diff resfinder/cge/pointfinder.py @ 0:55051a9bc58d draft default tip

author dcouvin
date Mon, 10 Jan 2022 20:06:07 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/resfinder/cge/pointfinder.py	Mon Jan 10 20:06:07 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1904 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Program: 	PointFinder-3.0
+# Author: 	Camilla Hundahl Johnsen
+# Dependencies: KMA or NCBI-blast together with BioPython.
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import math
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import random
+from cgecore.blaster import Blaster
+from cgecore.cgefinder import CGEFinder
+from .output.table import TableResults
+from .phenotype2genotype.feature import ResMutation
+from .phenotype2genotype.res_profile import PhenoDB
+def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
+    print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
+class GeneListError(Exception):
+    """ Raise when a specified gene is not found within the gene list.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, message, *args):
+        self.message = message
+        # allow users initialize misc. arguments as any other builtin Error
+        super(PanelNameError, self).__init__(message, *args)
+class PointFinder(CGEFinder):
+    def __init__(self, db_path, species, gene_list=None):
+        """
+        """
+        self.species = species
+        self.specie_path = db_path
+        self.RNA_gene_list = []
+        self.gene_list = PointFinder.get_file_content(
+            self.specie_path + "/genes.txt")
+        if os.path.isfile(self.specie_path + "/RNA_genes.txt"):
+            self.RNA_gene_list = PointFinder.get_file_content(
+                self.specie_path + "/RNA_genes.txt")
+        # Creat user defined gene_list if given
+        if(gene_list is not None):
+            self.gene_list = get_user_defined_gene_list(gene_list)
+        self.known_mutations, self.drug_genes, self.known_stop_codon = (
+            self.get_db_mutations(self.specie_path + "/resistens-overview.txt",
+                                  self.gene_list))
+    def get_user_defined_gene_list(self, gene_list):
+        genes_specified = []
+        for gene in gene_list:
+            # Check that the genes are valid
+            if gene not in self.gene_list:
+                raise(GeneListError(
+                    "Input Error: Specified gene not recognised "
+                    "(%s)\nChoose one or more of the following genes:"
+                    "\n%s" % (gene, "\n".join(self.gene_list))))
+            genes_specified.append(gene)
+        # Change the gene_list to the user defined gene_list
+        return genes_specified
+    #DELETE
+    def old_results_to_standard_output(self, result, software, version,
+                                       run_date, run_cmd, id,
+                                       unknown_mut=False, tableresults=None):
+        """
+        """
+        std_results = TableResults(software, version, run_date, run_cmd, id)
+        headers = [
+            "template_name",
+            "template_length",
+            "aln_length",
+            "aln_identity",
+            "aln_gaps",
+            "aln_template_string",
+            "aln_query_string",
+            "aln_homology_string",
+            "query_id",
+            "query_start_pos",
+            "query_end_pos",
+            "template_variant",
+            "query_depth",
+            "blast_eval",
+            "blast_bitscore",
+            "pval",
+            "software_score",
+            "mutation",
+            "ref_codon",
+            "alt_codon",
+            "ref_aa",
+            "alt_aa",
+            "insertion",
+            "deletion"
+        ]
+        for db_name, db in result.items():
+            if(db_name == "excluded"):
+                continue
+            if(db == "No hit found"):
+                continue
+            ####Added to solve PointFinder####
+            if(isinstance(db, str)):
+                if db.startswith("Gene found with coverage"):
+                    continue
+            ####
+            # Start writing output string (to HTML tab file)
+            gene_name = PhenoDB.if_promoter_rename(db_name)
+            # Find and save mis_matches in gene
+            sbjct_start = db["sbjct_start"]
+            sbjct_seq = db["sbjct_string"]
+            qry_seq = db["query_string"]
+            db["mis_matches"] = self.find_mismatches(gene=db_name,
+                                                     sbjct_start=sbjct_start,
+                                                     sbjct_seq=sbjct_seq,
+                                                     qry_seq=qry_seq)
+            known_muts = []
+            unknown_muts = []
+            if(len(db["mis_matches"]) > 0):
+                known_muts, unknown_muts = self.get_mutations(
+                    db_name, gene_name, db['mis_matches'], True, db)
+            # No mutations found
+            if(not (unknown_muts or known_muts)):
+                continue
+            std_results.add_table(db_name)
+            std_db = std_results.long[db_name]
+            std_db.add_headers(headers)
+            std_db.lock_headers = True
+            for mut in known_muts:
+                unique_id = mut.unique_id
+                std_db[unique_id] = {
+                    "template_name": db_name,
+                    "template_length": db["sbjct_length"],
+                    "aln_length": db["HSP_length"],
+                    "aln_identity": db["perc_ident"],
+                    "aln_gaps": db["gaps"],
+                    "aln_template_string": db["sbjct_string"],
+                    "aln_query_string": db["query_string"],
+                    "aln_homology_string": db["homo_string"],
+                    "query_id": db["contig_name"],
+                    "query_start_pos": mut.pos,
+                    "query_end_pos": mut.end,
+                    "query_depth": db.get("depth", "NA"),
+                    "pval": db.get("p_value", "NA"),
+                    "software_score": db["cal_score"],
+                    "mutation": mut.mut_string_short,
+                    "ref_codon": mut.ref_codon,
+                    "alt_codon": mut.mut_codon,
+                    "ref_aa": mut.ref_aa,
+                    "alt_aa": mut.mut_aa,
+                    "insertion": mut.insertion,
+                    "deletion": mut.deletion
+                }
+        return std_results
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_db_names(db_root_path):
+        out_lst = []
+        for entry in os.scandir(db_root_path):
+            if not entry.name.startswith('.') and entry.is_dir():
+                out_lst.append(entry.name)
+        return tuple(out_lst)
+    def results_to_str(self, res_type, results, unknown_flag, min_cov,
+                       perc_iden):
+        # Initiate output stings with headers
+        gene_list = ', '.join(self.gene_list)
+        output_strings = [
+            "Mutation\tNucleotide change\tAmino acid change\tResistance\tPMID",
+            "Chromosomal point mutations - Results\nSpecies: %s\nGenes: %s\n"
+            "Mapping methode: %s\n\n\nKnown Mutations\n" % (self.species, gene_list, res_type), ""
+        ]
+        # Get all drug names and add header of all drugs to prediction file
+        drug_lst = [drug for drug in self.drug_genes.keys()]
+        output_strings[2] = "\t".join(drug_lst) + "\n"
+        # Define variables to write temporary output into
+        total_unknown_str = ""
+        unique_drug_list = []
+        excluded_hits = {}
+        if res_type == PointFinder.TYPE_BLAST:
+            # Patch together partial sequence hits (BLASTER does not do this)
+            # and removes dummy_hit_id
+            GENES = self.find_best_seqs(results, min_cov)
+        else:
+            # TODO: Some databases are either genes or species,
+            #       depending on the method applied (BLAST/KMA).
+            GENES = results[self.species]
+            # If not hits found insert genes not found
+            if GENES == 'No hit found':
+                GENES = {}
+            # KMA only gives the genes found, however all genes should be
+            # included
+            for gene in self.gene_list:
+                if gene not in GENES:
+                    GENES[gene] = 'No hit found'
+            # Included excluded
+            GENES['excluded'] = results['excluded']
+        for gene, hit in GENES.items():
+            # Start writing output string (to HTML tab file)
+            gene_name = gene  # Not perfeft can differ from specific mutation
+            regex = r"promoter_size_(\d+)(?:bp)"
+            promtr_gene_objt = re.search(regex, gene)
+            if promtr_gene_objt:
+                gene_name = gene.split("_")[0]
+            output_strings[1] += "\n%s\n" % (gene_name)
+            # Ignore excluded genes
+            # TODO: Should all not found genes be moved to this dict?
+            if gene == "excluded":
+                continue
+            # Write exclusion reason for genes not found
+            if isinstance(GENES[gene], str):
+                output_strings[1] += GENES[gene] + "\n"
+                continue
+            if hit['perc_ident'] < perc_iden and hit['perc_coverage'] < min_cov:
+                GENES[gene] = ('Gene found with identity, %s, below minimum '
+                               'identity threshold: %s. And with coverage, %s,'
+                               ' below minimum coverage threshold: %s.'
