))
+        return super(ColumnHeader, self._index).__cmp__(other._index)
+class SortList(list):
+    """
+        Used together with the Table class, as a way to extract rows/data in a
+        specific order defined by objects of the type SortList.
+        Programmers are meant to sort this list in the desired order and store
+        it in a Table class object which will then output rows/data in the
+        order defined by the list.
+        Implementations details:
+        The SortList object contain SortListEntries containing key variables
+        with unique values which define the order. And value variables which
+        is the 'public' values used to sort on.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, container=None, unique_list=None, val_list=None):
+        self.container = None
+        if(container is not None):
+            self.container = container
+        if(unique_list is None and val_list is None):
+            return
+        if(len(unique_list) != len(val_list)):
+            raise IndexError("A SortList object was initiated with two lists "
+                             "of different sizes.\n"
+                             "len(unique_list) {} != {} len(val_list)"
+                             .format(len(unique_list), len(val_list)))
+        for i, val in enumerate(val_list):
+            self.append(unique_list[i], val)
+    def append(self, key, val, ignore_len=False):
+        entry = SortListEntry(key, val)
+        if(self.container is not None and ignore_len is False):
+            if(len(self.container) != (len(self) + 1)):
+                raise IndexError("Attempt to add an entry to SortList which "
+                                 "would cause the list to be longer than the "
+                                 "affiliated SortList container.")
+        return super(SortList, self).append(entry)
+    def remove(self, id):
+        """
+        """
+        for i, entry in enumerate(self):
+            if(id == entry._key):
+                del(self[i])
+    def __repr__(self):
+        outstr_list = []
+        for entry in self:
+            outstr_list.append("{}\t{}".format(entry._key, entry._val))
+        return "\n".join(outstr_list)
+class SortListEntry():
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(self, key, val):
+        self._key = key
+        self._val = val
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        if(not isinstance(other, SortListEntry)):
+            raise TypeError("A SortListEntry object cannot be compared to a "
+                            "non-SortListEntry object.\n"
+                            "SortListEntry key: {} val: {}\n"
+                            "Other object was of type: {}"
+                            .format(self._key, self._val, type(other)))
+        sort_val = str(self._val).lower()
+        sort_val_other = str(other._val).lower()
+        return sort_val.__cmp__(sort_val_other)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "{},{}".format(self._key, self._val)
+    def __lt__(self, other):
+        sort_val = str(self._val).lower()
+        sort_val_other = str(other._val).lower()
+        return sort_val.__lt__(sort_val_other)
+    def __le__(self, other):
+        sort_val = str(self._val).lower()
+        sort_val_other = str(other._val).lower()
+        return sort_val.__le__(sort_val_other)
+    def __gt__(self, other):
+        sort_val = str(self._val).lower()
+        sort_val_other = str(other._val).lower()
+        return sort_val.__gt__(sort_val_other)
+    def __ge__(self, other):
+        sort_val = str(self._val).lower()
+        sort_val_other = str(other._val).lower()
+        return sort_val.__ge__(sort_val_other)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        sort_val = str(self._val).lower()
+        sort_val_other = str(other._val).lower()
+        return sort_val.__eq__(sort_val_other)
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        sort_val = str(self._val).lower()
+        sort_val_other = str(other._val).lower()
+        return sort_val.__ne__(sort_val_other)