diff COG/bac-genomics-scripts/po2group_stats/README.md @ 3:e42d30da7a74 draft

author dereeper
date Thu, 30 May 2024 11:52:25 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/COG/bac-genomics-scripts/po2group_stats/README.md	Thu May 30 11:52:25 2024 +0000
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+`po2group_stats.pl` is a script to categorize orthologs from [Proteinortho5](http://www.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/Software/proteinortho/) output according to genome groups. In the [prot_finder](/prot_finder) workflow is a script, `binary_group_stats.pl`, which does the same thing for column groups in a delimited TEXT binary matrix.
+* [Synopsis](#synopsis)
+* [Description](#description)
+* [Usage](#usage)
+  * [cds_extractor](#cds_extractor)
+  * [Proteinortho5](#proteinortho5)
+  * [po2group_stats](#po2group_stats)
+* [Options](#options)
+  * [Mandatory options](#mandatory-options)
+  * [Optional options](#optional-options)
+* [Output](#output)
+* [Dependencies](#dependencies)
+* [Run environment](#run-environment)
+* [Author - contact](#author---contact)
+* [Citation, installation, and license](#citation-installation-and-license)
+* [Changelog](#changelog)
+## Synopsis
+    perl po2group_stats.pl -i matrix.proteinortho -d genome_fasta_dir/ -g group_file.tsv -p > overall_stats.tsv
+## Description
+Categorize the genomes in an ortholog/paralog output matrix (option **-i**) from a
+calculation according to group affiliations. The group
+affiliations of the genomes are intended to get overall
+presence/absence statistics for groups of genomes and not simply
+single genomes (e.g. comparing 'marine', 'earth', 'commensal',
+'pathogenic' etc. genome groups). Percentage inclusion (option
+**-cut\_i**) and exclusion (option **-cut\_e**) cutoffs can be set to
+define how strict the presence/absence of genome groups within an
+orthologous group (OG) are defined. Of course groups can also hold
+only single genomes to get single genome statistics. Group
+affiliations are defined in a mandatory **tab-delimited** group input
+file (option **-g**) with **minimal two** and **maximal four** groups.
+Only alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), underscore (\_), dash (-), and
+period (.) characters are allowed for the **group names** in the
+group file to avoid downstream problems with the operating/file
+system. As a consequence, also no whitespaces are allowed in these!
+Additionally, **group names**, **genome filenames** (should be
+enforced by the file system), and **FASTA IDs** considering **all**
+genome files (mostly locus tags; should be enforced by Proteinortho5)
+need to be **unique**.
+**Proteinortho5** (PO) has to be run with option **-singles** to
+include also genes without orthologs, so-called singletons/ORFans,
+for each genome in the PO matrix (see the
+[PO manual](http://www.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/Software/proteinortho/manual.html)).
+Additionally, option **-selfblast** is recommended to enhance
+paralog detection by PO.
+To explain the logic behind the categorization, the following
+annotation for example groups will be used. A '1' exemplifies a
+group genome count in a respective OG >= the rounded inclusion
+cutoff, a '0' a group genome count <= the rounded exclusion cutoff.
+The presence and absence of OGs for the group affiliations are
+structured in different categories depending on the number of
+groups. For **two groups** (e.g. A and B) there are five categories:
+'A specific' (A:B = 1:0), 'B specific' (0:1), 'cutoff core' (1:1),
+'underrepresented' (0:0), and 'unspecific'. Unspecific OGs have a
+genome count for at least **one** group outside the cutoffs
+(exclusion cutoff < genome count < inclusion cutoff) and
+thus cannot be categorized. These 'unspecific' OGs will only be
+printed to a final annotation result file with option **-u**. Overall
+stats for all categories are printed to *STDOUT* in a final
+tab-delimited output matrix.