+                                % (hit['perc_ident'], perc_iden,
+                                   hit['perc_coverage'], min_cov))
+                output_strings[1] += GENES[gene] + "\n"
+                continue
+            if hit['perc_ident'] < perc_iden:
+                GENES[gene] = ('Gene found with identity, %s, below minimum '
+                               'identity threshold: %s' % (hit['perc_ident'],
+                                                                   perc_iden))
+                output_strings[1] += GENES[gene] + "\n"
+                continue
+            if hit['perc_coverage'] < min_cov:
+                # Gene not found above given coverage
+                GENES[gene] = ('Gene found with coverage, %s, below minimum '
+                               'coverage threshold: %s' % (hit['perc_coverage'],
+                                                                   min_cov))
+                output_strings[1] += GENES[gene] + "\n"
+                continue
+            sbjct_start = hit['sbjct_start']
+            sbjct_seq = hit['sbjct_string']
+            qry_seq = hit['query_string']
+            # Find and save mis_matches in gene
+            hit['mis_matches'] = self.find_mismatches(gene, sbjct_start,
+                                                      sbjct_seq, qry_seq)
+            # Check if no mutations was found
+            if len(hit['mis_matches']) < 1:
+                output_strings[1] += ("No mutations found in {}\n"
+                                      .format(gene_name))
+            else:
+                # Write mutations found to output file
+                total_unknown_str += "\n%s\n" % (gene_name)
+                str_tuple = self.mut2str(gene, gene_name, hit['mis_matches'],
+                                         unknown_flag, hit)
+                all_results = str_tuple[0]
+                total_known = str_tuple[1]
+                total_unknown = str_tuple[2]
+                drug_list = str_tuple[3]
+                # Add results to output strings
+                if(all_results):
+                    output_strings[0] += "\n" + all_results
+                output_strings[1] += total_known + "\n"
+                # Add unknown mutations the total results of
+                # unknown mutations
+                total_unknown_str += total_unknown + "\n"
+                # Add drugs to druglist
+                unique_drug_list += [drug.lower() for drug in drug_list]
+        if unknown_flag is True:
+            output_strings[1] += ("\n\nUnknown Mutations \n"
+                                  + total_unknown_str)
+        # Make Resistance Prediction output
+        # Go throug all drugs in the database and see if prediction
+        # can be called.
+        pred_output = []
+        for drug in drug_lst:
+            drug = drug.lower()
+            # Check if resistance to drug was found
+            if drug in unique_drug_list:
+                pred_output.append("1")
+            else:
+                # Check at all genes associated with the drug
+                # resistance where found
+                all_genes_found = True
+                for gene in self.drug_genes[drug]:
+                    if gene not in GENES:
+                        all_genes_found = False
+                if all_genes_found is False:
+                    pred_output.append("?")
+                else:
+                    pred_output.append("0")
+        output_strings[2] += "\t".join(pred_output) + "\n"
+        return output_strings
+    def write_results(self, out_path, result, res_type, unknown_flag, min_cov,
+                      perc_iden):
+       """
+       """
+       result_str = self.results_to_str(res_type=res_type,
+                                        results=result,
+                                        unknown_flag=unknown_flag,
+                                        min_cov=min_cov,
+                                        perc_iden=perc_iden)
+       with open(out_path + "/PointFinder_results.txt", "w") as fh:
+          fh.write(result_str[0])
+       with open(out_path + "/PointFinder_table.txt", "w") as fh:
+          fh.write(result_str[1])
+       with open(out_path + "/PointFinder_prediction.txt", "w") as fh:
+          fh.write(result_str[2])
+    @staticmethod
+    def discard_unwanted_results(results, wanted):
+        """
+            Takes a dict and a list of keys.
+            Returns a dict containing only the keys from the list.
+        """
+        cleaned_results = dict()
+        for key, val in results.items():
+            if(key in wanted):
+                cleaned_results[key] = val
+        return cleaned_results
+    def blast(self, inputfile, out_path, min_cov=0.6, threshold=0.9,
+              blast="blastn", cut_off=True):
+        """
+        """
+        blast_run = Blaster(inputfile=inputfile, databases=self.gene_list,
+                            db_path=self.specie_path, out_path=out_path,
+                            min_cov=min_cov, threshold=threshold, blast=blast,
+                            cut_off=cut_off)
+        self.blast_results = blast_run.results  # TODO Is this used?
+        return blast_run
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_db_mutations(mut_db_path, gene_list):
+        """
+        This function opens the file resistenss-overview.txt, and reads
+        the content into a dict of dicts. The dict will contain
+        information about all known mutations given in the database.
+        This dict is returned.
+        """
+        # Initiate variables
+        known_mutations = dict()
+        known_stop_codon = dict()
+        drug_genes = dict()
+        indelflag = False
+        stopcodonflag = False
+        # Go throug mutation file line by line
+        with open(mut_db_path, "r") as fh:
+            mutdb_file = fh.readlines()
+        mutdb_file = [line.strip() for line in mutdb_file]
+        for line in mutdb_file:
+            # Ignore headers and check where the indel section starts
+            if line.startswith("#"):
+                if "indel" in line.lower():
+                    indelflag = True
+                elif "stop codon" in line.lower():
+                    stopcodonflag = True
+                else:
+                    stopcodonflag = False
+                continue
+            mutation = [data.strip() for data in line.split("\t")]
+            gene_ID = mutation[0]
+            # Only consider mutations in genes found in the gene list
+            if gene_ID in gene_list:
+                gene_name = mutation[1]
+                mut_pos = int(mutation[2])
+                ref_codon = mutation[3]                     # Ref_nuc (1 or 3?)
+                ref_aa = mutation[4]                        # Ref_codon
+                alt_aa = mutation[5].split(",")             # Res_codon
+                res_drug = mutation[6].replace("\t", " ")
+                pmid = mutation[7].split(",")
+                # Check if stop codons are predictive for resistance
+                if stopcodonflag is True:
+                    if gene_ID not in known_stop_codon:
+                        known_stop_codon[gene_ID] = {"pos": [],
+                                                     "drug": res_drug}
+                    known_stop_codon[gene_ID]["pos"].append(mut_pos)
+                # Add genes associated with drug resistance to drug_genes dict
+                drug_lst = res_drug.split(",")
+                drug_lst = [d.strip().lower() for d in drug_lst]
+                for drug in drug_lst:
+                    if drug not in drug_genes:
+                        drug_genes[drug] = []
+                    if gene_ID not in drug_genes[drug]:
+                        drug_genes[drug].append(gene_ID)
+                # Initiate empty dict to store relevant mutation information
+                mut_info = dict()
+                # Save need mutation info with pmid cooresponding to the amino
+                # acid change
+                for i in range(len(alt_aa)):
+                    try:
+                        mut_info[alt_aa[i]] = {"gene_name": gene_name,
+                                               "drug": res_drug,
+                                               "pmid": pmid[i]}
+                    except IndexError:
+                        mut_info[alt_aa[i]] = {"gene_name": gene_name,
+                                               "drug": res_drug,
+                                               "pmid": "-"}
+                # Add all possible types of mutations to the dict
+                if gene_ID not in known_mutations:
+                    known_mutations[gene_ID] = {"sub": dict(), "ins": dict(),
+                                                "del": dict()}
+                # Check for the type of mutation
+                if indelflag is False:
+                    mutation_type = "sub"
+                else:
+                    mutation_type = ref_aa
+                # Save mutations positions with required information given in
+                # mut_info
+                if mut_pos not in known_mutations[gene_ID][mutation_type]:
+                    known_mutations[gene_ID][mutation_type][mut_pos] = dict()
+                for amino in alt_aa:
+                    if (amino in known_mutations[gene_ID][mutation_type]
+                                                [mut_pos]):
+                        stored_mut_info = (known_mutations[gene_ID]
+                                                          [mutation_type]
+                                                          [mut_pos][amino])
+                        if stored_mut_info["drug"] != mut_info[amino]["drug"]:
+                            stored_mut_info["drug"] += "," + (mut_info[amino]
+                                                                      ["drug"])
+                        if stored_mut_info["pmid"] != mut_info[amino]["pmid"]:
+                            stored_mut_info["pmid"] += ";" + (mut_info[amino]
+                                                                      ["pmid"])
+                        (known_mutations[gene_ID][mutation_type]
+                                        [mut_pos][amino]) = stored_mut_info
+                    else:
+                        (known_mutations[gene_ID][mutation_type]
+                                        [mut_pos][amino]) = mut_info[amino]
+        # Check that all genes in the gene list has known mutations
+        for gene in gene_list:
+            if gene not in known_mutations:
+                known_mutations[gene] = {"sub": dict(), "ins": dict(),
+                                         "del": dict()}
+        return known_mutations, drug_genes, known_stop_codon
+    def find_best_seqs(self, blast_results, min_cov):
+        """
+        This function finds gene sequences with the largest coverage based on
+        the blast results. If more hits covering different sequences parts
+        exists it concatinates partial gene hits into one hit.
+        If different overlap sequences occurs they are saved in the list
+        alternative_overlaps. The function returns a new results dict where
+        each gene has an inner dict with hit information corresponding to
+        the new concatinated hit. If no gene is found the value is a string
+        with info of why the gene wasn't found.
+        """
+        GENES = dict()
+        for gene, hits in blast_results.items():
+            # Save all hits in the list 'hits_found'
+            hits_found = []
+            GENES[gene] = {}
+            # Check for gene has any hits in blast results
+            if gene == 'excluded':
+                GENES[gene] = hits
+                continue
+            elif isinstance(hits, dict) and len(hits) > 0:
+                GENES[gene]['found'] = 'partially'
+                GENES[gene]['hits'] = hits
+            else:
+                # Gene not found! go to next gene
+                GENES[gene] = 'No hit found'
+                continue
+            # Check coverage for each hit, patch together partial genes hits
+            for hit_id, hit in hits.items():
+                # Save hits start and end positions in subject, total subject
+                # len, and subject and query sequences of each hit
+                hits_found += [(hit['sbjct_start'], hit['sbjct_end'],
+                                hit['sbjct_string'], hit['query_string'],
+                                hit['sbjct_length'], hit['homo_string'],
+                                hit_id)]
+                # If coverage is 100% change found to yes
+                hit_coverage = hit['perc_coverage']
+                if hit_coverage == 1.0:
+                    GENES[gene]['found'] = 'yes'
+            # Sort positions found
+            hits_found = sorted(hits_found, key=lambda x: x[0])
+            # Find best hit by concatenating sequences if more hits exist
+            # Get information from the first hit found
+            all_start = hits_found[0][0]
+            current_end = hits_found[0][1]
+            final_sbjct = hits_found[0][2]
+            final_qry = hits_found[0][3]
+            sbjct_len = hits_found[0][4]
+            final_homol = hits_found[0][5]
+            first_hit_id = hits_found[0][6]
+            alternative_overlaps = []
+            contigs = [hit['contig_name']]
+            scores = [str(hit['cal_score'])]
+            # Check if more then one hit was found within the same gene
+            for i in range(len(hits_found) - 1):
+                # Save information from previous hit
+                pre_block_start = hits_found[i][0]
+                pre_block_end = hits_found[i][1]
+                pre_sbjct = hits_found[i][2]
+                pre_qry = hits_found[i][3]
+                pre_homol = hits_found[i][5]
+                pre_id = hits_found[i][6]
+                # Save information from next hit
+                next_block_start = hits_found[i + 1][0]
+                next_block_end = hits_found[i + 1][1]
+                next_sbjct = hits_found[i + 1][2]
+                next_qry = hits_found[i + 1][3]
+                next_homol = hits_found[i + 1][5]
+                next_id = hits_found[i + 1][6]
+                contigs.append(hits[next_id]['contig_name'])
+                scores.append(str(hits[next_id]['cal_score']))
+                # Check for overlapping sequences, collaps them and save
+                # alternative overlaps if any
+                if next_block_start <= current_end:
+                    # Find overlap start and take gaps into account
+                    pos_count = 0
+                    overlap_pos = pre_block_start
+                    for i in range(len(pre_sbjct)):
+                        # Stop loop if overlap_start position is reached
+                        if overlap_pos == next_block_start:
+                            overlap_start = pos_count
+                            break
+                        if pre_sbjct[i] != "-":
+                            overlap_pos += 1
+                        pos_count += 1
+                    # Find overlap len and add next sequence to final sequence
+                    if len(pre_sbjct[overlap_start:]) > len(next_sbjct):
+                        #  <--------->
+                        #     <--->
+                        overlap_len = len(next_sbjct)
+                        overlap_end_pos = next_block_end
+                    else:
+                        #  <--------->
+                        #        <--------->
+                        overlap_len = len(pre_sbjct[overlap_start:])
+                        overlap_end_pos = pre_block_end
+                        # Update current end
+                        current_end = next_block_end
+                        # Use the entire previous sequence and add the last
+                        # part of the next sequence
+                        final_sbjct += next_sbjct[overlap_len:]
+                        final_qry += next_qry[overlap_len:]
+                        final_homol += next_homol[overlap_len:]
+                    # Find query overlap sequences
+                    pre_qry_overlap = pre_qry[overlap_start: (overlap_start
+                                                              + overlap_len)]
+                    next_qry_overlap = next_qry[:overlap_len]
+                    sbjct_overlap = next_sbjct[:overlap_len]
+                    # If alternative query overlap excist save it
+                    if pre_qry_overlap != next_qry_overlap:
+                        eprint("OVERLAP WARNING:")
+                        eprint("{}\n{}"
+                               .format(pre_qry_overlap, next_qry_overlap))
+                        # Save alternative overlaps
+                        alternative_overlaps += [(next_block_start,
+                                                  overlap_end_pos,
+                                                  sbjct_overlap,
+                                                  next_qry_overlap)]
+                elif next_block_start > current_end:
+                    #  <------->
+                    #              <------->
+                    gap_size = next_block_start - current_end - 1
+                    final_qry += "N" * gap_size
+                    final_sbjct += "N" * gap_size
+                    final_homol += "-" * gap_size
+                    current_end = next_block_end
+                    final_sbjct += next_sbjct
+                    final_qry += next_qry
+                    final_homol += next_homol
+            # Calculate new coverage
+            no_call = final_qry.upper().count("N")
+            coverage = ((current_end - all_start + 1 - no_call)
+                        / float(sbjct_len))
+            # Calculate identity
+            equal = 0
+            not_equal = 0
+            for i in range(len(final_qry)):
+                if final_qry[i].upper() != "N":
+                    if final_qry[i].upper() == final_sbjct[i].upper():
+                        equal += 1
+                    else:
+                        not_equal += 1
+            identity = equal / float(equal + not_equal)
+            if coverage >= min_cov:
+                GENES[gene]['perc_coverage'] = coverage
+                GENES[gene]['perc_ident'] = identity
+                GENES[gene]['sbjct_string'] = final_sbjct
+                GENES[gene]['query_string'] = final_qry
+                GENES[gene]['homo_string'] = final_homol
+                GENES[gene]['contig_name'] = ", ".join(contigs)
+                GENES[gene]['HSP_length'] = len(final_qry)
+                GENES[gene]['sbjct_start'] = all_start
+                GENES[gene]['sbjct_end'] = current_end
+                GENES[gene]['sbjct_length'] = sbjct_len
+                GENES[gene]['cal_score'] = ", ".join(scores)
+                GENES[gene]['gaps'] = no_call
+                GENES[gene]['alternative_overlaps'] = alternative_overlaps
+                GENES[gene]['mis_matches'] = []
+            else:
+                # Gene not found above given coverage
+                GENES[gene] = ('Gene found with coverage, %f, below '
+                               'minimum coverage threshold: %s' % (coverage,
+                                                                   min_cov))
+        return GENES
+    def find_mismatches(self, gene, sbjct_start, sbjct_seq, qry_seq):
+        """
+        This function finds mis matches between two sequeces. Depending
+        on the the sequence type either the function
+        find_codon_mismatches or find_nucleotid_mismatches are called,
+        if the sequences contains both a promoter and a coding region
+        both functions are called. The function can also call itself if
+        alternative overlaps is give. All found mismatches are returned
+        """
+        # Initiate the mis_matches list that will store all found mis matcehs
+        mis_matches = []
+        # Find mis matches in RNA genes
+        if gene in self.RNA_gene_list:
+            mis_matches += PointFinder.find_nucleotid_mismatches(sbjct_start,
+                                                                 sbjct_seq,
+                                                                 qry_seq)
+        else:
+            # Check if the gene sequence is with a promoter
+            regex = r"promoter_size_(\d+)(?:bp)"
+            promtr_gene_objt = re.search(regex, gene)
+            # Check for promoter sequences
+            if promtr_gene_objt:
+                # Get promoter length
+                promtr_len = int(promtr_gene_objt.group(1))
+                # Extract promoter sequence, while considering gaps
+                # --------agt-->----
+                #    ---->?