+**Three groups** (A, B, and C) have the following nine categories: 'A
+specific' (A:B:C = 1:0:0), 'B specific' (0:1:0), 'C specific'
+(0:0:1), 'A absent' (0:1:1), 'B absent' (1:0:1), 'C absent' (1:1:0),
+'cutoff core' (1:1:1), 'underrepresented' (0:0:0), and 'unspecific'.
+**Four groups** (A, B, C, and D) are classified in 17 categories: 'A
+specific' (A:B:C:D = 1:0:0:0), 'B specific' (0:1:0:0), 'C specific'
+(0:0:1:0), 'D specific' (0:0:0:1), 'A-B specific' (1:1:0:0), 'A-C
+specific' (1:0:1:0), 'A-D specific' (1:0:0:1), 'B-C specific'
+(0:1:1:0), 'B-D specific' (0:1:0:1), 'C-D specific' (0:0:1:1), 'A
+absent' (0:1:1:1), 'B absent' (1:0:1:1), 'C absent' (1:1:0:1), 'D
+absent' (1:1:1:0), 'cutoff core' (1:1:1:1), 'underrepresented'
+(0:0:0:0), and 'unspecific'.
+The resulting group presence/absence (according to the cutoffs) can
+also be printed to a binary matrix (option **-b**) in the result
+directory (option **-r**), excluding the 'unspecific' category. Since
+the categories are the logics underlying venn diagrams, you can also
+plot the results in a venn diagram using the binary matrix (option
+**-p**). The 'underrepresented' category is exempt from the venn
+diagram, because it is outside of venn diagram logics.
+Here are venn diagrams illustrating the logic categories (see folder ['pics'](./pics)):
+<p align="center">
+  <img alt="venn diagram logics" src="https://github.com/aleimba/bac-genomics-scripts/raw/master/po2group_stats/pics/venn_diagram_logics.png">
+There are two optional categories (which are only considered for the
+final print outs and in the final stats matrix, not for the binary
+matrix and the venn diagram): 'strict core' (option **-co**) for
+OGs where **all** genomes have an ortholog, independent of the
+cutoffs. Of course all the 'strict core' OGs are also included in
+the 'cutoff\_core' category ('strict core' is identical to 'cutoff
+core' with **-cut\_i** 1 and **-cut\_e** 0). Option **-s** activates the
+detection of 'singleton/ORFan' OGs present in only **one** genome.
+Depending on the cutoffs and number of genomes in the groups,
+category 'underrepresented' includes most of these singletons.
+Additionally, annotation is retrieved from multi-FASTA files created
+with [`cds_extractor.pl`](/cds_extractor). See
+[`cds_extractor.pl`](/cds_extractor) for a description of the
+format. These files are used as input for the PO analysis and with
+option **-d** for `po2group_stats.pl`. The annotations are printed
+in category output files in the result directory.
+Annotations are only pulled from one representative genome for each
+category present in the current OG. With option **-co** you can set a
+specific genome for the representative annotation for category
+'strict core'. For all other categories the representative genome is
+chosen according to the order of the genomes in the group files,
+depending on the presence in each OG. Thus, the best annotated
+genome should be in the first group at the topmost position
+(especially for 'cutoff core'), as well as the best annotated ones
+at the top in all other groups.
+In the result files, each orthologous group (OG) is listed in a row
+of the resulting category files, the first column holds the OG
+numbers from the PO input matrix (i.e. line number minus one). The
+following columns specify the ID for each CDS, gene, EC number(s),
+product, and organism are shown depending on their presence in the
+CDS's annotation. The ID is in most cases the locus tag (see
+[`cds_extractor.pl`](/cds_extractor)). If several EC numbers exist
+for a single CDS they are separated by a ';'. If the representative
+genome within an OG includes paralogs (co-orthologs) these will be
+printed in the following row(s) **without** a new OG number in the
+first column.
+The number of OGs in the category annotation result files are the
+same as listed in the venn diagram and the final stats matrix.