+                if sbjct_start <= promtr_len:
+                    # Find position in sbjct sequence where promoter ends
+                    promtr_end = 0
+                    nuc_count = sbjct_start - 1
+                    for i in range(len(sbjct_seq)):
+                        promtr_end += 1
+                        if sbjct_seq[i] != "-":
+                            nuc_count += 1
+                        if nuc_count == promtr_len:
+                            break
+                    # Check if only a part of the promoter is found
+                    # --------agt-->----
+                    # ----
+                    promtr_sbjct_start = -1
+                    if nuc_count < promtr_len:
+                        promtr_sbjct_start = nuc_count - promtr_len
+                    # Get promoter part of subject and query
+                    sbjct_promtr_seq = sbjct_seq[:promtr_end]
+                    qry_promtr_seq = qry_seq[:promtr_end]
+                    # For promoter part find nucleotide mis matches
+                    mis_matches += PointFinder.find_nucleotid_mismatches(
+                        promtr_sbjct_start, sbjct_promtr_seq, qry_promtr_seq,
+                        promoter=True)
+                    # Check if gene is also found
+                    # --------agt-->----
+                    #     -----------
+                    if((sbjct_start + len(sbjct_seq.replace("-", "")))
+                       > promtr_len):
+                        sbjct_gene_seq = sbjct_seq[promtr_end:]
+                        qry_gene_seq = qry_seq[promtr_end:]
+                        sbjct_gene_start = 1
+                        # Find mismatches in gene part
+                        mis_matches += PointFinder.find_codon_mismatches(
+                            sbjct_gene_start, sbjct_gene_seq, qry_gene_seq)
+                # No promoter, only gene is found
+                # --------agt-->----
+                #            -----
+                else:
+                    sbjct_gene_start = sbjct_start - promtr_len
+                    # Find mismatches in gene part
+                    mis_matches += PointFinder.find_codon_mismatches(
+                        sbjct_gene_start, sbjct_seq, qry_seq)
+            else:
+                # Find mismatches in gene
+                mis_matches += PointFinder.find_codon_mismatches(
+                    sbjct_start, sbjct_seq, qry_seq)
+        return mis_matches
+    @staticmethod
+    def find_nucleotid_mismatches(sbjct_start, sbjct_seq, qry_seq,
+                                  promoter=False):
+        """
+        This function takes two alligned sequence (subject and query),
+        and the position on the subject where the alignment starts. The
+        sequences are compared one nucleotide at a time. If mis matches
+        are found they are saved. If a gap is found the function
+        find_nuc_indel is called to find the entire indel and it is
+        also saved into the list mis_matches. If promoter sequences are
+        given as arguments, these are reversed the and the absolut
+        value of the sequence position  used, but when mutations are
+        saved the negative value and det reverse sequences are saved in
+        mis_mathces.
+        """
+        # Initiate the mis_matches list that will store all found
+        # mismatcehs
+        mis_matches = []
+        sbjct_start = abs(sbjct_start)
+        seq_pos = sbjct_start
+        # Set variables depending on promoter status
+        factor = 1
+        mut_prefix = "r."
+        if promoter is True:
+            factor = (-1)
+            mut_prefix = "n."
+            # Reverse promoter sequences
+            sbjct_seq = sbjct_seq[::-1]
+            qry_seq = qry_seq[::-1]
+        # Go through sequences one nucleotide at a time
+        shift = 0
+        for index in range(sbjct_start - 1, len(sbjct_seq)):
+            mut_name = mut_prefix
+            mut = ""
+            # Shift index according to gaps
+            i = index + shift
+            # If the end of the sequence is reached, stop
+            if i == len(sbjct_seq):
+                break
+            sbjct_nuc = sbjct_seq[i]
+            qry_nuc = qry_seq[i]
+            # Check for mis matches
+            if sbjct_nuc.upper() != qry_nuc.upper():
+                # check for insertions and deletions
+                if sbjct_nuc == "-" or qry_nuc == "-":
+                    if sbjct_nuc == "-":
+                        mut = "ins"
+                        indel_start_pos = (seq_pos - 1) * factor
+                        indel_end_pos = seq_pos * factor
+                        indel = PointFinder.find_nuc_indel(sbjct_seq[i:],
+                                                           qry_seq[i:])
+                    else:
+                        mut = "del"
+                        indel_start_pos = seq_pos * factor
+                        indel = PointFinder.find_nuc_indel(qry_seq[i:],
+                                                           sbjct_seq[i:])
+                        indel_end_pos = (seq_pos + len(indel) - 1) * factor
+                        seq_pos += len(indel) - 1
+                    # Shift the index to the end of the indel
+                    shift += len(indel) - 1
+                    # Write mutation name, depending on sequnce
+                    if len(indel) == 1 and mut == "del":
+                        mut_name += str(indel_start_pos) + mut + indel
+                    else:
+                        if promoter is True:
+                            # Reverse the sequence and the start and
+                            # end positions
+                            indel = indel[::-1]
+                            temp = indel_start_pos
+                            indel_start_pos = indel_end_pos
+                            indel_end_pos = temp
+                        mut_name += (str(indel_start_pos) + "_"
+                                     + str(indel_end_pos) + mut + indel)
+                    mis_matches += [[mut, seq_pos * factor, seq_pos * factor,
+                                    indel, mut_name, mut, indel]]
+                # Check for substitutions mutations
+                else:
+                    mut = "sub"
+                    mut_name += (str(seq_pos * factor) + sbjct_nuc + ">"
+                                 + qry_nuc)
+                    mis_matches += [[mut, seq_pos * factor, seq_pos * factor,
+                                    qry_nuc, mut_name, sbjct_nuc, qry_nuc]]
+            # Increment sequence position
+            if mut != "ins":
+                seq_pos += 1
+        return mis_matches
+    @staticmethod
+    def find_nuc_indel(gapped_seq, indel_seq):
+        """
+        This function finds the entire indel missing in from a gapped
+        sequence compared to the indel_seqeunce. It is assumes that the
+        sequences start with the first position of the gap.
+        """
+        ref_indel = indel_seq[0]
+        for j in range(1, len(gapped_seq)):
+            if gapped_seq[j] == "-":
+                ref_indel += indel_seq[j]
+            else:
+                break
+        return ref_indel
+    @staticmethod
+    def aa(codon):
+        """
+        This function converts a codon to an amino acid. If the codon
+        is not valid an error message is given, or else, the amino acid
+        is returned.
+        Potential future issue: If species are added that utilizes
+                                alternative translation tables.
+        """
+        codon = codon.upper()
+        aa = {"ATT": "I", "ATC": "I", "ATA": "I",
+              "CTT": "L", "CTC": "L", "CTA": "L", "CTG": "L", "TTA": "L",
+              "TTG": "L",
+              "GTT": "V", "GTC": "V", "GTA": "V", "GTG": "V",
+              "TTT": "F", "TTC": "F",
+              "ATG": "M",
+              "TGT": "C", "TGC": "C",
+              "GCT": "A", "GCC": "A", "GCA": "A", "GCG": "A",
+              "GGT": "G", "GGC": "G", "GGA": "G", "GGG": "G",
+              "CCT": "P", "CCC": "P", "CCA": "P", "CCG": "P",
+              "ACT": "T", "ACC": "T", "ACA": "T", "ACG": "T",
+              "TCT": "S", "TCC": "S", "TCA": "S", "TCG": "S", "AGT": "S",
+              "AGC": "S",
+              "TAT": "Y", "TAC": "Y",
+              "TGG": "W",
+              "CAA": "Q", "CAG": "Q",
+              "AAT": "N", "AAC": "N",
+              "CAT": "H", "CAC": "H",
+              "GAA": "E", "GAG": "E",
+              "GAT": "D", "GAC": "D",
+              "AAA": "K", "AAG": "K",
+              "CGT": "R", "CGC": "R", "CGA": "R", "CGG": "R", "AGA": "R",
+              "AGG": "R",
+              "TAA": "*", "TAG": "*", "TGA": "*"}
+        # Translate valid codon
+        try:
+            amino_a = aa[codon]
+        except KeyError:
+            amino_a = "?"
+        return amino_a
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_codon(seq, codon_no, start_offset):
+        """
+        This function takes a sequece and a codon number and returns
+        the codon found in the sequence at that position
+        """
+        seq = seq.replace("-", "")
+        codon_start_pos = int(codon_no - 1) * 3 - start_offset
+        codon = seq[codon_start_pos:codon_start_pos + 3]
+        return codon
+    @staticmethod
+    def name_insertion(sbjct_seq, codon_no, sbjct_nucs, aa_alt, start_offset):
+        """
+        This function is used to name a insertion mutation based on the
+        HGVS recommendation.
+        """
+        start_codon_no = codon_no - 1
+        if len(sbjct_nucs) == 3:
+            start_codon_no = codon_no
+        start_codon = PointFinder.get_codon(sbjct_seq, start_codon_no,
+                                            start_offset)
+        end_codon = PointFinder.get_codon(sbjct_seq, codon_no, start_offset)
+        pos_name = "p.%s%d_%s%dins%s" % (PointFinder.aa(start_codon),
+                                         start_codon_no,
+                                         PointFinder.aa(end_codon),
+                                         codon_no, aa_alt)
+        return pos_name
+    @staticmethod
+    def name_deletion(sbjct_seq, sbjct_rf_indel, sbjct_nucs, codon_no, aa_alt,
+                      start_offset, mutation="del"):
+        """
+        This function is used to name a deletion mutation based on the
+        HGVS recommendation. If combination of a deletion and an
+        insertion is identified the argument 'mutation' is set to
+        'delins' and the mutation name will indicate that the mutation
+        is a delins mutation.
+        """
+        del_codon = PointFinder.get_codon(sbjct_seq, codon_no, start_offset)
+        pos_name = "p.%s%d" % (PointFinder.aa(del_codon), codon_no)
+        # This has been changed
+        if len(sbjct_rf_indel) == 3 and mutation == "del":
+            return pos_name + mutation
+        end_codon_no = codon_no + math.ceil(len(sbjct_nucs) / 3) - 1
+        end_codon = PointFinder.get_codon(sbjct_seq, end_codon_no,
+                                          start_offset)
+        pos_name += "_%s%d%s" % (PointFinder.aa(end_codon), end_codon_no,
+                                 mutation)
+        if mutation == "delins":
+            pos_name += aa_alt
+        return pos_name
+    @staticmethod
+    def name_indel_mutation(sbjct_seq, indel, sbjct_rf_indel, qry_rf_indel,
+                            codon_no, mut, start_offset):
+        """
+        This function serves to name the individual mutations
+        dependently on the type of the mutation.
+        """
+        # Get the subject and query sequences without gaps
+        sbjct_nucs = sbjct_rf_indel.replace("-", "")
+        qry_nucs = qry_rf_indel.replace("-", "")
+        # Translate nucleotides to amino acids
+        aa_ref = ""
+        aa_alt = ""
+        for i in range(0, len(sbjct_nucs), 3):
+            aa_ref += PointFinder.aa(sbjct_nucs[i:i + 3])
+        for i in range(0, len(qry_nucs), 3):
+            aa_alt += PointFinder.aa(qry_nucs[i:i + 3])
+        # Identify the gapped sequence
+        if mut == "ins":
+            gapped_seq = sbjct_rf_indel
+        else:
+            gapped_seq = qry_rf_indel
+        gap_size = gapped_seq.count("-")
+        # Write mutation names
+        if gap_size < 3 and len(sbjct_nucs) == 3 and len(qry_nucs) == 3:
+            # Write mutation name for substitution mutation
+            mut_name = "p.%s%d%s" % (PointFinder.aa(sbjct_nucs), codon_no,
+                                     PointFinder.aa(qry_nucs))
+        elif len(gapped_seq) == gap_size:
+            if mut == "ins":
+                # Write mutation name for insertion mutation
+                mut_name = PointFinder.name_insertion(sbjct_seq, codon_no,
+                                                      sbjct_nucs, aa_alt,
+                                                      start_offset)
+                aa_ref = mut
+            else:
+                # Write mutation name for deletion mutation
+                mut_name = PointFinder.name_deletion(sbjct_seq, sbjct_rf_indel,
+                                                     sbjct_nucs, codon_no,
+                                                     aa_alt, start_offset,
+                                                     mutation="del")
+                aa_alt = mut
+        # Check for delins - mix of insertion and deletion
+        else:
+            # Write mutation name for a mixed insertion and deletion
+            # mutation
+            mut_name = PointFinder.name_deletion(sbjct_seq,
+                                                 sbjct_rf_indel, sbjct_nucs,
+                                                 codon_no, aa_alt,
+                                                 start_offset,
+                                                 mutation="delins")
+        # Check for frameshift
+        if gapped_seq.count("-") % 3 != 0:
+            # Add the frameshift tag to mutation name
+            mut_name += " - Frameshift"
+        return mut_name, aa_ref, aa_alt
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_inframe_gap(seq, nucs_needed=3):
+        """
+        This funtion takes a sequnece starting with a gap or the
+        complementary seqeuence to the gap, and the number of
+        nucleotides that the seqeunce should contain in order to
+        maintain the correct reading frame. The sequence is gone
+        through and the number of non-gap characters are counted. When
+        the number has reach the number of needed nucleotides the indel
+        is returned. If the indel is a 'clean' insert or deletion that
+        starts in the start of a codon and can be divided by 3, then
+        only the gap is returned.
+        """
+        nuc_count = 0
+        gap_indel = ""
+        nucs = ""
+        for i in range(len(seq)):
+            # Check if the character is not a gap
+            if seq[i] != "-":
+                # Check if the indel is a 'clean'
+                # i.e. if the insert or deletion starts at the first
+                # nucleotide in the codon and can be divided by 3
+                if(gap_indel.count("-") == len(gap_indel)
+                   and gap_indel.count("-") >= 3 and len(gap_indel) != 0):
+                    return gap_indel
+                nuc_count += 1
+            gap_indel += seq[i]
+            # if the number of nucleotides in the indel equals the amount
+            # needed for the indel, the indel is returned.
+            if nuc_count == nucs_needed:
+                return gap_indel
+        # This will only happen if the gap is in the very end of a sequence
+        return gap_indel
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_indels(sbjct_seq, qry_seq, start_pos):
+        """
+        This function uses regex to find inserts and deletions in
+        sequences given as arguments. A list of these indels are
+        returned. The list includes, type of mutations(ins/del),
+        subject codon no of found mutation, subject sequence position,
+        insert/deletions nucleotide sequence, and the affected qry
+        codon no.
+        """
+        seqs = [sbjct_seq, qry_seq]
+        indels = []
+        gap_obj = re.compile(r"-+")
+        for i in range(len(seqs)):
+            for match in gap_obj.finditer(seqs[i]):
+                pos = int(match.start())
+                gap = match.group()
+                # Find position of the mutation corresponding to the
+                # subject sequence
+                sbj_pos = len(sbjct_seq[:pos].replace("-", "")) + start_pos
+                # Get indel sequence and the affected sequences in
+                # sbjct and qry in the reading frame
+                indel = seqs[abs(i - 1)][pos:pos + len(gap)]
+                # Find codon number for mutation
+                codon_no = int(math.ceil((sbj_pos) / 3))
+                qry_pos = len(qry_seq[:pos].replace("-", "")) + start_pos
+                qry_codon = int(math.ceil((qry_pos) / 3))
+                if i == 0:
+                    mut = "ins"
+                else:
+                    mut = "del"
+                indels.append([mut, codon_no, sbj_pos, indel, qry_codon])
+        # Sort indels based on codon position and sequence position
+        indels = sorted(indels, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[2]))
+        return indels
+    @staticmethod
+    def find_codon_mismatches(sbjct_start, sbjct_seq, qry_seq):
+        """
+        This function takes two alligned sequence (subject and query),
+        and the position on the subject where the alignment starts. The
+        sequences are compared codon by codon. If a mis matches is
+        found it is saved in 'mis_matches'. If a gap is found the
+        function get_inframe_gap is used to find the indel sequence and
+        keep the sequence in the correct reading frame. The function
+        translate_indel is used to name indel mutations and translate
+        the indels to amino acids The function returns a list of tuples
+        containing all needed informations about the mutation in order
+        to look it up in the database dict known mutation and the with
+        the output files the the user.
+        """
+        mis_matches = []
+        # Find start pos of first codon in frame, i_start
+        codon_offset = (sbjct_start - 1) % 3
+        i_start = 0
+        if codon_offset != 0:
+            i_start = 3 - codon_offset
+        sbjct_start = sbjct_start + i_start
+        # Set sequences in frame
+        sbjct_seq = sbjct_seq[i_start:]
+        qry_seq = qry_seq[i_start:]
+        # Find codon number of the first codon in the sequence, start
+        # at 0
+        codon_no = int((sbjct_start - 1) / 3)  # 1,2,3 start on 0
+        # s_shift and q_shift are used when gaps appears
+        q_shift = 0
+        s_shift = 0
+        mut_no = 0
+        # Find inserts and deletions in sequence
+        indel_no = 0
+        indels = PointFinder.get_indels(sbjct_seq, qry_seq, sbjct_start)
+        # Go through sequence and save mutations when found
+        for index in range(0, len(sbjct_seq), 3):
+            # Count codon number
+            codon_no += 1
+            # Shift index according to gaps
+            s_i = index + s_shift
+            q_i = index + q_shift
+            # Get codons
+            sbjct_codon = sbjct_seq[s_i:s_i + 3]
+            qry_codon = qry_seq[q_i:q_i + 3]
+            if(len(sbjct_seq[s_i:].replace("-", ""))
+               + len(qry_codon[q_i:].replace("-", "")) < 6):
+                break
+            # Check for mutations
+            if sbjct_codon.upper() != qry_codon.upper():
+                # Check for codon insertions and deletions and
+                # frameshift mutations
+                if "-" in sbjct_codon or "-" in qry_codon:
+                    # Get indel info
+                    try:
+                        indel_data = indels[indel_no]
+                    except IndexError:
+                        sys.exit("indel_data list is out of range, bug!")