+However, since only annotation from one representative annotation is
+used the CDS number will be different to the final stats. The final
+stats include **all** the CDS in this category in **all** genomes
+present in the OG in groups >= the inclusion cutoff (i.e. for
+'strict core' the CDS for all genomes in this OG are counted). Two
+categories are different, for 'unspecific' all unspecific groups are
+included, for 'underrepresented' all groups <= the exclusion
+cutoffs. This is also the reason, the 'pangenome' CDS count is
+greater than the 'included in categories' CDS count in the final
+stats matrix, as genomes in excluded groups are exempt from the CDS
+counts for most categories. 'Included in categories' is the OG/CDS
+sum of all non-optional categories ('\*specific', '\*absent', 'cutoff
+core', 'underrepresented', and 'unspecific'), since the optional
+categories are included in non-optionals. An exception to the
+difference in CDS counts are the 'singletons' category where OG and
+CDS counts are identical in the result files and in the overall
+final output matrix (as there is only one genome), as well as in
+group-'specific' categories for groups including only one genome.
+At last, if you want the respective representative sequences for a
+category you can first filter the locus tags from the result file
+with Unix command-line tools:
+    grep -v "^#" result_file.tsv | cut -f 2 > locus_tags.txt
+And then feed the locus tag list to
+[`cds_extractor.pl`](/cds_extractor) with option **-l**.
+As a final note, in the [prot_finder](/prot_finder) workflow is a
+script, `binary_group_stats.pl`, based upon `po2group_stats.pl`,
+which can calculate overall presence/absence statistics for column
+groups in a delimited TEXT binary matrix (as with genomes here).
+## Usage
+### [`cds_extractor`](/cds_extractor)
+    for i in *.[gbk|embl]; do perl cds_extractor.pl -i $i [-p|-n]; done
+### [**Proteinortho5**](http://www.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/Software/proteinortho/)
+    proteinortho5.pl -graph [-synteny] -cpus=# -selfblast -singles -identity=50 -cov=50 -blastParameters='-use_sw_tback [-seg no|-dust no]' *.[faa|ffn]
+### po2group_stats
+    perl po2group_stats.pl -i matrix.[proteinortho|poff] -d genome_fasta_dir/ -g group_file.tsv -r result_dir -cut_i 0.7 -cut_e 0.2 -b -p -co genome4.[faa|ffn] -s -u -a > overall_stats.tsv
+## Options
+### Mandatory options
+- **-i**=_str_, **-input**=_str_
+    Proteinortho (PO) result matrix (\*.proteinortho or \*.poff)
+- **-d**=_str_, **-dir\_genome**=_str_
+    Path to the directory including the genome multi-FASTA PO input files (\*.faa or \*.ffn), created with [`cds_extractor.pl`](/cds_extractor)
+- **-g**=_str_, **-groups\_file**=_str_
+    Tab-delimited file with group affiliation for the genomes with **minimal two** and **maximal four** groups (easiest to create in a spreadsheet software and save in tab-separated format). **All** genomes from the PO matrix need to be included. Group names can only include alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), underscore (\_), dash (-), and period (.) characters (no whitespaces allowed either). Example format with two genomes in group A, three genomes in group B and D, and one genome in group C:
+    group\_A&emsp;group\_B&emsp;group\_C&emsp;group\_D<br>
+    genome1.faa&emsp;genome2.faa&emsp;genome3.faa&emsp;genome4.faa<br>
+    genome5.faa&emsp;genome6.faa&emsp;&emsp;genome7.faa<br>
+    &emsp;genome8.faa&emsp;&emsp;genome9.faa
+### Optional options
+- **-h**, **-help**
+    Help (perldoc POD)
+- **-r**=_str_, **-result\_dir**=_str_
+    Path to result folder \[default = inclusion and exclusion percentage cutoff, './results\_i#\_e#'\]
+- **-cut\_i**=_float_, **-cut\_inclusion**=_float_