+                    mut = indel_data[0]
+                    codon_no_indel = indel_data[1]
+                    seq_pos = indel_data[2] + sbjct_start - 1
+                    indel = indel_data[3]
+                    indel_no += 1
+                    # Get the affected sequence in frame for both for
+                    # sbjct and qry
+                    if mut == "ins":
+                        sbjct_rf_indel = PointFinder.get_inframe_gap(
+                            sbjct_seq[s_i:], 3)
+                        qry_rf_indel = PointFinder.get_inframe_gap(
+                            qry_seq[q_i:],
+                            int(math.floor(len(sbjct_rf_indel) / 3) * 3))
+                    else:
+                        qry_rf_indel = PointFinder.get_inframe_gap(
+                            qry_seq[q_i:], 3)
+                        sbjct_rf_indel = PointFinder.get_inframe_gap(
+                            sbjct_seq[s_i:],
+                            int(math.floor(len(qry_rf_indel) / 3) * 3))
+                    mut_name, aa_ref, aa_alt = PointFinder.name_indel_mutation(
+                        sbjct_seq, indel, sbjct_rf_indel, qry_rf_indel,
+                        codon_no, mut, sbjct_start - 1)
+                    # Set index to the correct reading frame after the
+                    # indel gap
+                    shift_diff_before = abs(s_shift - q_shift)
+                    s_shift += len(sbjct_rf_indel) - 3
+                    q_shift += len(qry_rf_indel) - 3
+                    shift_diff = abs(s_shift - q_shift)
+                    if shift_diff_before != 0 and shift_diff % 3 == 0:
+                        if s_shift > q_shift:
+                            nucs_needed = (int((len(sbjct_rf_indel) / 3) * 3)
+                                           + shift_diff)
+                            pre_qry_indel = qry_rf_indel
+                            qry_rf_indel = PointFinder.get_inframe_gap(
+                                qry_seq[q_i:], nucs_needed)
+                            q_shift += len(qry_rf_indel) - len(pre_qry_indel)
+                        elif q_shift > s_shift:
+                            nucs_needed = (int((len(qry_rf_indel) / 3) * 3)
+                                           + shift_diff)
+                            pre_sbjct_indel = sbjct_rf_indel
+                            sbjct_rf_indel = PointFinder.get_inframe_gap(
+                                sbjct_seq[s_i:], nucs_needed)
+                            s_shift += (len(sbjct_rf_indel)
+                                        - len(pre_sbjct_indel))
+                        mut_name, aa_ref, aa_alt = (
+                            PointFinder.name_indel_mutation(
+                                sbjct_seq, indel, sbjct_rf_indel, qry_rf_indel,
+                                codon_no, mut, sbjct_start - 1)
+                        )
+                        if "Frameshift" in mut_name:
+                            mut_name = (mut_name.split("-")[0]
+                                        + "- Frame restored")
+                        if mut_name is "p.V940delins - Frame restored":
+                            sys.exit()
+                    mis_matches += [[mut, codon_no_indel, seq_pos, indel,
+                                     mut_name, sbjct_rf_indel, qry_rf_indel,
+                                     aa_ref, aa_alt]]
+                    # Check if the next mutation in the indels list is
+                    # in the current codon.
+                    # Find the number of individul gaps in the
+                    # evaluated sequence.
+                    no_of_indels = (len(re.findall("\-\w", sbjct_rf_indel))
+                                    + len(re.findall("\-\w", qry_rf_indel)))
+                    if no_of_indels > 1:
+                        for j in range(indel_no, indel_no + no_of_indels - 1):
+                            try:
+                                indel_data = indels[j]
+                            except IndexError:
+                                sys.exit("indel_data list is out of range, "
+                                         "bug!")
+                            mut = indel_data[0]
+                            codon_no_indel = indel_data[1]
+                            seq_pos = indel_data[2] + sbjct_start - 1
+                            indel = indel_data[3]
+                            indel_no += 1
+                            mis_matches += [[mut, codon_no_indel, seq_pos,
+                                             indel, mut_name, sbjct_rf_indel,
+                                             qry_rf_indel, aa_ref, aa_alt]]
+                    # Set codon number, and save nucleotides from out
+                    # of frame mutations
+                    if mut == "del":
+                        codon_no += int((len(sbjct_rf_indel) - 3) / 3)
+                    # If evaluated insert is only gaps codon_no should
+                    # not increment
+                    elif sbjct_rf_indel.count("-") == len(sbjct_rf_indel):
+                        codon_no -= 1
+                # Check of point mutations
+                else:
+                    mut = "sub"
+                    aa_ref = PointFinder.aa(sbjct_codon)
+                    aa_alt = PointFinder.aa(qry_codon)
+                    if aa_ref != aa_alt:
+                        # End search for mutation if a premature stop
+                        # codon is found
+                        mut_name = "p." + aa_ref + str(codon_no) + aa_alt
+                        mis_matches += [[mut, codon_no, codon_no, aa_alt,
+                                         mut_name, sbjct_codon, qry_codon,
+                                         aa_ref, aa_alt]]
+                # If a Premature stop codon occur report it an stop the
+                # loop
+                try:
+                    if mis_matches[-1][-1] == "*":
+                        mut_name += " - Premature stop codon"
+                        mis_matches[-1][4] = (mis_matches[-1][4].split("-")[0]
+                                              + " - Premature stop codon")
+                        break
+                except IndexError:
+                    pass
+        # Sort mutations on position
+        mis_matches = sorted(mis_matches, key=lambda x: x[1])
+        return mis_matches
+    @staticmethod
+    def mutstr2mutdict(m):
+        out_dict = {}
+        # Protein / Amino acid mutations
+        # Ex.: "p.T83I"
+        if(m.startswith("p.")):
+            out_dict["nucleotide"] = False
+            # Remove frameshift tag
+            frameshift_match = re.search(r"(.+) - Frameshift.*$", m)
+            if(frameshift_match):
+                m = frameshift_match.group(1)
+                out_dict["frameshift"] = True
+            # Remove frame restored tag
+            framerestored_match = re.search(r"(.+) - Frame restored.*$", m)
+            if(framerestored_match):
+                m = framerestored_match.group(1)
+                out_dict["frame restored"] = True
+            # Remove premature stop tag
+            prem_stop_match = re.search(r"(.+) - Premature stop codon.*$", m)
+            if(prem_stop_match):
+                m = prem_stop_match.group(1)
+                out_dict["prem_stop"] = True
+            # TODO: premature or frameshift tag adds too many whitespaces
+            m = m.strip()
+            # Delins
+            multi_delins_match = re.search(
+                r"^p.(\D{1})(\d+)_(\D{1})(\d+)delins(\S+)$", m)
+            single_delins_match = re.search(
+                r"^p.(\D{1})(\d+)delins(\S+)$", m)
+            # TODO: is both necessary?
+            multi_delins_match2 = re.search(
+                r"^p.(\D{1})(\d+)_(\D{1})(\d+)delins$", m)
+            single_delins_match2 = re.search(
+                r"^p.(\D{1})(\d+)delins$", m)
+            multi_ins_match = re.search(
+                r"^p.(\D{1})(\d+)_(\D{1})(\d+)ins(\D*)$", m)
+            if(multi_delins_match or single_delins_match):
+                out_dict["deletion"] = True
+                out_dict["insertion"] = True
+                if(single_delins_match):
+                    out_dict["ref_aa"] = single_delins_match.group(1)
+                    out_dict["pos"] = single_delins_match.group(2)
+                    out_dict["mut_aa"] = single_delins_match.group(3)
+                else:
+                    out_dict["ref_aa"] = multi_delins_match.group(1)
+                    out_dict["pos"] = multi_delins_match.group(2)
+                    out_dict["ref_aa_right"] = multi_delins_match.group(3)
+                    out_dict["mut_end"] = multi_delins_match.group(4)
+                    out_dict["mut_aa"] = multi_delins_match.group(5)
+            # Deletions
+            elif(m[-3:] == "del"):
+                single_del_match = re.search(
+                    r"^p.(\D{1})(\d+)del$", m)
+                multi_del_match = re.search(
+                    r"^p.(\D{1})(\d+)_(\D{1})(\d+)del$", m)
+                out_dict["deletion"] = True
+                if(single_del_match):
+                    out_dict["ref_aa"] = single_del_match.group(1)
+                    out_dict["pos"] = single_del_match.group(2)
+                else:
+                    out_dict["ref_aa"] = multi_del_match.group(1)
+                    out_dict["pos"] = multi_del_match.group(2)
+                    out_dict["ref_aa_right"] = multi_del_match.group(3)
+                    out_dict["mut_end"] = multi_del_match.group(4)
+            # Insertions
+            elif(multi_ins_match):
+                out_dict["insertion"] = True
+                out_dict["ref_aa"] = multi_ins_match.group(1).lower()
+                out_dict["pos"] = multi_ins_match.group(2)
+                out_dict["ref_aa_right"] = multi_ins_match.group(3).lower()
+                if(multi_ins_match.group(4)):
+                    out_dict["mut_aa"] = multi_ins_match.group(4).lower()
+            # Substitutions
+            else:
+                sub_match = re.search(
+                    r"^p.(\D{1})(\d+)(\D{1})$", m)
+                out_dict["ref_aa"] = sub_match.group(1).lower()
+                out_dict["pos"] = sub_match.group(2)
+                out_dict["mut_aa"] = sub_match.group(3).lower()
+        # Nucleotide mutations
+        # Ex. sub: n.-42T>C
+        # Ex. ins: n.-13_-14insG    (TODO: Verify)
+        # Ex. del: n.42delT         (TODO: Verify)
+        # Ex. del: n.42_45del       (TODO: Verify)
+        elif(m.startswith("n.") or m.startswith("r.")):
+            out_dict["nucleotide"] = True
+            sub_match = re.search(
+                r"^[nr]{1}\.(-{0,1}\d+)(\D{1})>(\D{1})$", m)
+            ins_match = re.search(
+                r"^[nr]{1}\.(-{0,1}\d+)_(-{0,1}\d+)ins(\S+)$", m)
+            # r.541delA
+            del_match = re.search((
+                r"^[nr]{1}\.(-{0,1}\d+)_{0,1}(-{0,1}\d*)del(\S*)$"), m)
+            if(sub_match):
+                out_dict["pos"] = sub_match.group(1)
+                out_dict["ref_nuc"] = sub_match.group(2)
+                out_dict["mut_nuc"] = sub_match.group(3)
+            elif(ins_match):
+                out_dict["insertion"] = True
+                out_dict["pos"] = ins_match.group(1)
+                out_dict["mut_end"] = ins_match.group(2)
+                out_dict["mut_nuc"] = ins_match.group(3)
+            elif(del_match):
+                out_dict["deletion"] = True
+                out_dict["pos"] = del_match.group(1)
+                if(del_match.group(2)):
+                    out_dict["mut_end"] = del_match.group(2)
+                if(del_match.group(3)):
+                    out_dict["ref_nuc"] = del_match.group(3)
+                else:
+                    sys.exit("ERROR: Nucleotide deletion did not contain any "
+                             "reference sequence. mut string: {}".format(m))
+        return out_dict
+    def get_mutations(self, gene, gene_name, mis_matches, unknown_flag, hit):
+        RNA = False
+        if gene in self.RNA_gene_list:
+            RNA = True
+        known_muts = []
+        unknown_muts = []
+        # Go through each mutation
+        for i in range(len(mis_matches)):
+            m_type = mis_matches[i][0]
+            pos = mis_matches[i][1]  # sort on pos?
+            look_up_pos = mis_matches[i][2]
+            look_up_mut = mis_matches[i][3]
+            mut_name = mis_matches[i][4]
+            # nuc_ref = mis_matches[i][5]
+            # nuc_alt = mis_matches[i][6]
+            ref = mis_matches[i][-2]
+            alt = mis_matches[i][-1]
+            mut_dict = PointFinder.mutstr2mutdict(mut_name)
+            mut_id = ("{gene}_{pos}_{alt}"
+                      .format(gene=gene_name, pos=pos, alt=alt.lower()))
+            ref_aa = mut_dict.get("ref_aa", None)
+            ref_aa_right = mut_dict.get("ref_aa_right", None)
+            mut_aa = mut_dict.get("mut_aa", None)
+            ref_nuc = mut_dict.get("ref_nuc", None)
+            mut_nuc = mut_dict.get("mut_nuc", None)
+            is_nuc = mut_dict.get("nucleotide", None)
+            is_ins = mut_dict.get("insertion", None)
+            is_del = mut_dict.get("deletion", None)
+            mut_end = mut_dict.get("mut_end", None)
+            prem_stop = mut_dict.get("prem_stop", False)
+            mut = ResMutation(unique_id=mut_id, seq_region=gene_name, pos=pos,
+                              hit=hit, ref_codon=ref_nuc, mut_codon=mut_nuc,
+                              ref_aa=ref_aa, ref_aa_right=ref_aa_right,
+                              mut_aa=mut_aa, insertion=is_ins, deletion=is_del,
+                              end=mut_end, nuc=is_nuc,
+                              premature_stop=prem_stop, ab_class=None)
+            if "Premature stop codon" in mut_name:
+                sbjct_len = hit['sbjct_length']
+                qry_len = pos * 3
+                perc_trunc = round(
+                    ((float(sbjct_len) - qry_len)
+                     / float(sbjct_len))
+                    * 100, 2
+                )
+                mut.premature_stop = perc_trunc
+            # Check if mutation is known
+            gene_mut_name, resistence, pmid = self.look_up_known_muts(
+                gene, look_up_pos, look_up_mut, m_type, gene_name)
+            # Collect known mutations
+            if resistence != "Unknown":
+                known_muts.append(mut)
+            # Collect unknown mutations
+            else:
+                unknown_muts.append(mut)
+            # TODO: Use ResMutation class to make sure identical mutations are
+            #       not kept.
+        return (known_muts, unknown_muts)
+    def mut2str(self, gene, gene_name, mis_matches, unknown_flag, hit):
+        """
+            This function takes a gene name a list of mis matches found
+            between subject and query of this gene, the dictionary of
+            known mutation in the point finder database, and the flag
+            telling weather the user wants unknown mutations to be
+            reported. All mis matches are looked up in the known
+            mutation dict to se if the mutation is known, and in this
+            case what drug resistence it causes. The funtions return 3
+            strings that are used as output to the users. One string is
+            only tab seperated and contains the mutations listed line
+            by line. If the unknown flag is set to true it will contain
+            both known and unknown mutations. The next string contains
+            only known mutation and are given in in a format that is
+            easy to convert to HTML. The last string is the HTML tab
+            sting from the unknown mutations.
+        """
+        known_header = ("Mutation\tNucleotide change\tAmino acid change\t"
+                        "Resistance\tPMID\n")
+        unknown_header = "Mutation\tNucleotide change\tAmino acid change\n"
+        RNA = False
+        if gene in self.RNA_gene_list:
+            RNA = True
+            known_header = "Mutation\tNucleotide change\tResistance\tPMID\n"
+            unknown_header = "Mutation\tNucleotide change\n"
+        known_lst = []
+        unknown_lst = []
+        all_results_lst = []
+        output_mut = []
+        stop_codons = []
+        # Go through each mutation
+        for i in range(len(mis_matches)):
+            m_type = mis_matches[i][0]
+            pos = mis_matches[i][1]  # sort on pos?
+            look_up_pos = mis_matches[i][2]
+            look_up_mut = mis_matches[i][3]
+            mut_name = mis_matches[i][4]
+            nuc_ref = mis_matches[i][5]
+            nuc_alt = mis_matches[i][6]
+            ref = mis_matches[i][-2]
+            alt = mis_matches[i][-1]
+            # First index in list indicates if mutation is known
+            output_mut += [[]]
+            # Define output vaiables
+            codon_change = nuc_ref + " -> " + nuc_alt
+            aa_change = ref + " -> " + alt
+            if RNA is True:
+                aa_change = "RNA mutations"
+            elif pos < 0:
+                aa_change = "Promoter mutations"
+            # Check if mutation is known
+            gene_mut_name, resistence, pmid = self.look_up_known_muts(
+                gene, look_up_pos, look_up_mut, m_type, gene_name)
+            gene_mut_name = gene_mut_name + " " + mut_name
+            output_mut[i] = [gene_mut_name, codon_change, aa_change,
+                             resistence, pmid]
+            # Add mutation to output strings for known mutations
+            if resistence != "Unknown":
+                if RNA is True:
+                    # don't include the amino acid change field for
+                    # RNA mutations
+                    known_lst += ["\t".join(output_mut[i][:2]) + "\t"
+                                  + "\t".join(output_mut[i][3:])]
+                else:
+                    known_lst += ["\t".join(output_mut[i])]
+                all_results_lst += ["\t".join(output_mut[i])]
+            # Add mutation to output strings for unknown mutations
+            else:
+                if RNA is True:
+                    unknown_lst += ["\t".join(output_mut[i][:2])]
+                else:
+                    unknown_lst += ["\t".join(output_mut[i][:3])]
+                if unknown_flag is True:
+                    all_results_lst += ["\t".join(output_mut[i])]
+            # Check that you do not print two equal lines (can happen
+            # if two indels occure in the same codon)
+            if len(output_mut) > 1:
+                if output_mut[i] == output_mut[i - 1]:
+                    if resistence != "Unknown":
+                        known_lst = known_lst[:-1]
+                        all_results_lst = all_results_lst[:-1]
+                    else:
+                        unknown_lst = unknown_lst[:-1]
+                        if unknown_flag is True:
+                            all_results_lst = all_results_lst[:-1]
+            if "Premature stop codon" in mut_name:
+                sbjct_len = hit['sbjct_length']
+                qry_len = pos * 3
+                prec_truckat = round(
+                    ((float(sbjct_len) - qry_len)
+                     / float(sbjct_len))
+                    * 100, 2
+                )
+                perc = "%"
+                stop_codons.append("Premature stop codon in %s, %.2f%s lost"
+                                   % (gene, prec_truckat, perc))
+        # Creat final strings
+        if(all_results_lst):
+            all_results = "\n".join(all_results_lst)
+        else:
+            all_results = ""
+        total_known_str = ""
+        total_unknown_str = ""
+        # Check if there are only unknown mutations
+        resistence_lst = []
+        for mut in output_mut:
+            for res in mut[3].split(","):
+                resistence_lst.append(res)
+        # Save known mutations
+        unknown_no = resistence_lst.count("Unknown")
+        if unknown_no < len(resistence_lst):
+            total_known_str = known_header + "\n".join(known_lst)
+        else:
+            total_known_str = "No known mutations found in %s" % gene_name
+        # Save unknown mutations
+        if unknown_no > 0:
+            total_unknown_str = unknown_header + "\n".join(unknown_lst)
+        else:
+            total_unknown_str = "No unknown mutations found in %s" % gene_name
+        return (all_results, total_known_str, total_unknown_str,
+                resistence_lst + stop_codons)
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_file_content(file_path, fst_char_only=False):
+        """
+        This function opens a file, given as the first argument
+        file_path and returns the lines of the file in a list or the
+        first character of the file if fst_char_only is set to True.