+    Percentage inclusion cutoff for genomes in a group per OG, has to be > 0 and <= 1. Cutoff will be rounded according to the genome number in each group and has to be > the rounded exclusion cutoff in this group. \[default = 0.9\]
+- **-cut\_e**=_float_, **-cut\_exclusion**=_float_
+    Percentage exclusion cutoff, has to be >= 0 and < 1. Rounded cutoff has to be < rounded inclusion cutoff. \[default = 0.1\]
+- **-b**, **-binary\_matrix**
+    Print a binary matrix with the presence/absence genome group results according to the cutoffs (excluding 'unspecific' category OGs)
+- **-p**, **-plot\_venn**
+    Plot venn diagram from the binary matrix (except 'unspecific' and 'underrepresented' categories) with function `venn` from **R** package **gplots**, requires option **-b**
+- **-co**=(_str_), **-core_strict**=(_str_)
+    Include 'strict core' category in output. Optionally, give a genome name from the PO matrix to use for the representative output annotation. \[default = topmost genome in first group\]
+- **-s**, **-singletons**
+    Include singletons/ORFans for each genome in the output, activates also overall genome OG/CDS stats in final stats matrix for genomes with singletons
+- **-u**, **-unspecific**
+    Include 'unspecific' category representative annotation file in result directory
+- **-a**, **-all\_genomes\_overall**
+    Report overall stats for all genomes (appended to the final stats matrix), also those without singletons; will include all overall genome stats without option **-s**
+- **-v**, **-version**
+    Print version number to *STDERR*
+## Output
+    The tab-delimited final stats matrix is printed to *STDOUT*. Redirect or pipe into another tool as needed.
+- ./results_i#_e#
+    All output files are stored in a results folder
+- ./results_i#_e#/[\*_specific|\*_absent|cutoff_core|underrepresented]_OGs.tsv
+    Tab-delimited files with OG annotation from a representative genome for non-optional categories
+- (./results_i#_e#/[\*_singletons|strict_core|unspecific]_OGs.tsv)
+    Optional category tab-delimited output files with representative annotation
+- (./results_i#_e#/binary_matrix.tsv)
+    Tab-delimited binary matrix of group presence/absence results according to cutoffs (excluding 'unspecific' category)
+- (./results_i#_e#/venn_diagram.pdf)
+    Venn diagram for non-optional categories (except 'unspecific' and 'underrepresented' categories)
+## Dependencies
+- **Statistical computing language [R](http://www.r-project.org/)**
+    `Rscript` is needed to plot the venn diagram with option **-p**, tested with version 3.2.2
+- **gplots (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gplots/index.html)**
+    Package needed for **R** to plot the venn diagram with function `venn`. Tested with **gplots** version 2.17.0.
+## Run environment
+The Perl script runs under UNIX and Windows flavors.
+## Author - contact
+Andreas Leimbach (aleimba[at]gmx[dot]de; Microbial Genome Plasticity, Institute of Hygiene, University of Muenster)
+## Citation, installation, and license
+For [citation](https://github.com/aleimba/bac-genomics-scripts#citation), [installation](https://github.com/aleimba/bac-genomics-scripts#installation-recommendations), and [license](https://github.com/aleimba/bac-genomics-scripts#license) information please see the repository main [*README.md*](https://github.com/aleimba/bac-genomics-scripts/blob/master/README.md).
+## Changelog
+* v0.1.3 (06.06.2016)
+    * included check for file system conformity for group names
+    * some minor syntax changes and additions to error messages, basically adapting to [`binary_group_stats.pl`](/prot_finder)
+* v0.1.2 (19.11.2015)
+    * added `pod2usage`-die for Getopts::Long call
+    * minor POD/README change
+* v0.1.1 (30.10.2015)
+    * fixed bug for representative annotation in output files, the representative genome was not chosen according to genome order in the groups file
+* v0.1 (23.10.2015)