+        """
+        with open(file_path, "r") as infile:
+            line_lst = []
+            for line in infile:
+                line = line.strip()
+                if line != "":
+                    line_lst.append(line)
+                if fst_char_only:
+                    return line_lst[0][0]
+        return line_lst
+    def look_up_known_muts(self, gene, pos, found_mut, mut, gene_name):
+        """
+            This function uses the known_mutations dictionay, a gene a
+            string with the gene key name, a gene position as integer,
+            found_mut is given as amino acid or nucleotides, the
+            mutation type (mut) is either "del", "ins", or "sub", and
+            gene_name is the gene name that should be returned to the
+            user. The function looks up if the found_mut defined by the
+            gene, position and the found_mut string is given in the
+            known_mutations dictionary, if it is, the resistance and
+            the pmid are returned together with the gene_name given in
+            the known_mutations dict. If the mutation type is "del" the
+            deleted nucleotids are checked to be contained in any of
+            the deletion described in the known_mutation dict.
+        """
+        resistence = "Unknown"
+        pmid = "-"
+        found_mut = found_mut.upper()
+        if mut == "del":
+            for i, i_pos in enumerate(range(pos, pos + len(found_mut))):
+                known_indels = self.known_mutations[gene]["del"].get(i_pos, [])
+                for known_indel in known_indels:
+                    partial_mut = found_mut[i:len(known_indel) + i]
+                    # Check if part of found mut is known and check if
+                    # found mut and known mut is in the same reading
+                    # frame
+                    if(partial_mut == known_indel
+                       and len(found_mut) % 3 == len(known_indel) % 3):
+                        resistence = (self.known_mutations[gene]["del"][i_pos]
+                                      [known_indel]['drug'])
+                        pmid = (self.known_mutations[gene]["del"][i_pos]
+                                [known_indel]['pmid'])
+                        gene_name = (self.known_mutations[gene]["del"][i_pos]
+                                     [known_indel]['gene_name'])
+                        break
+        else:
+            if pos in self.known_mutations[gene][mut]:
+                if found_mut in self.known_mutations[gene][mut][pos]:
+                    resistence = (self.known_mutations[gene][mut][pos]
+                                  [found_mut]['drug'])
+                    pmid = (self.known_mutations[gene][mut][pos][found_mut]
+                            ['pmid'])
+                    gene_name = (self.known_mutations[gene][mut][pos]
+                                 [found_mut]['gene_name'])
+        # Check if stop codons refer resistance
+        if "*" in found_mut and gene in self.known_stop_codon:
+            if resistence == "Unknown":
+                resistence = self.known_stop_codon[gene]["drug"]
+            else:
+                resistence += "," + self.known_stop_codon[gene]["drug"]
+        return (gene_name, resistence, pmid)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    ##########################################################################
+    ##########################################################################
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="This program predicting resistance associated with \
+                     chromosomal mutations based on WGS data",
+        prog="pointfinder.py")
+    # required arguments
+    parser.add_argument("-i",
+                        dest="inputfiles",
+                        metavar="INFILE",
+                        nargs='+',
+                        help="Input file. fastq file(s) from one sample for \
+                              KMA or one fasta file for blastn.",
+                        required=True)
+    parser.add_argument("-o",
+                        dest="out_path",
+                        metavar="OUTFOLDER",
+                        help="Output folder, output files will be stored \
+                              here.",
+                        required=True)
+    parser.add_argument("-s",
+                        dest="species",
+                        metavar="SPECIES",
+                        choices=['e.coli', 'gonorrhoeae', 'campylobacter',
+                                 'salmonella', 'tuberculosis'],
+                        help="Species of choice, e.coli, tuberculosis, \
+                              salmonella, campylobactor, gonorrhoeae, \
+                              klebsiella, or malaria",
+                        required=True)
+    parser.add_argument("-m",
+                        dest="method",
+                        metavar="METHOD",
+                        choices=["kma", "blastn"],
+                        help="Method of choice, kma or blastn",
+                        required=True)
+    parser.add_argument("-m_p",
+                        dest="method_path",
+                        help="Path to the location of blastn or kma dependent \
+                              of the chosen method",
+                        required=True)
+    parser.add_argument("-p",
+                        dest="db_path",
+                        metavar="DATABASE",
+                        help="Path to the location of the pointfinder \
+                              database",
+                        required=True)
+    # optional arguments
+    parser.add_argument("-t",
+                        dest="threshold",
+                        metavar="IDENTITY",
+                        help="Minimum gene identity threshold, default = 0.9",
+                        type=float,
+                        default=0.9)
+    parser.add_argument("-l",
+                        dest="min_cov",
+                        metavar="COVERAGE",
+                        help="Minimum gene coverage threshold, \
+                              threshold = 0.6",
+                        type=float,
+                        default=0.6)
+    parser.add_argument("-u",
+                        dest="unknown_mutations",
+                        help="Show all mutations found even if it's unknown \
+                              to the resistance database.",
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False)
+    parser.add_argument("-g",
+                        dest="specific_gene",
+                        nargs='+',
+                        help="Specify genes existing in the database to \
+                              search for - if none is specified all genes are \
+                              included in the search.",
+                        default=None)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # If no arguments are given print usage message and exit
+    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+        sys.exit("Usage: " + parser.usage)
+    if(args.method == "blastn"):
+        method = PointFinder.TYPE_BLAST
+    else:
+        method = PointFinder.TYPE_KMA
+    # Get sample name
+    filename = args.inputfiles[0].split("/")[-1]
+    sample_name = "".join(filename.split(".")[0:-1])  # .split("_")[0]
+    if sample_name == "":
+        sample_name = filename
+    # TODO: Change ilogocal var name
+    kma_db_path = args.db_path + "/" + args.species
+    finder = PointFinder(db_path=kma_db_path, species=args.species,
+                         gene_list=args.specific_gene)
+    if method == PointFinder.TYPE_BLAST:
+        # Check that only one input file is given
+        if len(args.inputfiles) != 1:
+            sys.exit("Input Error: Blast was chosen as mapping method only 1 "
+                     "input file requied, not %s" % (len(args.inputfiles)))
+        finder_run = finder.blast(inputfile=args.inputfiles[0],
+                                 out_path=args.out_path,
+                                 min_cov=0.01,
+                                 threshold=args.threshold,
+                                 blast=args.method_path,
+                                 cut_off=False)
+    else:
+        inputfile_1 = args.inputfiles[0]
+        inputfile_2 = None
+        if(len(args.inputfiles) == 2):
+            inputfile_2 = args.inputfiles[1]
+        finder_run = finder.kma(inputfile_1=inputfile_1,
+                             inputfile_2=inputfile_2,
+                             out_path=args.out_path,
+                             db_path_kma=kma_db_path,
+                             databases=[args.species],
+                             min_cov=args.min_cov,
+                             threshold=args.threshold,
+                             kma_path=args.method_path,
+                             sample_name=sample_name,
+                             kma_mrs=0.5, kma_gapopen=-5, kma_gapextend=-2,
+                             kma_penalty=-3, kma_reward=1)
+    results = finder_run.results
+    if(args.specific_gene):
+        results = PointFinder.discard_unwanted_results(
+            results=results, wanted=args.specific_gene)
+    finder.write_results(out_path=args.out_path, result=results, min_cov=args.min_cov,
+                         res_type=method, unknown_flag=args.unknown_mutations)